I have a dojo.dnd.Source container with multiple dnd items. I'd like to give the user the option to select one of the dnd items in the source and then use their backwards/forwards keys to navigate to other items in the source. I've tried setting onkeyup/onkeydown handlers on the dnd items, but they don't seem to fire. I've also tried setting key handlers on the dnd source container, but no luck there either.
Any ideas on whether this is possible - if so, on what dom node should I attach my keyup/keydown listeners?
PS - using dojo 1.3 in an Adobe AIR application.
In general key events are not position-specific like mouse events, and they target a focused node, like a radio button, or a text box. I suspect you don't have form nodes there. You can always try to emulate it yourself, but Dojo DnD doesn't support it out of the box.
I have been using the Karate framework Robot component for desktop UI automation. With it, I need to click on a button in each row item of a data grid and using click() doesn't work when the item is not in view/is offscreen. As such I'm trying to figure out how to scroll down to the items I need so I can click the button. I noticed with the driver there is an option to scroll() but I haven't been able to find one with Robot.
Is there a workaround for this or are there plans to add a scroll() function for karate-robot in the future?
Scroll certainly sounds like it may be missing from the existing API. Please do consider investigating and contributing to the code, which will just make it faster to release.
Meanwhile here are the possible workarounds:
see if using the TAB key auto-scrolls to the element
if you get a reference to the button you can call invoke() on it which is supported by a range of windows components
P.S. please do consider contributing code, the code base is actually quite simple. And here is where you can implement the Scroll pattern: link.
I am looking for a user control that implements the behavior that can be seen in various settings related pages in Windows 8 (e.g. in "PC Settings"\"PC and devices"\"Devices"): a list consisting of icons and a label, where an item is expanded when clicked upon, showing a button that provides an item related action.
Is there a suitable control available for Windows store apps? If not, what would be the most efficient way to implement this behavior?
are you looking for something similar to TreeView in WinrtXAMLToolkit ?
You can use FlyOut component.
Also you can find "in list flyout example" on internet.
In My test I want to click on object of Type WebArea which opens a webelement popup includes some fields that i need to test.
the problem that the popup not open after I click on WebArea object through the code.
the code I use as below.
nothing hapens after the above line excuted.
Look into the HTML of the WebArea and see what action is triggering the popup. Normally it has something like onclick='showPopup();', but in other cases it is onmousedown or onmouseup.
If this is the case, you have to setup QTP accordingly. There are multiple roads to walk here, one is to see how you advanced web settings are configured. Go to Tools>Options>Web>Advanced and look in the Run Settings.
Setting the Replay Type to Event will replay your scripts by events (by default mousedown, mouseup and then mouseclick) or by mouse (You'll see your mouse pointer moving in this mode, QTP will replay by sending WM_* messages through the Windows api for movement to the correct screenlocation and triggering the click).
Allthough it replays a bit faster, if Run only click is checked, it is better to uncheck this to trigger all events / messages.
Events can also be fired by the FireEvent method:
or through the object native methods:
call Browser("WW").page("assessment").WebArea("areaassessment").Object.click()
call Browser("WW").page("assessment").WebArea("areaassessment").Object.FireEvent("onclick")
As #AutomateChaos said there is probably an event that QTP isn't simulating, one way to work around this is to do as #AutomateChaos suggests and simulate the needed event. A simpler way is to change to device replay (as I described here and here).
In my current project I am working with a specific implementation of the jface ProjectionViewer attached to a TextEditor nested in a MultiPageEditor.
My task is now to implement a custom reaction to Ctrl-Z, and from what I get this is best done by attaching a specific implementation of IUndoHandler to the Viewer, all of that would be no problem.
But, pressing Ctrl-Z while having that TextEditor focused fails to cause any reaction that would be expected. While clicking "Undo Typing" in the context menu, which displays the associated key combination Ctrl-Z causes the TextViewerUndoManager.DocumentUndoListener's notification method is called, no line of code in the TextViewerUndoManager is touched when pressing Ctrl-Z.
As a possible source of this problem I assumed that maybe a handler might be defined for this key combination in an extension point, since I had previously experimented with this mechanism, but the plugin.xml does not define any key combinations nor undo handlers apart from one that is associated with a special context menu for a different widget.
It might be worth to note that Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V work as intended.
I need to find out what happens when Ctrl-Z is pressed and why nothing is relayed to the TextViewerUndoManager.
It would be very helpful if someone could describe the progress how eclipse handles these key combinations normally and decides which command is appropriate.
Thanks in advance
Cntrl+Z- undo is processed using OperationHistorySupport. Look at UndoActionHandler class.
Binding support is implemented using keydown event filter using WorkbenchKeyboard ( all keydown events first filtered using this class. this is how BindingService was implemented). This will figure out correspond command for the key binding.
DocumentUndoManager.UndoableTextChange is where undo operation is handled.
How can I bind a key combination to my vb.net application? I know it has SOMETHING to do with the registry, but I have no earthly idea what or how to go about doing this. I want the user to be able to hit those keys when the app is open and have it execute my function, but not while the app is closed.
Thanks for the help!
If you are using a dialog, then you can put '&' into the text for some controls (buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc) and this will cause Alt plus the next character in the text to be used as an accelerator/shortcut. i.e. "&Open" would activate the Open button if you press Alt+O. "Op&en" would activate if for Alt+e.
Beyond that, as Jason Irwin said, you need to add an event handler to your Form for KeyDown or KeyPress events, and then check if the keypress is the key combination you are interested in. This will only work if the user activates your form (clicks in it to give it the input focus. If they put it behind another window, it will not react to the key presses)
If you don't want to show a form, or want to react to keypresses when you're not the input-focus application, then it gets a bit more complicated (you either need to use a hidden form or a keyboard hook)
OK, it looks like you want a keyboard hook. This looks like a good article.
It depends on what you are trying to do:
If you have a gui application and you want to handle key events then you can do that in a keydown eventhandler
If you want to do more low-level stuff and have an application that will intercept all key strokes (regardless of whether or not the application has focus/is visible) then you need to use pinvoke to hit the win32 apis. I suggest you read the following:
link text
Please let us know what you are trying to do so we can provide better feedback.
Using Google, I found this Keyhook example.
I've worked with keyhooks before, in Delphi WIN32, so I am a bit familiar with them. (Just not in C#.) If you add one to a DLL, all Hell might break loose since most virus scanners will recognise this as malware behaviour. (Especially if you use them in the wrong way, causing them to be injected in each and every process that's running on your system.)
A keyhook will allow key combinations to be captured from other processes, though.
For a solution without programming requirements: Drop a shortcut for the application on your desktop. Edit it, assign a shortcut, close it. Press shortcut to test...