UITabBar not selected during app startup - iphone-sdk-3.0

I'm trying to replicate the look of my app during start-up with how iTunes and App Store appear.
Specifically my app has a tab bar that will get populated when it has finished downloading info from a web site - until then it should look empty. The only way I can appear to do this so far is to have an empty name and image for the UITabBarItem. It's only minor, but this item is 'selected' and is therefore a "lighter" color.

I got around this by showing an image that I created by taking a screenshot of the App Store app then showing this during app loading. When ready to populate the UITabBar simply add the bar items they are shown immediately.


Shoutem builder preview not working

I'm trying to preview the app after making changes to the built in extensions. When i try to preview the app it tries to build the preview but ends up doing nothing and and brings back the same original screen. I'm not getting an error message at all. What could be the issue?
Here's a great tutorial on how to modify extensions. why I think it's not working for you is because you didn't change the starting screen inside of the navigation. The previous screen that you use is from original extension. You need to click on the three dots in the upper right corner to delete the Screen.
Here's the picture:
Once you've deleted screen, add your screen from Custom category.

What is the recommended pattern for progress indicators when waiting for data in Windows UWP apps?

Let's say I have an app built like the Microsoft weather app.
On launch of app I need to download the forecast from the internet. While waiting to do so I also need to display a progress indicator. Which of the following (if any) is recommended?
Render the page fully with navigation controls (hamburger side menu) as well as page content (but without values since they are data bound). Then overlay a modal control like a popup with a progress indicator inside and a cancel button.
Render only the application root shell with the progress indicator inside (no other content, or navigation controls like hamburger menu are visible). Then once the task is complete, navigate to the home page with content.
Render the home page with content and navigation controls, but hide only the content (with visibility = collapsed) and show a progress indicator in its place. Once data is downloaded hide the progress indicator, and show the content.
I don't know which one of these I'm supposed to use. Is there a recommended way to do this?
Or is there a better way I didn't think of?
There is no one perfect answer for this question but I will try to explain the most common solution. None of points above is good or bad. It is better to concentrate on the user experience.
Render fully page with navigation controls and display loading popup is not really bad idea - user see the whole page with progress ring for instance and has chance to cancel it. But remmber that if data is not loaded or user abort pulling it there will be empty content in the app (if this is first time when user launched the app).
One of the best solutions for scenario you wrote is to use extended Splash Screen. Once you app is launched first Splash Screen is displayed and when you extend it, you can add progress ring to indicate that data is being retrieved.
This is very elegant way to present to the user.
Please see below guidline how to do it:
UWP Extended splash screen

WatchKit crash due to accepted event even if not everything is loaded

I have made an extension with a storyboard and some table view. In the simulator all is running ok, but when I try the app on Apple Watch I have some troubles. Since the Apple Watch is slower than the simulator it takes about one second to display the table views. During this time in the place of the table view is displayed nothing. If the user press the empty area that will be filled by the table view, as soon as the table view become visible it will be processed the event associated to the table view. I do not know why but this causes the app crash!!! I think everything would be solved if I do like in the other applications on my Apple Watch that while loading the view shows the rotating circle and not the elements of the view that are already in the storyboard (like buttons and labels) added at compile time.
I have to say that maybe the crashed are due to an use of NSTimer that modify some variables modified by the app, maybe I should use a mutex. But I do not figure how in the Apple Watch the application crashes (or it appears the rotating circle and keep rotating) but in the simulator is ALL OK. What can I do? Do you need additional information? Thanks!

Blank screenshot in app switcher in iOS 7 (HTML web app)

When switching between a Home Screen HTML web app to another app and back (iOS 7), the web app screenshot is just of a blank page. Is there a way of ensuring the screenshot reflects the actual state of the app before it went into background mode?
I think its because your app gets reloaded everytime. You might want to look at this thread here or here.
It looks like it is default behaviour and the only way you can work around this is to use localStorage.
EDIT: Of course you would have to save the state of your app everytime the user makes an interaction since you do not have AppDelegate methods which get triggered when your app goes to background.

how to come back to different view after opening the safari through another view in iphone application?

I'm using tabbar based application. I have 9 tabbar items. I'm calling the safari in my 6th tabbar item. When i close the safari and open the app again i want my app to open the 2nd tab in the application. Can any one help me out in this issue.
Try programmatically set tab bar selected index to 2 applicationDidBecomeActive/applicationDidFinishLaunching(if your app does not run in background). You can search on google and you will easily find the answer.