Flex 4 & AIR 2 NativeProcess API: The NativeProcess could not be started - air

I'm trying to build an application using AIR 2's new NativeProcess API's going from Brent's little video:
but I'm having some issues, namely I get an error every time I try to start my process.
I am running OS X 10.5.8 and I want to run diskutil and get a list of all mounted volumes.
Here is the code I am trying:
private function unmountVolume():void
if(!this.deviceMounted){ return; }
// OS X
if (Capabilities.os.indexOf("Mac") == 0){
diskutil = new NativeProcess();
// TODO: should really add event listeners
// in case of error
diskutil.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_DATA, onDiskutilOut);
var startupInfo:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
startupInfo.executable = new File('/usr/sbin/diskutil');
var args:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
startupInfo.arguments = args;
which seems pretty straightforward and was based off of his grep example.
Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?

The issue was that the following line was not added to my descriptor:
That should really be better documented :) It wasn't mentioned in the video.


Having Trouble Getting the UIDocumentBrowserController to open docs in a Document based app

I've been working on a new Document-based app, and was super glad about the new UIDocumentBrowserController...trying to roll my own solution for the document browser UI was tricky!
I'm having some trouble getting the browser to open documents after they've been created.
What happens now is that when I choose to create a new document in the document browser, the document is created and opened as expected, although an error message is logged. However, after the doc is closed, I cannot reopen the file, either immediately or upon subsequent launches, even though the document is displayed. However, a weird clue here is that if I stop running the app after creating the document, but without adding new information to it (triggering the save cycle), and run the project again, I can open the file correctly. Whuch makes me think that there's something in the way the files are being saved that is the issue.
(Note: At this phase, I'm working on getting the local, non/icloud implentation working, before I move on to the icloud implementation.)
Here is the error message at any point in the code whenthe document is saved to disk (or at least most of the time!):
2017-06-20 13:21:58.254938-0500 Sermon Design 2 iOS[22454:5000138] [default] [ERROR] Could not get attribute values for item file:///Users/stevenhovater/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/9A4364F2-B3A1-4AD9-B680-FB4BC876C707/data/Containers/Data/Application/DD534ED8-C4A3-40FE-9777-AED961976878/Documents/Untitled-9.sermon. Error: Error Domain=NSFileProviderInternalErrorDomain Code=1 "The reader is not permitted to access the URL." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The reader is not permitted to access the URL.}
I suspect that the issue lies somewher in my document types plists, which I've tried to set up by imitating the setup in the video for wwdc 2017 session 229.
My docs are encapuslated by an NSData object, using what I take to be a pretty standard subclass implentation of UIDocument. (I'm omitting the code to generate the thumbnails)
override func contents(forType typeName: String) throws -> Any {
print("Saving Document Changes")
if sermon != nil {
let newData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: sermon!)
return newData
} else {
let newData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: Sermon())
return newData
override func fileAttributesToWrite(to url: URL, for saveOperation: UIDocumentSaveOperation) throws -> [AnyHashable : Any] {
let thumbnail:UIImage = self.createThumbnail()
let thumbnaildict = [URLThumbnailDictionaryItem.NSThumbnail1024x1024SizeKey : thumbnail]
let dict = [URLResourceKey.thumbnailDictionaryKey:thumbnaildict]
return dict
override func load(fromContents contents: Any, ofType typeName: String?) throws {
guard let newSermon:Sermon = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: contents as! Data) as? Sermon else{
throw documentErrors.invalidFile
self.sermon = newSermon
In my subclass of UIDocumentBrowserViewController, Here is my code for getting a local filename and for creating the new document.
func documentBrowser(_ controller: UIDocumentBrowserViewController, didRequestDocumentCreationWithHandler importHandler: #escaping (URL?, UIDocumentBrowserViewController.ImportMode) -> Void) {
var newDocumentURL: URL? = nil
print("creating new local document")
guard let target = self.newLocalFilename() else {
let targetSuffix = target.lastPathComponent
let tempURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory() + targetSuffix)
let newDocument:SDDocument = SDDocument(fileURL: tempURL)
newDocument.sermon = Sermon()
newDocument.save(to: tempURL, for: .forCreating) { (saveSuccess) in
guard saveSuccess else {
importHandler(nil, .none)
newDocument.close(completionHandler: { (closeSuccess) in
guard closeSuccess else {
importHandler(nil, .none)
importHandler(tempURL, .move)
func newLocalFilename() -> URL? {
let fileManager = FileManager()
guard let baseURL = self.localDocumentsDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent("Untitled")
else {return nil}
var target = baseURL.appendingPathExtension(DocumentBrowserViewController.documentExtension)
var nameSuffix = 2
while fileManager.fileExists(atPath: target.path) {
target = URL(fileURLWithPath: baseURL.path + "-\(nameSuffix).\(DocumentBrowserViewController.documentExtension)")
nameSuffix += 1
let targetSuffix = target.lastPathComponent
print("Target name: \(targetSuffix)")
print("new url: \(target)")
return target
After four or five hours of work banging my head against this problem, I discovered a simple solution: don't test in the Simulator. I switched to testing on my device and instantly everything started working as advertised.
[I can't speak from experience here, but it may be that the "doesn't work in the Simulator" problem is confined to Sierra, but that the Simulator does work in High Sierra. This would explain why some users see this issue and others don't, and especially why Apple seems blissfully unaware of it in the WWDC video.]
I had exactly the same issue when I was trying to save to NSTemporaryDirectory().
If you instead save to the documents directory ([[[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] firstObject]), it appears to work fine!
Update: it looks like this issue is fixed in iOS 11 beta 3, and you can now save newly created documents to NSTemporaryDirectory() correctly.
Here is my current theory.
This error
Error Domain=NSFileProviderInternalErrorDomain Code=1 "The reader is not permitted to access the URL."
shows up when first creating a UIDocument at a new URL using -initWithFileURL. It's basically saying "this URL doesn't exist yet," but in a way that makes it sound more like a permissions issue.
As far as I can tell, it doesn't prevent you from saving, opening, editing, or closing the file. So I think it's just a superfluous error that Apple should have taken out.
I found that the error happens on simulator when LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace property is set to YES in the info.plist.
Turn this property to NO, then it starts working, in my case.
On the real device, it works anyway without having error.
Had similar problem, and tried the method for providing a default Core Location in the Schemes settings and it works now. The method was mentioned in this answer: IOS 9 Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=0 "(null)"

Play Frame work 2.2 How Concurrent execution works

Recently, we started to work with play 2.2. Previously we were working with play 2.1.3.
In play 2.2 it says Akka.future and async methods are seen as deprecated. Also when we tried to run below piece of code fetchSample() through a loop, it took more time to complete in play 2.2.
So how can we replace the below deprecated code with the latest one?
private static Promise<SampleDBResponseBean> fetchSample(
final Document sampleDoc) throws Exception {
Promise<SampleBean> promiseOfSampleJson = Akka.future(
new Callable<SampleBean>() {
public SampleBean call() throws Exception
return doSomeCalc(sampleDoc);
private Result getAsyncResult(final SampleResponseBean sampleDbResponseBean) {
List<F.Promise<? extends SampleDBResponseBean>> promiseList = sampleDbResponseBean
Promise<List<SampleDBResponseBean>> promiseJsonObjLists = Promise
return async(
new Function<List<SampleDBResponseBean>, Result>() {
public Result apply(List<SampleDBResponseBean> sampleList) {
SampleResponseBean sampleResponseBean = new SampleResponseBean();
JsonNode jsNodeResponse = Json.toJson(sampleResponseBean);
return ok(jsNodeResponse);
I had searched a lot of places not seeing any solution. The problem effects our code performance when comparing to 2.1.3.
Any ideas how can we implement the deprecated methods for the above 2 methods in play 2.2?
As pointed out in the migration docs:
You want to use Promise.promise. This is also described in the documentation:
And of course in the API docs:
One of the really nice things about Play 2.2 Java promises is now you can control exactly which execution context the code runs in, so you can create your own execution context, or get one from Akka, and so control exactly how many, in your case, concurrent DB operations are run across the whole app at the same time.

hand tracking not working after a reload of openni dynamic library

Our project is (http://www.play4health.com/p4h_eng/) using Ogre 3D
over Ubuntu 11.04. Except for core services all is based in a plugin architecture taking advantage of Ogre 3d plugin facilities.
In our plugin architecture plugins can be:
Interaction methods
Users configure their session creating tuples (videogame, interaction
method). The flow is a session is:
* User load his session.
* User click of one of the tuples for the session and play to
videogame with a specific interaction method.
* Repeat it until end all activities of the session.
Plugin are loaded/unloaded dynamically by demand.
One of this interaction methods is hand tracking using openni. What is
the problem?
* Fist time that openni plugin is loading all work perfectly.
* Next time that plugin openni has to be loaded system is able to
detect gestures but not do hand tracking. Note that all plugin are
executed in the same process. Right now only solution is to reboot
This is the code for init and release OpenNI in our plugin
bool IPKinectPlugin::onInitialise()
mHandPointer.mId = "KinectHandPointer";
mHandPointer.mHasAbsolute = true;
mHandPointer.mHasRelative = false;
XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK;
nRetVal = gContext.InitFromXmlFile(String(this->getPluginInfo()-
>getResPath() + "SamplesConfig.xml").c_str());
CHECK_RC(nRetVal, bContext, "InitFromXml");
nRetVal = gContext.FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_DEPTH,gDepthGenerator);
bDepthGenerator = (nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK);
if (bDepthGenerator)
nRetVal = gDepthGenerator.Create(gContext);
CHECK_RC(nRetVal, bDepthGenerator, "Find Depth generator");
nRetVal = gContext.FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_USER, gUserGenerator);
bUserGenerator = (nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK);
if (/*bUserGenerator*/false)
nRetVal = gUserGenerator.Create(gContext);
CHECK_RC(nRetVal, bUserGenerator, "Find user generator");
nRetVal = gContext.FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_GESTURE, gGestureGenerator);
bGestureGenerator = (nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK);
if (bGestureGenerator)
nRetVal = gGestureGenerator.Create(gContext);
CHECK_RC(nRetVal, bGestureGenerator, "Find gesture generator");
XnCallbackHandle hGestureCallbacks;
gGestureGenerator.RegisterGestureCallbacks(gestureRecognized, gestureProcess, 0,
nRetVal = gContext.FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_HANDS,gHandsGenerator);
bHandsGenerator = (nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK);
if (bHandsGenerator)
nRetVal = gHandsGenerator.Create(gContext);
CHECK_RC(nRetVal, bHandsGenerator, "Find hands generator");
XnCallbackHandle hHandsCallbacks;
gHandsGenerator.RegisterHandCallbacks(handsNew, handsMove,handsLost, 0, hHandsCallbacks);
nRetVal = gContext.FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_DEVICE, gDevice);
bDevice = (nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK);
gContext.RegisterToErrorStateChange(onErrorStateChanged, NULL, hDummyCallbackHandle);
//Preparo la textura para la webcam
if (bGenerateRGBTexture)
mWebcamTexture = KinectTools::createDepthTexture("KinectWebCamTexture", sPluginName);
return true;
bool IPKinectPlugin::onShutdown()
if (bContext)
if (bHandsGenerator)
if (bGestureGenerator)
return true;
Any idea about this issue? Any wrong with this code?
Maybe you already found a solution in the meantime...
I normally work with the Java Wrapper, but what I see as difference to my code is that I call contect.startGeneratingAll() after creating the generators (Depth, Hands and so on). I had also problems when I did this multiple times at start up. Another difference is that I use a context.release at shutdown.
My procedure is normally:
Init config (License, Nodes, settings)
Create generators
Start Generating All
Run your code ...
Stop Generating ALL
Context release
From OpenNI Documentation
XN_C_API void XN_C_DECL xnShutdown ( XnContext * pContext )
Shuts down an OpenNI context, destroying all its nodes. Do not call
any function of this context or any correlated node after calling this
method. NOTE: this function destroys the context and all the nodes it
holds and so should be used very carefully. Normally you should just
call xnContextRelease()

How can I get a console readout at runtime in an application?

For debugging purposes, I'd like to access console printouts at runtime in a way similar to the Console app current on the App Store (that can be found here).
I did some searching of the docs and I can't find anything that's provided by Apple, but I feel like I'm missing something important. Any insight?
You can do so using <asl.h>. Here is an example that I threw together to create an array of console messages.
NSMutableArray *consoleLog = [NSMutableArray array];
aslclient client = asl_open(NULL, NULL, ASL_OPT_STDERR);
aslmsg query = asl_new(ASL_TYPE_QUERY);
asl_set_query(query, ASL_KEY_MSG, NULL, ASL_QUERY_OP_NOT_EQUAL);
aslresponse response = asl_search(client, query);
aslmsg message;
while((message = asl_next(response)) != NULL)
const char *msg = asl_get(message, ASL_KEY_MSG);
[consoleLog addObject:[NSString stringWithCString:msg encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
if (message != NULL) {
return consoleLog;
If your device is attached to Xcode, you can see console output (NSLogs and such) in the debug area:
If you're running the app and connecting to Xcode later, I believe you can get console logs in the Organizer.
Edit: to access the log file at runtime, you should try /var/log/system.log — but even better I recommend using a custom debug function, which would write to the system log and/or a text view in your app. (Check out NSLogv, which will be useful when writing a wrapper function.) This also has the advantage of letting you disable all debug logs from one place (just change your debug function).

How to register component interface in wxwebconnect?

I'm doing an experiment with wxWebConnect test application, incorporating the xpcom tutorial at "http://nerdlife.net/building-a-c-xpcom-component-in-windows/"
I adapt MyComponent class as necessary to compile together with testapp.exe (not as separate dll), and on MyApp::OnInit I have the following lines:
ns_smartptr<nsIComponentRegistrar> comp_reg;
res = NS_GetComponentRegistrar(&comp_reg.p);
if (NS_FAILED(res))
return false;
ns_smartptr<nsIFactory> prompt_factory;
nsCID prompt_cid = MYCOMPONENT_CID;
res = comp_reg->RegisterFactory(prompt_cid,
Those lines are copied from GeckoEngine::Init(), using the same mechanism to register PromptService, etc. The code compiles well and testapp.exe is running as expected.
I put javascript test as below :
try {
const cid = "#mozilla.org/mycomp;1";
obj = Components.classes[cid].createInstance();
alert(typeof obj);
// bind the instance we just created to our interface
obj = obj.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMyComponent);
} catch (err) {
and get the following exception:
Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0 [nsISupport.QueryInterface]
The first alert says "object", so the line
is returning the created instance.
The second alert says "undefined", so the interface nsIMyComponent is not recognized by XULRunner.
How to dynamically registering nsIMyComponent interface in wxWebConnect environment ?
I'm not sure what is happening here. The first thing I would check is that your component is scriptable (I assume it is, since the demo you copy from is). The next thing I would check is whether you can instantiate other, standard XULRunner components and get their interface (try something like "alert('Components.interfaces.nsIFile');" - at least in my version of wxWebConnect this shows an alert box with string "nsIFile".
Also, I think it would be worth checking the Error Console to make sure there are no errors or warnings reported. A magic string to do that (in Javascript) is:
window.open('chrome://global/content/console.xul', '', 'chrome,dialog=no,toolbar,resizable');