Safari ignoring tabindex - safari

I have 2 buttons next to a textbox and another textbox after the 2 buttons. The tabindex for the first textbox is 1000, the first button is 1001 and the second button is 1002. The second textbox has a tabindex of 1003.
When I press tab, the tabindex works fine in all browsers except for Safari, where it immediately moves from the first textbox to the second textbox although the tabindex has been set properly. Any ideas on how to prevent this issue?

By default tab-access is disabled in safari(!). To enable it, check "Preferences > Advanced > Press tab to highlight each item on a page".

Solution for iOS will be holding Option Key + Tab key.

Making Safari and a Mac accessible:
Testing on a Mac:
System Preferences -> Keyboard -> ShortCuts (tab) -> Full Keyboard Access -> All Controls
For Tabbing to work on Safari:
Preferences -> Advanced -> Press tab to highlight each item on a page (check this)

If you're writing your own webpage, I'd fix write something with a bit of jquery/javascript. This is what I've used on mine.
The drawback is that you prevent the default tab-key behavior on the page, which may be a bigger problem for accessibility in some situations. But I doubt it.
var Tab = {};
Tab.i = 1,
Tab.items = 0;
function fixTabulation () {
/* This can be used to auto-assign tab-indexes, or
# commented out if it manual tab-indexes have
# already been assigned.
$('input, select, textarea').each(function(){
$(this).attr('tabindex', Tab.i);
Tab.i = 0;
/* We need to listen for any forward or backward Tab
# key event tell the page where to focus next.
'keydown' : function(e) {
if (navigator.appVersion.match("Safari")) {
if (e.keyCode == 9 && !e.shiftKey) { //Tab key pressed
Tab.i != Tab.items ? Tab.i++ : Tab.i = 1;
$('input[tabindex="' + Tab.i + '"], select[tabindex="' + Tab.i + '"], textarea[tabindex="' + Tab.i + '"]').not('input[type="hidden"]').focus();
if (e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 9) { //Tab key pressed
Tab.i != 1 ? Tab.i-- : Tab.i = Tab.items;
$('input[tabindex="' + Tab.i + '"], select[tabindex="' + Tab.i + '"], textarea[tabindex="' + Tab.i + '"]').not('input[type="hidden"]').focus();
/* We need to update Tab.i if someone clicks into
# a different part of the form. This allows us
# to keep tabbing from the newly clicked input
$('input[tabindex], select[tabindex], textarea[tabindex]').not('input[type="hidden"]').focus(function(e) {
Tab.i = $(this).attr('tabindex');
$(document).ready(function() {
This is no perfect solution, but it's quite better than telling all your users to go change their Safari settings in System Prefs, lol.

I tried the following with Safari 5.1.5. I don't know how it works with older versions:
When "highlighting each item on a page" (see answer by graphicdivine) is disabled, you can use that function by pressing Option(alt) + tab.
If you don't (and the option is disabled), Safari will by default tab through all form-fields (like input, textarea, select...). For this fields, it will also accept/regard a tabindex. It will first tab through all form elements with a tabindex (in the order of the given indices) and then through the rest of the form elements in the order of their definition in HTML.
So if you define a tabindex="1" (or 1001) and "3" (or 1003) for two input-elements Safari will first focus this fields and then the others.

For those like me also looking how to enable this in browserstack: simply click the word "Safari" in the top left button of the screen, then you can select Preferences > Advanced > Press tab (as mentioned in

Encountered the same issue and had to implement tab navigation programatically. Luckily found this jquery tabbable plugin and put it to good use, here's
$(document).ready(() => {
$(document).keydown((event) => {
if (event.keyCode === 9) {


Jetpack Compose - ModalBottomSheet comes up with soft keyboard

I have a problem with ModalBottomSheet and it's on my work computer so I can't record it to you right now. So basically, after I give focus to one of my TextFields, my keyboard comes up and pushes all the content upwards so I can see the TextField that I'm writing to. When I'm hiding my keyboard I can see that my ModalBottomSheet hides too, but I never set it to come up.
So if you are familiar with this bug, please let me know your solutions.
My coworker, so he inserted a boolean that checks if keyboard is up or not and if it is, dont put ap modal bottom sheet.
You can use this method until this problem is fixed with an additional update.
You can use LaunchedEffect for this. Here is an example for you.
The important thing here is to disable the ModalBottomSheetDialog when the keyboard is opened and re-enable it half a second after the keyboard is closed.
You can trigger the required function by assigning a value to this variable when the keyboard is turned on, and then changing and checking this value when the keyboard is closed.
/*Change this value to "keyboard_on" when the keyboard is turned on and "keyboard_off" when the keyboard is closed again. You can give different names for different usage areas. That's why we're using a string, not a Boolean.*/
var taskCodeValue = remember { mutableStateOf("keyboard_off") }
var sheetOpener by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
if (taskCodeValue.value == "keyboard_off"){
LaunchedEffect(taskCodeValue.value == "keyboard_off"){
sheetOpener = true
}else {
sheetOpener = false
By adding the Scaffold, which includes ModalBottomSheet and other compose
elements, into a box, we enable them to work independently of each other.
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
content = {}
if (sheetOpener){
sheetState = sheetState,
sheetContent = {}
) {}

Auto choose, populate and click

I want to load the page in PhantomJS, choose tournament or 4-hand, populate table and board and then click the load hand.
I have mainly tried to click the button "Load Hand" but not even that is going well.
if ("complete" === readyState) {
console.log("if " + readyState);
var x = document.getElementById("root").querySelectorAll(".jss7.jss46.jss51");;
} // if-statement
The button do not get clicked
page.evaluate(function() {
var ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
ev.initEvent("click", true, true);
document.querySelector("div.jss7.jss46.jss51 button[type='submit']").dispatchEvent(ev);

Listen for right mouse button(Context menu) in Ckeditor 5

How do I listen for right mouse button(Context menu activation) in Ckeditor 5 when the user click on an element in the editor.
For left mouse button I use ClickObserver which works perfectly, but ClickObserver don't seem to work for the right mouse button
As per CKEditor migration document, context menu options are removed in CKEditor 5 and official standard is to use contextualToolbar.
CKEditor 5 does not come with a context menu, contextual inline
toolbar is preferred instead to offer contextual actions.
I found a hack which you could use, but I wouldn't recomment it so USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!
function onEditorMouseDown(evt) {
if (evt.which == 3) {
alert('You right clicked the editor!');
var elem = document.querySelector('#editor1');
var cEditor = ClassicEditor
.then(function(editor) {
let container = editor.ui.view.editable.element;
if (container) {
container.addEventListener('mousedown', onEditorMouseDown);
.catch(function(err) {
<script src=""></script>
<h1>CKEditor 5 Example</h1>
<textarea id="editor1"></textarea>
What I'm doing here is finding out editable area within the editor and adding a event listener for mousedown event on the element.
I hope this helps!

Setting input focus after tab is clicked

When a page has a search box with multiple tabs, one of the tabs is always selected; either the default tab is selected or the user has changed the tab. In either case the search input box of the selected tab should always have the keyboard focus so the user can just start typing their keywords.
Example: search box on
Do you know how I could get the focus to be in the input box when a different tab is clicked? I got it to work on the first tab, but when I click another tab, the focus is lost.
The script I am using:
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
$(document).ready(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
// focus on the txtenclude text area first visible and enabled input field or textarea
$(":input:visible:enabled").each(function () {
if ($(this).is('textarea')) {
return false;
}, 1000);
Your code snippet
To set the focus on a certain element you have to specify which element should receive the focus. In your snippet this specification is missing:
If you want to you can use this line: document.getElementById("DuringSearch").focus();
DuringSearch is the id of the input element that should receive the focus <input id="DuringSearch" type="text">
The problem that needs to be solved is to change the id based on the tab that was clicked.
There are several ways to achieve this. In a previous post is used an attribte named data-tab.
Example to wire up tabs and focus to input
To attach an event handler to a click on a tab you can do the follwing (using jQuery) on document.ready:
// add event handler for click on tab
$("#tabs li").click(function () {
return false;
If you click on a tab the attached event fires and executes the 2 functions: loadTabs and setFocusOnInput.
To set the focus you need to know the id of that input-box. In my exmaple i am using an attribute data-tab
<li data-tab="Before">
In my example i use the following function:
function setFocusOnInput(_this){
var tab = $(_this).attr("data-tab");
var searchId = tab + "Search"
console.log("_this:", _this);
See more explanations on my previous post.
Could you elaborate what you want to know. Do you want to know how to wire it up in general or how to do it in a specific case?

Google Places - Autocomplete box - Bring suggestions to foreground

I have an application where I'm using a Ajax Modal Pop Up extender to allow a user to add a new user and map them to a location using the Google Places Autocomplete box.
Used something suggested here:
My problem is that when I use this on a normal page, the suggestions appear correctly, but on a modal pop up extender they appear in the background. I want to bring this to the foreground. How do I do it?
This might be a bit late, but it should work.
//Have to do this or else the autocomplete list is hidden under the popup window
var pacContainerInitialized = false;
$('#autocompleteMapSearch').keypress(function () {
if (!pacContainerInitialized) {
$('.pac-container').css('z-index', '9999');
pacContainerInitialized = true;