Regarding Execute Immediate in stored procedure - sql

I am having the below statement from stored procedure. It's giving Insufficient Privileges.
But If i run the create statement alone from the sql prompt it's creating table.
execute immediate 'create table TEST_ABC(
What needs to be done to have priviliges to create table via execute immediate from stored procedure. Not sure how it's working from sql command prompt

Procedures don't inherit privileges granted via a role. More info here. Please check if that's what happening to you.
One way to solve this problem is to grant "CREATE TABLE" privilege directly to the account that owns the procedure.

Is the procedure created by the same user? If it is created by some one else and you have EXECUTE privilege alone, then the error is right (assuming the create procedure doesn't have AUTHID CURRENT USER clause).
Can you create any other table? If you can, then there is some issue. We would need more details to analyse.


EXECUTE permission denied on object

I'm currently working on an MVC5, EF6 project and needed a stored procedure for a piece of the project. I've written the stored procedure, and now when I try to use it within my code I get an error saying:
The EXECUTE permission was denied on object ....
Yet when I test the stored procedure in SQL Management Studio it let's me run the stored procedure just fine. I'm not really sure what to do to fix this as I've never come across this before.
First create an executor role and then grant exec permission to this role.Then make your user member of this role.
CREATE ROLE db_executor;
GRANT EXECUTE TO db_executor;
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_executor', 'user1'
Hopefully this is enough but in case you still have issue check the below.
The schema owner of SP and underlying objects should be the same for sql chaining permission to work.
Check schema owners by:
select name, USER_NAME(s.principal_id) AS Schema_Owner from sys.schemas s
To change the owner of an schema you can:
Finally if within your SP you are truncating a table or changing structure you may want to add WITH EXECUTE AS OWNER in your SP:
ALTER procedure [myProcedure]
truncate table etl.temp
Create a separate user role with access 'Execute' and then assign that to your current user. This is the best solution and helped me.
Please follow this link:

Issue with truncating table WITH ALTER permissions

I have read here Permissions for truncating a table that you need to grant ALTER permissions to the user(s) for them to be able to truncate a table. However, I am still having issues truncating the table with the user(s) being granted this role.
Any ideas why this is?
PS. I myself as the owner of the table am able to truncate by the way. Just no one else with ALTER permissions.
The link you are referring to is applicable to MS SQL Server. The link in the comment by Leila is also for SQL Server.
For Oracle the users must have the DROP ANY TABLE system privilege.
This in turn may not be what you want, as this system privilege is too destructive.
Tom Kyte has a solution for your problem:
Sure, this is what stored procedures are all about.
To selectively give someone the abilitly to truncate a specific table,
or all of the tables owned by some schema, you would code:
create or replace procedure do_the_truncate as begin execute immediate
'truncate table T'; end;
or (any of the tables owned by some schema, or if that schema has the
drop any table priv ANY table)
create or replace procedure do_the_truncate( p_tname in varchar2 ) as
begin execute immediate 'truncate table ' || p_tname; end;
and then just grant execute on that procedure to any user that needs
to run that command. Since stored procedures run with the base privs
of the OWNER of the procedure, you do not need any powerful privs like
"drop any table" to truncate that table.
You can further enhance the do_the_truncate stored procedure to have a list of allowed tables to be truncated to tighten the security in your system

Multi-schema select statement doesn't work in PL/SQL procedure?

I'm trying to create a procedure to run multiple PL/SQL statements, but I haven't gotten very far. The select statement works fine if I run it out of a procedure, but if I try to execute it inside one -- it can't find the shttran table. I'm guessing it might be a schema issue, but I have no idea how-to correct. Ideas?
INSERT INTO regreportuser.maltran (maltran.maltran_key,
SELECT shttran.shttran_id || shttran.shttran_seq_no AS maltran_key,
'No' AS maltran_sent
FROM saturn.shttran -- This is the table it can't find
WHERE TO_DATE (shttran.shttran_activity_date) > SYSDATE - 14
AND shttran.shttran_user = 'WWW2_USER'
AND shttran.shttran_id || shttran.shttran_seq_no NOT IN
(SELECT maltran.maltran_key FROM regreportuser.maltran);
END findUnsent;
Most likely, the problem is that the user that owns the stored procedure, REGREPORTUSER has access to the table saturn.shttran via a role rather than as a direct grant. A definer's rights stored procedure cannot use privileges that are granted to a definer via a role. It can only use privileges granted directly.
You can verify that this is, in fact, the problem by disabling roles in your SQL*Plus session. If you run the command
SQL> set role none;
and then try to execute the SQL statement, you should get the same error. In order to fix the problem, you need to give the grant directly
GRANT SELECT ON saturn.shttran

Facing an error : table or view does not exist

I am using insert statement and trying to insert data into the database table. I am using stored procedures.
But I am getting this error while doing so.
Message: ORA-00942: table or view does
not exist ORA-06512
I checked if the tables/stored procedures are present or not and everything is in place. Also there is no typo in table names or in sp. If I run the part of SP from query editor it works fine but when I execute the entire SP it throws an error.
I tried the steps provided by Stephen but since I have logged in with the same user/owner when I run Grant command it gives me an error saying 'Cannot Grant/revoke on own'.
One more addition to this. I have a stored procedure SP1 in which I am using a select statement as
Select a from table_name where condition;
When I execute this seperately, it returns me some results. But when I execute sp it gives an error at the same line where it is written.
Can anyone help me out to resolve this issue. I am using SQL +.
Thanks in advance
Justin's answer is correct but let me expand a bit.
Everyone who said that the table doesn't exist didn't read your whole post. Since you are able to:
If I run the part of SP from query editor it works fine
Obviously the table is there.
Obviously you have some access to it. Otherwise this wouldn't work when it clearly does.
but when I execute the entire SP it throws an error.
This is because Oracle distinguishes between permissions granted directly and those granted via a role.
Say I do this:
Create Table TABLE_A
Create Role READ_ONLY
Grant Select on TABLE_A to READ_ONLY
In a SQL Window/prompt you could query that table without issue. So now you need to create a view
You'll get the error that TABLE_A does exist. Because a view is compiled, like a procedure it runs without any roles. Since it runs without the READ_ONLY role, it's blind to the fact that TABLE_A exists. Now what I need to do is
Grant Select on TABLE_A to VIJAY.
Now that you have a direct permission, you can compile a view or procedure/package that uses that table.
Does the table exist in the schema where the stored procedure exists? If not, the simplest explanation is that the owner of your procedure has been granted access to the table via a role not via a direct grant. A definer's rights stored procedure needs to have direct access to the objects it accesses. A quick way to test this is to disable roles for the session, i.e.
SQL> set role none;
SQL> <<execute your query>>
If that generates the error, the problem is the lack of a direct grant.
In Oracle you can choose if the stored procedure is executed with the rights of the invoker or the definer:
Check if the AUTHID property of the stored procedure is correct and if the resulting user has appropriate permissions.
Well, put very simply, the table that you are trying to insert data into does not exist in the database you are connected to. You need to check both those things (i.e. what are you connected to, and is the table there and accessible for the user context you are using).
As Joe Stefanelli said .. there are a lot of possibilities for the error being shown here.
Check whether:
You are connecting to the correct Oracle Instance.
You have permissions to query or perform processing on table that you are referencing in your query.
There is a difference between ordinary select statements and procedures. Procedures in oracle do not respect the roles assigned to a user; rather the permission needs to be explicitly granted to the user. For more information read the following linkORA-00942

Scripting execute permission along with stored procedure

In sql is it possible to script permissions as one can with the stored proc itself? So that I can simply tell somebody to hit execute and the proc and permissions just get created all at once.
Yes, you can script the execute permission as follows:
use [database_name]
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[stored_procedure_name] TO [user_name]
Replace the database_name, stored_procedure_name and user_name values with the appropriate values.
If you include this in your script after the SP CREATE statement it will add the permissions right after the SP is created.