Does trac have remote API? - api

I know there is xmlrpc plugin for trac. But I is not my trac site nor do I have admin rights. I just have a normal user account with limited priviledges.
Beside the obvious low level of doing things (submitting requests by emulating web browser), is there a better way to do this?
I'm interested mainly in these:
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If you look at the "functional testing" in the Trac source, you'll find that we have code that exercises Trac using twill. You might find that to be a useful starting point for doing this sort of thing.

Trac does not provide an API by default. You might install the XmlRpcPlugin. Trac then provides anonymous and authenticated access to an API via two protocols: XML-RPC and JSON-RPC.
A helper library for easier access is

Seems the only way to do this would be to emulate browser.


How does the Plunker authentication work

All. Forgive me if my question is off topic or a dumb question.
I really want to know how to implement a authentication mechanist like GitHub for Plunker.
In my project.I think I have the same situation like this.
I have some websites like Plunker.
and I want to implement a SSO center authication website or services for all the other websites like GitHub.
when I click the button Sign in with GitHub in the Plunker. The website will open the new windows with the url
When I succeed to login in GitHub. Then the Plunker will login with the authenticated user I just used in the GitHub.
My problem is I don't know how does the authentication works between the GitHub and Plunker.
Could someone please tell me something about it ? It will be appriciated. Thanks.
Plunker's "log in with GitHub" button uses OAuth2, an open standard for this kind of thing. It's the same technology used by Google for their sign-in with Google functionality, as well as many other providers.
Here is GitHub's documentation for adding "log in with OAuth" to your site.
Creating your own OAuth provider is a significant task, and one that you probably don't want to tackle without weighing carefully. If you do choose to go down this path you'll likely want to use an existing library for your language or stack of choice, e.g. perhaps something from this list. This is also good advice if you only plan to build an OAuth client.
As pointed out, Plunkr's login process appears to be using Github's OAuth2, but manages to pull it off on the client without redirects/reloads using and postMessage. A detailed description of the technique can be found here. The demo code looks relatively painless.
The Gatekeeper project seems to be a more polished implementation (with node.js) of that idea and there is a detailed tutorial on doing client-side auth with it here.

Login to OpenERP from another website

After a lot of research, i coudn't find any useful information that could be of use onto my problem.
I am trying to create a login page that redirects to my website. After the user is logged in, that user has access to OpenERP and the whole website.
Any information is useful. I don't understand Python.
i think you need top work out on openerp API Configuration
that will help you
You can use ldap kind of things openerp supports oauth2 check here

How to use Single Sign On in a Vaadin application

I have a Vaadin 7 application that needs to use SSO (or a better kind of enterprise sign on method?) to authorize users through an LDAP directory. I also need to use groups or "roles" to differ between users and what they are allowed to access in my application. I am new to both login processes and Vaadin, and all I have right now is a working login form in my application that authorizes users against a fake "AD class" that I made myself.
Where and how do I even start?
I read something about portlets and Liferay in this context. Is it even possible to achieve my goals without using Liferay or portlets?
Are there any good Vaadin addons that can help me with this? 
Can I use Spring security for this? (I am using xpoft SpringVaadinIntegration addon and I know it handles roles for example)...
If I sound lost, it's probably because I am. I will gladly read up on this, if I even knew where to start. Please help me chop this monolithic blob of confusion into smaller pieces =)
SSO with windows login only works in the intranet and it requires the use of kerberos or ntlm.
You can use a library like waffle to integrate things.
Look here:
Link #1
Link #2

joomla 2.5, user authentication

I am currently trying to work out a solution, how to make an authentication for my Joomla 2.5 website.
I did the log in form, and created test users, although I don't know how to access Joomla DB. Can you help me find a solution for my question. The answers I found on google, I didn't quite understand.
It would be really nice if someone would share some good tutorials.
Thank you in advance.
Joomla manages authentication for you via its user management and authentication system. It already provides you with a login form in fact ... but more importantly it provides you with authentication and user plugins that you can add your own to if you need something different. This is the point of using a CMS to have a platform that already provides you with secure and well tested user management among other thigns.
Try this , I think it will be useful to you,

Dropbox - any API to cli_link?

I'm using the dropboxd service under Linux, which requires you to log into their website e.g. to link the machine to your account.
Is there any programatic way to do this (ideally using Java)? To access the website above it seems you need to login using forms (which seems tricky to do programatically), and their basic REST API ( doesnt seem to cover the cli_link command.
I could write an app to do the sync using their full API, but it seems like overkill since aside from the cli_link requirement the basic dropboxd does all that I need.
The official Dropbox desktop client is unrelated to the API, though both the API and the Linux CLI require user interaction on the Dropbox web site (once per link) to authorize the linking. Also, note that automating/scraping the site itself is not allowed by the terms:
Not really a solution for DropBox users, but in the end we just moved over to use MediaFire instead. That has a full REST API and doesnt require any manual intervention.