Why would this SELECT statement lock up on SQL Server? - sql-server-2005

I have a simple query like this
When I run it, SQL Server Management Studio hangs.
Other tables and views are working fine.
What can cause this? I've had locks while running UPDATE statements before, and I know how to approach those. But what could cause a SELECT to lock?
I have run the "All Blocking Transactions" report, and it says there are none.

It is probably not the select that is locking up, but some other process that is editing (udpate/delete/insert) the table that is causing the locks.
You can view which process is blocking by runing exec sp_who2 on your SQL Server.
Alternatively, if you are OK with dirty reads, you can do one of two things
SET Transaction Isolation Level Read Uncommitted

If there's a lot of other activity going on, something else might be causing locks, and your SELECT might be the deadlock victim. if you run the following
SELECT * FROM my_table WITH(nolock)
you're telling the database that you're ok to read dirty (uncomitted) data, and that locks caused by other activity can be safely ignored.
Also, if a query like that causes management studio to hang, your table might use some optimization

Use this:

Two possibilities:
Its a really massive table, and you're trying to return 500m rows.
Some other process has a lock on the table, preventing your select from going through until that lock is released.

MY_TABLE could be also locked up by some uncommitted transaction -- i.e. script/stored procedure running (or failed while running) in another MSMM window.


db2 V9.1 deadlocks

I have 4 different services in my application which SELECT and UPDATE on the same table in my database (db2 v9.1) on AIX 6.1, not big table around 300,000 records.The 4 services work execute in parallel way, and each service execute in sequential way (not parallel).
The issue that everyday I face horrible deadlock problem, the db hangs for about 5 to 10 minutes then it get back to its normal performance.
My services are synchronized in a way which make them never SELECT or UPDATE on the same row so I believe even if a deadlock occurred it supposed to be on a row level not table level, RIGHT?
Also, in my SELECT queries I use "ONLY FOR FETCH WITH UR", in db2 v9.1 that means not to lock the row as its only for read purpose and there will be no update (UR = uncommitted read).
Any Ideas about whats happening and why?
Firstly, these are certainly not deadlocks: a deadlock would be resolved by DB2 within few seconds by rolling back one of the conflicting transactions. What you are experiencing are most likely lock waits.
As to what's happening, you will need to monitor locks as they occur. You can use the db2pd utility, e.g.
db2pd -d mydb -locks showlocks
db2pd -d mydb -locks wait
You can also use the snapshot monitor:
db2 update monitor switches using statement on lock on
db2 get snapshot for locks on mydb
or the snapshot views:
select * from sysibmadm.locks_held
select * from sysibmadm.lockwaits

Basic select deadlocks itself

So, I have been looking into more SQL server management tools using a few of them, and I have been amazed to find simple selects blocking themselves and causing deadlocks. I have done a little research, but I am truly amazed this could happen. Can anyone clarify, or maybe solve, why this happens?
I'm talking about a simple select.
Name Like 'John Smith'
Using Microsoft SQL Server Managment Studios, if it matters.
In SQL 2000 processes would sometimes report as blocking themselves, but I don't think this applies in later versions of SQL Server.
latch waits reported as blocking
It is definitely possible for a SELECT statement to cause a deadlock, because shared locks are acquired when data is selected, but there would also have to be another process that is trying to update the data.
A parallel execution plan can show as a SPID blocking itself. This is basically just threads waiting for the other tasks in the query to complete. Deadlocking is another matter, caused by different sessions waiting on each other. Deadlocks (and excessive parallelism) can be a symptom of the need for query and index tuning.
If you are running SQL 2008 or later, deadlock information is captured by the system_helath extended event trace by default. Below is a query to extract recent deadlock information from the ring buffer. This will eliminate some of the guesswork.
xed.value('#timestamp', 'datetime') as Creation_Date,
xed.query('.') AS Extend_Event
SELECT CAST([target_data] AS XML) AS Target_Data
FROM sys.dm_xe_session_targets AS xt
INNER JOIN sys.dm_xe_sessions AS xs
ON xs.address = xt.event_session_address
WHERE xs.name = N'system_health'
AND xt.target_name = N'ring_buffer'
) AS XML_Data
CROSS APPLY Target_Data.nodes('RingBufferTarget/event[#name="xml_deadlock_report"]') AS XEventData(xed)
ORDER BY Creation_Date DESC;
This simple select cannot deadlock itself, the only possible cause is something else is updating/deleting rows while you are reading.
Try launching SQL Server Profiler and use the:
deadlock chain
deadloch graph
events in your template.
The Deadlock graph in particular will help you identify which two processes are causing trhe deadlock and the one chosen as deadlock victim

What's blocking "Select top 1 * from TableName with (nolock)" from returning a result?

I'm currently running the following statement
select * into adhoc..san_savedi from dps_san..savedi_record
It's taking a painfully long time and I'd like to see how far along it is so I ran this:
select count(*) from adhoc..san_savedi with (nolock)
That didn't return anything in a timely manner so for the heck of it I did this:
select top 1 * from adhoc..san_savedi with (nolock)
Even that seems to run indefinitely. I could understand if there are millions of records that the count(*) could take a long time, but I don't understand why selecting the top 1 record wouldn't come back pretty much immediately considering I specified nolock.
In the name of full disclosure, dps_san is a view that pulls from an odbc connection via linked server. I don't think that'd be affecting why I can't return the top row but just throwing it out there in case I'm wrong.
So I want to know what is keeping that statement from running?
As I mentioned above, yes dps_san..savedi_record is a view. Here's what it does:
select * from DPS_SAN..root.SAVEDI_RECORD
It's nothing more than an alias and does no grouping/sorting/etc so I don't think the problem lies here, but please enlighten me if I'm wrong about that.
SELECT queries with NOLOCK don't actually take no locks, they still need a SCH-S (schema stability) lock on the table (and as it is a heap it will also take a hobt lock).
Additionally before the SELECT can even begin SQL Server must compile a plan for the statement, which also requires it to take a SCH-S lock out on the table.
As your long running transaction creates the table via SELECT ... INTO it holds an incompatible SCH-M lock on it until the statement completes.
You can verify this by looking in sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks whilst while during the period of blocking.
When I tried the following in one connection
FROM master..spt_values
/*Remember to rollback/commit this later*/
And then executing (or just simply trying to view the estimated execution plan)
in a second the reading query was blocked.
SELECT wait_type,
FROM sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks
WHERE session_id = <spid_of_waiting_task>
Shows the wait type is indeed SCH_S and the blocking resource SCH-M
wait_type resource_description
---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LCK_M_SCH_S objectlock lockPartition=0 objid=461960722 subresource=FULL dbid=1 id=lock4a8a540 mode=Sch-M associatedObjectId=461960722
It very well may be that there are no locks... If dps_san..savedi_record is a view, then it may be taking a long time to execute, because it may be accessing tables without using an index, or it may be sorting millions of records, or whatever reason. Then your query, even a simple top or count, will be only as fast as that view can be executed.
A few issues to consider here. Is dps_san..savedi_record a view? If so, it could just be taking a really long time to get your data. The other thing I can think of is that you're trying to create a temp table by using the select into syntax, which is a bad idea. select * into ... syntax will lock the tempdb for duration of the select.
If you are creating the table using that syntax, then there is a workaround. First, create the table by throwing where 1=0 at the end of your initial statement:
select * into ... from ... where 1=0
This will create the table first (which is quick) which allows you to insert into because the table exists now (without penalty of locking tempdb for duration of query).
Find the session_id that is performing the select into:
SELECT r.session_id, r.blocking_session_id, r.wait_type, r.wait_time
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS r
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.plan_handle) AS t
WHERE t.[text] LIKE '%select%into%adhoc..san_savedi%';
This should let you know if another session is blocking the select into or if it has a wait type that is causing a problem.
You can repeat the process in another window for the session that is trying to do the select. I suspect Martin is right and that my earlier comment about schema lock is relevant.

SQL Server 2005: Why would a delete from a temp table hang forever?

FROM Item_Keyword
JOIN Keyword ON Item_Keyword.Keyword_ID = Keyword.Record_ID
WHERE Keyword LIKE #tmpKW)
The Keyword is %macaroni%. Both temp tables are 3300 items long. The inner select executes in under a second. All strings are nvarchar(249). All IDs are int.
Any ideas? I executed it (it's in a stored proc) for over 12 minutes without it finishing.
Anything that has a lock on the table could prevent the query from proceeding. Do you have any other sessions open in SSMS where you have done something to one of the tables?
You can also use the system sproc sp_who2 to see if there are any locks open. look in the column BlkBy and see if anything is hanging on a lock held by another process.
The classic case where SQL Server "hangs" is when you open a transaction but don't commit or rollback. Don't get so wrapped up in your actual delete (unless you are working with a truly huge dataset) that you fail to consider this possibility.
When i run into issues like this i fire up SQL Heartbeat and it can show me what is causing the conflict. This also shows deadlocks related to transactions that were not closed correctly as Mark states above.
Sounds like you might want to read up on deadlocking...
** Ignore my answer - I'm leaving it up so that Dr. Zim's comment is preserved, but it is incorrect **

Sybase ASE: "Your server command encountered a deadlock situation"

When running a stored procedure (from a .NET application) that does an INSERT and an UPDATE, I sometimes (but not that often, really) and randomly get this error:
ERROR [40001] [DataDirect][ODBC Sybase Wire Protocol driver][SQL Server]Your server command (family id #0, process id #46) encountered a deadlock situation. Please re-run your command.
How can I fix this?
Your best bet for solving you deadlocking issue is to set "print deadlock information" to on using
sp_configure "print deadlock information", 1
Everytime there is a deadlock this will print information about what processes were involved and what sql they were running at the time of the dead lock.
If your tables are using allpages locking. It can reduce deadlocks to switch to datarows or datapages locking. If you do this make sure to gather new stats on the tables and recreate indexes, views, stored procedures and triggers that access the tables that are changed. If you don't you will either get errors or not see the full benefits of the change depending on which ones are not recreated.
I have a set of long term apps which occasionally over lap table access and sybase will throw this error. If you check the sybase server log it will give you the complete info on why it happened. Like: The sql that was involved the two processes trying to get a lock. Usually one trying to read and the other doing something like a delete. In my case the apps are running in separate JVMs, so can't sychronize just have to clean up periodically.
Assuming that your tables are properly indexed (and that you are actually using those indexes - always worth checking via the query plan) you could try breaking the component parts of the SP down and wrapping them in separate transactions so that each unit of work is completed before the next one starts.
begin transaction
update mytable1
set mycolumn = "test"
where ID=1
commit transaction
begin transaction
insert into mytable2 (mycolumn) select mycolumn from mytable1 where ID = 1
commit transaction