Selecting from a table where field = this and value = that - sql

I have a mysql table that looks something like this:
Row 1:
'visitor_input_id' => int 1
'name' => string 'country'
'value' => string 'Canada'
Row 2:
'visitor_input_id' => int 1
'name' => string 'province'
'value' => string 'Alberta'
Row 3:
'visitor_input_id' => int 1
'name' => string 'first_name'
'value' => string 'Jim'
The problem is that I need to be able to filter it so that a user can generate reports using this:
filter 1:
'field_name' => string 'country'
'field_operator' => string '='
'field_value' => string 'Canada'
filter 2:
'field_name' => string 'province'
'field_operator' => string '!='
'field_value' => string 'Alberta'
filter 3:
'field_name' => string 'first_name'
'field_operator' => string '%LIKE%'
'field_value' => string 'Jim'
I am not really sure what the query would look like to be able to select from this using the filters. Any suggestions? (Unfortunately, creating a new table to store the data more sanely is not really feasible at this time because it is already full of user data)
I think it would look something like this:
if(field_name = 'province' THEN ADD WHERE field_value != 'Alberta')
if(field_name = 'country' THEN ADD WHERE field_value = 'Canada')
if(field_name = 'first_name' THEN ADD WHERE field_value LIKE '%jim%')
but I am not sure how that would work...

Turns out that this seems to work:
SELECT * FROM visitor_fields
INNER JOIN visitor_inputs ON (visitor_inputs.input_id = visitor_fields.input_id)
INNER JOIN visitor_fields as filter_0
ON (filter_0.input_id=visitor_inputs.input_id
AND filter_0.field_name = 'province'
AND filter_0.field_value != 'Alberta')
INNER JOIN visitor_fields as filter_1
ON (filter_1.input_id=visitor_inputs.input_id
AND filter_1.field_name = 'country'
AND filter_1.field_value = 'Canada')
INNER JOIN visitor_fields as filter_2
ON (filter_2.input_id=visitor_inputs.input_id
AND filter_2.field_name = 'first_name'
AND filter_2.field_value LIKE '%jim%')

I know you say creating a new table with a better schema isn't feasible, but restructuring the data would make it more efficient to query and easier to work with. Just create a new table (called visitor in my example). Then select from the old table to populate the new visitor table.
You could loop through the statement below with any scripting language (PHP, TSQL, whatever scripting language you're most comfortable with). Just get a list of all vistor_id's and loop through them with the sql below, replacing the x with the visitor_id.
INSERT INTO visitor (visitor_id, name, province, country) VALUES X,
(SELECT value FROM old_table WHERE name='first_name' AND vistor_id = x),
(SELECT value FROM old_table WHERE name='province' AND vistor_id = x),
(SELECT value FROM old_table WHERE name='country' AND vistor_id = x);
This will produce a table where all a visitor's data is on a single row.

Are you able to create an SQL string and then execute it? The string would look like this:
SELECT * FROM yourtable
WHERE (name='country' AND value='Canada') AND
(name='province' AND value!='Alberta') AND
(name='first_name' AND value LIKE '%jim%)
I see. Multiple records. So try joining them. This is not correct SQL syntax but should look similar:
(SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE (name='country' AND value='Canada'))
JOIN on visitor_input_id
(SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE (name='province' AND value!='Alberta'))
JOIN on visitor_input_id
(SELECT * FROM yourtable WHERE (name='first_name' AND value LIKE '%jim%))


Display a formatted version of a returned query value

I am trying to figure out the best way to go about a problem I'm having with our Database. I don't have the option to go back and change the architecture, and so I am stuck trying to figure out a workaround.
Table 1:
User => Column MailingCountry = Either (en-Country(en-US), Country (US), or Null)
Table 3:
SMSCode => Column CountryCode = en-Country (en-US), Column SMSCode = Code (1 for US).
I'd like to know if there is a way that I could:
Get the User.MailingCountry and check if it is in the format of 'en-US', 'US' or 'NULL'
If it is in 'en-US' we are good, if it is in 'US', I'd like to replace it in the returned results to 'en-US', and if it is 'NULL', id like it to default to 'en-US'.
Inner JOIN with SMS.CountryCode where User.MailingCountry = SMS.CountryCode and then retrieve the SMSCode.
I guess the problem is, I am not sure how I can do something like
Select m.MailingCountry, a.SMSCode FROM User m->
IF (m.MailingCountry = 'US' or m.MailingCountry is null) Then m.MailingCountry = 'en-US'
Inner Join SMSCode a on a.CountryCode = m.MailingCountry
You can go for below query:
(SELECT CASE WHEN MailingCountry like '%US%' OR MailingCountry IS NULL THEN 'en-US'
ELSE MailingCountry END AS MailingCountry
FROM User) AS u
ON SMS.CountryCode = u.MailingCountry

Translate this Linq into SQL

I have this linq code that I need to translate into identical SQL so I can query the database directly... I get stuck when it gets complicated. Can anyone help?
.Where(bps => bps.YearSetupId == i.YearSetupId)
.Where(bps => bps.CustomerIdEntered != null)
.Where(bps => _db.BatchPayments
.Where(bp => _db.Batches.Where(b => b.BatchTypeId.Equals("T"))
.Select(b => b.BatchId)
.Select(bp => bp.BatchPaymentId).Contains(bps.BatchPaymentId)
SQL so far
SELECT * FROM BatchPaymentSplit
WHERE YearSetupId = 1
AND CustomerIdEntered IS NOT NULL
I can't say that I think the LINQ or the resulting SQL is the best way to express this query (should be using Join I think), but this is my literal translation:
FROM BatchPaymentSplits bps
WHERE bps.YearSetupId = i.YearSetupId AND
bps.CustomerIdEntered IS NOT NULL AND
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM BatchPayments bp
WHERE b.BatchTypeId = 'T' AND
b.BatchId = bp.BatchId) AND
bp.BatchPaymentId = bps.BatchPaymentId)
You can translate Contains when applied to an IEnumerable/IQueryable as an EXISTS query with an = expression.

How to escape parameter in like sql query using active record?

Have query with parentesis:
FROM users
WHERE company_id = 1 AND (
name LIKE "%smith%" OR
last_name LIKE "%smith%"
But in codeigniter have:
$query_members = $this->db
->like(array('users.names' => $search))
->or_like(array('users.last_name' => $search))
->where(array('users.company_id' => 1));
This generate:
FROM users
name LIKE '%smith%' OR
last_name LIKE '%smith%' AND
company_id = 1;
And does not works, i need ((a or b) and c), not (a or b and c). I found solution here: Codeigniter parentheses in dynamic Active Record query but the variable is escaped with full quotes, i need escape with "%" pre and pos value. I have this:
$search_escaped = $this->db->escape($search);
$query_members = $this->db
->where('(users.names LIKE "%'.$search_escaped.'%" OR users.last_name LIKE "%'.$search_escaped.'%")')
->where(array('members.company_id' => (int)$company_id));
But the query add bad quotes:
SELECT `users`.*
FROM `users`
WHERE (users.names LIKE "%'smith'%" OR users.last_name LIKE "%'smith'%")
AND `members`.`company_id` = 2
The "%'smith'%" is bad quoted. How I can solve this by using active record of codeigniter 3.0.0?

TYPO3 doesn't respect field names in JOIN query

I'm trying to fetch a JOIN query in TYPO3 using createQuery and $query->statement(...), but get odd results. Can someone explain to me why TYPO3 doesn't include table names as a prefix to column names in a JOIN query? Does this conflict with the ORM? Can I in anyway speed up a query of multiple 1:N-relations?
project ON project.client = client.uid
The PHP code from client repository:
$query = $this->createQuery();
The result prints out only names of the projects:
array (size=294)
0 =>
array (size=1)
'name' => string 'Projectname1' (length=21)
1 =>
array (size=1)
'name' => string 'Projectname2' (length=20)
2 =>
array (size=1)
'name' => string 'Projectname3' (length=32)
EDIT: This might be standard SQL behaviour.
Use aliases for fields:
SELECT client_name, project_name
project ON project.client = client.uid

join with AND id=1 with SQL::Abstract::More

I'm trying to do a join using SQL::Abstract::More that has an `and and then a literal value, not on a table column.
the resulting output that I want
LEFT OUTER JOIN table_log ON ( >
AND table.table_id = table_log.table_id
AND table_log.event_id = 1
this code works except for
AND table_log.event_id = 1
the error is
... failed: Unknown column 'table_log.1' in 'on clause'
obviously it's generating the wrong SQL, what I'm trying to figure out is how to get it to generate the SQL I need.
From RT Bug 84972. To insert a literal value, you need to use the hashref syntax, instead
of the string syntax :
my $result = $sqla->join(
{ operator => '=>',
condition => { '%1$s.table_id' => {-ident => '%2$s.table_id'},
'%2$' => {'>' => {-ident => '%1$'}},
'%2$s.event_id' => 1}},
Seems to me that table_log.event_id = 1 isn't a valid join clause, but should be in a where clause.
Use force Luke
need 'escape' 1 by single quote