Textbox in Visual Basic - vb.net

Lately I have been programming an application in Visual Basic 2008, and on one of my Windows Application forms I have several text box forms, and with my code the way it is, none of them can be enabled, and they must all be set to Read Only.
Now if I put a big block of text in one of the Text Box's that extends past the parameters of the box, the scroll bar appears but doesn't scroll because of making it's enabled false. So here's my question, is there any way I can make the Text Box's scroll bar functional but still leaving the enabled set to false?

You should be able to use textbox1.Readonly = true instead of textbox1.enabled = false. Then you can use the scrollbars.


Is there a way to hide all panels in windows forms using vb.net?

i was wondering if it was possible to hide everything at once in windows forms, i was planning to use a drop down which made things appear and disappear but i wanted everything hidden at the beginning for simplicity.
On the form, add a Panel control (found in the Containers section of the toolbox).
Set the Visible value of the Panel to be False.
Add all controls inside this panel. You can then make the panel visible and hidden via code. (no need to cycle through all controls on the form)

Add "X" button at the end of a TextBox

My question is the opposite of this one (Remove "X" button at the end of a TextBox).
I have a vanilla TextBox (with TextWrapping set to NoWrap), but I'm not seeing the clear cross delete button.
This is a store/universal/winrt app, so it's a Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TextBox.
I haven't got any overrides for the default template in App.xaml either.
Any ideas?
If you can afford it, you can use Telerik UI for Windows Phone. It has a textbox control with a built in clear button.
Other route would be implementing your own user control. It should be rather easy.

Checkbox with image and autosize

In Word 2012 I have seen the following checkbox:
I am wondering if this checkbox is a .NET control with an image assigned to it (with property "imagealign" being middle right) or if this is a custom solution by MS for their Office GUIs.
I can reproduce the appearance, but I am unable to easily check if the user clicks the checkbox (and wants to change its state) or the info button and wants to show the tooltip.
Also, I have to add some spaces at the end of the checkbox text, else the image is under the text if the checkbox autosize property is set to True.
I would tend to think that the checkbox is a custom solution by MS or perhaps the image is a separate control.
Does anybody know more about this?
I think you are looking for
Checkbox.AutoSize = False
CheckBox.Image = "Your Image"
CheckBox.ImageAlign = MiddleRight
But this way you won't be able to distinguish if the user clicks the checkbox or the info button to show the tooltip.
As far as I know, there is no control available at .NET which allows this behavior, so I suppose they are using separate controls.
I think you'll need to use a PictureBox near the CheckBox and then use CheckBox_CheckedChanged and PictureBox_Click events to do whatever you want on each case.

Turn off field programmatically in VB.Net

I'm creating an addin button in Arcmap via VB.net that when clicked, runs the identify tool. But I want only selected fields to appear in the identify dialog. I thought of hiding the unnecessary fields and then showing them again after the button is used.
Does anyone know how to programmatically turn off/on field?
you have to iterate the fields in layer and then set visible property into false .
see this link in

Form for Telerik RadRibbonBar?

I got the Telerik RadRibbonBar for free with the Express edition of vb a while back, but it did not come with any sort of form. It also, unfortunately, has the control buttons there automatically. How would I create a form which is resizable, and works like a standard winform, but doesn't have the top bar?
I tried:
FormBorderStyle = Sizable
Text = Nothing
ControlBox = False
Unfortunately, when you maximize the window, it goes in front of the taskbar...and it has an ugly border when it isn't maximized.
How can I:
Change border color?
Make it so it does not go in front of the taskbar?
Thanks for the help! I'm surprised there is not some sort of form already made for this.
Telerik comes with a "Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadRibbonForm"
You have to add a RadRibbonForm Instead of a Standar Form.