Decent Visual SQL query Builder [closed] - sql

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am a code developer, not a DBA, and I tend to get lost with loooong SQL queries, when I use many joins (10 joins is pretty common for me).
I would like to find a Visual SQL Query Builder (free if possible) that could connect to Oracle and see all the tables there, so I would only select visually my keys that link the Joins, and select the fields I want to be shown.

Oracle's own SQL Developer (free to download Java app) has a visual query builder (I haven't used it though, so this is not a recommendation, merely an FYI).
More about Oracle SQL Developer (and download link) here.

It is not free, but I use pl sql developer

use Visual Studio Server Explorer to connect to oracle and then build queries using query builder.

Try Insight Developer for Oracle, but note that it is not free. I use it on both Mac and Linux.

Try SQLeo Visual Query Builder
It permits to join tables visually


What are some SQL clients with a graphical query designer..? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Another user asked the similar question, What are the query browsers for DB2?.
But I would like to ask: what are some SQL browsers with a graphical query designer? Like the other user, I'm also using DB2, but most generic or open-source clients can connect to any SQL server, so I'll assume if there are any with a GQD, I'll be able to use it with DB2.
The vintage of our DB2 server and AS400 is v5/v6 and unlikely to be upgraded any time soon, and I find the included IBM SQL client to be primitive to the point of useless. The other clients I've tried are DBeaver, Toad, and Squirrel. I got DBeaver to work with our server, but other two I could not (yet). It's very nice and I'm happy to stick with it, but alas it does not have a GQD.
I understand many DBAs feel a GQD is an impediment to advanced query design, and I agree. However, it can be a useful tool for visualizing and building sub-sections of large queries, especially joins and weird logic. I find the most useful method is to design some or all of a query graphically, and then switch to pure SQL and clean it up.
Check out AQT Advanced Query Tool
It has a graphical query builder and can be recommended - it supports Db2 for iSeries

Which Oracle SQL query optimization tool to use? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Yesterday I read an article in PowerTimes ( dec. 2002 :) ) about a great SQL Optimization tool called SQL Expert created by Leccotech. This company is probably taken over by Quest Software and I faced a lot of bugs in the trial version of Quest SQL Optimizer 8.0.0.
Which software do you prefer to optimize your Oracle ( 10 or 11 ) SQL queries?
I too use explain plan (and a decent grasp on Oracle Concepts and the optimizer), but I'll also mention that Oracle develops a SQL Developer IDE that is getting more advanced than when I first used it.
SQL Developer now has a SQL tuning advisor that is worth checking out. I have not yet used the latest version, but will be doing so soon.
Hope it helps.
I use EXPLAIN PLAN with the SQL client of my choice
I also use the explain plan.
The best method to tune a query is to know as much about what it's purpose is and what it is doing.
Learn about the tables, indexes, constraints, data most importantly, and how the CBO (or RBO) is going to retrieve the data.
You can use software to point and click your way through, but if you don't know yourself what the query and oracle is doing, you won't get very far.

Freeware Query Builder [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for some freeware Query Builder.
Query Builder in Aqua Data Studio allows you to visually build queries:
select the column you want returned
generates joins for you(you just select by which columns you want to join it)
Good question! I thought there were many DB tools that fit your description, but when I checked a commonly-sourced Wikipedia article (see comment below), I found that most free/open source DB management software does not have a visual query builder feature! (I build my queries from scratch, so this is not a feature I particularly need.)
The freeware version of Toad for Data Analysts is a good bet. You can download and use it for 120 days. After that time, you need to reinstall on your PC. You might need to check to see if you will get write-access to non-Oracle databases, but I do know you can at least get read access to most non-Oracle DBs.
You might also like SQL Developer, which has a more robust community of users than that of the Freeware Toad for Data Analysts. That will only give you read-only access to certain non-Oracle databases.

Sql indentation in SQL Server Management Studio [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Folks, is there a tool to format/indent SQL Server queries in query window ?
With Apex SQL Refactor, you can specify your formatting preferences and reformat selected code or the entire window at any time using a keyboard shortcut. There's a free version.
+1 to JackM.
Just add a mention for some other (not free) tools available from Red Gate, depending on exact requirements.
SQL Prompt
SQL Refactor
Might be something you'd be interested in.
Format code in SQL Management Studio
Older question which has much more activity and more answers: SQL Formatter for SQL Management Studio
My contributon to this mess is Poor Man's T-SQL Formatter / - free, open-source, does bulk formatting from command-line, SSMS plugin, etc, and (in theory) handles all SQL syntax up to SQL Server 2008 (R2).

Is it possible to auto-indent a query in Sql Server Management Studio Express? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I mean, something equivalent to Ctrl + K + D from Visual Studio that automatically indents code. Is there something in this sense?
Just discovered this - yet another variation on this older question which has much more activity: SQL Formatter for SQL Management Studio
I personally am a big fan of the Poor Man's T-SQL Formatter / - but then I wrote it :)
By default no but you can always try a third party tools like SQL Prompt mentioned above or ApexSQL Refactor (slightly less options compared to SQL Prompt but it’s a free product) or just use online formatter.
SQL Prompt from Red Gate can do this.
If you just want simple formatting online then the same technology powers
SQL Pretty Printer can also reformat SQL. Available as a stand alone app or a SSMS plugin. Free to download (with a nag screen but no other apparent limitations) from
There is an online version at
There is also the SQLinForm formatter. It is an automatic SQL code formatter for all major databases including ORACLE, SQL Server, DB2, UDB, Sybase, Informix, PostgreSQL, Teradata, MySQL, MS Access etc. with over 100 formatting options.It has a windows hotkey add-on, so you can use it in SSMS. Link: