XAML, giving full width and height to my text - xaml

I have a grid with 3 rows, in my top row (200px height) i want a text on a blue background. How do i specify that my textblock should fill the space? when i add it it only fits the space the text occupy. Tried with a ViewBox, but that resized the text also, i want that to be a fixed size...

This code is an example of size autofill for 3 different controls in given grid in XAML. Autofill is default, so you don't need to set anything additional, just make sure margin is not set. I tested this solution in MS Expression Blend and it works OK.
<Grid Height="400" Width="250" Canvas.Left="100" Canvas.Top="20">
<RowDefinition Height="200*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="100*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="100*"/>
<Button Content="Button"/>
<CheckBox Content="CheckBox" Grid.Row="2"/>
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Text="Test Text block" TextWrapping="Wrap"/>

Just remove these four properties from the xaml if they are set when TextBlock is defined, or set them to the default values:
HorizontalAlignment (Defaults to Stretch)
VerticalAlignment (Defaults to Stretch)
Width (Default to Auto)
Height (Default to Auto)
Your TextBlock should now auto stretch and fit the row.
Also make sure that your Grid is also wide enough or is set to fit your Window. Your Grid's width might also be the culprit.


How to resize NavigationView and SplitView in UWP

I want to enable user to resize the NavigationView in my UWP app. Couldn't find any resources how I could do that.
I see some of the apps have "Resizable splitView" but for SplitView also, I cannot see any such resize property exposed to set by default.
Pls help.
Thanks in Advance
There are no such property can resize SplitView and NavigationView, you need to custom layout to implement a similar effect. You could use Slider control and bind the OpenPaneLength Property of SplitView to Slider.Value to do this. Please refer to the following code.
<SplitView Name="CoreSplitView"
OpenPaneLength="{Binding Value, ElementName=MasterSlider, Mode=OneWay}">
<Grid Name="PaneGrid" Background="Gray">
<Slider Name="MasterSlider"
<StackPanel Name="PaneStackPanel"
Margin="0,0,10,0" Background="LightGray">
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Use a slider when you want your users to be able to set defined, contiguous values (such as volume or brightness) or a range of discrete values (such as screen resolution settings).A slider is a good choice when you know that users think of the value as a relative quantity" />
<Grid Name="ContentGrid" Background="LightSteelBlue">
The StackPanel that is directly under our slider, acts like a cover for our Slider. Notice the StackPanel has Margin="0,0,10,0", this translates to a 10px distance from the right wall, which allows the Slider area to be exposed as a gray strip that is used to drag the Pane, again the 10px is arbitrary but it has to match the Minimum of the Slider.

Changing the size of SplitView.Pane

The basic hamburger menu using SplitView found in many examples is cool but I like the way Microsoft implemented it in some of their apps in Windows 10 such as News and Sports. The way they implemented it is when the SplitView.Pane is open, its height is not the same as the root frame's height. In other word, the Pane's height and Content's height is not the same. The benefit of this style is that full content of the pageheader of the SplitView.Content is visible. Can somebody help me out on how to achieve that effect since I am new to xaml. I hope my question is pretty clear to understand.
On the official "sport"/"news" page, there are several elements: toggle button, SplitView and etc. In the SplitView, there are also several sub-items, such as panel and frame. There are lots of approaches to help you to get your own desired effect: you can use layout panel, such as StackPanel or Grid, to arrange those UI elements on the page; you can modify the splitview's default template; and you can also just customize frame and panel' height by setting their related properties, such as: height or Margin. For more instructions of UWP design please go here.
Below is a simple example by using Grid layout and adjusting "margin" property of splitview's frame. In this example, I put the toggled button and a back button on the page header (you can change the back button to a navigation bar later). Then adjust the "margin" property of the frame, so that it doesn't has the same height as the panel. You can get a complete sample of SplitView here.
<!-- Put the whole page content in a grid of 2*2 -->
<Grid.RowDefinitions >
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<Grid.ColumnDefinitions >
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<Button x:Name="BackButton"
IsEnabled="{Binding AppFrame.CanGoBack, ElementName=Root}"
Width="{Binding ItemsPanelRoot.Width, ElementName=NavMenuList}"
<!-- Top-level navigation menu + app content
and put the SplitView in another row to leave space for page header -->
<SplitView x:Name="RootSplitView"
IsTabStop="False" Grid.Row="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2">
<SplitView.Pane >
<!-- A custom ListView to display the items in the pane. The automation Name is set in the ContainerContentChanging event. -->
<controls:NavMenuListView x:Name="NavMenuList"
ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource NavMenuItemContainerStyle}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource NavMenuItemTemplate}"
<!-- Set Frame's margin property to differ from panel -->
<!-- OnNavigatingToPage we synchronize the selected item in the nav menu with the current page.
OnNavigatedToPage we move keyboard focus to the first item on the page after it's loaded. -->
<Frame x:Name="frame"
Margin="0,100,0,0" >
<!-- Declared last to have it rendered above everything else, but it needs to be the first item in the tab sequence. -->
<ToggleButton x:Name="TogglePaneButton"
Style="{StaticResource SplitViewTogglePaneButtonStyle}"
IsChecked="{Binding IsPaneOpen, ElementName=RootSplitView, Mode=TwoWay}"
ToolTipService.ToolTip="Menu" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" />

How to fix the ScrollViewer/ListBox height to be the screen height?

I have a Universal Windows Platform application.
I have a ScrollViewer which has a button on the top, a ListBox and a button below the ListBox (I know it is not a good practice to have a ListBox inside a ScrollViewer, but this is not my code and I can't modify the implementation).
The ScrollViewer's VerticalScrollMode and VerticalScrollBarVisibility are both set to false, so it is not possible to scroll vertically (this is also a requirement).
When the ListBox contains many items, the height of the list becomes bigger than the device height. As a result a part of the ListBox and the Buttons below the list are not available (as the vertical scroll is disabled).
<Button name="Button1">
<ListBox MinHeight="120">
<Button name="Button2">
Is there a way to fix the ScrollViewer's height to be the device screen height? And fix the ListBox's height so that the ListBox's height grows only so that the ListBox fits on the space between the Button1 and Button2?
Your problem is not the scrollviewer's height. It is the listbox that expands to accomodate it's contents (as it should). By limiting the listbox's height you can take care of that.
You can use a grid with 3 rows. Something like this
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<Button x:Name="ButtonTop" Grid.Row=0/>
<ListView x:Name="DontPutListViewInScrollViewer" Grid.Row=1/>
<Button x:Name="ButtonBottom" Grid.Row=2/>
Notice the Height defined in the middle row. That means that the listview will take all space that the top and bottom row leave available.
Then put this grid in the ScrollViewer.

Windows Phone 8.1 XAML Image inside ToggleButton adds mystery padding

I'm working with a toggle button and rather than show text I want to show an image so I have this:
<ToggleButton Grid.Column="1" IsChecked="true" MinWidth="50" MinHeight="0" BorderThickness="0" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
<Image Source="ms-appx:///Assets/Icons/phonebutton.png" Stretch="None" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Margin="0">
<CompositeTransform ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5"/>
I have the transform to make the image a bit smaller so it's "inside" the button instead of filling it.
However, no matter what I do the button has a large padding around the image, even though the image itself has no margins or padding. I've set margin=0 on everything but the ToggleButton insists on putting space around the image, so the button is larger than it needs to be and cuts off inside the grid row it's in (which has a height="*")
I want the toggle button to "shrink" to fit in the row but still show the full image inside ...
while typing this the autosuggest found this link ToggleButton does not fill the area(windows phone) and by adding the style PhoneTouchTargetOverhang it does look better but then cuts off the image at the bottom unless I add negative padding to the togglebutton.
Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Is there any way to disable it?
I have added the following margin to an image of 512x512:
<Image Source="/Assets/award4.png" Stretch="None" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Margin="-100,0,-100,0">
<CompositeTransform ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5"/>
And it fits centered

XAML horizontal alignment

I have a question on Windows Phone 7 XAML programming.
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Width="110">
<Canvas Margin="0">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Menesis}" Foreground="{Binding MyColor}"></TextBlock>
<Canvas Margin="0,12,0,0">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Datums}" Foreground="{Binding MyColor}" FontSize="85" HorizontalAlignment="Center" TextAlignment="Center" />
<Canvas Margin="0,105,0,0">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Nedelas_diena}" Foreground="{Binding MyColor}" />
How to make TextBlock (Binding Datums) text centered? Currently it is aligned at right side and
doesn't work.
If you have your TextBlock in a Canvas you will have problems with the alignment as the TextBlack will be placed at 0,0 (top left) inside the canvas control and (unless you set the width explicitly) will be stretched to fit the text contained. This basically means your text will always be left aligned.
The Canvas control should only be used when you need to set the exact position of the contained elements. If this is not the case then use another container such as a Grid, StackPanel or even just a ContentControl.
Remove the Canvas from your xaml and it should work.
To clarify HorizontalAlignment vs. TextAlignment:
If you have a ContentControl that is 400px wide and you add a TextBlock to it that is set to be 200px wide with text content that is 100px wide, then the following is true:
Setting the HorizontalAlignment to Center will align the TextBlock (200px wide) to the middle of the ContentControl but the text will still be left aligned within the TextBlock. This means the text will be offset 100px from the left.
If just the TextAlignment is set to Center then the TextBlock will be left-aligned but the text inside will be centered. This means that the text will be offset 50px from the left.
In my opinion the best practise here is not to set any widths and just set the TextAlignment property. This will mean (for most containers) the TextBlock will be stretched the entire width of the container and the text within aligned appropriately.
Instead of using stack panel and canvas . either u can use Grid. If you are using grid you can point out the exact position where you need to place the control.
for eg,
<----- Height -->
like this. More over there is no need to use canvas. The canvas container is using mainly in case of game design purpose.