Hierarchical Database, multiple tables or column with parent id? - sql

I need to store info about county, municipality and city in Norway in a mysql database. They are related in a hierarchical manner (a city belongs to a municipality which again belongs to a county).
Is it best to store this as three different tables and reference by foreign key, or should I store them in one table and relate them with a parent_id field?
What are the pros and cons of either solution? (both structural end efficiency wise)

If you've really got a limit of these three levels (county, municipality, city), I think you'll be happiest with three separate tables with foreign keys reaching up one level each. This will make queries almost trivial to write.
Using a single table with a parent_id field referencing the same table allows you to represent arbitrary tree structures, but makes querying to extract the full path from node to root an iterative process best handled in your application code.
The separate table solution will be much easier to use.

three different tables:
more efficient, if your application mostly accesses information about only one entity (county, municipality, city)
owner-member-relationship is a clear and elegant model ;)

County, Municipality, and City don't sound like they are the same kind of data ; so, I would use three different tables : one per data-type.
And, then, I would indeed use foreign keys between those.
Efficiency-speaking, not sure it'll change much :
you'll do joins on 3 tables instead of joining 3 times on the same table ; I suppose it's quite the same.
it might make a little difference when you need to work on only one of those three type of data ; but with the right indexes, the differences should be minimal.
But, structurally speaking, if those are three different kind of entities, it makes sense to use three different tables.

I would recommend for using three different tables as they are three different entities.
I would use only one table in those cases you don´t know the depth of the hierarchy, but it is not case.

I would put them in three different tables, just on the grounds that it is 3 different concepts. This will hamper speed and will complicate your queries. However given that MySQL does not have any special support for hirachical queries (like Oracle's connect by statement) these would be complicated anyway.

Different tables: it's just "right". I doubt you'll see any performance gains/losses either way but this is one where modelling it properly up-front will probably save you lots of headaches later on. For one thing it'll make SQL SELECTs easier to write and read.

You'll get different opinions coming back to you on this but my personal preference would be to have separate tables because they are separate entities.
In reality you need to think about the queries you will doing on this data and usually your answer will come from that. With separate tables your queries will look much cleaner and in the end your not saving yourself anything because you'll still be joining tables together, even if they are the same table.

I would use three separate tables, since you know exactly what categories of information you are working with, and won't need to dynamically alter the 'depth' of your hierarchy.
It'll also make the data simpler to manage, as you'll be able to tell if the data is for a city, municipality or a county just by knowing the table (and without having to discern the 'depth' of a record in the hierarchy first!).
Since you'll probably be doing self joins anyway to get the hierarchy to work, I'd doubt there would be any benefits from having all the data in a single table.

In dataware housing applications, adherents of the Kimball methodology might place these fields in the same attribute table:
create table city (
id int not null,
county varchar(50) not null,
municipality varchar(50),
city varchar(50),
primary key(id)
The idea being that attibutes should never be more than l join away from the fact table.
I just state this as an alternative view. I would go with the 3 table design personally.

This is a case of ‘Database Normalization’, which is the process of organizing the fields and tables of a relational database to minimize redundancy and dependency. The purpose is to isolate data so that additions, deletions, and modifications of a field can be made in just one table and then propagated through the rest of the database via the defined relationships.
Multiple tables will help in the situation if the task has been distributed among different developers, or users at different levels require different rights to view and change the data or the small tables help when you need this data for other purposes as well or so.
My vote would be for multiple tables - with data appropriately distributed.


SQL relationship table

I have theoretical question about SQL design. When I have 10s of tables, between which I need relations m:n, is better approach to do relation table for each required pair or is it possible (or from performance view better) to have one relation table with columns (id,table1,row1,table2,row2), with integers in it?
I am an Informatics student and based on what I have learned in class it is always better to create a table in between the two tables in order for it to hold the primary keys of each of those two tables. This table will hold the relations like the following:
student: student_id, first_name, last_name
classes: class_id, name, teacher_id
student_classes: class_id, student_id # the relations table
Of course it would be better to have a more detailed example, at least for a smaller scope, which are tables, why do you need that relation etc.
But generally, in my opinion, database design should follow logic of your data, so relations should be where they are needed.
Other thing, if you will have only one table for all relations, it will be kind of bottle neck for the whole application. So then, how critical this situation is, also depends, on how are you going to use it in application (mostly reads, or lots of writes/updates/deletes, how many rows.. etc).
Also this consideration also could be somewhat even dependent on what RDBMS you're using.
Depends on the case, sometimes it's better to follow normal forms for designing (https://www.sqlshack.com/what-is-database-normalization-in-sql-server/), but after years working in software... from experience that is lost with time, the original design gets messy unless there is a team for that.

Should I use one-to-one relationships to avoid repetition even if the new table wasn't really needed?

I'm designing a database from scratch and I'm wondering if the way I'm using one-to-one relationships is correct.
Imagine I have a table that needs the columns city and country_id, the first being alphanumeric and the second being a foreign key to another table. Should I place these in a locations table and use a one-to-one relationship?
Another example:
I have a table with the factory information of a device like the serial number and other fields. These will later be used to register a device in another table. Of course this is a one-to-one relationship, but should the columns of the first table be in the second table instead? Have in mind that the registrations table has another 4-5 columns.
I've read a lot of times that these relationships can often be omitted. However, I like the separation of concerns that creating a new table can give, in some cases.
Thanks in advance!
This may be a duplicate question, e.g. see:
SQL one to one relationship vs. single table
There's no perfect answer to this question as it depends on use case, but here's the rule of thumb I recommend abiding by: if you can already envision the potential need for separate tables, then I would err on the side of splitting them and using a 1:1 relationship. For example, imagine in the future that you want to have some kind of one-to-many relationship between some new table and the country table, or between some new table and the device table. In these cases you probably don't want city information mixed up with the former, and you probably don't want device registration information mixed up with the latter. By keeping your DB schema normalized, you can better future-proof it and you can mitigate the need for (likely extremely painful) updates that may have otherwise cropped up.

SQL one to one relationship vs. single table

Consider a data structure such as the below where the user has a small number of fixed settings.
Is it considered correct to move the user's settings into a separate table, thereby creating a one-to-one relationship with the users table? Does this offer any real advantage over storing it in the same row as the user (the obvious disadvantage being performance).
You would normally split tables into two or more 1:1 related tables when the table gets very wide (i.e. has many columns). It is hard for programmers to have to deal with tables with too many columns. For big companies such tables can easily have more than 100 columns.
So imagine a product table. There is a selling price and maybe another price which was used for calculation and estimation only. Wouldn't it be good to have two tables, one for the real values and one for the planning phase? So a programmer would never confuse the two prices. Or take logistic settings for the product. You want to insert into the products table, but with all these logistic attributes in it, do you need to set some of these? If it were two tables, you would insert into the product table, and another programmer responsible for logistics data would care about the logistic table. No more confusion.
Another thing with many-column tables is that a full table scan is of course slower for a table with 150 columns than for a table with just half of this or less.
A last point is access rights. With separate tables you can grant different rights on the product's main table and the product's logistic table.
So all in all, it is rather rare to see 1:1 relations, but they can give a clearer view on data and even help with performance issues and data access.
EDIT: I'm taking Mike Sherrill's advice and (hopefully) clarify the thing about normalization.
Normalization is mainly about avoiding redundancy and relateded lack of consistence. The decision whether to hold data in only one table or more 1:1 related tables has nothing to do with this. You can decide to split a user table in one table for personal information like first and last name and another for his school, graduation and job. Both tables would stay in the normal form as the original table, because there is no data more or less redundant than before. The only column used twice would be the user id, but this is not redundant, because it is needed in both tables to identify a record.
So asking "Is it considered correct to normalize the settings into a separate table?" is not a valid question, because you don't normalize anything by putting data into a 1:1 related separate table.
Creating a new table with 1-1 relationships is not a reasonable solution. You might need to do it sometimes, but there would typically be no reason to have two tables where the user id is the primary key.
On the other hand, splitting the settings into a separate table with one row per user/setting combination might be a very good idea. This would be a three-table solution. One for users, one for all possible settings, and one for the junction table between them.
The junction table can be quite useful. For instance, it might contain the effective and end dates of the setting.
However, this assumes that the settings are "similar" to each other, in a SQL sense. If the settings are different such as:
Preferred location as latitude/longitude
Preferred time of day to receive an email
Flag to be excluded from certain contacts
Then you have a data-type problem when storing them in a table. So, the answer is "it depends". A lot of the answer depends on what the settings look like, how they will be used, and the type of constraints on them.
You're all wrong :) Just kidding.
On a very high load, high volume, heavily updated system splitting a table by 1:1 helps optimize I/O.
For example, this way you can place heavily read columns onto separate physical hard-drives to speed-up parallel reads (the 1-1 tables have to be in different "filegroups" for this). Or you can optimize table-level locks. Etc. Etc.
But this type of optimization usually does not happen until you have millions of rows and huge read/write concurrency
Splitting tables into distinct tables with 1:1 relationships between them is usually not practiced, because :
If the relationship is really 1:1, then integrity enforcement boils down to "inserts being done in all concerned tables, or none at all". Achieving this on the server side requires systems that support deferred constraint checking, and AFAIK that's a feature of the rather high-end systems. So in many cases the 1:1 enforcement is pushed over to the application side, and that approach has its own obvious downsides.
A case when splitting tables is nonetheless advisable, is when there are security perspectives, i.e. when not all columns can be updated by one user. But note that by definition, in such cases the relationship between the tables can never be strictly 1:1 .
(I also suggest you read carefully the discussion between Thorsten/Mike. You used the word 'normalization' but normalization has very little to do with your scenario - except if you were considering 6NF, which I think is rather unlikely.)
It makes more sense that your settings are not only in a separate table, but also use a on-to-many relationship between the ID and Settings. This way, you could potentially have a as many (or as few) setting as required.
In fact, one could make the same argument for the [Email] field.

db design critic /suggestions

I am redesigning a pharmacy db system and need inputs to see if the new design is optimal or requires tweaking.
Here's a snapshot of the old system..
As can be seen, the pharmacies table stores pharmacy information, along with its address and contact information. Pharmacies are grouped together for invoicing purposes(pharmacygroup) or for sales, advertsing other purposes (banner group). The invoice group may have a different physical address, different contact information.
Here's my new design. I have split the address from both the pharmacy and pharmacygroup table into a table of its own and made a new table for contacts. Their could be technical contacts, account contacts, owner contacts etc, hence the contacttypes table. The pharmacy and the pharmacygroup can have separate contact info, I thought of making a single contact table and have a 'linktype' and 'linkid' column to indicate if its a pharmacy contact or pharmacy group contact, but I am not sure if this is a right approach. Is this a good design or will it be costly in terms of data retrieval because of the number of joins?? Another thing I noted that , is in the old design , they didn't create any foreign key constraints, although the pharmacy table had groupid and bannergroupid references for pharmacygroup and bannergroup, possibly to save time for data retrieval. Is this a good approach?
Your design looks good to me. I always prefer to have a couple of extra joins on the design step over spending time reorganizing data after system went into production. You never know in advance what kind of reports will be requested by management/sales/financial people, and proper relational design will give you more freedom.
Also, you cannot blame only a couple of extra JOINs for your performance issues. You should always look at:
data volumes (and physical data layout),
transaction amount and density,
I/O, CPU, memory usage,
your RDBMS configuration,
SQL queries quality.
In my view, JOINs will be on the bottom of this list.
As to the RI constraints (Referential Integrity), I've seen a couple of projects that had been running without any Primary/Foreign keys for increased performance. The main excuse was: we have all checks embedded into the Application and Application is the only source of any changes in the system. On the other hand, they agreed, that it is not known, whether systems were in a consistent state (in fact, analysis showed they were not).
I always stick to creating all possible keys/constraints on the design state, as there always will be some “cowboys” around, who will dig into your database and “adjust” data they seem fits better. Still, you might want to temporarily disable or even drop some constraints/indexes for the bulk data manipulations, which is also an official recommendation.
If uncertain, create 2 test databases, one with and another without constraints. Load some data and compare query performance. I think it will be similar.
And here my comments on your sketches, decisions are all yours.
You might want to create a common contacts table the same way you did for addresses, i.e. add contact_id, owner_contact_id, etc. columns to the target relations instead of referencing relations from contacts table;
As you have only one column in contacttype table (and in case you'll have a common contacts), it's better to move the only field away and avoid this table;
You seem to have mixture of singular/plural names for your tables, better to stick to a common pattern here. I personally prefer singular;
In pharmacygroup your PK is named id, while all the rest PKs follow tableid pattern, it will be easier to write scripts later if you'll use a common pattern here;
In addresses table you have fields with underscores, like street_name, while elsewhere you avoid _ — consider making it common;
References are named differently. Although it is not so highly important, I do have a couple of systems where I have to rely on the constraints' names, so it's better to use some pattern here. I use the following one:
prefix p_, f_, c_, t_, u_ or i_ for primary, foreign keys, check constraints, triggers, unique and other indexes;
name of the table;
name of the column constraint/index/trigger refers to.
Why I prefer naming tables in singular form? Because I always name PK using table_id pattern, and IMHO pharmacy_id looks better then pharmacies_id. I use this approach as I have a bunch of general-purpose scripts which relies on this pattern when performing data consistency checks prior to loading it into the main tables.
More on contacts.
You can use contact_id in all your tables, making it a primary contact, whatever this might mean in your application. Should you need more contacts to be there for some relations, then you can go with different prefixes, like owner_contact_id, sales_contact_id, etc.
In case you expect a huge number of contacts to be there for some relations, like pharmacygroup, then you will can add an extra table like this:
CREATE TABLE pharmacygroupcontact (
contactid int4,
groupid int4,
contact_desc text
It partially copies your initial groupcontacts, but consists of two FKs and a description.
Which approach is better I cannot tell as I'm not aware how Application is designed.
You have 2 contact tables, I would create one, then use linking tables to link groupcontacts and pharmacycontacts. I would definitely want to have the FK and PK relationships setup to.

Are relationship tables really needed?

Relationship tables mostly contain two columns: IDTABLE1, and IDTABLE2.
Only thing that seems to change between relationship tables is the names of those two columns, and table name.
Would it be better if we create one table Relationships and in this table we place 3 columns:
TABLE_NAME, IDTABLE1, IDTABLE2, and then use this table for all relationships?
Is this a good/acceptable solution in web/desktop application development? What would be downside of this?
Thank you all for feedback. I appreciate it.
But, I think you are taking it a bit too far... Every solution works until one point.
As data storage simple text file is good till certain point, than excel is better, than MS Access, than SQL Server, than...
To be honest, I haven't seen any argument that states why this solution is bad for small projects (with DB size of few GB).
It would be a monster of a table; it would also be cumbersome. Performance-wise, such a table would not be a great idea. Also, foreign keys are impossible to add to such a table. I really can't see a lot of advantages to such a solution.
Bad idea.
How would you enforce the foreign keys if IDTABLE1 could contain ids from any table at all?
To achieve acceptable performance on joins without a load of unnecessary IO to bring in completely unrelated rows you would need a composite index with leading column TABLE_NAME that basically ends up partitioning the table into sections anyway.
Obviously even with this pseudo partitioning going on you would still be wasting a lot of space in the table/indexes just repeating the table name for each row.
Isn't it a big IF that you're only going to store the 2 ID fields? If I have a StudentCourse (or better yet Enrollment) table that has StudentID & CourseID, but wouldn't EnrollmentDate go in this table as well since not all students enroll on the first day of class. Seems like a bad idea to add this column to an already bloated table where most records will be null.
The benefit of a single table could be a requirement that the application has the ability to allow user/admin to create these relationships with data (Similar to have a single lookup or reference list table) and avoid having to create a new table to address these User Created References. Needing dynamic querying may benefit as well. An application that requires such dynamic data structure requirements might be better suited for a schemaless or nosql database.