Insert Data Into Tables Linked by Foreign Key - sql

I am using PostgreSQL.
Customer_ID | Name
Order_ID | Customer_ID | Price
To insert an order, here is what I need to do usually,
For example, "John" place "1.34" priced order.
(1) Get Customer_ID from Customer table, where name is "John"
(2) If there are no Customer_ID returned (There is no John), insert "John"
(3) Get Customer_ID from Customer table, where name is "John"
(4) Insert "Customer_ID" and "1.34" into Order table.
There are 4 SQL communication with database involved for this simple operation!!!
Is there any better way, which can be achievable using 1 SQL statement?

You can do it in one sql statement for existing customers, 3 statements for new ones. All you have to do is be an optimist and act as though the customer already exists:
insert into "order" (customer_id, price) values \
((select customer_id from customer where name = 'John'), 12.34);
If the customer does not exist, you'll get an sql exception which text will be something like:
null value in column "customer_id" violates not-null constraint
(providing you made customer_id non-nullable, which I'm sure you did). When that exception occurs, insert the customer into the customer table and redo the insert into the order table:
insert into customer(name) values ('John');
insert into "order" (customer_id, price) values \
((select customer_id from customer where name = 'John'), 12.34);
Unless your business is growing at a rate that will make "where to put all the money" your only real problem, most of your inserts will be for existing customers. So, most of the time, the exception won't occur and you'll be done in one statement.

Not with a regular statement, no.
What you can do is wrap the functionality in a PL/pgsql function (or another language, but PL/pgsql seems to be the most appropriate for this), and then just call that function. That means it'll still be a single statement to your app.

Use stored procedures.
And even assuming you would want not to use stored procedures - there is at most 3 commands to be run, not 4. Second getting id is useless, as you can do "INSERT INTO ... RETURNING".


How to insert a row if not exists otherwise select and return its ID in both cases in MariaDB?

I have a table with ID primary key (autoincrement) and a unique column Name. Is there an efficient way in MariaDB to insert a row into this table if the same Name doesn't exist, otherwise select the existing row and, in both cases, return the ID of the row with this Name?
Here's a solution for Postgres. However, it seems MariaDB doesn't have the RETURNING id clause.
What I have tried so far is brute-force:
INSERT IGNORE INTO services (Name) VALUES ('JohnDoe');
SELECT ID FROM services WHERE Name='JohnDoe';
UPDATE: MariaDB 10.5 has RETURNING clause, however, the queries I have tried so far throw a syntax error:
SELECT ID FROM services WHERE `Name`='John'
For a single row, assuming id is AUTO_INCREMENT.
INSERT INTO t (name)
VALUES ('JohnDoe')
That looks kludgy, but it is an example in the documentation.
Caution: Most forms of INSERT will "burn" auto_inc ids. That is, they grab the next id(s) before realizing that the id won't be used. This could lead to overflowing the max auto_inc size.
It is also wise not to put the normalization inside the transaction that does the "meat" of the code. It ties up the table unnecessarily long and runs extra risk of burning ids in the case of rollback.
For batch updating of a 'normalization' table like that, see my notes here: (It avoids burning ids.)

SQL Server Unique Composite Key of Two Field With Second Field Auto-Increment

I have the following problem, I want to have Composite Primary Key like:
PRIMARY KEY (`base`, `id`);
for which when I insert a base the id to be auto-incremented based on the previous id for the same base
base id
A 1
A 2
B 1
C 1
Is there a way when I say:
INSERT INTO table(base) VALUES ('A')
to insert a new record with id 3 because that is the next id for base 'A'?
The resulting table should be:
base id
A 1
A 2
B 1
C 1
A 3
Is it possible to do it on the DB exactly since if done programmatically it could cause racing conditions.
The base currently represents a company, the id represents invoice number. There should be auto-incrementing invoice numbers for each company but there could be cases where two companies have invoices with the same number. Users logged with a company should be able to sort, filter and search by those invoice numbers.
Ever since someone posted a similar question, I've been pondering this. The first problem is that DBs don't provide "partitionable" sequences (that would restart/remember based on different keys). The second is that the SEQUENCE objects that are provided are geared around fast access, and can't be rolled back (ie, you will get gaps). This essentially this rules out using a built-in utility... meaning we have to roll our own.
The first thing we're going to need is a table to store our sequence numbers. This can be fairly simple:
invoiceNumber INTEGER);
In reality the base column should be a foreign-key reference to whatever table/id defines the business(es)/entities you're issuing invoices for. In this table, you want entries to be unique per issued-entity.
Next, you want a stored proc that will take a key (base) and spit out the next number in the sequence (invoiceNumber). The set of keys necessary will vary (ie, some invoice numbers must contain the year or full date of issue), but the base form for this situation is as follows:
CREATE PROCEDURE Next_Invoice_Number #baseKey CHAR(1),
#invoiceNumber INTEGER OUTPUT
AS MERGE INTO Invoice_Sequence Stored
USING (VALUES (#baseKey)) Incoming(base)
ON Incoming.base = Stored.base
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Stored.invoiceNumber = Stored.invoiceNumber + 1
OUTPUT INSERTED.invoiceNumber ;;
Note that:
You must run this in a serialized transaction
The transaction must be the same one that's inserting into the destination (invoice) table.
That's right, you'll still get blocking per-business when issuing invoice numbers. You can't avoid this if invoice numbers must be sequential, with no gaps - until the row is actually committed, it might be rolled back, meaning that the invoice number wouldn't have been issued.
Now, since you don't want to have to remember to call the procedure for the entry, wrap it up in a trigger:
DECLARE #invoiceNumber INTEGER
EXEC Next_Invoice_Number Inserted.base, #invoiceNumber OUTPUT
INSERT INTO Invoice (base, invoiceNumber)
VALUES (Inserted.base, #invoiceNumber)
(obviously, you have more columns, including others that should be auto-populated - you'll need to fill them in)
...which you can then use by simply saying:
INSERT INTO Invoice (base) VALUES('A');
So what have we done? Mostly, all this work was about shrinking the number of rows locked by a transaction. Until this INSERT is committed, there are only two rows locked:
The row in Invoice_Sequence maintaining the sequence number
The row in Invoice for the new invoice.
All other rows for a particular base are free - they can be updated or queried at will (deleting information out of this kind of system tends to make accountants nervous). You probably need to decide what should happen when queries would normally include the pending invoice...
you can use the trigger for before insert and assign the next value by taking the max(id) with "base" filter which is "A" in this case.
That will give you the max(id) value as 2 and than increment it by max(id)+1. now push the new value to the "id" field. before insert.
I think this may help you
MSSQL Triggers:
Test Table
( base CHAR(1),
id INT
Trigger Definition
CREATE TRIGGER dbo.tr_Populate_ID
ON dbo.MyTable
INSERT INTO MyTable (base,id)
SELECT i.base, ISNULL(MAX(,0) +1 AS NextValue
FROM inserted i left join MyTable mt
on i.base = mt.base
GROUP BY i.base
Execute the following statement multiple times and you will see the next values available in that group will be assigned to ID.

INSERT INTO using SELECT and increment value in a column

I am trying to insert missing rows into a table. One of the columns is OrderNumber (sort number), this column should be +1 of the max value of OrderNumber returned for sID in the table. Some sIDs do not appear in the SPOL table which is why there is the WHERE clause at the end of the statement. I would run this statement again but set OrderNumber to 1 for the records where sID does not currently exist in the table.
The statement below doesn't work due to the OrderNumber causing issues with the primary key which is sID + OrderNumber.
How can I get the OrderNumber to increase for each row that is inserted based on the sID column?
sID, OrderNumber, oID
(SELECT Max(OrderNumber) + 1
WHERE sID = TMPO.sID) AS OrderNumber,
) AS MyData
OrderNumber IS NOT NULL
It's much better to handle this in the database design with an identity column - you don't mention whether or not you can change the schema but hopefully you can as queries will end up a lot cleaner if you don't have to manage it yourself.
You can set the Identity property to on for your OrderNumber column in SQL Server management studio, but the script it would generate clones the table with the new specification, inserts the values you've already got with Identity_Insert on, drops the original table, and renames the temporary one to replace it - this has massive overheads depending on how many rows you've got.
The most efficient way to go about it is probably:
create an additional column with the identity property on
copy across the values
rename the original column
rename the new column to the same name as the original
remove the original OrderNumber column
Once it's done, it's done though - and looks after itself. Wouldn't you rather your insert statement simply said something like this:
Use identity(1,1) to increment your column Order Number,this would makes your task easy..!

Optional Unique Constraints?

I am setting up a SaaS application that multiple clients will use to enter data. However, I have certain fields that Client A may want to force unique, Client B may want to allow dupes. Obviously if I am going to allow any one client to have dupes, the table may not have a unique constraint on it. The downside is that If I want to enforce a unique constraint for some clients, I will have to go about it in some other way.
Has anyone tackled a problem like this, and if so, what are the common solutions and or potential pitfalls to look out for?
I am thinking a trigger that checks for any possible unique flags may be the only way to enforce this correctly. If I rely on the business layer, there is no guarentee that the app will do a unique check before every insert.
First I considered the Unique Index, but ruled it out as they can not do any sort of joins or lookups, only express values. And I didn't want to modify the index every time a client was added or a client's uniqueness preference changed.
Then I looked into CHECK CONSTRAINTS, and after some fooling around, built one function to return true for both hypothetical columns that a client would be able to select as unique or not.
Here is the test tables, data, and function I used to
verify that a check constraint could do all that I wanted.
-- Clients Table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Clients](
[ID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Name] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[UniqueSSN] [bit] NOT NULL,
[UniqueVIN] [bit] NOT NULL
-- Test Client Data
INSERT INTO Clients(ID, Name, UniqueSSN, UniqueVIN) VALUES(1,'A Corp',0,0)
INSERT INTO Clients(ID, Name, UniqueSSN, UniqueVIN) VALUES(2,'B Corp',1,0)
INSERT INTO Clients(ID, Name, UniqueSSN, UniqueVIN) VALUES(3,'C Corp',0,1)
INSERT INTO Clients(ID, Name, UniqueSSN, UniqueVIN) VALUES(4,'D Corp',1,1)
-- Cases Table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Cases](
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ClientID] [int] NOT NULL,
[ClaimantName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[SSN] [varchar](12) NULL,
[VIN] [varchar](17) NULL
-- Check Uniques Function
CREATE FUNCTION CheckUniques(#ClientID int)
RETURNS int -- 0: Ok to insert, 1: Cannot insert
DECLARE #VinCheck int
SELECT #SSNCheck = 0
SELECT #VinCheck = 0
IF (SELECT UniqueSSN FROM Clients WHERE ID = #ClientID) = 1
SELECT #SSNCheck = COUNT(SSN) FROM Cases cs WHERE ClientID = #ClientID AND (SELECT COUNT(SSN) FROM Cases c2 WHERE c2.SSN = cs.SSN) > 1
IF (SELECT UniqueVIN FROM Clients WHERE ID = #ClientID) = 1
SELECT #VinCheck = COUNT(VIN) FROM Cases cs WHERE ClientID = #ClientID AND (SELECT COUNT(VIN) FROM Cases c2 WHERE c2.VIN = cs.VIN) > 1
RETURN #SSNCheck + #VinCheck
-- Add Check Constraint to table
ADD Constraint chkClientUniques CHECK(dbo.CheckUniques(ClientID) = 0)
-- Now confirm constraint using test data
-- Client A: Confirm that both duplicate SSN and VIN's are allowed
INSERT INTO Cases (ClientID, ClaimantName, SSN, VIN) VALUES(1, 'Alice', '111-11-1111', 'A-1234')
INSERT INTO Cases (ClientID, ClaimantName, SSN, VIN) VALUES(1, 'Bob', '111-11-1111', 'A-1234')
-- Client B: Confirm that Unique SSN is enforced, but duplicate VIN allowed
INSERT INTO Cases (ClientID, ClaimantName, SSN, VIN) VALUES(2, 'Charlie', '222-22-2222', 'B-2345') -- Should work
INSERT INTO Cases (ClientID, ClaimantName, SSN, VIN) VALUES(2, 'Donna', '222-22-2222', 'B-2345') -- Should fail
INSERT INTO Cases (ClientID, ClaimantName, SSN, VIN) VALUES(2, 'Evan', '333-33-3333', 'B-2345') -- Should Work
-- Client C: Confirm that Unique VIN is enforced, but duplicate SSN allowed
INSERT INTO Cases (ClientID, ClaimantName, SSN, VIN) VALUES(3, 'Evan', '444-44-4444', 'C-3456') -- Should work
INSERT INTO Cases (ClientID, ClaimantName, SSN, VIN) VALUES(3, 'Fred', '444-44-4444', 'C-3456') -- Should fail
INSERT INTO Cases (ClientID, ClaimantName, SSN, VIN) VALUES(3, 'Ginny', '444-44-4444', 'C-4567') -- Should work
-- Client D: Confirm that both Unique SSN and VIN are enforced
INSERT INTO Cases (ClientID, ClaimantName, SSN, VIN) VALUES(4, 'Henry', '555-55-5555', 'D-1234') -- Should work
INSERT INTO Cases (ClientID, ClaimantName, SSN, VIN) VALUES(4, 'Isaac', '666-66-6666', 'D-1234') -- Should fail
INSERT INTO Cases (ClientID, ClaimantName, SSN, VIN) VALUES(4, 'James', '555-55-5555', 'D-2345') -- Should fail
INSERT INTO Cases (ClientID, ClaimantName, SSN, VIN) VALUES(4, 'Kevin', '555-55-5555', 'D-1234') -- Should fail
INSERT INTO Cases (ClientID, ClaimantName, SSN, VIN) VALUES(4, 'Lisa', '777-77-7777', 'D-3456') -- Should work
Had to modify the function a few times to catch NULL values in the dupe check, but all appears to be working now.
One approach is to use a CHECK constraint instead of a unique.
This CHECK constraint will be backed by a SCALAR function that will
take as input ClientID
cross-ref ClientID against a lookup table to see if duplicates are allowed (client.dups)
if not allowed, check for duplicates in the table
Something like
If you can identify rows in the table for each client, depending on your DBMS you could do something like this:
ON the_table(some_column, other_column, client_id)
WHERE client_id IN (1,2,3);
(The above is valid for PostgreSQL and and I think SQL Server 2005)
The downsize is, that you will need to re-create that index each time a new client is added that requires those columns to be unique.
You will probably have some checks in the business layer as well, mostly to be able to show proper error messages.
That's perfectly possible now on Sql Server 2008(tested on my Sql Server 2008 box here):
create table a
cx varchar(50)
create unique index ux_cx on a(cx) where cx <> 'US';
insert into a values('PHILIPPINES'),('JAPAN'),('US'),('CANADA');
-- still ok to insert duplicate US
insert into a values('US');
-- will fail here
insert into a values('JAPAN');
Related article:
There are a few things you can do with this, just depends on when/how you want to handle this.
You could use a CheckConstrain and modify this to do different lookups based on the client that was using it
You could use the business tier to handle this, but it will not protect you from raw database updates.
I personally have found that #1 can get too hard to maintain, especially if you get a high number of clients. I've found that doing it at the business level is a lot easier, and you can control it at a centralized location.
Thee are other options such as a table per client and others that could work as well, but these two are at least the most common that I've seen.
You could add a helper column. The column would be equal the the primary key for the application that allows duplicates, and a constant value for the other application. Then you create a unique constraint on UniqueHelper, Col1.
For the non-dupe client, it will have a constant in the helper column, forcing the column to be unique.
For the dupe column, the helper column is equal to the primary key, so the unique constraint is satisfied by that column alone. That application can add any number of dupes.
One possibility might be to use BEFORE INSERT and and BEFORE UPDATE triggers that can selectively enforce uniqueness.
And another possibility (kind of a kludge) would be to have an additional dummy field that is populated with unique values for one customer and duplicate values for the other customer. Then build a unique index on the combination of the dummy field and the visible field.
#Neil. I had asked in my comment above what your reasons were for putting all in the same table and you simply ignored that aspect of my comment and said everything was "plain and simple". Do you really want to hear the downsides of the conditional constraints approach in an Saas context?
You don't say how many different sets of rules this table in your Saas application may eventually need to incorporate. Will there be only two variations?
Performance is a consideration. Although each customer would have access to a dedicated conditional index|indices, fetching data from the base table could become slower and slower as the data from additional customers is added to it and the table grows.
If I were developing an Saas application, I'd go with dedicated transaction tables wherever appropriate. Customers could share standard tables like zipcodes, counties, and share even domain-specific tables like Products or Categories or WidgetTypes or whatever. I'd probably build dynamic SQL statements in stored procedures in which the correct table for the current customer was chosen and placed in the statement being constructed, e.g.
sql = "select * from " + DYNAMIC_ORDERS_TABLE + " where ... ")
If performance was taking a hit because the dynamic statements had to be compiled all the time, I might consider writing a dedicated stored procedure generator: sp_ORDERS_SELECT_25_v1.0 {where "25" is the id assigned to a particular user of the Saas app and there's a version suffix}.
You're going to have to use some dynamic SQL because the customer id must be appended to the WHERE-clause of every one of your ad hoc queries in order to take advantage of your conditional indexes:
sql = " select * from orders where ... and customerid = " + CURRENT_CUSTOMERID
Your conditional indexes involve your customer/user column and so that column must be made part of every query in order to ensure that only that customer's subset of rows are selected out of the table.
So, when all is said and done, you're really saving yourself the effort required to create a dedicated table and avoiding some dynamic SQL on your bread-and-butter queries. Writing dynamic SQL for bread-and-butter queries doesn't take much effort, and it's certainly less messy than having to manage multiple customer-specific indexes on the same shared table; and if you're writing dynamic SQL you could just as easily substitute the dedicated table name as append the customerid=25 clause to every query. The performance loss of dynamic SQL would be more than offset by the performance gain of dedicated tables.
P.S. Let's say your app has been running for a year or so and you have multiple customers and your table has grown large. You want to add another customer and their new set of customer-specific indexes to the large production table. Can you slipstream these new indexes and constraints during normal business hours or will you have to schedule the creation of these indexes for a time when usage is relatively light?
You don't make clear what benefit there is in having the data from separate universes mingled in the same table.
Uniqueness constraints are part of the entity definition and each entity needs its own table. I'd create separate tables.

How to insert two rows in one column with same id, different cultureId and in different Languages?

I have a table Culture, Companies and CompaniesLocale. In Culture table i have CultureId, CultureCode and DisplayName , in Companies i have CompanyID, Name and in CompaniesLocale I have CompanyID, CultureId, Name. I inserted to languages in culture table English and German.
Now When i create a new company how i am going to insert into CompaniesLocale the same Name that is created in Companies but as described in different language(I Choose German but i can be maybe a Cyrillic. I want the new company to be added first to Companies then in CompaniesLocale with the same COmpanyId but the proper CultureId for the language.
Is that possible?
something like
insert into CompanyLocal(CompanyId, CultureId, Name) values (1, 1, 'spreken zie deutch')
Basically, I can see two approaches.
Two inserts. First insert a record with the base locale name into Company, get the new CompanyID, then insert the rest of the names into CompanyLocale using the obtained CompanyID. This assumes there's a trigger ON Company FOR INSERT which adds the base locale name to CompanyLocale.
One insert. Insert all the names into CompanyLocale with empty CompanyID values. This also assumes using a trigger, this time it's ON CompanyLocale FOR INSERT. The trigger inserts a new record into Company, gets the new id and updates it for the newly inserted CompanyLocale records. Also this assumes that the foreign key column CompanyLocale.CompanyID, which references Company.ID, must allow NULL values. (With the first approach I think it can be prohibited from getting NULLs.)