Timestamp Difference In Hours for PostgreSQL - sql

Is there a TIMESTAMPDIFF() equivalent for PostgreSQL?
I know I can subtract two timestamps to get a postgresql INTERVAL. I just want the difference between the two timestamps in in hours represented by an INT.
I can do this in MySQL like this:
TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, links.created, NOW())
I just need the difference between two timestamps in hours represented as an integer.
Solution works for me:
SELECT "links_link"."created",
(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM current_timestamp - "links_link"."created")/3600)::Integer AS "age"
FROM "links_link"

The first things popping up
EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM current_timestamp-somedate)/3600
May not be pretty, but unblocks the road. Could be prettier if division of interval by interval was defined.
Edit: if you want it greater than zero either use abs or greatest(...,0). Whichever suits your intention.
Edit++: the reason why I didn't use age is that age with a single argument, to quote the documentation: Subtract from current_date (at midnight). Meaning you don't get an accurate "age" unless running at midnight. Right now it's almost 1am here:
select age(current_timestamp);
(1 row)

Get fields where a timestamp is greater than date in postgresql:
SELECT * from yourtable
WHERE your_timestamp_field > to_date('05 Dec 2000', 'DD Mon YYYY');
Subtract minutes from timestamp in postgresql:
SELECT * from yourtable
WHERE your_timestamp_field > current_timestamp - interval '5 minutes'
Subtract hours from timestamp in postgresql:
SELECT * from yourtable
WHERE your_timestamp_field > current_timestamp - interval '5 hours'

Michael Krelin's answer is close is not entirely safe, since it can be wrong in rare situations. The problem is that intervals in PostgreSQL do not have context with regards to things like daylight savings. Intervals store things internally as months, days, and seconds. Months aren't an issue in this case since subtracting two timestamps just use days and seconds but 'days' can be a problem.
If your subtraction involves daylight savings change-overs, a particular day might be considered 23 or 25 hours respectively. The interval will take that into account, which is useful for knowing the amount of days that passed in the symbolic sense but it would give an incorrect number of the actual hours that passed. Epoch on the interval will just multiply all days by 24 hours.
For example, if a full 'short' day passes and an additional hour of the next day, the interval will be recorded as one day and one hour. Which converted to epoch/3600 is 25 hours. But in reality 23 hours + 1 hour should be a total of 24 hours.
So the safer method is:
(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM current_timestamp) - EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM somedate))/3600
As Michael mentioned in his follow-up comment, you'll also probably want to use floor() or round() to get the result as an integer value.

You can use the "extract" or "date_part" functions on intervals as well as timestamps, but I don't think that does what you want. For example, it gives 3 for an interval of '2 days, 3 hours'. However, you can convert an interval to a number of seconds by specifying 'epoch' as the time element you want: extract(epoch from '2 days, 3 hours'::interval) returns 183600 (which you then divide by 3600 to convert seconds to hours).
So, putting this all together, you get basically Michael's answer: extract(epoch from timestamp1 - timestamp2)/3600. Since you don't seem to care about which timestamp precedes which, you probably want to wrap that in abs:
SELECT abs(extract(epoch from timestamp1 - timestamp2)/3600)

postgresql get seconds difference between timestamps
(extract (epoch from (
'2012-01-01 18:25:00'::timestamp - '2012-01-01 18:25:02'::timestamp
which prints:
Because the timestamps are two seconds apart. Take the number and divide by 60 to get minutes, divide by 60 again to get hours.

extract(hour from age(now(),links.created)) gives you a floor-rounded count of the hour difference.

To avoid the epoch conversion you could extract the days multiply them by 24 and add the extraction of hours to it.
select current_timestamp, (current_timestamp - interval '500' hour), (extract(day from (current_timestamp - (current_timestamp - interval '500' hour)) * 24) + extract(hour from (current_timestamp - (current_timestamp - interval '500' hour))));

For MySQL timestampdiff I don't know, but for MSSQL datediff(hour, start, end) the best equivalent in PostgreSQL is floor(extract(epoch from end - start)/3600), because in MSSQL select datediff(hour,'2021-10-31 18:00:00.000', '2021-10-31 18:59:59.999') return 0

This might sound crazy to a lot of developers who like to take advantage of database functions,
But after exhaustive problems thinking, creating and bugfixing applications for mysql and postgrsql with php comparing date functions, I've come to the conclusion (for myself), that the easiest way, that is the simplest with less SQL headaches is not to take advantage of any of them.
Why? because if you are developing in a middleware language like PHP, PHP has all of these functions, and they are easier to implement in the application ode as comparing integers. PostgreSQL timestamp is NOT == UNIX TIMESTAMP and MySQL's UNIX TIMESTAMP is NOT PostgresQL's or Oracles timestamp.. it gets harder to port if you use database timestamps..
so just use an integer, not a timestamp,
as the number of seconds since january 1st 1970 midnight. and never mind database timestamps.
, and use gmdate() and store everything as gmt time to avoid timezone issues.
if you need to search, sort or compare the day from other data, or the month or the year or the day of the week, or anything, in your application,
and INTEGER datatype for time_day, time_hour, time_seconds.. or whatever you wnat to index to be searched will make for smoother and more portable databases.
you can just use one field, in most instances: INTEGER time_created NOT NULL
(more fields in your database row is the only drawback to this solution that i have found, and that doesnt cause as many headaches, or cups of coffee :)
php's date functions are outstanding to compare dates,
but in mysql or postgresql, comparing dates ? nah.. use integer sql comparisons
i realize it may SEEM easier to use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on an insert function. HA!
don't be fooled.
You cant do DELETE FROM SESSION_TABLE WHERE time-initialized < '2 days'
if time-intitialized is a postgresql timestamp.
but you CAN do:
DELETE FROM SESSION_TABLE WHERE time_initialized < '$yesterday'
As long as you set $yesterday in php as the integer of seconds since 1970 that yesterday was.
This is easier housekeeping of session records than comparing timestamps in postgresql select statements.
SELECT age(), SELECT extract(), and asbtime are headaches in an of themselves. this is just my opinion.
you can do addition, substraction, <, >, all with php date objects
U4EA Networks, Inc.


Interval Date to days [duplicate]

I have two timestamp columns: arrTime and depTime.
I need to find the number of munites the bus is late.
I tried the following:
SELECT RouteDate, round((arrTime-depTime)*1440,2) time_difference
FROM ...
I get the following error: inconsistent datatype . expected number but got interval day to second
How can i parse the nuber of minutes?
If i simply subtract: SELECT RouteDate, arrTime-depTime)*1440 time_difference
The result is correct but not well formatted:
+00000000 00:01:00 0000000
The result of timestamp arithmetic is an INTERVAL datatype. You have an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND there...
If you want the number of minutes one way would be to use EXTRACT(), for instance:
select extract( minute from interval_difference )
+ extract( hour from interval_difference ) * 60
+ extract( day from interval_difference ) * 60 * 24
from ( select systimestamp - (systimestamp - 1) as interval_difference
from dual )
Alternatively you can use a trick with dates:
select sysdate + (interval_difference * 1440) - sysdate
from (select systimestamp - (systimestamp - 1) as interval_difference
from dual )
The "trick" version works because of the operator order of precedence and the differences between date and timestamp arithmetic.
Initially the operation looks like this:
date + ( interval * number ) - date
As mentioned in the documentation:
Oracle evaluates expressions inside parentheses before evaluating those outside.
So, the first operation performed it to multiply the interval by 1,440. An interval, i.e. a discrete period of time, multiplied by a number is another discrete period of time, see the documentation on datetime and interval arithmetic. So, the result of this operation is an interval, leaving us with:
date + interval - date
The plus operator takes precedence over the minus here. The reason for this could be that an interval minus a date is an invalid operation, but the documentation also implies that this is the case (doesn't come out and say it). So, the first operation performed is date + interval. A date plus an interval is a date. Leaving just
date - date
As per the documentation, this results in an integer representing the number of days. However, you multiplied the original interval by 1,440, so this now represented 1,440 times the amount of days it otherwise would have. You're then left with the number of seconds.
It's worth noting that:
When interval calculations return a datetime value, the result must be an actual datetime value or the database returns an error. For example, the next two statements return errors:
The "trick" method will fail, rarely but it will still fail. As ever it's best to do it properly.
SELECT (arrTime - depTime) * 1440 time_difference
FROM Schedule
That will get you the time difference in minutes. Of course, you can do any rounding that you might need to to get whole minutes....
Casting to DATE first returns the difference as a number, at least with the version of Oracle I tried.
round((cast(arrTime as date) - cast(depTime as date))*1440)
You could use TO_CHAR then convert back to a number. I have never tested the performance compared to EXTRACT, but the statement works with two dates instead of an interval which fit my needs.
J is julian day and SSSSS is seconds in day. Together they give an absolute time in seconds.

Cast integer with hour to time in PostgreSQL

I have a number passed as integer and would like to convert it to time, and use this number as hour.
I have found solutions for using a number as minutes, but I'm not familiar with PostgreSQL syntax. Not sure what to do here:
select CAST(to_char(czas, 'FM99909:99') AS TIME WITHOUT
TIME ZONE)::TIME from test
The result would be:
But I'm looking for a way to make it:
I have been working with MS SQL for quite a while, I'm surprised how much more complex PostgreSQL syntax is.
If your column test.czas to signifies hours just multiply with interval '1 hour':
SELECT (interval '01:00' * czas)::time FROM test;
Produces your desired result exactly, even with fractional digits.
'01:00' and '1 hour' are equivalent interval literals.
For czas > 24 you get the remainder (full days cut off) - like if you'd use czas%24.
Postgres data type cast
How do I add a column to a date in Postgres?

How do you find results that occurred in the past week?

I have a books table with a returned_date column. I'd like to see the results for all of the books with a returned date that occurred in the past week.
Any thoughts? I tried doing some date math, but Postgres wasn't happy with my attempt.
You want to use interval and current_date:
select * from books where returned_date > current_date - interval '7 days'
This would return data from the past week including today.
Here's more on working with dates in Postgres.
Assuming returned_date is data type date, this is simplest and fastest:
SELECT * FROM books WHERE returned_date > CURRENT_DATE - 7;
now()::date is the Postgres implementation of standard SQL CURRENT_DATE. Both do exactly the same in PostgreSQL.
CURRENT_DATE - 7 works because one can subtract / add integer values (= days) from / to a date. An unquoted number like 7 is treated as numeric constant and initially cast to integer by default (only digits, plus optional leading sign). No explicit cast needed.
With data type timestamp or timestamptz you have to add / subtract an interval, like #Eric demonstrates. You can do the same with date, but the result is timestamp and you have to cast back to date or keep working with timestamp. Sticking to date is simplest and fastest for your purpose. Performance difference is tiny, but there is no reason not to take it. Less error prone, too.
The computation is independent from the actual data type of returned_date, the resulting type to the right of the operator will be coerced to match either way (or raise an error if no cast is registered).
For the "past week" ...
To include today make it > current_date - 7 or >= current_date - 6. But that's typically a bad idea, as "today" is only a fraction of a day and can produce odd results.
>= current_date - 7 returns rows for the last 8 days (incl. today) instead of 7 and is wrong, strictly speaking.
To exclude today make it:
WHERE returned_date >= current_date - 7
AND returned_date < current_date
WHERE returned_date BETWEEN current_date - 7
AND current_date - 1
To get the last full calendar week ending with Sunday, excluding today:
WHERE returned_date BETWEEN date_trunc('week', now())::date - 7
AND date_trunc('week', now())::date - 1
BETWEEN ... AND ... is ok for data type date (being a discrete type), but typically the wrong tool for timestamp / timestamptz. See:
How to add a day/night indicator to a timestamp column?
The exact definition of "day" and "week" always depends on your current timezone setting.
What math did you try?
This should work
select * from books where current_date - integer '7'
Taken from PostgreSQL Date/Time Functions and Operators

What is the fastest way to truncate timestamps to 5 minutes in Postgres?

Postgres can round (truncate) timestamps using the date_trunc function, like this:
date_trunc('hour', val)
date_trunc('minute', val)
I'm looking for a way to truncate a timestamp to the nearest 5-minute boundary so, for example, 14:26:57 becomes 14:25:00. The straightforward way to do it is like this:
date_trunc('hour', val) + date_part('minute', val)::int / 5 * interval '5 min'
Since this is a performance-critical part of the query, I'm wondering whether this is the fastest solution, or whether there's some shortcut (compatible with Postgres 8.1+) that I've overlooked.
I was wondering the same thing. I found two alternative ways of doing this, but the one you suggested was faster.
I informally benchmarked against one of our larger tables. I limited the query to the first 4 million rows. I alternated between the two queries in order to avoid giving one a unfair advantage due to db caching.
Going through epoch/unix time
SELECT to_timestamp(
floor(EXTRACT(epoch FROM ht.time) / EXTRACT(epoch FROM interval '5 min'))
* EXTRACT(epoch FROM interval '5 min')
) FROM huge_table AS ht LIMIT 4000000
(Note this produces timestamptzeven if you used a time zone unaware datatype)
Run 1: 39.368 seconds
Run 3: 39.526 seconds
Run 5: 39.883 seconds
Using date_trunc and date_part
date_trunc('hour', ht.time)
+ date_part('minute', ht.time)::int / 5 * interval '5 min'
FROM huge_table AS ht LIMIT 4000000
Run 2: 34.189 seconds
Run 4: 37.028 seconds
Run 6: 32.397 seconds
DB version: PostgreSQL 9.6.2 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2, 64-bit
Cores: Intel® Xeon®, E5-1650v2, Hexa-Core
Your version seems to be faster. But not fast enough for my specific use case. The advantage of not having to specify the hour makes the epoch version more versatile and produces simpler parameterization in client side code. It handles 2 hour intervals just as well as 5 minute intervals without having to bump the date_trunc time unit argument up. On a end note, I wish this time unit argument was changed to a time interval argument instead.
I don't think there is any quicker method.
And I don't think you should be worried about the performance of the expression.
Everything else that is involved in executing your (SELECT, UPDATE, ...) statement is most probably a lot more expensive (e.g. the I/O to retrieve rows) than that date/time calculation.
Full query for those wondering (based on #DNS question):
Assuming you have orders and you want to count them by slices of 5min and shop_id:
SELECT date_trunc('hour', created_at) + date_part('minute', created_at)::int / 5 * interval '5 min' AS minute
, shop_id, count(id) as orders_count
FROM orders
GROUP BY 1, shop_id
Since Postgres 14, date_bin() is simplest and fastest:
date_bin('5 min', val, '2000-1-1')
The manual:
The function date_bin “bins” the input timestamp into the specified
interval (the stride) aligned with a specified origin.
date_bin(stride, source, origin)
source is a value expression of type timestamp or timestamp with time zone. (Values of type date are cast automatically to
timestamp.) stride is a value expression of type interval.
The return value is likewise of type timestamp or timestamp with time zone, and it marks the beginning of the bin into which the
source is placed.
Provide an "origin" of matching data type to avoid unexpected results from the cast ignoring time zones or assuming the wrong one.
My example looks like a date literal but serves as valid timestamp literal, too. If the time component is missing '00:00' is assumed.
Generating time series between two dates in PostgreSQL

SQL to extract matlab date from postgres db

I'd like to construct a query to "convert" a postgresql datetime to a matlab datenum. Experience with other DBs has shown me that converting the date on the DB side is much faster than doing it in matlab.
Matlab stores dates as number of days (including fractions) since an arbitrary epoch of a gregorian, non-existent date of 00-00-0000.
On Oracle, it's simple, because Oracle stores dates internally like matlab does, but with a different epoch.
select (date_column_name - to_date('01-Jan-0001') + 365) ...
A straightforward conversion of this to PG syntax doesn't work:
select (date_column_name - date '01-Jan-0001' + interval 365) ...
I've started with a particular day in matlab, for testing:
>> num2str(datenum('2010-10-02 12:00'))
ans =
I've been in and out of the pg docs all day, extracting epochs and seconds, etc. And I've gotten close. Basically this gets the seconds in an interval, which I just divide by the seconds in a day:
Select cast(extract(epoch from (timestamp '2010-10-02 12:00'
- timestamp '0000-01-01 23:10'
+ interval '2 day'
) as real
)/(3600.0*24.0) AS MDate
But that exhibits some bizarre behavior. Adjusting the minutes from the epoch timestamp doesn't change the answer, except at one particular minute - i.e 23:09 is one answer, 23:10 is another, and it stays the same from 23:10 to 23:59. (other hours have similar behavior, though the particular "minute" is different.)
Any ideas? Maybe on another way to do this?
using 8.4.2
Well, extract(epoch from t::timestamp) will give seconds since the UNIX epoch (01 Jan 1970), and produces 1286017200 for '2010-10-02 12:00:00'.
Matlab gives 734413.5 for the same timepoint, but that's in days- so 63453326400 seconds, an offset of 62167309200.
So to convert postgres epoch time to matlab datenum, we should be able to just add that offset and convert back to days.
steve=# select (extract(epoch from '2010-10-02 12:00:00'::timestamp) + 62167309200) / (24*3600);
(1 row)
It seems that the cast was the problem.
Select extract(epoch from (timestamp '2010-10-02 12:00:01'
- timestamp '0000-01-01 00:00'
+ interval '1 day'))/(3600.0*24.0)
works like a champ.