Issues with Chr(0) in SQL INSERT script - sql

We currently use the SQL Publishing Wizard to back up our database schemas and data, however we have some database tables with hashed passwords that contain the null character (chr(0)). When SQL Publishing Wizard generates the insert data scripts, the null character causes errors when we try and run the resulting SQL - it appears to ignore ALL TEXT after the first instance of this character in a script. We recently tried out RedGate SQL Compare, and found that it has the same issue with this character. I have confirmed it is ascii character code 0 by running the ascii() sql function against the offending record.
A sample of the error we are getting is:
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string '??`????{??0???
The fun part is, I can't really paste a sample Insert statement because of course everything that appears after the CHR(0) is being omitted when pasting!

Change the definition of the column to VARBINARY. The data you store in there doesn't seem to be an appropiate VARCHAR to start with.
This will ripple through the code that uses the column as you'll get a byte[] CLR tpe back in the client, and you should change your insert/update code accordingly. But after all, a passowrd hash is a byte[], not a string.


DB2 to SQL LinkedServer OpenQuery NonAscii Character Issue

So I've been scouring SO for answer and I've seen some great SQL functions to help try and remove non-ascii characters from my db, but I wanted to post the entire question / process here first to see if maybe upstream on my select from db2 into sql there is a fix.
What I'm doing: Getting data from a db2 database into SQL
Issue: Non-ascii characters causing problems
Process: It's pretty simple. I have a SQL Insert statement to select a bunch of columns from a db2 linkedserver using open query
insert into [table](stuff) select (stuff) From Openquery(SSF400,'select stuff from table')
However, in my SQL db, when editing the landed table, I'm getting weird trailing characters that appear as a space in a sql select statement, but are actually artifacts in SQL Edit mode:
I've tried using a few functions I found here on SO to strip these characters, but after these function(s) I'm leftover with a combination of greek/english characters similar to the below:
I'm thinking there must be a better way for me to do the initial insert other than using openquery so that the junk characters don't come over. I know SQL pretty well, but DB2 not so much...any advice?
Update: There does seem to be a junk character or two in the source system. Discovered using iNavigator. Also, source system is using db2 v7r3m0
Update here is a screenshot of the regexp expression mentioned in the comments used in a query in iNavigator. Although several characters were removed, some do remain. The original column is on the left, the cleansed column is on the right.
I would try REGEXP_REPLACE(stuff,'[^\u0020-\u007E\u0009\u000A\u000D]+','') which will remove everything that is not a character from the 7-bit ASCII set but also removes any 7-bit ASCII control characters apart from Tab, New Line and Carriage Return. It also removes DEL

INSERT Statement in SQL Server Strips Characters, but using nchar(xxx) works - why?

I have to store some strange characters in my SQL Server DB which are used by an Epson Receipt Printer code page.
Using an INSERT statement, all are stored correctly except one - [SCI] (nchar(154)). I realise that this is a control character that isn't representable in a string, but the character is replaced by a '?' in the stored DB string, suggesting that it is being parsed (unsuccessfully) somewhere.
The collation of the database is LATIN1_GENERAL_CI_AS so it should be able to cope with it.
So, for example, if I run this INSERT:
INSERT INTO Table(col1) VALUES ('abc[SCI]123')
Where [SCI] is the character, a resulting SELECT query will return 'abc?123'.
However, if I use NCHAR(154), by directly inserting or by using a REPLACE command such as:
UPDATE Table SET col1 = REPLACE(col1, '?', NCHAR(154))
The character is stored correctly.
My question is, why? And how can I store it directly from an INSERT statement? The latter is preferable as I am writing from an existing application that produces the INSERT statement that I don't really want to have to change.
Thank you in advance for any information that may be useful.
When you write a literal string in SQL is is created as a VARCHAR unless you prefix is with N. This means if you include any Unicode characters, they will be removed. Instead write your INSERT statement like this:
INSERT INTO Table(col1) VALUES (N'abc[SCI]123')

Can't convert String to Numeric/Decimal in SSIS

I have five or six OLE DB Sources with a String[DT_STR], with a length of 500 and 1252 (Latin) as Code Page.
The format of the column is like 0,08 or 0,10 etc etc. As you can see, it is separated with a comma.
All of them are equal except one of them. In this one source, I have a POINT as separation. On this it is working when I set the Data Type in the advanced editor of the OLE DB Source. On another (with comma separated) it is also working, if I set the Data Type in the advanced editor of the OLE DB Source. BUT the weird thing is, that it isn't working with the other sources although they are the same (sperated with comma).
I tested Numeric(18,2) and decimal(2).
Another try to solve the problem with the conversion task and/or the derived column task, failed.
I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2
Slowly, I think SSIS is fooling me :)
Has anyone an idea?
/// EDIT
Here a two screens:
Is working:
Isn't working:
I would not set the Data Type in the Advanced Editor of the OLE DB Source. I would convert the data in the SQL Code of the OLE DB Source, or in a Script Transformation e.g. using Decimal.TryParse , which would update a new column.
SSIS is unbeleivably fussy over datatypes and trying to mess with its internals is not productive.
Check that there are any spaces in between the commas, so that the SSIS is throwing an error trying to convert the blank space to a number. A blank space does not equal nothing in between spaces.
Redirect error rows and output the data to a file. Then you can examine the data that is being rejected by the SSIS and determine why it's causing error.
Reason for the error
1) Null’s are not properly handled either in the destination database or during SSIS package creation. It is quite possible that the source contains a null database but the destination is not accepting the NULL data leading to build generate above error.
2) Data types between source and destination does not match. For example, source column has varchar data and destination column have an int data type. This can easily generate above error. There are certain kind of datatypes which will automatically convert to another data type and will not generate the error but there are for incompatible datatypes which will generate The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data. error.
The Issue arises when there is unhandled space or null. I have worked around using the Conditional (Ternary) Operator which checks the length:
LEN(TRIM([Column Name])) >= 1 ? (DT_NUMERIC,38,8)[Column Name] : 0

VB.NET and SQL INSERT INTO; data is truncated

I use VB.NET Studio Express 2012 to read a filestream into SQL Server Express. The database and table are created fine, most records load without error using .ExecuteNonQuery INSERT INTO, but some records I get the error:
String or binary data would be truncated.
Originally this was correct, because the column was only 20 characters and the data was between 22-25 on the failing records. I have changed the table so the column now is 30 char, but the error is still the same. I dropped the database and recreated it, but still the same problem.
Does VB keep info on field length somewhere?
May be some spaces are present before or after your string,you can use Trim() function and then try to insert.Trim function will remove extra spaces placed before and after you string.

Trapping Exception using TSQLQuery & params

I am getting a "SQL Server Error: arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation" error
here is the code below
AQuery:= TSQLQuery.Create(nil);
with AQuery do
SQLConnection:- AConnection;
SQL.Text:= 'Insert into.....';
ParamByName('...').asString:= 'PCT';
I have alot of ParamByName lines, and I can't figure out which one is throwing the exception. I just know its thrown on the ExecSQL line. How can i tell which paramByName is causing the error?
When you have the metadata of the table, check the maximum length of string fields. When debugging, check the length of the strings you feed the parambynames. Also check the type of numeric fields, and make sure you don't exceed a maximum value. (I had this problem once with a string which length exceeded the varchars length in the table, and had this problem with a smallint databasefield that I tried to set to a too high value)
Get the SQL text after param substitution and run it as a query in SQL Server management studio.
You'll be able to debug it from there.
You are trying to insert a string value into a field that is not big enough to hold the value. Check the length of the values you are inserting against the length of the field in the table.
As others have said, it's almost certainly that you are pushing too-large a string into one of your fields. It could also happen with numeric values but it's most likely to be a string.
I'd suggest you temporarily alter each of your ParamByName('').AsString:=blah lines with a text constant, eg;
etc, and see if you get an error. If it goes through without an error, then your problem is most likely to be that one of your string parameters is too long. Check your table schema and debug the actual strings you are putting into the parameters.
Depending on how much access (and experience) you have with this, you might find it more helpful to turn on the SQL Server logging such that you can see your queries (and the contents of those parameters) when the get processed by the SQL server. This will show you exactly what string and numeric values are actually being given to the server.
Which version/edition of SQL Server are you using?