Algorithmically suggest best node to perform demanding computation - scripting

At work we perform demanding numerical computations.
We have a network of several Linux boxes with different processing capabilities. At any given time, there can be anywhere from zero to dozens of people connected to a given box.
I created a script to measure the MFLOPS (Million of Floating Point Operations per Second) using the Linpack Benchmark; it also provides number of cores and memory.
I would like to use this information together with the load average (obtained using the uptime command) to suggest the best computer for performing a demanding computation. In other words, its 3:00pm; I have a meeting in two hours; I need to run a demanding process: what node will get me the answer fastest?
I envision a script which will output a suggestion along the lines of:
Such suggestion should favor fast computers (high MFLOPS) if the load average is low and, as load average increases for a given node, it should favor available nodes instead (i.e., I'd rather run in a slower computer with no users than in an eight-core with forty dudes logged in).
How should I prioritize? What algorithm (rationale) would you use? Again, what I have is:
Load Average (1min, 5min, 15min)
MFLOPS measure
Number of users logged in
RAM (installed and available)
Number of cores (important to normalize the load average)
Any thoughts? Thanks!

You don't have enough data to make an well-informed decision. It sounds as though the scheduling is very volatile: "At any given time, there can be anywhere from zero to dozens of people connected to a given box." So the current load does not necessarily reflect the future load of the machines.
To properly asses what hosts someone should use to minimize computation time would require knowing when the current jobs will terminate. If a powerful machine is about to be done doing most of its jobs, it would be a good candidate even though it currently has a high load.
If you want to guess purely on the current situation, you can do a weighed calculation to find out which hosts have the most MFLOPS available.
MFLOPS available = host's MFLOPS + (number of logical processors - load average)
Sort the hosts by MFLOPS available and suggest them in a descending order.
This formula assumes that the MFLOPS of a host is linearly related to its load average. This might not be exactly true, but it's probably fairly close.
I would favor the most recent load average since it's closer to the current/future situation, whereas, jobs from 15 minutes ago might have completed by now.

Have you considered a distributed approach to computation? Not all computations can be broken up such that more than one cpu can work on them. But perhaps your problem space can benefit from some parallelization. Have a look at Hadoop.

You don't need to know FLOPS. beowulf modules paralell computing center has I go to has the script for sure
PDC operates leading-edge, high-performance computers on a national level. PDC offers easily accessible computational resources that primarily cater to the ...


How can computational requirements be compared?

Calculating the solution to an optimization problem takes a 2 GHz CPU one hour. During this process there are no background processes, no RAM is being used and the CPU is at 100% capacity.
Based on this information, can it be derived that a 1 GHz CPU will take two hours to solve the same problem?
A quick search of IPC, frequence, and chip architecture will show you this topic has been breached many times. There are many things that can determine the execution speed of a program (without even going into threading at all) the main ones that pop to mind:
Instruction set - If one chip has an instruction for multiplication, than a*b is atomic. If not, you will need a lot of atomic instructions to perform such an action - big difference in speed, which can prove to make even higher frequency chips slower.
Cycles per second - this is the frequency of the chip.
Instructions per cycle (IPC) - what you are really interested is IPC*frequency, not just frequency. How many atomic actions can you can perform in a second. After the amount of atomic actions (see 1), on a single threaded application this might act as you expect (x2 this => x2 faster program), though no guarantees.
and there are a ton of other nuance technologies that can affect this, like branch prediction which hit the news big time recently. For a complete understanding a book/course might be a better resource.
So, in general, no. If you are comparing two single core, same architecture chips (unlikely), then maybe yes.

Rapidly changing large data processing advise

My team has the following dilemma that we need some architectural/resources advise:
Note: Our data is semi-structured
Over-all Task:
We have a semi-large data that we process during the day
each day this "process" get executed 1-5 times a day
each "process" takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 5 hours
semi-large data = ~1 million rows
each row gets updated anywhere from 1-10 times during the process
during this update ALL other rows may change, as we aggregate these rows for UI
What we are doing currently:
our current system is functional, yet expensive and inconsistent
we use SQL db to store all the data and we retrieve/update as process requires
Unsolved problems and desired goals:
since this processes are user triggered we never know when to scale up/down, which causes high spikes and Azure doesnt make it easy to do autoscale based on demand without data warehouse which we are wanting to stay away from because of lack of aggregates and other various "buggy" issues
because of constant IO to the db we hit 100% of DTU when 1 process begins (we are using Azure P1 DB) which of course will force us to grow even larger if multiple processes start at the same time (which is very likely)
yet we understand the cost comes with high compute tasks, we think there is better way to go about this (SQL is about 99% optimized, so much left to do there)
We are looking for some tool that can:
Process large amount of transactions QUICKLY
Can handle constant updates of this large amount of data
supports all major aggregations
is "reasonably" priced (i know this is an arguable keyword, just take it lightly..)
Apache Spark
we don't have ton of experience with HDP so any pros/cons here will certainly be useful (does the use case fit the tool??)
seems promising.. Seems fast and has all aggregations we need..
Azure Data Warehouse
too many various issues we ran into, just didn't work for us.
Any GPU-accelerated compute or some other high-end ideas are also welcome.
Its hard to try them all and compare which one fits the best, as we have a fully functional system and are required to make adjustments to whichever way we go.
Hence, any before hand opinions are welcome, before we pull the trigger.

Designing a service for scale. Number of servers needed

Suppose that I need to design a web service. To keep it simple, assume that I use LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP).
I know that I will serve exactly N user requests per second. The requests are basically simple CRUD operations to the database, no file uploads or complex calculations.
Suppose that each request executes M ms and takes K Mb of memory on my server, having G Gb of RAM.
How many such servers do I need? Is it just N * K / G?
The reasonable value for M is 200ms. What is the reasonable value for K?
Do we need to take CPU power into account in this question?
Any additional considerations?
What you're doing is a good back of the envelope approximation but by no means should you use your thought exercise as a definitive guide for scaling your service.
That is because no service will exhibit that type of constant behavior as you describe (blame if on unpredictable peripheral i/o, garbage collection, external factors, user input, etc)
The correct approach is to perform scale and load testing. After you've written your service, start to load test your service and note the performance characteristics of your service. If you do things right you should reach a point where your configuration maxes out: either the CPU, the network throughput, the memory, or disk I/O. If neither are maxed out and you hit a limit then it's one of your upstream dependencies (your database etc.)
Once you've reached your peak it will tell you how many requests per second you can handle at peak.
You will also notice that in most cases peak performance is not sustainable: your setup may be able to burst for short periods of time handling many more requests per second than under sustained load.
After you get the numbers for a single server, you can start to vary in two ways:
test with different hardware configurations (add more RAM if you're memory bound, add a better CPU if you're CPU bound, etc)
test with multiple servers; start adding servers and see how your service scales horizontally
Ideally your service should scale linearly as you add servers but you will likely find that the performance curve is not linear.
Get your numbers, tweak your design. Rinse. Repeat.
There is no substitute, magic formula.

An example: Am I understanding GPU advantage correctly?

Just reading a bit about what the advantage of GPU is, and I want to verify I understand on a practical level. Lets say I have 10,000 arrays each containing a billion simple equations to run. On a cpu it would need to go through every single equation, 1 at a time, but with a GPU I could run all 10,000 arrays as as 10,000 different threads, all at the same time, so it would finish a ton this example spot on or have I misunderstood something?
I wouldn't call it spot on, but I think you're headed in the right direction. Mainly, a GPU is optimized for graphics-related calculations. This does not, however, mean that's all it is capable of.
Without knowing how much detail you want me to go into here, I can say at the very least the concept of running things in parallel is relevant. The GPU is very good at performing many tasks simultaneously in one go (known as running in parallel). CPUs can do this too, but the GPU is specifically optimized to handle much larger numbers of specific calculations with preset data.
For example, to render every pixel on your screen requires a calculation, and the GPU will attempt to do as many of these calculations as it can all at the same time. The more powerful the GPU, the more of these it can handle at once and the faster its clock speed. The end result is a higher-end GPU can run your OS and games in 4k resolution, whereas other cards (or integrated graphics) might only be able to handle 1080p or less.
There's a lot more to this as well, but I figured you weren't looking for the insanely technical explanation.
The bottom line is this: For running a single task on one piece of data, the CPU will normally be faster. A single CPU core is generally much faster than a single GPU core. However, they typically have many cores and for running a single task on many pieces of data (so you have to run it once for each), the GPU will usually be faster. But these are data-driven situations, and as such each situation should be assessed on an individual basis to determine which to use and how to use it.

RRDtool what use are multiple RRAs?

I'm trying to implement rrdtool. I've read the various tutorials and got my first database up and running. However, there is something that I don't understand.
What eludes me is why so many of the examples I come across instruct me to create multiple RRAs?
Allow me to explain: Let's say I have a sensor that I wish to monitor. I will want to ultimately see graphs of the sensor data on an hourly, daily, weekly and monthly basis and one that spans (I'm still on the fence on this one) about 1.5 yrs (for visualising seasonal influences).
Now, why would I want to create an RRA for each of these views? Why not just create a database like this (stepsize=300 seconds):
DS:sensor:GAUGE:600:U:U \
If I understand correctly, I can then create any graph I desire, for any given period with whatever resolution I need.
What would be the use of all the other RRAs people tell me I need to define?
BTW: I can imagine that in the past this would have been helpful when computing power was more rare. Nowadays, with fast disks, high-speed interfaces and powerful CPUs I guess you don't need the kind of pre-processing that RRAs seem to be designed for.
I'm aware of this page. Although it explains about consolidation very clearly, it is my understanding that rrdtool graph can do this consolidation aswell at the moment the data is graphed. There still appears (to me) no added value in "harvest-time consolidation".
Each RRA is a pre-consolidated set of data points at a specific resolution. This performs two important functions.
Firstly, it saves on disk space. So, if you are interested in high-detail graphs for the last 24h, but only low-detail graphs for the last year, then you do not need to keep the high-detail data for a whole year -- consolidated data will be sufficient. In this way, you can minimise the amount of storage required to hold the data for graph generation (although of course you lose the detail so cant access it if you should want to). Yes, disk is cheap, but if you have a lot of metrics and are keeping low-resolution data for a long time, this can be a surprisingly large amount of space (in our case, it would be in the hundreds of GB)
Secondly, it means that the consolidation work is moved from graphing time to update time. RRDTool generates graphs very quickly, because most of the calculation work is already done in the RRAs at update time, if there is an RRA of the required configuration. If there is no RRA available at the correct resolution, then RRDtool will perform the consolidation on the fly from a high-granularity RRA, but this takes time and CPU. RRDTool graphs are usually generated on the fly by CGI scripts, so this is important, particularly if you expect to have a large number of queries coming in. In your example, using a single 5min RRA to make a 1.5yr graph (where 1pixel would be about 1 day) you would need to read and process 288 times more data in order to generate the graph than if you had a 1-day granularity RRA available!
In short, yes, you could have a single RRA and let the graphing work harder. If your particular implementation needs faster updates and doesnt care about slower graph generation, and you need to keep the detailed data for the entire time, then maybe this is a solution for you, and RRDTool can be used in this way. However, usually, people will optimise for graph generation and disk space, meaning using tiered sets of RRAs with decreasing granularity.