how to Insert , overwrite audio files -Audio Editing iphone - iphone-sdk-3.0

I am developing an application which does audio recording. Now I need to add a feature of editing the recorded audio file... The user should be able to play the audio file & insert recording into that.. cut unwanted audio .. I need the two basic functionality INSERT audio & overwrite existing audio.
Is there any inbuilt function? Any useful link related to this will be helpful


is there a way to record the audio output of the phone?

I can't find a way of recording the audio stream of the phone.
I've looked at react-native-audio-record, but it only seems to record input from the microphone.

iPhone: bulk move ALL voice memos + ALL pdfs generated from Safari page prints (pdf-exports using "Books") to pc

voice memos:
I have 100s of voice memos that I recorded using the Apple voice recorder standard app and I want to get them on my pc altogether in one go.
I often save mobile Safari pages as Books which are then automatically saved (very quickly and well-formatted) as pdfs. On a website opened in Safari, you can choose the "send to"- button and then the orange Symbol for books. I have houndreds of self-generated pdfs in ibooks, and I have googled and tested for a longer time how to transfer them to my pc (see the details of these tests in the answer section).
Is there any trick to bulk move ALL voice memos in just one go + ALL pdfs in Books to the pc in just one go? I am happy about ANY way to reach this.
Please mind: I do not want to save every voice memo / pdf, piece by piece, in a cloud or app nor send each of them, piece by piece, by mail. This costs too much time and nerves and is not a bulk move.
I found a working solution in Decipher Backup Browser 14. This program might not be the only one achieving the aim, but it does the thing. Whoever finds other programs, please add an answer.
It simply reads out the data from the iPhone backup that you can create with iTunes. The program offers extracting all voice memos, as well as extracting all PDFs in "All PDFs in Backup". In the full version, you can then save them in one go to your pc. Thanks go to the pragmatic e-mail help including the screenshot.
Another possible solution perhaps is to sync your iBooks with iCloud - perhaps, because there is no working test, neither on Windows nor on macOS.
#### Testing the sync of the Safari pdfs:
(I originally got the info of the possible sync on macOS from the Decipher company, but I assume this is a simple misunderstanding or outdated.)
I sync iBooks with iCloud, iBooks are part of iCloud's "Manage Storage" option in my iPhone Settings, and still I do not see the pdfs there. On Windows, I do not see any iBooks sign at all in iCloud. iBooks is supposed to be hidden in iCloud Drive according to, but I could not succeed with the help of that link, the answers there are for Apple macOS command line (macOS bash). Then an additional investigation turned out that even if there were a hidden folder on Windows (which does not), it would not help: #ankii was so kind to test this on macOS, the needed pdfs cannot be seen in the macOS hidden iBooks folder either. See, #ankii:
I exported a wikipedia page to iOS iBooks, as pdf. It shows up on iOS
app. but not on Mac app. that is weird.
Please, if anyone has managed this iCloud sync on Windows or macOS, answer here, but it seems as if there is no solution.
The simple reason why all of the normal file transfer tools cannot help, but only those which give you the contents of the iTunes backup, is because the needed pdfs ARE only in the backup. :)
When you delete such a "Safari-pdf", it will ask you whether you want to delete this from iCloud or if you only want to delete it from the downloads. That is just the standard question for the real e-books, while the "Safari-pdfs" that this thread is about are not part of iCloud anyway.
And it seems as if this will not change in the future, according to discussion results.
##################### Finally:
After having saved all of the PDFs, deleting them in two alternatives:
Books > Library > Edit > "Select All" on the left (you may also do this inside a specific collection only so that you can filter what you want to delete, you can also multi-select PDFs manually instead of "Select All")
or delete all by going to Settings --> Passwords & Accounts --> iCloud --> iCloud --> Manage Storage --> Apple Books (mind there are 2 of them, take the first one) --> Delete Documents & Data
Additional documentation
Proof that the bulk move cannot be done without a 3rd party app.
I have tried several 3rd party programs to transfer the pdfs, but none of them find the Safari pdf prints, they only find just the commercial e-books. iTunes does not find them either.
I was asked by a moderator to move the details of what I have already tried to reach a bulk move - and which were at first part of the question - to this answer. This was tested in 04/2020, but the problem will still be the same.
iPhone 7, iOS 13.4.1 transfer iBooks pdfs to Windows 10
either with 3rd party apps or iTunes v.
result: nothing works, only workaround is using Adobe Acrobat or
iCloud Drive going through each single pdf
Unsuccessful try only using iBooks and iTunes:
In iTunes, clicking on your phone symbol, the iTunes pane that appears has a lot of options like overview, music, films... and also third party apps like kindle or acrobat in the last menu point, but there is no iBooks anywhere.
In the main menu, iBooks folder is empty. Right-click on iBooks and "transfer purchases" leads to nothing, of course: I have not bought any pdf, but just printed it from safari. In the settings, in "iTunes and App Store" make sure that "iBooks and audiobooks" are switched on for automatic download.
Third party apps fail to show iBooks' Safari pdf prints:
Tested up to now (few of so many): iMazing, iExplorer, easeus, ApowerManager, Phonepaw, iTools
Only those pdfs that you had actually added from the pc to the phone
are also in the books folder in the third party apps.
Those pdfs that are just printed pdfs from safari websites do not appear in the third party apps of iTunes.
iCloud Drive or Adobe Acrobat app: The current workaround which takes too much time and nerves:
Adobe Acrobat v. 20.04.00 app on the iPhone, click on every pdf's 3 dots in the overview in iBooks, save it in Acrobat. Then use iTunes, clicking on your Phone symbol, use the last menu point to get to Acrobat 3rd party app and then mark all pdfs and save them to a folder on your pc.
You can also use iCloud Drive, AirDrop or the like, works the same and does not need iTunes. Make sure that in your iPhone preferences, iBooks --> iCloud Drive is switched on (this is the standard anyway). Still the same issue with any such solution: no bulk move possible.
In Books, use the "Save to Files" option. Afterwards, follow these directions.

SpriteKit playSound doesn't play m4a files?

I want to use the playSoundFileNamed: Method to play a background soundfile as loop, which I copied into the project as usual, but the problem is, that the program stops at the sound code line...
SKAction* playSound = [SKAction playSoundFileNamed:#"backgroundMusicLoop.m4a" waitForCompletion:NO];
[self runAction: [SKAction repeatActionForever:playSound]];
It doesn't happen anything (and I tried it not in the simulator, but on a real device) !
I tried to play a wav file and there was no error, but wavs have a lot bigger filesize...
Hope someone knows about a solution :)
Change your waitForCompletion from NO to YES.
Having it set to NO, means that the action will always repeat itself without waiting for the sound to play to end. In effect it gets stuck at the beginning and has no chance to play through.
(Brain fart on my part for not seeing that the first time around!)
The m4a sound format seems to have issues with the playSoundFileNamed:waitForCompletion:. Try another format such as mp3 or caf.
If you absolutely need to use m4a then use AVAudioSession to play your sounds, music.
In case you don't know how to convert formats using iTunes, here are Apple's instructions for it:
Saving a copy of a song in a new file format
When converting from a compressed to uncompressed file format (for example, from MP3 to AIFF) you shouldn't notice any reduction in sound quality. However, when converting between compressed formats (for example MP3 and AAC), you may notice a reduction in the sound quality. For the best results, if you want your music encoded in a different file format, you should import the music again from the original source using the new encoding format.
To convert a song's file format Open iTunes Preferences. Windows:
Choose Edit > Preferences. Mac: Choose iTunes > Preferences. Click
the General button, then click the Importing Settingsā€¦ button in the
lower section of the window. From the Import Using pop-up menu, choose
the encoding format that you want to convert the song to, then click
OK to save the settings. Select one or more songs in your library,
then from the File > Create New Version menu, choose one of the
following (the menu item changes to show what's selected in your
Importing preferences): Create MP3 version Create AAC version Create
AIFF version Create WAV version Create Apple Lossless version If you
haven't imported some songs into iTunes yet, you can import and
convert them at the same time. This will create a converted copy of
the file in your iTunes Library based on your iTunes preferences. To
convert all the songs in a folder or on a disk, hold down the Option
key (Mac) or Shift key (Windows) and choose File > Create New Version
Convert [import preference setting]. The Import preference setting will match what you chose in step 3. iTunes will prompt you for the
location of the folder or disk you want to import and convert. All the
songs in the folder or on the disk will be converted. Note: Older
purchased songs are encoded using a Protected AAC format that prevents
them from being converted. If you need to convert these to another
format, follow the instructions in this article to upgrade them.
The song in its original format and the newly converted song appear in
your library.

Save audio files as text tone for Windows Phone Development

I am currently developing an audio app for Windows Phone and I wonder: is it possible to set audio files as a text tone i.e. the sound I get when I receive a text message?
No, you cannot do that via API in your application.
But user can change that setting only if he is running GDR3 or above.

MP4 File editing

I have an mp4 video presentation that contains a lot of moving graphics (arrows, buttons etc.) Can I modify/edit these graphics using the MP4 file or do i need the original file used to create the video?
You will need the original source if you want to edit it.