Configuring the timeout for a WCF RIA Services call from a Silverlight 3 client - wcf

I'm using the WCF RIA Services Beta with Silverlight 3.0 and I want to be able to configure the timeout from the client. I know that the underlying technology is WCF and the default timeout seems to be 60 seconds as I would expect.
Is there an easy way to control this and other WCF settings?
My first thought is to try the DomainContext OnCreated hook point which was mentioned in the RIA Services Overview pdf file that was available prior to RIA Services going beta. The MSDN documentation for the DomainContext object no longer mentions the method although it is still there? I'm not sure if this is a case of the documentation lagging behind or an indication that I shouldn't use this extensibility point.
namespace Example.UI.Web.Services
public sealed partial class CustomDomainContext
partial void OnCreated()
// Try and get hold of the WCF config from here
Either one line after domain context creation:
((WebDomainClient<LibraryDomainContext.ILibraryDomainServiceContract>)this.DomainClient).ChannelFactory.Endpoint.Binding.SendTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0);
or a partial class
public partial class LibraryDomainContext
partial void OnCreated()
((WebDomainClient<LibraryDomainContext.ILibraryDomainServiceContract>)this.DomainClient).ChannelFactory.Endpoint.Binding.SendTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0);

For reference the code below nearly works but you can't access a private member using reflection in Silverlight. Wouldn't have been happy with this hack though anyway. Interesting to note that there is a WebDomainClient contructor that takes a Binding parameter private WebDomainClient(Uri serviceUri, bool usesHttps, Binding binding) but the XML Comment for this states Private constructor. Should be made public once we have an end-to-end extensibility story on top of WCF. Looks like I'll have to wait a while before they get to exposing this kind of configuration to us.
public sealed partial class AppDomainContext
partial void OnCreated()
var webDomainClient = ((WebDomainClient<AppDomainContext.IAppDomainServiceContract>)this.DomainClient);
// Can I use reflection here to get hold of the Binding
var bindingField = webDomainClient.GetType().GetField("_binding", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
// In Silverlight, the value of a private field cannot be access by using reflection so the GetValue call throws an exception
var binding = bindingField.GetValue(webDomainClient) as System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding;
// So near yet so far!!
binding.SendTimeout = new TimeSpan(0,0,1);


Configure WCF to deserialize arrays as collections without svcutil

I have a net.tcp WCF service and its client, each in one assembly and sharing another assembly containing the service interface and DTOs.
The client is implemented as a proxy to the service using a Channel instantiated through ChannelFactory:
public ServiceClient : IService
IService _channel;
public ServiceClient()
_channel = new ChannelFactory<IService>("NetTcp_IService")
public DTO ServiceMethod()
return _channel.ServiceMethod();
public class DTO
public IList<int> SomeList;
As expected, the SomeListfield of the DTO returned by the client is an array but I would like it to be converted by WCF to a List. As you may suspect from the described set-up, I don't use svcutil (or the Add Service Reference dialog for that matter), so I can't use configureType.
I don't want to modify the client proxy to instantiate the List and modify the received DTO in my client proxy because the actual implementation uses a command processor using interfaces resolved through dependency injection at run-time to avoid coupling - and this solution would do the opposite, by requiring the client to perform know service commands.
Therefore, I'm currently using the work-around which modifies the DTO to internally create the List instance:
public class DTO
private IList<int> _someList;
public IList<int> SomeList
get { return _someList; }
set {
if (value != null)
_someList = new List<int>(value);
_someList = new List<int>();
However, I'd rather avoid this. So the question is:
How can I configure the WCF deserialization so that the array is converted to the expected List?
Is there any way to configure the deserialization through the binding either in the App.config or from code upon Channel creation? Maybe through ImportOptions.ReferencedCollectionTypes or CollectionDataContract?
There are 4 ways:
Convert data to List in your save methods on Client side
Change property type:
public IList<int> SomeList;
public List<int> SomeList;
Approach you have shown above (changing type on assigment).
Implement IDataContractSurrogate. But you will have to apply a behaviour on client side.

Using the AspNetSynchronizationContext from WCF hosted in IIS

I'm hosting my .NET 4.5 WCF services in IIS.
There's a piece of information called "BusinessContext" (BC) that is stored in the OperationContext.Current instance, so that any logic downstream can reach it.
Everything worked fine until I introduced async/await, and I ran into this issue. #stephen-cleary mentioned ASP.NET uses the async-friendly AspNetSynchronizationContext to keep the HttpContext.Current across threads. Since I'm hosting in IIS I figured I should be able to take advantage of the AspNetSyncCtx in WCF, and use the HttpContext.Current instead of the OperationContext to store the BC.
I created a WCF service from scratch, which has targetFramework = 4.5, aspnet:UseTaskFriendlySynchronizationContext = true and aspNetCompatibilityEnabled = true set by default in the Web.config. I also added the AspNetCompatibilityRequirements = Required to my service.
At runtime I see the HttpContext.Current is there, but SynchronizationContext.Current is null. After an await the HttpContext becomes null, which is expected because there's no SyncCtx. Shouldn't it be set to AspNetSyncCtx when aspcompatibility is required? How does the AspNetSyncCtx get set in ASP.NET?
-- Possible solution.
Following #Stephen-cleary's here I went ahead and defined a custom SynchronizationContext to preserve the OperationContext across threads.
I'd like to hear the community's input regarding this implementation. Thanks.
public class OperationContextSynchronizationContext : SynchronizationContext
public override void Post(SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
OperationContext opCtx = OperationContext.Current;
InternalState internalState = new InternalState()
OpCtx = opCtx,
Callback = d,
State = state,
SyncCtx = this
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(InternalInvoker), internalState);
private void InternalInvoker(object internalState)
InternalState internalSt = internalState as InternalState;
using (new OperationContextScope(internalSt.OpCtx))
private class InternalState
public SynchronizationContext SyncCtx { get; set; }
public OperationContext OpCtx { get; set; }
public SendOrPostCallback Callback { get; set; }
public object State { get; set; }
I ran into the issue (bug?) you mentioned where HttpContext.Current did not flow with async code in a WCF service hosted in IIS even with aspNetCompatiblity enabled and required.
I got my project working using the LogicalCallContext with CallContext.LogicalSetData and CallContext.LogicalGetData as described by Stephen Cleary in this blog post. I think setting/getting your business context thusly would work very well in your case and might be lighter weight and conceptually simpler than the custom SynchronizationContext. In your case you are having to Set your business context somewhere anyway ... might as well set it to the LogicalCallContext and I believe everything will be fine.
I'll explain my personal 'solution' in more detail, though I admit it is a bit hacky since I'm manually flowing the entire HttpContext object (and only in WCF methods). But again your case with your custom context object would seem to be a better fit.
In the ASP.NET web app I inherited, there were calls to HttpContext.Current littered throughout the business logic (not ideal). Obviously the project worked fine until I wanted several of the WCF methods in the app to be async.
A lot of the calls in the business logic would be from ASP.NET page loads, etc, where everything functions fine as it is.
I solved (kludged?) my problem in .NET 4.5 by creating a little helper class ContextHelper, and replaced all calls to HttpContext.Current with ContextHelper.CurrentHttpContext.
public class ContextHelper
public static void PrepareHttpContextFlow()
CallContext.LogicalSetData("CurrentHttpContext", HttpContext.Current);
public static HttpContext CurrentHttpContext
return HttpContext.Current ??
as HttpContext;
Now anytime the HttpContext.Current is defined, my helper method is essentially a no-op.
To make this work, the entry points for my WCF calls must call the PrepareHttpContextFlow method before the first call to await which is admittedly problematic and the main reason I consider this a kludge.
In my case this downside is mitigated by the fact that I have some OTHER manual calls required to add logical stack information for added error logging context that is lost when using async (since the physical stack information in an exception is not very useful for error logs in this case). So at least if I remember to do one of the "prepare for async" calls, I should remember to do the other :)

WCF app in IIS7: Losing singleton instance

I have a WCF application , with multiple WSDL webservices, hosted in IIS7 on Windows Server 2008 64Bit.
The application requires a singleton to be assigned with some configuration values once, when the first webservice method is invoked (no matter what is invoked first).
Edit: The backend of the system requires the use of this singleton approach.
I get the configuration assigned once, but the values become null again....
Here is the code (simplified):
public class SingletonSettings
private static readonly SingletonSettings _s;
public SingletonSettings Instance { get {return _s;} }
public object SomeValue { get; set; }
public abstract class AbstractWebservice
static AbstractWebservice()
//Just a webservice
public class Webservice1 : AbstractWebservice, ISomeServiceConctract1
public void DoStuff1();
//Just a webservice
public class Webservice2 : AbstractWebservice, ISomeServiceConctract2
public void DoStuff2();
internal class WebserviceGlobalInitializer
private static readonly object Lock = new object();
private static bool Initialized = false;
public static void Initialize()
lock (Lock)
if (!Initialized)
Initialized = true;
private static void InitStuff()
string s = SingletonSettings.Instance.SomeValue = "just a ref";
WebserviceGlobalInitializer.InitStuff() gets invoked only once. Still SingletonSettings.SomeValue becomes null.....
The issue occurs randomly.
I have tried
1) Invoking WebserviceGlobalInitializer.Initialize() from a normal constructor in the base class.
2) Commenting out: Initialized = true; in hope that the settings would then be initialized every time (causing massive overhead, so it would not be a long term solution anyway)
Still the value becomes null.
Any ideas?
With process recycling, all state that is not in session state or application state will disappear into the black hole. This, eye-openingly, includes the static variables, one of which is the singleton instance.
My gut feeling is that the InstanceContextMode of singleton has been implemented as a variable in the ASP.NET Application state. To check this, I will be doing some reflectoring today and will update my answer.
NO IT DOESN'T!!! With process recycling, even if you set the WCF Instancing mode to Single, you lose all state you had with your singleton instance (e.g. counter, whatever) with process recycling.
After a few more days of searching i found the source of the problem. Aliostad's answer gave me a hint.
My webservice uses behavior configurations. One with authentication and one without.
The authentication/session handling is implemented in an IDispatchMessageInspector which is invoked before the webservice is loaded.
The problem occurred when an application that uses my webservice was online when the application pool was recycled. Then application would then a request to a webservice using the authenticated behavior.
The IDispatchMessageInspector implemention would then try to load the settings, but they have not yet been initialized from the static constructor in the webservice....
Thank you for the answers...
You can use the WCF runtime infrastructure to take care of this for you. Try adding the following attribute to the WebService class:
ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple,
InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)]

WCF RIA Services - loading data and binding

I've just been toying around with the new WCF RIA Services Beta for Silverlight this evening. So far it looks nice, but I've come across a few barriers when trying to retrieve data and exposing it to the UI via binding.
First of all, how am I able to get a single integer or string value from my service? Say if I have this method on my domainservice:
public int CountEmployees()
return this.ObjectContext.Employees.Count();
How am I able to make a call to this and bind the result to, say, a TextBlock?
Also, is there any way to make a custom layout for binding data? I feel a little "limited" to ListBox, DataGrid and such. How is it possible to, i.e., make a Grid with a stackpanel inside and have some TextBlocks showing the bound data? If it's possible at all with WCF RIA Services :)
Thanks a lot in advance.
To do custom methods you can use the Invoke attribute.
In the server side you declare in a domain service like this
public class EmployeesService : DomainService
public int CountEmployees()
return this.ObjectContext.Employees.Count();
And in your Client-side you can use it like this
EmployeesContext context = new EmployeesContext();
InvokeOperation<int> invokeOp = context.CountEmployees(OnInvokeCompleted, null);
private void OnInvokeCompleted(InvokeOperation<int> invOp)
if (invOp.HasError)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Method Failed: {0}", invOp.Error.Message));
result = invokeOp.Value;
For the second question, you are not limited with binding. The object you get from your context can be binded with any elements you want.
You can name your class with schema classname.shared.cs and this code will also available in silverlight application.
Using Silverlight/WPF databinding engine you can build any fancy layout using datagrid / listbox containers and regular controls like textbox/label and apply your own style/skin - Example.
Shared code cannot contain any database-related functions, only some plain calculations. If you want to retrieve this value from server then you need to make WCF method call.
At serverside you create DomainService implementation:
public class HelloWorld : DomainService
public string SayHello()
return "Test";
Then you can use this at client:
HelloWorld context = new HelloWorld();
context.SayHello(x => context_SayHelloCompleted(x), null);
void context_SayHelloCompleted(System.Windows.Ria.InvokeOperation<string> op)
HelloTextBlock.Text = op.Value;
All dirty work with making HelloWorld class available at Silverlight client is done by Visual Studio. Check hidden generated code folder.
[Invoke] attribute is obsolete in newest release of RIA services.

Run WCF ServiceHost with multiple contracts

Running a ServiceHost with a single contract is working fine like this:
servicehost = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyService1));
servicehost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMyService1), new NetTcpBinding(), "net.tcp://");
Now I'd like to add a second (3rd, 4th, ...) contract. My first guess would be to just add more endpoints like this:
servicehost = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyService1));
servicehost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMyService1), new NetTcpBinding(), "net.tcp://");
servicehost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMyService2), new NetTcpBinding(), "net.tcp://");
But of course this does not work, since in the creation of ServiceHost I can either pass MyService1 as parameter or MyService2 - so I can add a lot of endpoints to my service, but all have to use the same contract, since I only can provide one implementation?
I got the feeling I'm missing the point, here. Sure there must be some way to provide an implementation for every endpoint-contract I add, or not?
You need to implement both services (interfaces) in the same class.
servicehost = new ServiceHost(typeof(WcfEntryPoint));
public class WcfEntryPoint : IMyService1, IMyService2
#region IMyService1
#region IMyService2
FYI: I frequently use partial classes to make my host class code easier to read:
// WcfEntryPoint.IMyService1.cs
public partial class WcfEntryPoint : IMyService1
// IMyService1 methods
// WcfEntryPoint.IMyService2.cs
public partial class WcfEntryPoint : IMyService2
// IMyService2 methods
I'm currently faced with the same problem, and have decided to go with the implementation below. I'm not sure if there are any performance issues with having this many service contracts, but in my final implementation I will probably have about 10 - 15 service contracts, thus about 10-15 ServiceHosts.
I am hosting all my WCF services inside a single Windows Service.
private void PublishWcfEndpoints()
var mappings = new Dictionary<Type, Type>
{typeof (IAuthenticationService), typeof (AuthenticationService)},
{typeof(IUserService), typeof(UserService)},
{typeof(IClientService), typeof(ClientService)}
foreach (var type in mappings)
Type contractType = type.Key;
Type implementationType = type.Value;
ServiceHost serviceHost = new ServiceHost(implementationType);
ServiceEndpoint endpoint = serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(contractType, ServiceHelper.GetDefaultBinding(),
Properties.Settings.Default.ServiceUrl + "/" + contractType.Name);
endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new ServerSessionBehavior());
ServiceDebugBehavior serviceDebugBehaviour =
serviceDebugBehaviour.IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true;
log.DebugFormat("Published Service endpoint: {0}", Properties.Settings.Default.ServiceUrl);
Feel free to comment on this type of set up, and if there are any issues with it, especially performance-related.
This answer is a further response to the comment in the accepted answer from chilltemp.
Sam, You really should determine why you need 10-50 contracts and try to find another solution. I looked over Juval Lowy's WCF Coding Standards (found on and found the following references:
3 Service Contracts
Avoid contracts with one member.
Strive to have three to five members per service contract.
Do not have more than twenty members per service contract. Twelve is probably the practical limit.
He doesn't mention a limit on contract implementations (that I can find) but I can't imagine him viewing 50 contracts on a service as anything resembling a best practice. One solution I have found that works well is to use member sharing for similar functions.
For instance, if you are using the WCF service to perform mathematics on 2 values you might have 4 members on the service side: Add(x,y), Subtract(x,y), Multiply(x,y), Divide(x,y). If you combine these into a more generic member and use an object to pass the needed data you can easily reduce your member count and increase scalability. Example: PeformCalculation(obj) where obj has x, y, and action (add, subtract, multiply, divide) properties.
Hope this helps.
I found another solution to for this issue by using a the RoutingService class. Each contract must still be hosted in it's own ServiceHost, but there can be a RoutingService sitting on top of all of them - and presenting them over an unified "endpoint". I've also written a codeproject article about it. The example code is also available on Bitbucket.
chili's answer will work if you are ok with the contracts being shared by the service. If you want them to be separated try this:
host1 = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyService1));
host2 = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyService2));
public class MyService1 : IMyService1
#region IMyService1
public class MyService2 : IMyService2
#region IMyService2
Edit: As Matt posted, this would require multiple endpoints for each service/contract
No-one documented enpoints. Whe used more than one (as a group, from common url, for example http) must use the same binding instance (not more), i.e.
Your sample:
servicehost = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyService1));
servicehost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMyService1), new NetTcpBinding(), "net.tcp://");
servicehost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMyService2), new NetTcpBinding(), "net.tcp://");
should be only one new Binding(), I tested over http.
servicehost = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyService1));
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
servicehost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMyService1),binding , "");
servicehost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMyService2), binding, "");
I agree totally with partial class implementing few contracts in few files.
What about splitting it up with a base address and multiple services/contracts below it?
I am not behind a developmachine right now but something like:
Each service implementing its own ServiceContract.
You can change
public class WcfEntryPoint : IMyService1, IMyService2
public partial class WcfEntryPoint : IMyService1
public partial class WcfEntryPoint : IMyService2
Did I miss something, or is the simplest solution not mentioned here? The simplest solution is this: Don't use multiple interfaces for the Web Service.
But that doesn't mean you can still have your interfaces separated. This is why we have Interface inheritance.
public interface IMetaSomeObjectService : ISomeObjectService1, ISomeObjectService2
The Meta interface inherits from all the other interfaces.
public interface ISomeOjectService1
List<SomeOject> GetSomeObjects();
public interface ISomeOjectService2
void DoSomethingElse();
Then the service just has the Meta interface.
public class SomeObjectService : IMetaSomeObjectService
public List<SomeOject> GetSomeObjects()
// code here
public void DoSomethingElse()
// code here