Strip Executable (Windows) - executable

I've heard that strip is a program that makes an executable smaller.
I've tried to turn it on from my compiler (for Python) but when it comes to run strip I just see "strip is not recognized as a command or as a program" error from the Command Prompt.
So where do I get the executable of strip for Windows?

strip is part of GNU's binutils.

Unix/Linux style strip will remove symbol info that is used for debugging purposes. AFAIK under Windows a strip utility is specific to the compiler that was used. See here on SO for more info.
A related utility that might be useful is StripReloc, a utility that removes relocation info from executables and as such makes them smaller. Read the instructions though, it's not recommended to run it blindly against every .exe on your system...

Strip removes information such as debugging symbols from object files. Doing this makes the file smaller.
If you have it, it would likely be distributed with your C compiler (such as GCC).


How to run a dynamically linked executable syscall emulation mode in gem5?

After How to solve "FATAL: kernel too old" when running gem5 in syscall emulation SE mode? I managed to run a statically linked hello world under certain conditions.
But if I try to run an ARM dynamically linked one against the stdlib with:
./out/common/gem5/build/ARM/gem5.opt ./gem5/gem5/configs/example/ -c ./a.out
it fails with:
fatal: Unable to open dynamic executable's interpreter.
How to make it find the interpreter? Hopefully without copying my cross' toolchain's interpreter on my host's root.
For x86_64 it works if I use my native compiler, and as expected strace says that it is using the native interpreter, but it does not work if I use a cross compiler.
The current FAQ says it is not possible to use dynamic executables: but I don't trust it, and then these presentations mention it:
but not how to actually use it.
QEMU user mode has the -L option for that.
Tested in gem5 49f96e7b77925837aa5bc84d4c3453ab5f07408e
Support for dynamic linking has been added in November 2019
It was working for sure at that point, but then it broke at some point and needs fixing.....
arm 32-bit
arm 64-bit
If you have a root filesystem to use, for example one generated by Buildroot you can do:
./build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/ \
--redirects /lib=/path/to/build/target/lib \
--redirects /lib64=/path/to/build/target/lib64 \
--redirects /usr/lib=/path/to/build/target/usr/lib \
--redirects /usr/lib64=/path/to/build/target/usr/lib64 \
--interp-dir /path/to/build/target \
--cmd /path/to/build/target/bin/hello
Or if you are using an Ubuntu cross compiler toolchain for example in Ubuntu 18.04:
sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -o hello.out hello.c
./build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/ \
--interp-dir /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu \
--redirects /lib=/usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/lib \
--cmd hello.out
You have to add any paths that might contain dynamic libraries as a separate --redirect as well. Those are enough for C executables.
--interp-dir sets the root directory where the dynamic loader will be searched for, based on ELF metadata which says the path of the loader. For example, buildroot ELF files set that path to /lib/, and the loader is a file present at /path/to/build/target/lib/ As mentioned by Brandon, this path can be found with:
readelf -a $bin_name | grep interp
The main difficulty with syscall emulation dynamic linking, is that we want somehow:
linker file accesses to go to a magic directory to find libraries there
other file accesses from the main application to go to normal paths, e.g. to read an input file in the current working directory
and it is hard to detect if we are in the loader or not, especially because this can happen via dlopen in the middle of a program.
The --redirects option is a simple solution for that.
For example /lib=/path/to/build/target/lib makes it so that if the guest would access the C standard library /lib/, then gem5 sees that this is inside /lib and redirects the path to /path/to/build/target/lib/ instead.
The slight downside is that it becomes impossible to actually access files in the /lib directory of the host, but this is not common, so it works in most cases.
If you miss any --redirect, the dynamic linker will likely complain that the library was not found with a message of type:
hello.out: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
If that happens, you have to find the library in the target filesystem / toolchain and add the missing --redirect.
It later broke at but was fixed again.
Downsides of dynamic linking
Once I got dynamic linking to work, I noticed that it actually has the following downsides, which might or not be considerable depending on the application:
the dynamic linker has to run some instructions, and if you have a very minimal userland test executable, and are running on a low CPU like O3, then this startup can dominate runtime, so watch out for that
ExecAll does not show symbol names for stdlib functions, you just get offsets from some random nearest symbol e.g. #__end__+274873692728. Maybe something along these lines would work: Debugging shared libraries with gdbserver but not sure
dynamically jumping to a stdlib function for the first time requires going through the dynamic linking machinery, which can create problems if you are trying to control a microbench.
I actually already hit this once: the dynamic version of a program was doing something extra that and that compounded with a gem5 bug broke my experiment, and cost me a few hours of debugging.
Interpreters like Python and Java
Python and Java are just executables, and the script to execute an argument to the executable.
So in theory, you can run them in syscall emulation mode e.g. with:
build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/ --cmd /usr/bin/python --options=' arg1 arg2'
In practice however hugely complex executable like interpreters are likely to have syscalls that not yet implemented given the current state of gem5 as of November 2019, see also: When to use full system FS vs syscall emulation SE with userland programs in gem5?
Generally it is not hard to implement / ignore uneeded calls though, so give it a shot. Related threads:
Java: Running Java programs in gem5(or any language which is not C)
Python: 3.6.8 aarch64 fails with "fatal: syscall unused#278 (#278) unimplemented.", test setup
Old answer
I have been told that as of 49f96e7b77925837aa5bc84d4c3453ab5f07408e (May 2018) there is no convenient / well tested way for running dynamically linked cross arch executables in syscall emulation:
I suspect however that it wouldn't be very hard to patch gem5 to support it. QEMU user mode already supports that, you just have to point to the root filesystem with -L.
The cross-compiled binary should have an .interp entry if it's a dynamic executable.
Verify it with readelf:
readelf -a $bin_name | grep interp
The simulator is setup to find this section in main executable when it loads the executable into the simulated address space. If this sections exists, a c-string is set to point to that text (normally something like /lib64/ The simulator then calls glibc's open function with that c-string as the parameter. Effectively, this opens the dynamic linker-loader for the simulator as a normal file. The simulator then maps the file into the simulated address space in phases with mmap and mmap_fixed.
For cross compilation, this code must fail. The error message follows it directly if the simulator cannot open the file. To make this work, you need to debug the opening process and possibly the subsequent pasting of the loader into the address space. There is mechanism to set the program's entry point into the loader rather than directly into the code section of the main binary. (It's done through the auxiliary vector on the stack.) You may need to play around with that as well.
The interesting code is (as of 05/29/19) in src/base/loader/
I encountered this problem after I just cross compiled the code. You can try to add "--static" after the command.

CMake detect if no C++ compiler present

I have a project that first uses a C++ program to process some template files (setup as a subdirectory) and then needs to cross-compile to run on vxworks. The cross compile part will be done via a custom command and .bat file but the first part will vary depending on the available options.
If the computer has an appropriate compiler it should compile the template processor program as necessary before running it. Some computers, though, won't have a regular c++ compiler. In this case I want to assume that the template processor program is installed to a specific location and continue using that prebuilt version.
How would I go about tackling this with CMake?
You can give try_run a try. It compiles and executes C++ source code. If execution fails. it is indicated in the failed run variable you pass as the first argument.
The advantage of using this is, that you don't have to take care of the right compiler call or any flags.
Especially the section about cross compilation

Cmake apparently ignoring CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE?

So I'm using CMake for a project.
It consists of a set of shared libraries linked to one executable. All are generated in the project (there are no external targets). Each sub project lives in its own directory, with its own cmakelists file.
So I make an out-of-source build, taking care to set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Debug, and run cmake, and then make. I use GNU make 3.81, GCC 4.8.1, binutils 2.23.2 and CMake 3.2.3 on a Windows box using MSYS/MINGW.
The problem is that, when I load this executable in gdb (version 7.6), place a breakpoint on a function from one of the shared libraries, and then try to single step, gdb skips the whole function saying it has no line number information.
According to my understanding, line number information is a part of the debugging information, so I expected this to be generated during the compiling process (as per the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) which it didn't, so I would like to know how I can get CMake to generate this line number information properly (that is, without manually adding compiler-specific options in the cmake files, although I would take that if it's the only solution).
I've tried setting CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE from the command line (when invoking the cmake utility), inside the cmakelists, and even by modifying the CMakeCache.txt, and restarting the build from an empty directory with no success. I then made sure that CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE was effectively set to Debug by using the MESSAGE command to print it's value, and it was correctly set to Debug. So then I executed 'make VERBOSE=1' to see if the correct compiler option was added, and found it correctly used the "-g" option (although I would have expected -ggdb, but more on this later). The cmake documentation and Google did not bring me any answers.
My hypothesis is that the -g option only generates basic debugging information (such as the mappings between functions and their memory addresses, and how to access their arguments) whereas -ggdb would generate more in-detail debugging information in a gdb-specific format, including said line number informations), but a troubling fact is that, when running the executable in gdb, functions defined inside the executable do have line number information, only the shared libraries don't, hence my confusion.

How to configure cmake to compile informix *.ec files?

I'm just found cmake and I want to use it to create make files for a little project that uses the esql compiler.
I've not used cmake yet (it is on my list of things that I need to look at - round about the time some spare tuits become available), but...
I do have several sets of rules for compiling ESQL/C to object code etc for regular make.
You can find one set of those rules online at the IIUG Software Archive in the SQLCMD package. Or you can contact me directly to discuss the niceties in detail (and/or the differences between cmake stuff and regular make stuff). You can also find Informix-related autoconf macros in the SQLCMD package - file acinformix.m4.
You will probably need to use the cmake ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND command to create the rule for compiling each source file with the esql compiler.

Build System and portability

I'm wondering how i can make a portable build system (step-by-step), i currently use cmake because it was easy to set up in the first place, with only one arch target, but now that i have to package the library I'm developing I'm wondering how is the best way to make it portable for arch I'm testing.
I know I need a config.h to define things depending on the arch but I don't know how automatic this can be.
Any other way to have a build system are warmly welcome!
You can just use CMake, it's pretty straightforward.
You need these things:
First, means to find out the configuration specifics. For example, if you know that some function is named differently on some platform, you can use TRY_COMPILE to discover that:
where alternative_function_test.cpp is a file in your source directory that compiles only with the alternative definition.
This will define variable HAVE_ALTERNATIVE_FUNC if the compile succeeds.
Second, you need to make this definition affect your sources. Either you can add it to compile flags
or you can make a config.h file. Create with the following line
and create a config.h file by this line in CMakeLists.txt (see CONFIGURE_FILE)
the #cmakedefine will be translated to #define or #undef depending on the CMake variable.
BTW, for testing edianness, see this mail
I have been using the GNU autoconf/automake toolchain which has worked well for me so far. I am only really focussed on Linux/x86 (and 64bit) and the Mac, which is important if you are building on a PowerPC, due to endian issues.
With autoconf you can check the host platform with the macro:
And check the endianness using:
Autoconf will then add definitions to config.h which you can use in your code.
I am not certain (have never tried) how well the GNU autotools work on Windows, so if Windows is one of your targets then you may be better off finding similar functionality with your existing cmake build system.
For a good primer on the autotools, have a look here: