Objective-C, sorting an array based on a objects instance variable. - objective-c

I'm working on a game like Rodents Revenge, just to point out where I'm coming from with this question. I'm using the cocos2d game engine aswell...
I have a layer that contains about 168 blocks, these blocks are a subclass of a Sprite. Each block contains two instance variables that are integers, one for the xGridLocation and yGridLocation. I have a method that I call that returns an array containing all the blocks that are on the same x or y row as the main character your controlling (the mouse). This method works as long as the blocks stay in the same order (smallest x/y value to largest), but when I start pushing the blocks out of their original row and mixing them up a bit (when playing the game) my logic no longer works because it is based on the fact that the blocks in the array are indexed from smallest to largest based on their xGridLocation or yGridLocation. The xGridLocation and yGridLocation are not based on their position, when the layer first loads they are given preset grid locations and as the block moves in any direction the grid location is changed based on which direction they moved.
My question is how can I go about sorting the array before it's returned in order based on the instance variables xGridLocation or yGridLocation. I was thinking using the sortUsingSelector:#selector(compareValues:) method but wasn't sure how to go about implementing the compareValues method that will do the sorting.
Here is my method I used for getting an array of blocks.
//I have another one for x. The y parameter is the mouses y value.
-(NSMutableArray *)getBlocksForY:(int)y
NSMutableArray *blocks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
int tagNum = 0;
//tagNum starts at 0, and goes up to 168, the numer of children (blocks) on
//this layer...
for(tagNum; tagNum<=168; tagNum++)
BlueBlock *currentBlock = (BlueBlock *)[self getChildByTag:tagNum];
int currentY = [currentBlock getBlockLocationY];
//Checks to see if the current block has same y value as the mouse, if
//so it adds it to the array.
if(currentY == y)
[blocks addObject:currentBlock];
//I want to sort before returning...
return blocks;
If you need more information just ask.

As stated in NSMutableArray reference:
The comparator message is sent to each
object in the receiver and has as its
single argument another object in the
array. The comparator method should
return NSOrderedAscending if the
receiver is smaller than the argument,
NSOrderedDescending if the receiver is
larger than the argument, and
NSOrderedSame if they are equal.
So your comparator should be something like this, and should be added to BlueBlock class:
- (NSInteger) compareBlocks:(BlueBlock)block
if ([self getBlockLocationX] < [block getBlockLocationX])
return NSOrderedAscending;
else if ([self getBlockLocationX] == [block getBlockLocationX])
if ([self getBlockLocationY] < [block getBlockLocationY])
return NSOrderedAscending;
else if ([self getBlockLocationY] == [block getBlockLocationY])
return NSOrderedSame;
return NSOrderedDescending;
return NSOrderedDescending;


Sudoku Backtracking Algorithm Failure

I'm trying to generate a sudoku board, and although I can generate a solution, I now need to remove squares that a user can then fill in. In order to do this, I'd like to use backtracking to check each time that I remove a square, the board is
1. still solvable and 2. has only one solution.
The Problem
When I test my backtracking algorithm on this board (where the zeroes are empty squares), it returns this solution. Obviously I would prefer not to end up with several 9s in the first row, for example.
My Code
- (BOOL) solveArray: (NSArray*) numArray {
NSMutableArray* board = [numArray mutableCopy];
for (int i=0; i<9; i++) { //make all of the arrays mutable as well (since it's 2D)
[board replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[board[i] mutableCopy]];
//if everything is filled in, it's done
if (![self findUnassignedLocation:board]) {
NSLog(#"\n%#", [SudokuBoard sudokuBoardWithArray:board]);
return TRUE;
NSArray* poss = [[SudokuBoard sudokuBoardWithArray:board] possibleNumbersForRow:self.arow Col:self.acol];
//if there are no options for a location, this didn't work.
if ([poss count] == 0) {
return FALSE;
//otherwise, continue recursively until we find a solution
else {
for (int i=0; i<[poss count]; i++) {
//make a tentative assignment
board[self.arow][self.acol] = poss[i];
//return, if successful, done
if ([self solveArray:board]) {
return TRUE;
//if that didn't work, unmake it and retry with other options
board[self.arow][self.acol] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:0];
return FALSE;
Any thoughts on where I might be going wrong?
Each level of recursion needs its own row and column variables. That is, row and column should be inputs to solveArray and outputs of findUnassignedLocation instead of being member variables. As it is, when there is backtracking the row and column of the failed level get reused by the caller.
Given that some assigned locations are being overwritten, maybe findUnassignedLocation also contains an error.
Given that the result is invalid, maybe possibleNumbersForRow also contains an error.

indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: returns value outside of array count

I'm currently working on an app that populates a UITableView with items from a MPMediaItemCollection. I'm trying to add a UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark to the row that matches the title of the currently playing track.
I've done so by creating a mutable array of the track titles, which are also set for my cell's textLabel.text property. (for comparison purposes)
Note: This is all done in - (UITableViewCell *) tableView: (UITableView *) tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath
MPMediaItem *mediaItem = (MPMediaItem *)[collectionMutableCopy objectAtIndex: row];
if (mediaItem) {
cell.textLabel.text = [mediaItem valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyTitle];
[mutArray insertObject:cell.textLabel.text atIndex:indexPath.row];
To the best of my knowledge this all works fine except for the below. At this point, I am trying to get the index of the currently playing tracks title and add the UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark to that row.
if (indexPath.row == [mutArray indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:[mainViewController.musicPlayer.nowPlayingItem valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyTitle]]) {
cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark;
Getting to my question, I added all of the above (mostly irrelevant) code because I'm stumped on where I went wrong. When I log indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: it spits out "2147483647" every time, even though there are never more than 5 objects in the array. But why?
If anyone has any tips or pointers to help me fix this it would be greatly appreciated!
2147483647 just mean the object is not found.
From the documentation of -[NSArray indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:]:
Return Value
The lowest index whose corresponding array value is identical to anObject. If none of the objects in the array is identical to anObject, returns NSNotFound.
and NSNotFound is defined as:
enum {
NSNotFound = NSIntegerMax
and 2147483647 = 0x7fffffff is the maximum integer on 32-bit iOS.
Please note that even if two NSString have the same content, they may not be the identical object. Two objects are identical if they share the same location, e.g.
NSString* a = #"foo";
NSString* b = a;
NSString* c = [a copy];
assert([a isEqual:b]); // a and b are equal.
assert([a isEqual:c]); // a and c are equal.
assert(a == b); // a and b are identical.
assert(a != c); // a and c are *not* identical.
I believe you just want equality test instead of identity test, i.e.
if (indexPath.row == [mutArray indexOfObject:[....]]) {
Looking at the docs for NSArray
Return Value
The lowest index whose corresponding array value is identical to anObject. If none of the objects in the array is identical to anObject, returns NSNotFound.
So you should probably do a check
NSInteger index = [array indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:otherObject];
if (NSNotFound == index) {
// ... handle not being in array
} else {
// ... do your normal stuff

Recursivity in methods, Algorithm and NSValue issue

if ([valid count]==0) {
return NO;
for (NSValue *value in valid) {
CGPoint er=[value CGPointValue];
if( CGPointEqualToPoint(point,er)) return NO;
return YES;
if (!next.y==0) {
int ics=(int) next.x;
int igrec=(int)next.y;
if (mat[ics][igrec]==mat[ics-1][igrec]){
if (![self isInArray:next]) {
[valid addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:next]];
NSLog(#"valid y!=0 : %#",valid);
[self check:CGPointMake(ics-1, igrec)];
y are columns , x are rows , mat is a C matrix
what i'm trying to do here is this:i get a point, next, in a matrix,mat (i'll use struct but for the scope of testing i use CGPoint..it's basicaly the same thing), and for that point i check if it's on the first row and if it's not i check if the value is equal to the value of the row above .If it is, i add the coord of the point into an array and move to the value above (recursively). I have ifs for left,right, and below too...but the idea is the same.
My issues:
For some reason it doesn't work as it should, even with a mat full of 1 values
The NSMutableArray i use to store the points is always null (note that the NSLog gets called so it should've added an object already)
Does recursivity work with methods?
If you have a better idea how to do this...i'm listening
The "valid" array is nil because you haven't allocated it. (You can send an addObject: message, or any message, to a nil pointer--it just doesn't do anything.) Make sure you've got
valid = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
somewhere before you're calling this code.
Also, "!next.y==0" is questionable. It might turn out to be identical to "next.y != 0" even if ! has a higher precedence that ==, but I wouldn't guarantee it. That's all I spot for now, without really grokking what this code is trying to do..
Oh, another quick note: Instead of writing your own isInArray, just use NSArray's containsObject:. The inner part of the check method (second indent) is then
NSValue* pointVal = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:next];
if ( ![valid containsObject:pointVal] )
[valid addObject:next];
[self check:CGPointMake(ics-1, igrec)];
Or, if you don't care about the order of the points in the valid array you could use an NSMutableSet instead and not worry about checking if the point is already in the collection.
And yes, recursion in methods is fine. They're really the same as C functions, just with a couple hidden arguments (the self pointer and the method name) and called through a dispatch function.

Need help with NSMutableArray solution

Im currently devising a solution for my object BuildingNode *tower which is held inside NSMutableArray *gameObjects, to attack EnemyNode *enemy objects also held inside the gameObjects array.
I have a proposed solution which occasionally causes my game to freeze (temporarily) as the solution employed is quite buggy.
My solution is that each tower object contains its own NSMutableArray *targets which is synthesized from the Tower Class. If an enemy comes into range or out of range of any given tower object, the corrosponding index of the EnemyNode *enemy object from the gameObjects array is saved as an NSNumber into the targets array, or alternatively if the enemy object is out of range, it is removed from the .targets array.
Basically the idea is that the targets array holds the indices of any enemy that is in scope of the tower.
The problem I seem to be facing is that because this tower.targets array is updated dynamically all the time, i believe that if i'm doing some sort of operation on a particular index of tower.targets that then is removed, i get this error:
-[BuildingNode distance]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2dd140
Each BuildingNode *tower has different attacking alogrithms that use the tower.targets array for calling back the sorted/desired enemy.
For example, a random attack style will randomize a number between 0 & [tower.targets count] then I can create a pointer to gameObjects with the corresponding [tower.targets intValue].
Something like this:
EnemyNode *enemy = (EnemyNode *)[gameObjects objectAtIndex:[[tower.targets objectAtIndex:rand]intValue]];
So this will find a random enemy from the potential .targets array and then create a pointer object to an enemy.
I've put in many if statements to ensure that in the case of a .targets index being removed mid-sorting, the operation shouldnt go ahead, thus removing the game failure rate, but it still occurs occassionally.
Heres my code:
Please note that BuildingNode *tower == BuildingNode *build.
This is just a snippet of the iteration inside gameObjects.
//Potential Enemies (Indices) Add and Delete/
if (enemy.distance < build.atk_distance && !enemy.isExploding){
NSNumber *index = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[array indexOfObject:enemy]];
if(![build.targets containsObject:index]){
[build.targets addObject:index];
else {
NSNumber *index = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[array indexOfObject:enemy]];
if ([build.targets containsObject:index]){
[build.targets removeObject:index];
//Aiming// Nearest Algorithm.
//Will find the nearest enemy to the building
if (enemy.distance < build.atk_distance){
if (!build.isAttacking || build.atk_id == 0){
if ([build.targets count]){
if ([build.atk_style isEqualToString:#"near"]){
int l_dist;
for (int i = 0; i < [build.targets count]; i++){
//Grab the Enemy from Targets
if ([build.targets objectAtIndex:i]){
if([array objectAtIndex:[[build.targets objectAtIndex:i]intValue]]){
EnemyNode *temp = [array objectAtIndex:[[build.targets objectAtIndex:i]intValue]];
if (temp){
int c_dist = temp.distance;
if (!l_dist || c_dist < l_dist){
l_dist = c_dist;
build.atk_id = temp.uniqueID;
build.isAttacking = YES;
Unrecognized selector sent = calling a method on an object that doesn't exist. In this case, you're calling the distance method/property getter on a BuildingNode object.
The only distance I see is on your temp object, which is retrieved by EnemyNode *temp = [array objectAtIndex:[[build.targets objectAtIndex:i]intValue]]; That indicates you are really pulling a BuildingNode object out of the array instead of an EnemyNode. Find out why that happens.

Method in Objective-C that points to an object

I have created a few sprites using a spriteclass and I have loaded them into an array. In my app, I loop over the array checking for particular conditions (position, etc.). I want to create an explosion method that I can pass one of these objects to and then using the pointer pull the position of the object on the screen and show an explosion there. I don't know how to pass the pointer/object that is in my array to the method to be used.
Here is essentially what I had in mind:
for (int i=1; i<4; i++) {
EnemySprite *currentenemy = [enemies objectAtIndex:i-1];
//Blow this guy up
[self explosion:currentenemy]
-(void)explosion someobject {
explosion.position = someobject.position
You would write it like this for one param
// definition
-(void) explosion:(EnemySprite*) someObject
// usage
[self explosion: object];
For two params things are a bit more involved. Consider;
// definition
-(void) explosion:(EnemySprite*) someObject radius:(float)explosionRadius
if (pos < explosionRadius)
// usage
[self explosion: object radius:10.0f];
Everything before the : is used for the external name, everything after is the name internal to the function.
This is why you will often see Objective-C functions written with function names that end with the name of the first type:
-(void) explodeSprite:(EnemySprite*) sprite radius:(float)radius;
Both the sprite and radius params then appear to be "named" when the function is written;
[self explodeSprite:sprite radius:10.0f];
Why not make your object the receiver of the explosion?
for (id currentenemy in enemies)
[currentenemy explode];