How do I get row count using the NHibernate QueryOver api? - nhibernate

I'm using the QueryOver api that is part of NHibernate 3.x. I would like to get a row count, but the method I'm using returns all objects and then gets the count of the collection. Is there a way to just return an integer/long value of the number of rows?
I'm currently using:

After a bit of playing around with the api, this will do it:
If you don't want to return it as a future, you can just get the SingleOrDefault<int>() instead.

Another method
var count = Session.QueryOver<Employer>()
.Where(x => x.EmployerIsActive)

Another method:
int employerCount = session
.Where(x => x.EmployerIsActive) // some condition if needed
.Select(Projections.Count<Employer>(x => x.EmployerId))

Im using like this:
public int QuantidadeTitulosEmAtraso(Sacado s)
TituloDesconto titulo = null;
Sacado sacado = null;
var titulos =
.QueryOver<TituloDesconto>(() => titulo)
.JoinAlias(() => titulo.Sacado, () => sacado)
.Where(() => sacado.Id == s.Id)
.Where(() => titulo.Vencimento <= DateTime.Today)


Ravendb strange query behaviour

Why does this work:
var ret = Session.Query<ListingEvent>()
.TransformWith<ListingEventProfileTransformer, ListingEventDto>()
var ret2 = ret.Where(x => x.EventInstance.Slug == slug);
return ret2;
but this does not:
var ret = Session.Query<ListingEvent>()
.TransformWith<ListingEventProfileTransformer, ListingEventDto>()
.Where(x => x.EventInstance.Slug == slug);
return ret;
Obviously the 1st one is no good as it needs to enumerate the collection before adding my predicate.
Surely they should both work?!
The second query is still at an IQueryable, so nothing is executed until you force the results to come back. Try this:
var ret = Session.Query<ListingEvent>()
.TransformWith<ListingEventProfileTransformer, ListingEventDto>()
.Where(x => x.EventInstance.Slug == slug)
.ToList(); // Force the results to come back
return ret;

How can I convert that QueryOver<> code to use Query<> with NHibernate 3.3

I have a Class A that have a class B List ...
So, with QueryOver I have :
ClassB lb = null;
var result = session.QueryOver<ClassA>
.JoinAlias(x => x.ListB, () => lb, JoinType.LeftOuterJoin)
.Where(() => lb.Property == 1)
How Can I do that using Nhibernate Query<> ?
Assuming what you want to do is get a list of ClassA having at least one ClassB with Property == 1:
var result = session.Query<ClassA>()
.Where(a => a.ListB.Any(b => b.Property == 1))
This wouldn't be an outer join, though. You might emulate that by adding || !a.ListB.Any().

How do I append Skip and Take to an nHibernate IQueryOver

I want to do this:
NHibernate.IQueryOver<DataAccess.Domain.Product, DataAccess.Domain.Product> query = session.QueryOver<DataAccess.Domain.Product>();
query = query.Where(x => x.Name == "X");
query = query.Take(1).Skip(3);
List<Product> results = query.List().ToList();
I cant find any help on Skip or Take. The tooltip help (yes I'm that desperate) says that Skip and Take return IQueryOver but the error message says something to the effect "Cant implicitly convert IQueryOver{T} to IQueryOver{T,T}. I don't know what IQueryOver{T,T} is. I didn't ask for one of those anyway.
Try to change your code like this:
NHibernate.IQueryOver<DataAccess.Domain.Product> query = session.QueryOver<DataAccess.Domain.Product>();
query = query.Where(x => x.Name == "X");
query = query.Take(1).Skip(3);
var results = query.List();
Or, even better:
var results = session.QueryOver<DataAccess.Domain.Product>()
.Where(x => x.Name == "X")
You can check my code here downloading NHibernateQueryOver.
I think you're missing something. I would suggest you to read this article which has been really helpful for me.
In the paragraph about Associations they say:
An IQueryOver has two types of interest; the root type (the type of entity that the query returns), and the type of the 'current' entity
being queried. For example, the following query uses a join to create
a sub-QueryOver (analagous to creating sub-criteria in the ICriteria
IQueryOver<Cat,Kitten> catQuery =
.JoinQueryOver(c => c.Kittens)
.Where(k => k.Name == "Tiddles");
The JoinQueryOver returns a new instance of the IQueryOver than has
its root at the Kittens collection. The default type for restrictions
is now Kitten (restricting on the name 'Tiddles' in the above
example), while calling .List() will return an IList. The type
IQueryOver inherits from IQueryOver.
This is what I do when I want to build multiple filter:
Domain.OrderAddress addressDestination = null;
Domain.Customer customer = null;
Domain.TermsConditionsOfSale termsConditionsOfSale = null;
ICriterion filter1 = Restrictions.Where<Domain.Order>(t => t.Company == "MYCOMPANY");
ICriterion filter2 = Restrictions.Where<Domain.Order>(t => t.WareHouseDelivery == "DEPXX");
ICriterion filter3 = Restrictions.Where<Domain.Order>(t => t.Status == "X");
ICriterion filter4 = Restrictions.Where(() => addressDestination.AddressType == "99");
ICriterion filter5 = Restrictions.Where(() => addressDestination.Province.IsIn(new string[] { "AA", "BB", "CC" }));
ICriterion filter6 = Restrictions.Where(() => termsConditionsOfSale.ReturnedGoodsCode != "01");
var ordersForProvinces = session.QueryOver<Domain.Order>()
.Inner.JoinAlias(t => t.OrderAddresses, () => addressDestination)
.Inner.JoinAlias(t => t.Customer, () => customer)
.Left.JoinAlias(t => t.TermsConditionsOfSale, () => termsConditionsOfSale);
var Results = ordersForProvinces.Skip(50).Take(20).List();
NHibernate.IQueryOver<Domain.Person> person = session.QueryOver<Domain.Person>();
var myList = DoSomething(person);
private static IList<Domain.Person> DoSomething(NHibernate.IQueryOver<Domain.Person> persons)
ICriterion filter1 = Restrictions.Where<Domain.Person>(t => t.CompanyName.IsLike("Customer%"));
var x = persons.Skip(1).Take(3).List();
return (x);

Nhibernate join with select columns from both tables

Ok after several attempts I am stuck on this one!
I am using NHibernate with QueryOver as below. I have a Product and ProductReview as
public class Product
public virtual IList<ProductReview> CustomerReviews {get;set;}
public class ProductReview
public virtual Product Product {get;set;}
Mapping on Product side is
HasMany(x => x.CustomerReviews).KeyColumn("ProductId").Inverse().Cascade.None().LazyLoad();
The Query is
Product px = null;
ProductReview rev = null;
var result = CurrentSession
.Where(r => r.IsActive && !r.IsDraft)
Projections.Property<ProductReview>(r => r.Id).WithAlias(() => rev.Id),
Projections.Property<ProductReview>(r => r.Title).WithAlias(() => rev.Title)
.OrderBy(r => r.ReviewDate).Desc()
.JoinAlias(r => r.Product, () => px)
Projections.Property(() => px.UPC).WithAlias(() => px.UPC),
Projections.Property(() => px.FullName).WithAlias(() => px.FullName)
The error is:
The value "Reviews.Models.Product" is not of type "Reviews.Models.ProductReview" and cannot be used in this generic collection. Parameter name: value
I really do not want to create another DTO. I would like to get the list of Last 5 new reviews and have it's Product populated (only a few required fields on both entities should be filled).
Is this possible by any means (except raw sql) in NHibernate 3.0?
Product px = null;
ProductReview rev = null;
var result = CurrentSession.QueryOver<ProductReview>()
.Where(r => r.IsActive && !r.IsDraft)
.JoinQueryOver(r => r.Product)
.OrderBy(r => r.ReviewDate).Desc()

Object with Only Id

I want to get an object from my database but only populate it with the unique id identifier. I want all other fields to be null...any ideas on how to approach this????
Using NHibernate Linq provider:
Person obj = session.Query<Person>()
.Where(x => x.Id == id)
.Select(x => new Person() { Id = x.Id } )