My SQL query is only returning children I need the parent aswell - sql

My sql query is only returning the children of the parent I need it to return the parent as well,
public function getNav($cat,$subcat){
//gets all sub categories for a specific category
if(!$this->checkValue($cat)) return false; //checks data
$query = false;
$sql = "SELECT itemID, title, parent, url, description, image
FROM p_cat
WHERE deleted = 0
AND parent is NULL
ORDER BY position;";
$query = $this->db->query($sql) or die($this->db->error);
$sql = "SET #parent = (SELECT c.itemID FROM p_cat c WHERE url = '".$this->sql($cat)."' AND deleted = 0);
SELECT c1.itemID, c1.title, c1.parent, c1.url, c1.description, c1.image, (SELECT c2.url FROM p_cat c2 WHERE c2.itemID = c1.parent LIMIT 1) as parentUrl
FROM p_cat c1
WHERE c1.deleted = 0
AND c1.parent = #parent
ORDER BY c1.position;";
$query = $this->db->multi_query($sql) or die($this->db->error);
$this->db->store_result(); $this->db->next_result();
$query = $this->db->store_result();
return $query;

may be:
"SET #parent = (SELECT c.itemID FROM p_cat c WHERE url = '".$this->sql($cat)."' AND deleted = 0);
SELECT c1.itemID, c1.title, c1.parent, c1.url, c1.description, c1.image, (SELECT c2.url FROM p_cat c2 WHERE c2.itemID = c1.parent LIMIT 1) as parentUrl
FROM p_cat c1
WHERE c1.deleted = 0
AND (c1.parent = #parent OR c1.itemID = #parent)
ORDER BY c1.position;"

Just join the p_cat table back to itself:
SELECT c1.itemID, c1.title, c1.parent, c1.url, c1.description, c1.image
, parents.itemID, parents.parent, parents.url, parents.description, parents.image,
FROM p_cat c1
Inner Join p_cat parents
On = C1.parent
WHERE c1.deleted = 0
AND c1.parent = #parent
ORDER BY c1.position


Nested in line view Add Column

I have to add a column to this report - the new column name is: uda_value_desc
The code below will give me a result if I enter a PM_ITEM number, I need to insert the code into one of the in line views.
Any help would be appreciated
WITH item_temp AS (SELECT im.item
,uv.uda_value_desc uda_value_desc -----
FROM item_master im
,TABLE(mff_report.parse_strings(:PM_item)) t
, uda_item_lov uil
, uda_values uv
WHERE t.Column_Value = uil.item
and uil.UDA_ID = 511
and uv.uda_id = uil.uda_id
and uv.uda_value = uil.uda_value
and im.item = uil.item
SELECT im.item
FROM item_master im
,TABLE(mff_report.parse_strings(:PM_item)) t
WHERE t.COLUMN_VALUE = im.item_parent
AND im.item_level = im.tran_level
SELECT sd.item
FROM skulist_detail sd
,TABLE(mff_report.parse_strings(:PM_item_list)) t
WHERE t.COLUMN_VALUE = sd.skulist
SELECT ia.item
FROM mffecom.item_attr ia
,TABLE(mff_report.parse_strings(:PM_product_id)) t
WHERE t.COLUMN_VALUE = ia.product_id
SELECT im.item
FROM item_master im
AND :PM_item_list IS NULL
AND :PM_product_id IS NULL )
SELECT v_item.item_parent
,mff_report.mff_merch_sql.get_brand_name(v_item.item) brand_name
,v_product.code_desc fulfillment_method_desc
,TO_CHAR(v_product.deactivate_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') product_deactivate_date
,TO_CHAR(v_product.product_activate_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') product_activate_date
,TO_CHAR(v_product.item_activate_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') item_activate_date
,TO_CHAR(v_product.item_deactivate_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') item_deactivate_date
,TO_CHAR(v_product.prod_created_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') prod_created_date
,TO_CHAR(v_product.item_created_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY') item_created_date
,v_item.delete_type purge
,mff_orders_sql.buyer_for_item(v_item.item) buyer
,mff_orders_sql.buyer_name_for_item(v_item.item) buyer_name
FROM (SELECT ia.item
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,1,selling_point)) selling_point_1
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,2,selling_point)) selling_point_2
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,3,selling_point)) selling_point_3
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,4,selling_point)) selling_point_4
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,5,selling_point)) selling_point_5
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,6,selling_point)) selling_point_6
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,7,selling_point)) selling_point_7
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,8,selling_point)) selling_point_8
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,9,selling_point)) selling_point_9
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,10,selling_point)) selling_point_10
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,11,selling_point)) selling_point_11
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,12,selling_point)) selling_point_12
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,13,selling_point)) selling_point_13
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,14,selling_point)) selling_point_14
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,15,selling_point)) selling_point_15
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,16,selling_point)) selling_point_16
FROM mffecom.item_attr ia
,(SELECT sp.product_id
,row_number () OVER (PARTITION BY sp.product_id ORDER BY sp.selling_point_id) row_num
FROM mffecom.selling_point sp
ORDER BY sp.product_id
,sp.selling_point) v_sell
WHERE ia.product_id = v_sell.product_id
GROUP BY ia.item
,v_sell.product_id) v_selling
,(SELECT NVL(im.item_parent,im.item) item_parent
,miim.stock_on_hand soh
,di.diff_desc diff1_desc
,di2.diff_desc diff2_desc
,di3.diff_desc diff3_desc
,di4.diff_desc diff4_desc
FROM item_supplier isupp
,sups s
,item_supp_country_dim iscd
,item_master im
,diff_ids di
,diff_ids di2
,diff_ids di3
,diff_ids di4
,daily_purge dp
,merch_item_inv_mv miim
WHERE isupp.item = im.item
AND isupp.item = miim.item (+)
AND isupp.supplier = s.supplier
AND isupp.item = iscd.item
AND isupp.supplier = iscd.supplier
AND isupp.primary_supp_ind = 'Y'
AND iscd.dim_object = 'EA'
AND im.item_level = im.tran_level
AND im.sellable_ind = 'Y'
AND im.diff_1 = di.diff_id (+)
AND im.diff_2 = di2.diff_id (+)
AND im.diff_3 = di3.diff_id (+)
AND im.diff_4 = di4.diff_id (+)
AND im.item = dp.key_value (+)) v_item
,(SELECT ia.item
,pm.template product_template
,pm.status product_status
,ia.status item_ecom_status
,pm.deactivate_date deactivate_date
,pm.activate_date product_activate_date
,ia.activate_date item_activate_date
,ia.deactivate_date item_deactivate_date
,pm.created_by prod_created_by
,pm.create_datetime prod_created_date
,pm.updated_by prod_updated_by
,ita.created_by item_created_by
,ita.create_date item_created_date
,ia.updated_by item_updated_by
FROM MFFECOM.product_master pm
,MFFECOM.item_attr ia
,MFFECOM.ship_to_restrict str
,rms13.mff_brand mb
,rms13.item_attributes ita
,rms13.code_detail cd
WHERE ia.product_id = pm.product_id
AND ia.item = str.item (+)
AND ia.item = ita.item (+)
AND pm.brand_id = mb.brand_id (+)
AND to_char(ia.fulfillment_method) = cd.code
AND cd.code_type = 'EIFM') v_product
,(SELECT item
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,1,variant_id)) variant_id1
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,1,value_id)) value_id1
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,2,variant_id)) variant_id2
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,2,value_id)) value_id2
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,3,variant_id)) variant_id3
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,3,value_id)) value_id3
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,4,variant_id)) variant_id4
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,4,value_id)) value_id4
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,5,variant_id)) variant_id5
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,5,value_id)) value_id5
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,6,variant_id)) variant_id6
,MIN(DECODE(row_num,6,value_id)) value_id6
,row_number () OVER (PARTITION BY item ORDER BY variant_id) row_num
FROM mffecom.item_variant)
,product_id) v_variant
,item_temp it
WHERE v_item.item = v_selling.item (+)
AND v_item.item = v_product.item (+)
AND v_item.item = v_variant.item (+)
AND v_item.item = it.item
AND v_item.supplier = NVL(:PM_supplier,v_item.supplier)
AND (v_product.prod_created_by = :PM_prod_created_by OR :PM_prod_created_by IS NULL)
AND (v_product.item_created_by = :PM_item_created_by OR :PM_item_created_by IS NULL)
AND (v_product.prod_created_date BETWEEN :prod_created_date_start AND :prod_created_date_to OR :prod_created_date_start IS NULL)
AND (v_product.item_created_date BETWEEN :item_created_date_start AND :item_created_date_to OR :item_created_date_start IS NULL)
ORDER BY v_product.product_id

Expression.Error Power Query EXCEL

I have a problem with a dynamic parameter in Power Query. There's the code:
Parametro = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Parametro"]}[Content],
InicioExec_Valor = Parametro{0}[Valor],
FimExec_Valor = Parametro{1}[Valor],
Fonte = Sql.Database("DATABASE", "TABLE", [Query="select#(lf)#(lf)o.cd_controle, exe.nm_pessoa AS Executante, o.numero AS OM, #(lf)CONVERT(nvarchar(10), o.dt_abertura, 103) AS Abertura,#(lf)o.medidor Horimetro_OM,#(lf)p.nm_pessoa AS Cliente, #(lf)e.nm_equipto AS Equipamento, pat.nr_patrimonio AS Patrimonio, #(lf)CONVERT(nvarchar(10), o.dt_autoriz_execucao, 103) AS Inicio_Exec, #(lf)CONVERT(nvarchar(10), o.dt_encos_oficina, 103) AS Fim_Exec, Z.nm_apelido AS Unidade, #(lf)CASE WHEN fl_preventiva = 'C' THEN 'Corretiva' #(lf)WHEN fl_preventiva = 'P' then 'PREVENTIVA'#(lf)WHEN fl_preventiva = 'R' then 'INSPEÇÃO RESUMIDA'#(lf)WHEN fl_preventiva = 'V' then 'INSPEÇÃO PREVENTIVA'#(lf)WHEN fl_preventiva = 'E' then 'ENTREGA TÉCNICA'#(lf)else 'Indefinido' end AS 'Corret_Preven'#(lf),CONVERT(nvarchar(10), fl_remessa.dt_saida, 103) AS DataSaida#(lf),fl_rem_equ.vl_medidor Horimetro_Remessa#(lf),CONVERT(nvarchar(10), o.dt_abertura, 103) AS Abertura#(lf),o.medidor Horimetro_OM#(lf)#(lf)from orcos o#(lf)inner join controle c on (c.cd_controle = o.cd_controle)#(lf)inner join wcore_oid oid on (oid.cd_oid = c.cd_oid)#(lf)left outer join empresa AS Z ON Z.cd_empresa = o.cd_empresa #(lf)left outer join equipto e on (e.cd_equipto = o.cd_equipto)#(lf)left outer join pessoa f on (f.cd_pessoa = o.cd_pessoa_tec)#(lf)left outer join pessoa p on (p.cd_pessoa = o.cd_pessoa)#(lf)left outer join pessoa exe on (exe.cd_pessoa = o.cd_pessoa_exe)#(lf)left outer join patrimon pat on (pat.cd_patrimonio = o.cd_patrimonio)#(lf)left outer join est_almox x on x.cd_almox = pat.cd_almox#(lf)left outer join empresa emp on emp.cd_empresa = o.cd_empresa_origem #(lf)#(lf)left outer JOIN dbo.fich_loc ON (fich_loc.cd_controle= o.cd_controle_loc)#(lf)left outer JOIN dbo.fl_remessa fl_remessa ON (fl_remessa.cd_controle = dbo.fich_loc.cd_controle)#(lf)#(lf)INNER JOIN(select max(fl_remessa.cd_flremessa)cd_flremessa, A.cd_controle #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) from dbo.fl_remessa#(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) inner join dbsislocsalvador..fich_loc on (fl_remessa.cd_controle = dbo.fich_loc.cd_controle)#(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) inner join dbsislocsalvador..orcos a on (fich_loc.cd_controle= A.cd_controle_loc#(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) and fl_remessa.dt_saida<=a.dt_abertura) #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) inner join controle c on (c.cd_controle = A.cd_controle)#(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) left outer join patrimon pat on (pat.cd_patrimonio = a.cd_patrimonio)#(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.fl_rem_equ AS fl_rem_equ ON pat.cd_patrimonio = fl_rem_equ.cd_patrimonio AND fl_remessa.cd_flremessa = fl_rem_equ.cd_flremessa#(lf) #(tab)#(tab) left outer JOIN dbo.loc_flremequ_xplano AS loc_flremequ_xplano ON loc_flremequ_xplano.cd_flremequ = fl_rem_equ.cd_flremequ #(lf) #(tab)#(tab)#(tab) left outer JOIN dbo.equipto AS equipto ON fl_rem_equ.cd_equipto = equipto.cd_equipto#(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) where #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) ((NOT EXISTS(select top 1 * from config_tag_xoid)) OR (c.cd_oid not in (select txo.cd_oid from #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) (select * from ( select cd_tag, nm_tag , (30) as fl_acesso from config_tag t where t.fl_ativo in ('S') ) tags #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) WHERE (fl_acesso = 10) ) tags inner join config_tag_xoid txo on tags.cd_tag = txo.cd_tag where 3=3 /*filter_tag_clause*/ #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) group by txo.cd_oid))) and ( ( (a.cd_controle_loc is not null and a.cd_fldevolucao is null) ) ) and#(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) (a.cd_empresa IN (24,45,5,46,20,29,43,15,48,10,1,22,8,34,49,9,47,52,7)) and ( ( a.cd_local is null or a.cd_local in (0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9) ) ) #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) AND (a.cd_controle_loc IS NOT NULL) AND (a.cd_fldevolucao IS NULL) #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) and (a.fl_preventiva in ('C', 'P', 'R', 'V', 'E')) #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) and (equipto.cd_grupo in (1478, 1480, 1481, 1482, 1483, 1484, 1485, 1486, 1487, 1488, 1491, 1492, 1548, 1549))#(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) group by a.cd_controle) AS fl_remessa_max #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) ON fl_remessa.cd_flremessa = fl_remessa_max.cd_flremessa#(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) and fl_remessa_max.cd_controle = o.cd_controle #(lf)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) #(lf)LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.fl_rem_equ AS fl_rem_equ ON pat.cd_patrimonio = fl_rem_equ.cd_patrimonio AND fl_remessa.cd_flremessa = fl_rem_equ.cd_flremessa#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) #(lf)left outer JOIN dbo.equipto AS equipto ON fl_rem_equ.cd_equipto = equipto.cd_equipto#(lf) #(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab)#(tab) #(lf)WHERE ((NOT EXISTS(select top 1 * from config_tag_xoid)) OR (c.cd_oid not in (select txo.cd_oid from #(lf)(select * from ( select cd_tag, nm_tag , (30) as fl_acesso from config_tag t where t.fl_ativo in ('S') ) tags #(lf)WHERE (fl_acesso = 10) ) tags inner join config_tag_xoid txo on tags.cd_tag = txo.cd_tag where 3=3 /*filter_tag_clause*/ #(lf)group by txo.cd_oid))) and ( ( (o.cd_controle_loc is not null and o.cd_fldevolucao is null) ) ) and#(lf)(o.cd_empresa IN (24,45,5,46,20,29,43,15,48,10,1,22,8,34,49,9,47,52,7)) and ( ( o.cd_local is null or o.cd_local in (0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9) ) ) #(lf)AND (o.cd_controle_loc IS NOT NULL) AND (o.cd_fldevolucao IS NULL) #(lf)and (o.fl_preventiva in ('C', 'P', 'R', 'V', 'E')) #(lf)and (equipto.cd_grupo in (1478, 1480, 1481, 1482, 1483, 1484, 1485, 1486, 1487, 1488, 1491, 1492, 1548, 1549))"]),
#"Tipo Alterado" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Fonte,{{"Abertura", type date}, {"Inicio_Exec", type date}, {"Fim_Exec", type date}, {"DataSaida", type date}}),
#"Colunas Removidas" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"Tipo Alterado",{"cd_controle", "Horimetro_OM2", "Abertura2"}),
#"Filtro Datas" = Table.SelectRows(#"Colunas Removidas", each [Fim_Exec] >= InicioExec_Valor and [Fim_Exec] <= FimExec_Valor)
#"Filtro Datas"
And occur that error:
Expression.Error: Não conseguimos aplicar o operador < aos tipos
Number e Date. Detalhes:
How can I solve that?
Although I don't read Spanish, looks like it says you cannot compare number and date with < operator.
It is good practice, by the way, to first convert parameters to the proper type:
InicioExec_Valor = Date.From(Parametro{0}[Valor]),
FimExec_Valor = Date.From(Parametro{1}[Valor]),`
Try this.
If it won't work, determine step that generates error by clicking them one-by-one.
There is more I wonder about. Why do you convert Fim_Exec to nvarchar and then to date?
1. #(lf)CONVERT(nvarchar(10), o.dt_encos_oficina, 103) AS Fim_Exec
2. {"Fim_Exec", type date},
Why don't use Fim_Exec = CAST(o.dt_encos_oficina as date)? (or datetime, depending on SQL Server version) in the query?
Same applies to other columns.
Next, it is best practice not to use native queries unless absolutely required.
And, yes, this is largest and most complex query I've seen up to date. :)

Updating multiple tables inside cursor not working

I have two records in a table A. This helps me to update table 2 however the update is not been applied. This is the SQL code where I added a validation section that allow me to determinate the problem.
select d.cod_suc, d.cod_ramo_comercial, d.nro_pol, d.cod_item, d.cod_ramo_tecnico, d.cod_tarifa,
d.id_stro, d.nro_stro, d.fec_hora_reclamo, d.fec_aviso, d.fec_registro, d.fec_ingreso_contable,
d.txt_place_of_accident, d.id_substro, d.txt_nombre_cober, d.txt_direccion_bien_siniestrado, d.txt_descripcion_perdida, d.txt_cheque_a_nom, d.cod_manager_code, d.importe_pago_eq
from table1 d
where d.fec_hora_reclamo between '20140801' and '20150731'
and (d.cod_suc = 2 and d.cod_ramo_comercial = 255 and d.nro_pol = 1000001 and d.cod_item = 5)
OPEN abc
FETCH abc INTO #cod_suc, #cod_ramo_comercial, #nro_pol, #cod_item, #cod_ramo_tecnico, #cod_tarifa,
#id_stro, #nro_stro, #fec_hora_reclamo, #fec_aviso, #fec_registro, #fec_ingreso_contable,
#txt_place_of_accident, #id_substro, #txt_nombre_cober, #txt_direccion_bien_siniestrado, #txt_descripcion_perdida, #txt_cheque_a_nom, #cod_manager_code, #importe_pago_eq
select #varIDPV = min(id_pv), #varCodTarifa = min(cod_tarifa)
from #portfolio p
where p.cod_suc = #cod_suc and p.cod_ramo_comercial = #cod_ramo_comercial and p.Poliza = #nro_pol and p.Item = #cod_item and p.cod_ramo_tecnico = #cod_ramo_tecnico
and p.[ID Incident] IS NULL
-- Validation section
-- First record:
mid(id_pv) = 100, min(cod_tarifa) = 1
-- Second record:
mid(id_pv) = 100, min(cod_tarifa) = 1
--> Should be mid(id_pv) = 100, min(cod_tarifa) = 2
select min(id_pv), min(cod_tarifa)
from #portfolio p
where p.cod_suc = #cod_suc and p.cod_ramo_comercial = #cod_ramo_comercial and p.Poliza = #nro_pol and p.Item = #cod_item and p.cod_ramo_tecnico = #cod_ramo_tecnico
and p.[ID Incident] IS NULL
update p set p.[ID Incident] = #id_stro, p.[No. Incident] = #nro_stro,
p.[Fecha Accidente] = #fec_hora_reclamo, p.[Fecha Notificacion] = #fec_aviso, p.[Fecha Registro] = #fec_registro, p.[Fecha Pago] = #fec_ingreso_contable,
p.[Lugar Accidente] = #txt_place_of_accident, p.[ID Subsiniestro] = #id_substro, p.[Cobertura Amparo] = #txt_nombre_cober, p.[Direccion Bien Siniestrado] = #txt_direccion_bien_siniestrado, p.[Descripcion Perdida] = #txt_descripcion_perdida, p.[Pago A] = #txt_cheque_a_nom, p.[Referida] = #cod_manager_code,
[Incurrido R12] = #importe_pago_eq, [Incurrido Cerrados R12] = #importe_pago_eq
from #portfolio p
where p.cod_suc = #cod_suc and p.cod_ramo_comercial = #cod_ramo_comercial and p.Poliza = #nro_pol and p.Item = #cod_item and p.cod_ramo_tecnico = #cod_ramo_tecnico
and p.[ID Incident] IS NULL and p.id_pv = #varIDPV and p.cod_tarifa = #varCodTarifa
FETCH abc INTO #cod_suc, #cod_ramo_comercial, #nro_pol, #cod_item, #cod_ramo_tecnico, #cod_tarifa,
#id_stro, #nro_stro, #fec_hora_reclamo, #fec_aviso, #fec_registro, #fec_ingreso_contable,
#txt_place_of_accident, #id_substro, #txt_nombre_cober, #txt_direccion_bien_siniestrado, #txt_descripcion_perdida, #txt_cheque_a_nom, #cod_manager_code, #importe_pago_eq
When I see the result, only the first record is updated.
I found the problem. I forgot to add one condition more in update (inside where). Thanks for the support

LINQ to Entities Right Join VB.NET

I am trying to figure out how to do a right join in I have tried several different approaches but neither works.
Dim query = From I In db.scll_label Where I.scll_transactiondate >= fromDate And I.scll_transactiondate <= toDate
Join p In db.pt_mstr.Where(Function(pt) pt.pt_domain = "mueller") On I.scll_part Equals p.pt_part
Join c In db.sclws_cfg.Where(Function(wk) wk.sclws_domain = "mueller") On I.scll_wsid Equals c.sclws_id
Select New ShiftAdjustedModel With
{.Label = I,
.TransactionDate = I.scll_transactiondate,
.PartLength = p.pt_length,
.PartNetWeight = p.pt_net_wt,
.PartDescription = p.pt_desc1,
.PartTolHigh = p.pt_tol_high,
.PartType = p.pt_part_type,
.PartUM = p.pt_um,
.ProjCode = c.sclws_proj_code,
.Site = c.sclws_site}
output sql
[Extent1].[scll_ticket] AS [scll_ticket],
[Extent1].[scll_domain] AS [scll_domain],
[Extent1].[scll_site] AS [scll_site],
[Extent1].[scll_part] AS [scll_part],
[Extent1].[scll_qty] AS [scll_qty],
[Extent1].[scll_weight] AS [scll_weight],
[Extent1].[scll_transactiondate] AS [scll_transactiondate],
[Extent1].[scll_transactiontime] AS [scll_transactiontime],
[Extent1].[scll_shift] AS [scll_shift],
[Extent1].[scll_pcs_bundle] AS [scll_pcs_bundle],
[Extent1].[scll_bundle_lift] AS [scll_bundle_lift],
[Extent1].[scll_cust] AS [scll_cust],
[Extent1].[scll_wsid] AS [scll_wsid],
[Extent1].[scll_userid] AS [scll_userid],
[Extent1].[scll_remarks] AS [scll_remarks],
[Extent1].[scll_calc_weight] AS [scll_calc_weight],
[Extent1].[scll_total_feet] AS [scll_total_feet],
[Extent1].[scll_tolerance] AS [scll_tolerance],
[Extent1].[scll_drawlite_factor] AS [scll_drawlite_factor],
[Extent1].[scll_total_tare] AS [scll_total_tare],
[Extent1].[scll_tare_detail] AS [scll_tare_detail],
[Extent1].[scll_out_of_tolerance] AS [scll_out_of_tolerance],
[Extent1].[scll_tolerance_low] AS [scll_tolerance_low],
[Extent1].[scll_tolerance_high] AS [scll_tolerance_high],
[Extent1].[scll_std_weight] AS [scll_std_weight],
[Extent2].[pt_length] AS [pt_length],
[Extent2].[pt_net_wt] AS [pt_net_wt],
[Extent2].[pt_desc1] AS [pt_desc1],
[Extent2].[pt_tol_high] AS [pt_tol_high],
[Extent2].[pt_part_type] AS [pt_part_type],
[Extent2].[pt_um] AS [pt_um],
[Extent3].[sclws_proj_code] AS [sclws_proj_code],
[Extent3].[sclws_site] AS [sclws_site]
FROM [dbo].[scll_label] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[pt_mstr] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1].[scll_part] = [Extent2].[pt_part]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[sclws_cfg] AS [Extent3] ON [Extent1].[scll_wsid] = [Extent3].[sclws_id]
WHERE ([Extent1].[scll_transactiondate] >= #p__linq__0) AND ([Extent1].[scll_transactiondate] <= #p__linq__1) AND ('mueller' = [Extent2].[pt_domain]) AND ('mueller' = [Extent3].[sclws_domain])
if i use this query
Dim query = From I In db.scll_label Where I.scll_transactiondate >= fromDate And I.scll_transactiondate <= toDate
Group Join p In db.pt_mstr.Where(Function(pt) pt.pt_domain = "mueller") On I.scll_part Equals p.pt_part Into parts = Group
Group Join c In db.sclws_cfg.Where(Function(wk) wk.sclws_domain = "mueller") On I.scll_wsid Equals c.sclws_id Into workstations = Group
From p In parts.DefaultIfEmpty From c In workstations.DefaultIfEmpty
Select New ShiftAdjustedModel With
{.Label = I,
.TransactionDate = I.scll_transactiondate,
.PartLength = p.pt_length,
.PartNetWeight = p.pt_net_wt,
.PartDescription = p.pt_desc1,
.PartTolHigh = p.pt_tol_high,
.PartType = p.pt_part_type,
.PartUM = p.pt_um,
.ProjCode = c.sclws_proj_code,
.Site = c.sclws_site}
i get this output
[Extent1].[scll_ticket] AS [scll_ticket],
[Extent1].[scll_domain] AS [scll_domain],
[Extent1].[scll_site] AS [scll_site],
[Extent1].[scll_part] AS [scll_part],
[Extent1].[scll_qty] AS [scll_qty],
[Extent1].[scll_weight] AS [scll_weight],
[Extent1].[scll_transactiondate] AS [scll_transactiondate],
[Extent1].[scll_transactiontime] AS [scll_transactiontime],
[Extent1].[scll_shift] AS [scll_shift],
[Extent1].[scll_pcs_bundle] AS [scll_pcs_bundle],
[Extent1].[scll_bundle_lift] AS [scll_bundle_lift],
[Extent1].[scll_cust] AS [scll_cust],
[Extent1].[scll_wsid] AS [scll_wsid],
[Extent1].[scll_userid] AS [scll_userid],
[Extent1].[scll_remarks] AS [scll_remarks],
[Extent1].[scll_calc_weight] AS [scll_calc_weight],
[Extent1].[scll_total_feet] AS [scll_total_feet],
[Extent1].[scll_tolerance] AS [scll_tolerance],
[Extent1].[scll_drawlite_factor] AS [scll_drawlite_factor],
[Extent1].[scll_total_tare] AS [scll_total_tare],
[Extent1].[scll_tare_detail] AS [scll_tare_detail],
[Extent1].[scll_out_of_tolerance] AS [scll_out_of_tolerance],
[Extent1].[scll_tolerance_low] AS [scll_tolerance_low],
[Extent1].[scll_tolerance_high] AS [scll_tolerance_high],
[Extent1].[scll_std_weight] AS [scll_std_weight],
[Extent2].[pt_length] AS [pt_length],
[Extent2].[pt_net_wt] AS [pt_net_wt],
[Extent2].[pt_desc1] AS [pt_desc1],
[Extent2].[pt_tol_high] AS [pt_tol_high],
[Extent2].[pt_part_type] AS [pt_part_type],
[Extent2].[pt_um] AS [pt_um],
[Extent3].[sclws_proj_code] AS [sclws_proj_code],
[Extent3].[sclws_site] AS [sclws_site]
FROM [dbo].[scll_label] AS [Extent1]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[pt_mstr] AS [Extent2] ON ('mueller' = [Extent2].[pt_domain]) AND ([Extent1].[scll_part] = [Extent2].[pt_part])
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[sclws_cfg] AS [Extent3] ON ('mueller' = [Extent3].[sclws_domain]) AND ([Extent1].[scll_wsid] = [Extent3].[sclws_id])
WHERE ([Extent1].[scll_transactiondate] >= #p__linq__0) AND ([Extent1].[scll_transactiondate] <= #p__linq__1)
I simply want a right outer join on the two tables it translated into a left outer join. Even if I start with the tables for the right join as a lot of posts have suggested I get weird sql using cross joins and unions instead of right join.

WITH clause causing ORA-32044

I have a query which is used in an OBIEE report which erroring out for "ora-32044 while executing recursive WITH query". Tried running in SQL and it is erroring out in there as well. Can anyone take a look at the query and suggest how it can be run without the WITH clause. I have seen examples but without any level, for a case where WITH has been used in the middle of the query, how can it be rewritten without WITH clause so no ora-32044 occurs
`SELECT 1 dummy, oh.order_number, ol.line_number, ol.shipment_number,
oh.ordered_date, ot.NAME order_type, items.concatenated_segments item,
items.description item_description
,bom.disable_date as date_disabled
,ol.flow_status_code line_status
cust_acct.account_number customer_number,
party.party_name customer,
ct.trx_number invoice_number,
ctl.line_number inv_line_number,
ct.trx_date invoice_date,
ct.creation_date invoice_creation_date,
wnd.NAME delivery_number,
hp2.party_name endcustomer,
oh.attribute6 business_unit,
TO_CHAR (ol.actual_shipment_date, 'MM/YY') shipped_month,
TO_CHAR (ol.actual_shipment_date, '"Q"Q YY') shipped_qtr,
TO_CHAR (ol.actual_shipment_date, 'YYYY') shipped_year,
mc.segment1 product_group, mc.segment2 product_subgroup,
items.attribute7 drive_capacity,
items.attribute10 drive_form,
items.attribute8 drive_speed,
items.attribute6 drive_type,
items.attribute12 AgileParttype,
case when dis.arithmetic_operator = 'NEWPRICE' then operand
when dis.arithmetic_operator = '%'
then (ol.unit_selling_price* ol.ordered_quantity)*dis.operand/100.0
else NVL((NVL (ol.pricing_quantity, 0) * NVL (dis.adjusted_amount, 0)),0) end
FROM apps.oe_order_headers_all oh,
apps.oe_order_lines_all ol,
apps.wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
apps.wsh_delivery_assignments wda,
apps.wsh_delivery_details wdd,
apps.ra_customer_trx_all ct,
apps.ra_customer_trx_lines_all ctl,
apps.oe_transaction_types_tl ot,
FROM apps.mtl_system_items_vl
WHERE organization_id = 84
) items,
apps.hz_parties party,
apps.hz_cust_accounts cust_acct,
apps.hz_parties hp2,
apps.hz_cust_accounts hca2,
apps.mtl_item_categories mic,
FROM apps.mtl_category_sets
WHERE category_set_name = 'Inventory') ms,
apps.mtl_categories mc,
(select a.header_id, a.line_id ,a.list_header_id,a.creation_date,
a.ordered_quantity, a.adjusted_amount
(select oh.header_id,
ol.ordered_quantity, opa.adjusted_amount
from apps.oe_price_adjustments opa,
apps.oe_order_lines_all ol,
apps.oe_order_headers_all oh,
apps.qp_list_headers_vl pl
where oh.header_id = opa.header_id
and ol.line_id = opa.line_id
and opa.list_header_id = pl.list_header_id
and opa.applied_flag = 'Y'
AND opa.list_line_type_code = 'DIS') a,
(select oh.header_id, ol.line_id,max(pl.creation_date) creation_date, min(operand)
from apps.oe_price_adjustments opa,
apps.oe_order_lines_all ol,
apps.oe_order_headers_all oh,
apps.qp_list_headers_vl pl
where oh.header_id = opa.header_id
and ol.line_id = opa.line_id
and opa.list_header_id = pl.list_header_id
and opa.applied_flag = 'Y'
AND opa.list_line_type_code = 'DIS'
group by oh.header_id, ol.line_id) b
a.header_id = b.header_id
and a.line_id = b.line_id
and a.creation_date = b.creation_date
and a.operand = b.operand ) dis
WITH recursiveBOM (parent_item_id,parent_item,parent_org_id,assembly_item_id,
component_item_id,component_item, component_item_description,implementation_date,
disable_date) AS
SELECT item.inventory_item_id parent_item_id
,item.segment1 parent_item
,item.organization_id parent_org_id
,msi.segment1 assembly_item
,bom.organization_id assembly_org_id
,msi2.segment1 component_item
,msi2.description component_item_description
FROM apps.mtl_system_items_b item, apps.bom_bill_of_materials_v bom,
apps.bom_inventory_components_v bic, apps.mtl_system_items msi,
apps.mtl_system_items msi2
AND bom.assembly_item_id = item.inventory_item_id
AND bom.organization_id = item.organization_id
AND bic.bill_sequence_id = bom.common_bill_sequence_id
AND msi.inventory_item_id = bom.assembly_item_id
AND msi.organization_id = bom.organization_id
AND msi2.inventory_item_id = bic.component_item_id
AND msi2.organization_id = msi.organization_id
AND bic.implementation_date IS NOT NULL
AND item.organization_id = 84
AND item.inventory_item_id > 0
SELECT parent.parent_item_id
,msi.segment1 assembly_item
,bom.organization_id assembly_org_id
,msi2.segment1 component_item
,msi2.description component_item_description
FROM recursiveBOM parent, apps.bom_bill_of_materials_v bom,
apps.bom_inventory_components_v bic, apps.mtl_system_items msi,
apps.mtl_system_items msi2
AND bic.bill_sequence_id = bom.common_bill_sequence_id
AND msi.inventory_item_id = bom.assembly_item_id
AND msi.organization_id = bom.organization_id
AND msi2.inventory_item_id = bic.component_item_id
AND msi2.organization_id = msi.organization_id
AND bic.implementation_date IS NOT NULL
AND bom.assembly_item_id = parent.component_item_id
AND bom.organization_id = parent.assembly_org_id
AND bom.organization_id = 84
AND parent.assembly_org_id = 84
SELECT DISTINCT parent_item_id,parent_item,parent_org_id
FROM recursiveBOM
) bom
WHERE oh.header_id = ol.header_id
AND ol.line_id = wdd.source_line_id
AND wdd.source_code = 'OE'
AND wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
AND wda.delivery_id = wnd.delivery_id
AND ol.line_id = ctl.interface_line_attribute6(+)
AND ctl.customer_trx_id = ct.customer_trx_id(+)
AND oh.order_type_id = ot.transaction_type_id
AND ol.inventory_item_id = items.inventory_item_id
AND ol.sold_to_org_id = cust_acct.cust_account_id
AND cust_acct.party_id = party.party_id
AND oh.end_customer_id = hca2.cust_account_id(+)
AND hca2.party_id = hp2.party_id(+)
AND items.inventory_item_id = mic.inventory_item_id(+)
AND items.organization_id = mic.organization_id(+)
AND mic.category_id = mc.category_id(+)
AND mic.category_set_id = ms.category_set_id(+)
and ol.line_id = dis.line_id(+)
and ol.header_id = dis.header_id(+)
AND bom.parent_item_id (+) = items.inventory_item_id
AND bom.parent_org_id (+) = items.organization_id `