Converting javafx.util.Properties to a HashMap - properties

I was wondering if there is an easy way to convert the javafx.util.Properties object to a java.util.HashMap.
There is the obvious way of getting each value from the Properties object and putting it in a Map. But with a large number of properties it seems like there should be a way of just getting the Map that backs javafx.util.Properties (if it is a Map).
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

I don't really know if javafx.util.Properties are backed by Java Map, but since public API does not mention any way to get this map you probably shouldn't try to do it - even if it was possible (e.g. by extending Properties class) it might change in future versions.
I would stay with copying every element.

+1 for pazabos answer. But I would go the other way around: extend HashMap or java.util.Properties which then could export javafx.util.Properties (or hold an instance) sth. like:
class MyProperties extends HashMap {
HashSet<String> keys = new HashSet<String>();
javafx.util.Properties p = new Properties();
public String get(String str) {
return p.get(str);
public Map creatHashMap() {
Map map = new HashMap();
for (String k : keys) {
map.put(k, p.get(k));
return map;
public void put() {


Is there a complete JUnit 5 extension example that demonstrates the proper way to maintain state (e.g. from guide)

The main WebServerExtension example from the JUnit5 manual is incomplete and it doesn't fully show how to properly store the configuration (e.g. enableSecurity, server url).
The example ignores or hard codes the values. The manual (section 5.11. Keeping State in Extensions) implies that the "Store" should be used but the ExtensionContext is not yet available yet when the object is constructed -- its not clear how to handle migrating this data to the Store as the ExtensionContext is not yet available in the constructor.
Also its not clear to me that using the Store API for the WebServerExtension programmatic example is even desirable and perhaps it could work just using the internal state (e.g. this.serverUrl, this.enableSecurity, etc.).
Maybe the Store is more applicable to Extensions which don't use this "programmatic" style where multiple instances of the custom extension may exist (appropriately)? In other words its not clear to me from the guide if this a supported paradigm or not?
Other JUnit 5 extension examples online (e.g. org.junit.jupiter.engine.extension.TempDirectory) show how to leverage annotations to handle passing configuration info to the Store but it would be nice if there were a complete programmatic builder type example like WebServerExtension too.
Examples like TempDirectory clearly have access to the ExtensionContext from the beforeXXX() methods whereas the WebServerExtension example does not.
Using the following approach below seems to work fine but I wanted confirmation that this is a supported paradigm (i.e. using fields instead of Stores when using this programmatic approach).
public class WebServerExtension implements BeforeAllCallback {
private final boolean securityEnabled;
private final String serverUrl;
public WebServerExtension(Builder builder) {
this.securityEnabled = builder.enableSecurity;
this.serverUrl = build.serverUrl;
public void beforeAll(ExtensionContext context) {
// is it ok to use this.securityEnabled, this.serverUrl instead of Store API???
public String getServerUrl() {
return this.serverUrl;
public boolean isSecurityEnabled() {
return this.securityEnabled;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static class Builder {
private boolean enableSecurity;
private String serverUrl;
public Builder enableSecurity(boolean b) {
this.enableSecurity = b;
return this;
public Builder serverUrl(String url) {
this.serverUrl = url;
return this;
public WebServerExtension build() {
return new WebServerExtension(this);

Providing Jackson Mapper multiple ways to deserialize the same object

I'm trying to deserialize two types of json:
name: "bob",
worksAt: {
name: "Bobs department store",
location: "downtown"
age: 46
name: "Tom",
worksAt: "company:Bobs department store",
age: 27
into these objects:
The first way creates two new objects, the second way requests the object from the database based on the contents of a string.
sort of like how jackson mapper can deserialize an arbitrary string into an object, for objects like this:
public class Company{
public String name;
public Employee[] employees
public Company(){}
public Company(String json){
//turn string into object using whatever encoding you want blah blah blah...
The trouble is I need both. I need it to handle objects and strings. Both could arrive from the same input.
The first think I tried was making a Converter
It says these create a delegate type to pass to the deserializer, but the converter is always applied even when the datatype isn't a string. So that didn't work.
I've also tried a normal deserializer, but I can't find a way to defer to the BeanDeserializer. The beanDeserializer is so complicated that I can't manually instantiate it. I also see no way to defer to a default deserializer in jackson mapper.
Do I have to re-implement jackson mappers deserialization to do this? Is there any way for a deserializer to say "I can't do this, use the default implementation."?
Edit: Some further progress. Based on the Jackson Mapper source code, it looks like you can instatiate bean deserializers like this:
DeserializationConfig config = ctxt.getConfig();
JavaType type = config.constructType(_valueClass);
BeanDescription introspect = config.introspect(type);
JsonDeserializer<Object> beanDeserializer = ctxt.getFactory().createBeanDeserializer(ctxt, type , introspect);
but for some reason all the _beanProperties have the FailingDeserializer set for their _valueDeserializer and the whole thing fails. So I have no idea why that happens...
Have you tried writing a custom deserializer? This gives you the most control on how Jackson deserializes the object. You may be able to try to deserialize one way, and if there's an error, try another way.
Jackson can also handle polymorphic deserialization, though this would require a small change to the json to include type information, and it sounds like your problem constraints might not allow that.
If I understand the problem correctly, I would recommend using JsonNode. You can define a setter in your top-level type like this:
setWorksAt(JsonNode node) {
if (node.getNodeType == JsonNodeType.STRING) {
String name = node.getText();
name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(':')); = new Company(name);
} else if (node.getNodeType == JsonNodeType.OBJECT) { = mapper.treeToValue(node, Company.class);
That allows you to handle the two separate worksFor inputs, while still allowing the standard mapper to handle any substructures for the OBJECT case.
With recent versions of Jackson (2.8+ I think, definitely works with 2.9) you can use multiple #JsonCreator and do something like this:
public class Company {
private String name;
private String location;
private Company(String name, String location) { = name;
this.location = location;
private Company(String stringRepresentation) {
// add code here to parse string and extract name and location
private static Company fromJson(
#JsonProperty("name") String name,
#JsonProperty("location") String location)
return new Company(name, location);
private static Company fromJson(String str) {
return Company(str);

Is it possible to convert a List to a Map using Orika?

I am looking convert a List of custom objects to a Map of custom objects. I have a mapping defined with a custom method, but I keep getting a "cannot be cast to ma.glasnost.orika.MapEntry" exception. What is the proper way to go about converting a List to a Map in Orika?
mapperFactory.classMap(new TypeBuilder<List<com.printable.pti.NameValuePairType>>(){}.build(), new TypeBuilder<Map<String, com.kinetic.entity.TemplateField>>() {}.build())
.customize(new CustomMapper<List<com.printable.pti.NameValuePairType>,Map<String, com.kinetic.entity.TemplateField>>() {
public void mapAtoB(List<com.printable.pti.NameValuePairType> nameValuePairTypes,
Map<String, com.kinetic.entity.TemplateField> stringTemplateFieldMap, MappingContext context) {
Map<String, com.kinetic.entity.TemplateField> toObject = new HashMap<String, com.kinetic.entity.TemplateField>();
for(com.printable.pti.NameValuePairType nameValuePairType : nameValuePairTypes) {
Here is a good example of how to map a list of elements to Map using Orika

Serialization in Hadoop - Writable

This is the class that implements Writable ..
public class Test implements Writable {
List<AtomicWritable> atoms = new ArrayList<AtomicWritable>();
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
IntWritable size = new IntWritable(atoms.size());
for (AtomicWritable atom : atoms)
public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
IntWritable size = new IntWritable();
int n = size.get();
while(n-- > 0) {
AtomicWritable atom = new AtomicWritable();
I will really appreciate if one can help me understand how to invoke write and readFields method.
Basically I m failing to understand how to construct Test object in this case. Once the object is written to DataOutput obj, how do we restore it in DataInput object. This may sound silly, but am a newbie to Hadoop and have been assigned a project that uses Hadoop. Please help.
Basically I m failing to understand how to construct Test object in this case.
Yup, you're missing the point. If you need to construct an instance of Test and populate atoms, then you need to add a constructor to Test:
public Test(ArrayList<AtomicWritable> atoms) {
this.atoms = atoms;
or you need to use the default constructor and add a method or a setter that lets you add items to atoms or set the value of atoms. The latter is actually pretty common in the Hadoop framework, to have a default constructor and a set method. cf., e.g., Text.set.
You don't call readFields and write; the Hadoop framework does that for you when it needs to serialize and deserialize inputs and outputs to and from map and reduce.

Serialize class based on one interface it implements with Jackson or Gson

I have the following:
An interface I1 extends Ia, Ib, Ic
An interface I2.
A class C implements I1, I2. And this class has its own setters and getters as well.
C cInstance = new C():
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.writeValue(new File("somefile.json"), cInstance);
Gson gson = new Gson();
String json = gson.toJson(cInstance);
The output will be cInstance serialized according to the properties of C and what it inherited.
However, I like the properties are being serialized to be according to the setters/getters in I1 (only the cInstance properties represented in the I1 interface).
How can I do this with Jackson knowing that I have too many classes with the same problem and I can't modify the class definition or add annotations.
And the same issue applies to Deserialization (Deserializing according to an interface)
First of all, you can always attach "mix-in annotations" even without adding annotations directly (see wiki page). With this, annotation to use would be:
but if you do not want to use mix-ins, you can force specific type to use with
Jackson's VisibilityChecker provides an easy way for filtering certain properties, especially because it allows you to test for visibility (equals "will be serialized or not") for each method/field individually.
At least this helps for the serialization phase.
Here is what I did (using Jackson version 1.9.11):
public static class InterfaceVisibilityChecker extends VisibilityChecker.Std {
private final Set<Method> visibleMethods;
public InterfaceVisibilityChecker(Class<?>... clazzes) {
this.visibleMethods = new HashSet<>();
for (Class<?> clz : clazzes) {
public boolean isGetterVisible(Method m) {
return super.isGetterVisible(m) && isVisible(m);
public boolean isGetterVisible(AnnotatedMethod m) {
return isGetterVisible(m.getAnnotated());
private boolean isVisible(Method m) {
for (Method visiMthd : visibleMethods) {
if (isOverwriteMethod(m, visiMthd)) return true;
return false;
private boolean isOverwriteMethod(Method subMethod, Method superMethod) {
// names must be equal
if (! subMethod.getName().equals(superMethod.getName())) return false;
// return types must be assignable
if (! superMethod.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(subMethod.getReturnType())) return false;
// parameters must be equal
if (! Arrays.equals(subMethod.getParameterTypes(), superMethod.getGenericParameterTypes())) return false;
// classes must be assignable
return superMethod.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(subMethod.getDeclaringClass());
The main idea is to use the standard VisibilityChecker and extend it by a check whether the method is declared in one of the given interfaces.
The checker is applied to an ObjectMapper instance using the following snippet:
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
om.setVisibilityChecker(new InterfaceVisibilityChecker(
Some comments on the solution above:
The checker is not complete, methods like isIsGetterVisible or isFieldVisible can be handled in a similar manner if needed.
isOverwriteMethod is not optimized at all, it's checks could be cached.