Writing single Hadoop map reduce output into multiple S3 objects - amazon-s3

I am implementing a Hadoop Map reduce job that needs to create output in multiple S3 objects.
Hadoop itself creates only a single output file (an S3 object) but I need to partition the output into multiple files.
How do I achieve this?

I did this by just writing the output directly from my reducer method to S3, using an S3 toolkit. Since I was running on EC2, this was quick and free.
In general, you want Hadoop to handle your input and output as much as possible, for cleaner mappers and reducers; and, of course, you want to write to S3 at the very end of your pipeline, to let Hadoop's code moving do it's job over HDFS.
In any case, I recommend doing all of your data partitioning, and writing entire output sets to S3 in a final reduce task, one set per S3 file. This puts as little writer logic in your code as possible. This paid off for me because I ended up with a minimal Hadoop S3 toolkit which I used for several task flows.
I needed to write to S3 in my reducer code because the S3/S3n filesystems weren't mature; they might work better now.

Do you also know the MultipleOutputFormat?
It's not related to S3, but in general it allows to write output to multiple files, implementing a given logic.


Using AWS Glue to Create a Table and move the dataset

I've never used AWS Glue however believe it will deliver what I want and am after some advice. I have a monthly CSV data upload that I push to S3 that has a staging Athena table (all strings) associated to it. I want Glue to perform a Create Table As (with all necessary convert/cast) against this dataset in Parquet format, and then move that dataset from one S3 bucket to another S3 bucket, so the primary Athena Table can access the data.
As stated, never used Glue before, and want a starter for 10, so I don't go down rabbit holes.
I currently perform all these steps manually, so want to understand how to use Glue to automate my manual tasks.
Yes, you can use AWS Glue ETL jobs to do exactly what you described. However, it doesn't perform CREATE TABLE AS SELECT queries, instead it does it with ETL jobs based on spark. Here is github repo that describes such process in quite detailed way and here is more of official AWS documentation on ETL programming based on AWS Glue service. After the initial setup, you can define some trigger events/scheduling to run your Glue ETL jobs automatically.
However, one thing to remember is cost of using AWS Glue services. Since it is based on execution time, sometimes it is not that trivial to forecast the final cost. For the workflow you described, performing CTAS queries with Athena would work just fine to transform your data and write it into a different s3 bucket. In this case you would know exactly price since it depends on the size of your data. Then you can use AWS API to do some manipulation with metadata catalog, so that new information would be accessible and in once place.
Since you are new to AWS Glue ETL jobs, I would suggest to stick with CTAS queries for simple tasks (although you can come up with quite complicated queries) and look into an open source project Apache Airflow for automation/scheduling and orchestration. This is the approach the I am using for tasks similar to yours. Airflow is easy to setup on both local and remote machines, has reach CLI and GUI for task monitoring, abstracts away all scheduling and retrying logic. It even has hooks to interact with AWS services. Hell, Airflow even provides you with a dedicated operator for sending queries to Athena. I wrote a little bit more about this approach here.

AWS S3 ETL tool options

Trying to get a handle on what I would use to schedule and run jobs to move data into S3, run scripts on it and move it around s3 afterward.
My requirement is to be able to ingest from API's and also directly from databases. Some formats to ingest will be XML, and others could be flat files. The raw files need to be joined and transformed and turned into a format that graphs could be produced with.
What is AWS glue is like as an ETL tool? My specific question is can you see the finished pipelines showing the data sources and processing parts in a graphical view once they are created?
I have used Azure Data Factory - and it had a graphical UI to view and monitor the pipelines which I found quite useful. Just wondering if AWS glue has a similar thing.
If not - would Nifi on AWS S3 be a good way to do this?
If you are looking for the best GUI, I would recommend NiFi. It is commonly used with S3 and has many connectors out of the box for other data sources. It becomes even more interesting if you want to do things outside of the AWS cloud.
That being said, I would think that Glue will also get the job done.
Running Data Factory when you have a heavy AWS footprint feels like an anti-pattern.
Full Disclosure: Have not worked with Glue/Data Factory and work for Cloudera, the driving force behind NiFi
I'm currently using AWS Glue to extract data from DB into s3, manipulate the data and save it back to Redshift/S3 or send via API to my client. AWS Glue GUI is not that good, you won't see a diagram of your flow and sometimes you will need to use other tools like step functions, airflow to orchestrate your job. Also, most of my jobs I have to use PySpark because AWS Glue methods are too limited.
Related to monitoring, you can see if there is an error, how many CPU and memory is been consumed by your job, s3 bytes read/written. If you want additional information you need to use logger or print to send it to the logs.

CAN we run ETL jobs on AWS EFS

I would like to know if we can run ETL jobs on EFS mount files..
if so how? is it using Hive or anyother service?
Our target is to reduce all the files in one mount point to one file...and store that one file in s3 for better processing
EFS in itself does not inherently have a particular data warehouse product included. For data warehousing and ETL you can choose what you want to use that operates in the AWS environment.
On to your problem:
You want to concatenate or in some way combine all of the files currently in your EFS mount into a single file and store that in S3, if I understand it correctly.
You do not mention what type of data you have or what type of files you want to combine. That makes a huge difference in how you would do this. So I will have to give general suggestions. If you have different types of data, SQL tables from different databases, documents, non-sql data; then you need to determine how to combine that data. For that you would be looking at a data integration solution that can accommodate raw data.
Amazon has a few different products that may assist the process such as Redshift, Athena, Snowflake and their ETL solution Glue. Adding products depends on your company's needs and budget.
So, a more flexible data integration approach would be to use ELT (extract, load, transform) instead of ETL. Basically you would create an appropriate file over on your S3 instance. Then you would extract each file on EFS one at a time and load them into your S3 file. Then when you query the data in your S3 file you would perform any transformations needed before seeing the query results. Here's an article that explains the differences in more detail: https://blog.panoply.io/etl-vs-elt-the-difference-is-in-the-how.
There are some vendors supporting the ELT process such as Talend, Hadoop/Hive/Spark, Terradata and Informatica should you want to investigate options.

BigQuery best approach for ETL (external tables and views vs Dataflow)

CSV files get uploaded to some FTP server (for which I don't have SSH access) in a daily basis and I need to generate weekly data that merges those files with transformations. That data would go into a history table in BQ and a CSV file in GCS.
My approach goes as follows:
Create a Linux VM and set a cron job that syncs the files from the
FTP server with a GCS bucket (I'm using GCSFS)
Use an external table in BQ for each category of CSV files
Create views with complex queries that transform the data
Use another cron job to create a table with the historic data and also the CSV file on a weekly basis.
My idea is to remove as much middle processes as I can and to make the implementation as easy as possible, including dataflow for ETL, but I have some questions first:
What's the problem with my approach in terms of efficiency and money?
Is there anything DataFlow can provide that my approach can't?
any ideas about other approaches?
BTW, I ran into one problem that might be fixable by parsing the csv files myself rather than using external tables, which is invalid characters, like the null char, so I can get rid of them, while as an external table there is a parsing error.
Probably your ETL will be simplified by Google DataFlow Pipeline batch execution job. Upload your files to the GCS bucket. For transforming use pipeline transformation to strip null values and invalid character (or whatever your need is). On those transformed dataset use your complex queries like grouping it by key, aggregating it (sum or combine) and also if you need side inputs data-flow provides ability to merge other data-sets into the current the data-set too. Finally the transformed output can written to BQ or you can write your own custom implementation for writing those results.
So the data-flow gives you very high flexibility to your solution, you can branch the pipeline and work differently on each branch with same data-set. And regarding the cost, if you run your batch job with three workers, which is the default that should not be very costly, but again if you just want to concentrate on your business logic and not worry about the rest, google data-flow is pretty interesting and its very powerful if used wisely.
Data-flow helps you to keep everything on a single plate and manage them effectively. Go through its pricing and determine if it could be the best fit for you (your problem is completely solvable with google data-flow), Your approach is not bad but needs extra maintenance with those pieces.
Hope this helps.
here are a few thoughts.
If you are working with a very low volume of data then your approach may work just fine. If you are working with more data and need several VMs, dataflow can automatically scale up and down the number of workers your pipeline uses to help it run more efficiently and save costs.
Also, is your linux VM always running? Or does it only spin up when you run your cron job? A batch Dataflow job only runs when it needed, which also helps to save on costs.
In Dataflow you could use TextIO to read each line of the file in, and add your custom parsing logic.
You mention that you have a cron job which puts the files into GCS. Dataflow can read from GCS, so it would probably be simplest to keep that process around and have your dataflow job read from GCS. Otherwise you would need to write a custom source to read from your FTP server.
Here are some useful links:

Spark to process many tar.gz files from s3

I have many files in the format log-.tar.gz in s3. I would like to process them, process them (extract a field from each line) and store it in a new file.
There are many ways we can do this. One simple and convenient method is to access the files using textFile method.
//Read file from s3
rdd = sc.textFile("s3://bucket/project_name/date_folder/logfile1.*.gz")
I am concerned about the memory limit of the cluster. This way, the master node will be overloaded. Is there any rough estimate for the size of the files that can be processed by the type of clusters?
I am wondering if there is a way to parallelize the process of getting the *.gz files from s3 as they are already grouped by date.
With an exception of parallelize / makeRDD all methods creating RDDs / DataFrames require data to be accessible from all workers and are executed in parallel without loading on a driver.