Dreamweaver with SQL Server 2000 database - sql-server-2000

I'm using SQL Server 2000. How can I connect Dreamweaver asp.net to SQL Server 2000.
Please give give the coding

Are you looking for connection strings??
Check out www.connectionstrings.com for a large selection of how to access SQL Server from a variety of platforms.
You'll find the SQL Server 200 connection strings here.


How to connect to an Oracle db using a stored procedures within a Microsoft SQL server?

I need to verify data between and Oracle db and a Microsoft SQL server db to verify that if there differences between the two and then update the Microsoft SQL server with any changes there may be
You can use/create database links. That means that you have to have oracle client installed on your sql server though.
You may configure connection to Oracle as linked server in SQL Server and use MERGE to synchronize date in SQL Server agent's job, for example. Fetching data from linked server could not the fastest thing in the world, but it is very easy to configure and use.
Use OPENQUERY with TNS alias already configured in tnsnames.ora file

How to make SQL server 2000 compatible with SQL server 2008

I need to dump a software to a clients server. The problem is that my software is using SQL server 2008 and the client is using SQL Server 2000. So could anyone please suggest how I can make the clients SQL server 2000 compatible with my queries of SQL server 2008?
Thanks for the suggestion
But my concern is that software is already developed with SQL server 2008, then is there any way to use it with SQL server 2000?
You should have developed your software against SQL 2000, or demanded your client upgrade to at least 2005. Did
you ask the client which version you would deploy to before starting development? That is part of standard requirements gathering.
SQL 2008 queries may or may not be compatible with SQL 2000 due to
many new features in 2005 and 2008. There is no shortcut.
At best, make sure to use SQL 2000 documentation from MSDN when writing queries. Use the lowest common denominator.
If you are supporting a product that must deploy to multiple SQL Server versions, you may consider using an ORM that supports SQL 2000. Checkout the Nuget gallery of ORMs: http://staging.nuget.org/packages?q=Tags%3A%22ORM%22 - I believe something simple like Dapper supports 2000.
At minimum you should set your SQL 2008 compatibility level down to 2000 during development.
I recommend you setup a virtual machine, install the older OS that your client uses as well as SQL Server 2000. Otherwise there are unforeseeable differences.

SQL Server table in Oracle SQL Developer

I connected SQL server database with Oracle SQL Developer, everything looks good except i can only browse data, i cannot change data in tables cannot insert new or delete rows. Query is also disabled (i got message: Query Builder is not supported for this connection type.) I used Third Party JDBC Drivers - jtds-1.2.6.jar as my connection to SQL server. Is there a way to change data in tables?
It helped me to rollback to Oracle SQL Developer v.
That Query Builder supports MS SQL Server tables
I just use SQL Server Management Studio. You see.. when you buy a complete STACK of software, it comes with tools for writing SQL. Don't worry, if you're too cheap to buy $49/developer's edition of SQL Server, you can still get SSMS for free.

Linking SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2008, is this possible?

I am writing stored procs for a new system in SQL Server 2008 but I need to also update data in an older db - SQL Server 2000. I have searched but haven't found any solution to this. Is it possible? What are my choices?
Thank you!!
If you mean connect to and query against a SQL Server 2000 database, then yes, this is possible through the use of linked servers assuming that the two database servers are able to communicate with each other on the same network.
See Linked Servers for more.
This has been asked and answered in another thread, but here's a great link to get you on your way:
The concept you're looking for is called a "linked server", which allows SQL Server to send SQL commands to a remote server.

Moving data between oracle and sql server using Linked server

I have set up Oracle Linked server on Sql Server 2005 box using Oracle provider oledb and its working fine from sql server 2005 to oracle 9i, i.e. When i run distributed query from sql server i get data from oracle server to sql server. Now I don't have any clue how do i run distributed query from Oracle server and get data from sql server repeatedly. Do i have to set up Dsn ? What other things i have to set up before i run query from oracle server?
FYI : Oracle server is Sun solaris server and SQL server is x64 Windows Server 2003. Sql server has oracle client installed on it with odac drivers for ORACLE Provider for OLEDB.
I am going to use loadjava to load java into oracle and than move data between both repeatedly. (Java, Stored procedures & Triggers from oracle to get data from sql server)
Here is one way. DG4ODBC setup guide here.
This might help, too.
linking databases is the first phase. After that you may face the problems we faced, like not being able to delete fetched rows from Sql Server to Oracle Server remotely.
I will post a question about that, it is odd that our procedures used for data synching do not respons the same.