What is the function of Twitter's verify credentials API? - api

I just implemented sign in with twitter for my webapp. At the end of the OAuth 3-legged flow, I needed to retrieve the screenname & avatar pic for the user. All I had was the twitterid e.g. 3546735
So I performed a GET http://twitter.com/users/show/3546735.json
No security is required for this method, although it is rate-limited.
Recently I've read about another api method called verify credentials
Why should I call this compared to the simple GET above ?

One use of account/verify_credentials for OAuth is it gets the logged in users profile information without affecting the rate limit.
Update: verify_credentials now counts against the users rate limit.

It's of little use to you since you're already doing OAuth. It would provide the credentials in a single request, which can be easier to implement in some applications. Stick with OAuth if you've already done the work.

I believe the verify credentials approach is being phased out. OAuth seems to be the preferred approach.

I felt the need to reply to this and contribute since I've been working and have struggled with the twitter oauth api.
in short verify credentials returns the authenticating users' profile given their access token and token secret.
the reason for this is because in oauth 1.0a flow; after the user completes authentication, twitter sends an oauth_verifier token to you which is used to exchange request tokens for access and token secrets. At this point you do not know the user but have their credentials(access token and token secret). You can verify credentials to identify the owner of these tokens.


Can RestSharp obtain an oauth2 access token from IdentityServer/DuendeServer for a user programmatically if given username/password?

We have Duende server for our UI and users provide their username and password and obtain an access token that is then used by our SPA app to call api's with the access token issued by our identity server.
I'm in a situation where I need to call the same API from a script and was wondering if RestSharp has some capability to obtain an access token if provided certain information (perhaps the users email/password etc that are typically entered into an interactive website) ?
I see that the RestSharp has some OAuth related "authenticators" but the documentation is unclear exactly what they achieve. I also dont see it mentioning anything about an email address and password.
I'm wondering if theres an option that is different than me generating a JWT elsewhere and supplying it directly to restsharp. I'd love if there was a programmatic way to generate the token directly from the IDP.
RestSharp documentation doesn't make it secret about how authenticators work. Both OAuth2 authenticators only add the necessary header or query string using the token you provide, but they don't request the token.
Duende server documentation explains in detail how to get a token based on the password grant (which is using the username and password).
Although the OAuth2 spec is stable, each API vendor has its own limitations. For example, Twitter API v2 only supports the client_credentials grant type. Therefore, it's not easy to create a generic OAuth2 client.
Still, it's quite easy to amend the Twitter authenticator sample from the docs and extend both request and response models to support the Duende server token request endpoint.

What is the difference between OAuth based and Token based authentication?

I thought that OAuth is basically a token based authentication specification but most of the time frameworks act as if there is a difference between them. For example, as shown in the picture below Jhipster asks whether to use an OAuth based or a token based authentication.
Aren't these the same thing ? What exactly is the difference since both includes tokens in their implementations ?
This is a good question -- there is a lot of confusion around tokens and OAuth.
First up, when you mention OAuth, you are likely referring to the OAuth2 standard. This is the latest version of the OAuth protocol, and is what most people are specifically talking about when they say 'OAuth'.
The OAuth protocol supports several different types of authentication and authorization (4 to be precise).
Secondly, the OAuth protocol works by authenticating users via tokens. The idea here is this:
Instead of having your user send their actual credentials to your server on every single request (like they would with Basic Auth, where a user sends their username/password to the server for each request), with OAuth you first exchange your user credentials for a 'token', and then authenticate users based on this 'token'.
The idea of OAuth is that by requiring users to pass their confidential credentials over the network less frequently, less bad things can happen. (This is the idea, anyhow.)
Now, here's where tokens come into play: the OAuth spec is built around the concept of tokens, but DOES NOT SPECIFY WHAT A TOKEN IS.
In the most 'general' sense, a token is just a string that uniquely identifies a user. That's it.
People realized this, and developed a new standard for creating tokens, called the JSON Web Token standard. This standard basically provides a set of rules for creating tokens in a very specific way, which makes tokens more useful for you in general.
JWTs let you do things like:
Cryptographically sign a token so you know that a token wasn't tampered with by a user.
Encrypt tokens so the contents cannot be read in plain text.
Embed JSON data INSIDE of a token string in a standard way.
Now, for the most part: pretty much everyone in the development community has agreed that if you're using any sort of OAuth, then the tokens you're using should be JSON Web Tokens.
OK! Now that we've covered the backstory, let me answer your question.
The choice you're making above is whether or not you want to enable the full OAuth2 specification for authentication / authorization (which is quite complex), or whether you simply want some basic 'token authentication'.
Because the OAuth protocol provides multiple different ways to authenticate in a STANDARDS COMPLIANT way, it adds a lot of complexity to most authentication systems.
Because of this, a lot of frameworks offer a 'dumbed down' version of the OAuth2 Password Grant flow, which essentially is a simple method where:
A user sends their username/password to your server at some URL like /login.
Your server generates a JWT token for the user.
Your server returns that token to the user.
The user stores this token in their cookies, mobile device, or possible API server, where they use it to make requests.
Again: the flow above is NOT OAuth compliant, but is a slightly simpler version that STILL uses tokens.
The main point here is that tokens (JWTs) are generally useful, and don't NEED to be paired with the OAuth flow.
I realize this is a wall of text, but hopefully it answers your question in more depth =)
OAuth is a specification for authorization not authentication
OAuth 2.0 is a specification for authorization, but NOT for authentication. RFC 6749, 3.1. Authorization Endpoint explicitly says as follows:
The authorization endpoint is used to interact with the resource owner
and obtain an authorization grant. The authorization server MUST first
verify the identity of the resource owner. The way in which the
authorization server authenticates the resource owner (e.g., username
and password login, session cookies) is beyond the scope of this
Only use OAuth if you want to give access to a third party service to your apis. Even when you are using OAuth you would need some kind of authentication (token based or session based etc) to authenticate the uses. OAuth is not designed for authentication.
see this question.
When you are requesting resource from a secured web service, you can provide an authentication token on the call. The token acts as "secret code" for accessing the resource.
OAuth is just specific type of token based authentication method.

Twitter Oauth authorization code

I am building a REST API.
For registering a user, he needs to authenticate on Twitter.
Normally, I would use an Authorization code provided by an OAuth2 server but it seems like Twitter does not implement this type of authorization.
I don't want my mobile app to send the Twitter token to the API to register the user. I see this as a security flaw.
I checked OAuth echo (https://dev.twitter.com/oauth/echo) which seems okay. The user passes the credentials to my API, and my API checks the user against the twitter API. Twitter then returns a user object. It does not return a access token though.
Is it the only way to do this?
Thanks for your help.
Yes you are correct. Using OAuth Echo will use you as the third party for that individual without exposing your Access token/key and Credentials.
Just be aware that you're under a different rate limit from Twitter's API when you're going through that route. In some cases it's an increase in limit while it's a decrease in other.

Twitter API Authentication Flow Misunderstanding

I don't quite understand the api flow for twitter on a per-user basis for API transactions.
Here's my understanding of the user transaction flow:
1./ User signs into our web application.
2./ User authenticates with twitter and then the API sends the user back to a callback destination with a provided oauth_token and oauth_token_secret.
3./ We store the oauth information into a database.
4./ Now we have there access tokens and can send tweets on their behalf without needing them to log into the application again.
HOWEVER, this is not working correctly. When I try to supply the oauth token information, i'm getting invalid or expired token. OK so instead i supply the oauth token provided to me with the user oauth tokens given by the owner of the app and it works.
I think I'm mishandling the authentication process.
I'm reading here at the authentication docs.
Can anyone help me understand how i get my app to handle status updates on a per user level?
Ok. However I read for twitter there is no expiration
This is the actual transaction flow your application will take in order to use Twitter:
Register your application to Twitter to obtain an OAuth consumer_key and consumer_secret. This is for Twitter to identify the application that your user will authorize to access it's account.
When the user wishes to Tweet or access their Twitter resources through your app, The OAuth handshake process will redirect to Twitter, with the application's consumer_key so that the user will authenticate on Twitter directly. Once user authentication is successful, Twitter will provide your application with an access_token.
That's essentially what happens, except that Twitter uses OAuth 1 protocol so the handshake is more lengthier.
Access Tokens do expire for security reasons. It's like when you login to a system, the session is active for a period. When they do expire, you will have to request for an access token again.
I don't know if that explains your question.

OAuth 2 access_token vs OpenId Connect id_token

Although I have worked with OAuth 2 before, I am a newbie to Open ID Connect.
Reading the tutorials and documentations I have come across both access_token and id_token where access_token is the random unique string generated according to OAuth 2 and id_token is JSON Web Token which contains information like the id of the user, algorithm, issuer and various other info which can be used to validate it. I have also seen API providers who provide both the access_token and id_token and as far as I know it is for backward compatibility.
My question is that is it possible to use both the access_token and the id_token for accessing the protected resources ? Or is the id_token just for verification purposes and access_token is used for getting access to protected resources ?
Originally, OAuth and OpenId are designed for different purpose: OpenId for authentication and OAuth for authorization. OpenId Connect is a unification of the two and serves for both, but does not change their original functionalities. Keeping that in mind, you should be able to find out yourself. ;-)
The id_token is used to identify the authenticated user, e.g. for SSO. The access_token must be used to prove access rights to protected resources, e.g. for the userinfo endpoint in OpenId Connect.
Another angle to provide an answer:
An id_token is a JWT - make note of that!
It contains claims about the identity of the user/resource owner
Having a valid id_token means that the user is authenticated
An access_token is a bearer token
A bearer token means that the bearer can access the resource without further identification
An access_token can be a JWT (see Appendix point 1.) or opaque
If you want to read more: Types of tokens in oidc and oauth
access_token is useful to call certain APIs in Auth0 (e.g. /userinfo) or an API you define in Auth0.
id_token is a JWT and represents the logged in user. It is often used by your app.
is it possible to use both the access_token and the id_token for
accessing the protected resources ?
Not completely, first, you need to use id_token to log in,
second, you will get a accessToken,
last, use accessToken to access data.
Here is an article that describes why the id_token was introduced and what was it's initial purpose: Why we need a id_token in OpenID Connect & Facebook Connect. In short they tried to standardize the Hybrid Flow that was used by the Facebook.
We considered was using the id_token as the access_token.
We rejected that option because:
Many providers have existing OAuth token formats for there endpoints that wo uld be difficult to change.
We don't want long term access tokens being stored in the browser as cookies.
There are clearly separate recipients of the two tokens overloading the semantics of the two tokens would reduce flexibility and increase complexity in the long term.