Write Mac OS X apps with Visual Studio - vb.net

I just came upon this article here which can turn your day to day visual basic app to run on mac os x. Here is the link: http://mac.sillydog.org/dev/visual_studio.php The thing I don't get is that the author doesn't tell us specifically what to download, and where to get all the files. He's a bit vague... Can anyone make this clearer to me?
BTW: I am using VB.NET although the author uses C#. I think it will still work though.

.NET Framework
Microsoft Visual Studio Express
Mono Framework for Mac OS X
The Mac OSX build of wx.NET is called Carbon. The readme says:
This package is a contribution of wx.NET user Matthias Fuchs, who wrote:
as i didn't find a binary package for Mac OS X I created my own ;-)
I've built wx.NET for Mac OS 10.5.7. I used wxWidgets 2.8.10 and created a Mac OS X Framework Bundle.
The zip file includes a "wxWidgets.framework" folder, which must be installed into /Library/Frameworks/ on the root partition of MacOS X. I also tried to copy the wx.NET.dll to Mono's GAC, but mono can't find the wx-c.dylib. But I think it is ok, that users can just put the wx.NET files into their bin/debug/release folders.
Follow those instructions and use the Windows Mono build of wx.NET when testing on the same machine as Visual Studio and the Mac OSX build when you deploy it.

The important part is the mono framework. It looks like you need this release.


How to install Mulesoft Anypoint studio on Ubuntu Linux?

Last time I worked with Anypoint Studio, my work laptop ran Windows 7. Now I'm using Ubuntu, with Win7 in a Virtualbox VM, and I'd love to install Anypoint Studio directly on Ubuntu rather than on the virtual Windows machine.
But I have a hard enough time finding a working download for Windows (most of the links point to a page on Mulesoft's site that no longer exists), nevermind any mention of getting it to work on Linux. But I'm hopeful that it is possible (because questions like this indicate that users are using it this way). (To be explicit, this is not meant to be derogatory, sometimes I'm just not good with words.)
Is it possible to run Anypoint Studio in Linux (Ubuntu)?
If yes, can you direct me to a download source and an installation guide?
(In case it matters, my exact OS version is Ubuntu MATE 15.10.)
You can download the newest (Beta) in http://blogs.mulesoft.com/biz/mule/new-mule-3-8-studio-6-0-beta-releases/
You can download the latest stable version in http://mule-studio.s3.amazonaws.com/5.4.0-NOV30/AnypointStudio-for-linux-64bit-5.4.0-201511302043.tar.gz
To get this link you have to register in https://developer.mulesoft.com/, inside Anypoint platform -> Design & build APIs -> Build APIs -> Download Studio
In addition to previous responses, official download links for latest Anypoint Studio can be found here:
Linux: https://www.mulesoft.com/ty/dl/studio-linux
Mac: https://www.mulesoft.com/ty/dl/studio-mac
Windows: https://www.mulesoft.com/ty/dl/studio-windows

Is there a reason to install the MonoTouch environment on Windows if the iOS simulator only runs on OS X?

Given that the iOS emulator only runs on OS X, what are reasons that people do MonoTouch development on Windows? They offer MonoDevelop for both Windows and OS X.
Some people prefer Visual Studio. Some teams may have invested in tools (like ReSharper, etc) that run in Visual Studio. And teams that maintain other .NET projects may not to switch to Macs as their primary environment.
The idea of only being able to place an app using ONLY the mac tools is not ENTIRELY correct. You are completely able to use the iTunes connect website https://itunesconnect.apple.com/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa/wo/ to place apps on the app store, and you only need the xcode tool for stuff like using the simulator and other options such as that. The reason why people do things such as program on a Windows is because some people are more native with the way the UI works on Windows than on a Mac, as they are quite different. The Windows is more visual, and it offers a simple way to get to things; although the Mac is more user friendly when it comes to the way applications are handled in the core of them. Also, people don't always want to pay the 1200+ price for a Mac machine, when yet they can spend 200+ on a simple Windows OS machine, and still possess the same kind of options. Another thing, you can always run Windows through a mac, so it's kind of a positive negative situation in almost any circumstance.
Hope this helps!
My personal reasons for using Visual Studio currently for my iOS development are:
I'm doing mixed-client-and-server development, and have a single solution with several project types which Xamarin Studio doesn't yet support - or which it only partially supports:
Portable Class Libraries
Azure website projects
WindowsPhone projects
WindowsStore projects
Resharper and the Visual Studio productivity tools and are key parts of my toolchain - they really do make me more productive. (There are other tools too which I'm more familiar with on the PC - e.g. even things like notepad++ and Paint.Net)
Because of my last 20 years on Windows I'm faster at working on the PC - although I am getting quicker at using the Mac.

Where can I download the REAL MonoDevelop Windows binaries?

The monodevelop.com website just takes me to this "Xamarin Studio" thing that has severe restrictions on the usage of the free version, and pricing that's almost as bad as Visual Studio on the paid versions! Is MonoDevelop for Windows dead? All I want to do is develop a GTK# application without installing Linux!
There's used to be a version up on Sourceforge, but 9 years after I wrote this answer it seems to have disappeared. Sounds reasonable enough...
If you really need version 4 you'll have to build it yourself. If you still have/find the sources that is.
You do not have to pay to use Xamarin Studio to develop GTK# applications. There are no limitations whatsoever (except your imagination!) on what you can create with Xamarin Studio for the desktop.
You only have to pay if you want to develop applications for Android (and even for Android apps there is a free Starter edition).
Honestly, it is a real pain in the butt to build MonoDevelop from the source or even to install on some platforms.
I did a lot of research and worked out for hours but still could not manage to build MonoDevelop and at the end of the day Decided to use SharpDevelop 4.3 (http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SD/) instead and I gotta tell everybody that SharpDevelop is easy peasy to install. There are other alternatives too like Webbo, QuickSharp and Xamarin Studio but I haven't tried all of them.
If it is that easy to build MonoDevelop they would have build by them self and put an exe or a msi file or even a zip file with all the binaries and dependencies to download.
They have a similar problem which is quite annoying when it comes to installing the latest version of MonoDevelop on Ububtu or PC BSD.
First thing, I reckon its Git's problem but every time I downloaded the MonoDevelop source from its Git repo, the zip file is smaller than the real size and always corrupted.
Anyway I tried a few times and managed to download the source.
Then I downloaded and installed all the prerequisites.
I could not even open the Solution file in Microsoft Visual C# 2010 x86 (express).
Then I decided to build using MonoDevelop 3.0.6 as it is suggested in http://monodevelop.com/Developers/Building_MonoDevelop
When I tried to install MonoDevelop 3.0.6 it keeps on saying that I need to install GTK# 2.12.9 or newer even if I have already installed GTK# 2.12.22 (the latest one).
At the end I was really frustrated and decided to use SharpDevelop 4.3 as an alternative to M$ Visual Studio and MoNo-Develop.

Visual Studio 2012 thinks I'm on Windows 8 and demands libraries I don't have?

I implemented the code from one of the samples in the DirectX 11 SDK from June 2010.I open my project in 2012 and then I open the sample in 2012 too,however when I run mine,it requires XAudio2_8.dll.How is thsi even possible?That's the .dll in Windows 8 and the code from the SDK is from 2010 - such .dll didn't exist back then?The weirdest thing is the SDK sample builds and runs,while my project asks for the .dll.I linked all the libs,made all the includes,I checked around the project settings,searched the whole hard drive for such a dll,nothing...What could be causing such a problem?I've also been having all sorts of other problems in the SDK under VS2012,like not recognizing types in the dx11 headers and so on.
The Windows 8.x SDK has the DirectX SDK integrated into it, which for many areas means you don't need to use the legacy DirectX SDK at all. In particular, Direct3D, DirectSound, DirectInput, etc. all have the proper headers and libs in the Windows 8.x SDK.
The DirectX SDK is quite venerable, so there are a number of older things missing: no DirectMusic playback, DirectPlay, etc. I have a blog post that provides a full inventory of what happened to everything in the DirectX SDK.
Where it gets complicated is XAudio and XInput. Both XAudio 2.8 and XInput 1.4 are part of the Windows 8.x OS, but is not available on Windows 7. If you are targeting 'down-level' to Windows 7, you have to use XAudio 2.7 and either XInput 1.3 or XInput 9.1.0. This somewhat messy story is covered in two blog entries: one for XInput and one for XAudio. The good news is that most use of XInput is actually doable with XInput 9.1.0 which is part of the Windows OS starting with Windows Vista. It's XAudio 'down-level' that requires mixing the modern Windows 8.x SDK and the legacy DirectX SDK, plus having to use the legacy DirectX SDK REDIST (DirectSetup).
The root reason you are getting a 'runtime' error instead of a 'compile-time' error is that you didn't set _WIN32_WINNT to 0x0601 for Windows 7 (or 0x0600 for Windows Vista). If you had, the XINPUT.H header in the Windows 8.x SDK would automatically use the XInput 9.1.0 version and the XAUIOD2.H header in the Windows 8.x SDK would have errored out and told you it wasn't going to work for Windows 7.
Finally, I've cleaned up and reposted many of the old Direct SDK samples to MSDN Code Gallery in such a way that they don't need the legacy DirectX SDK.
The basic rule is, if you develop XAudio2 program on Win 8, use the Windows SDK, otherwise, use DirectX SDK.
If you are working on Win7, make sure
the head file XAudio2.h you are using comes from the DirectX SDK, that's something like C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Include\XAudio2.h, not come from the Win8 SDK, something like C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.0\Include\um\XAudio2.h(in case you installed the Win8 SDK)
Call CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); before calling XAudio2Create, since the old version(before 2.8) of XAaudio2 was created by COM, so it does not need a .lib file, and there is no .lib file for XAudio2 before Win8.
This page below contains a detail introduction of the version of XAudio2, you can take a look.
XAudio2 Versions

From where to download compiled and ready to use MonoDev for Mono 2 under Windows?

I have heard a lot about Mono and its usability compared to .NET and its cross platform support.
I tried to find a working version of MonoDev which will give me a visual way (like MS visual Studio) of working with Mono 2.x.
Have we to compile it from code or has someone provided a link to download a working and precompiled version of MonoDev that works in Win 2000 and higher?
You don't need MonoDevelop to build applications that run on Mono. The main feature of Mono is that it runs .NET assemblies without need for re-compilation. You can build in Visual Studio (including any of the free versions of Visual Studio Express) and run your applications under Mono without change, providing Mono supports the API's you're using.
You can use the Mono Migration Analyzer (MOMA) to test your assemblies to see if Mono will support them. It inspects the MSIL code directly, so it's very quick to test them.
I believe it is possible to run MonoDevelop on Win32: http://www.monodevelop.com/MonoDevelopWin32
You can run MonoDevelop on Windows using AndLinux.
You can either:
Download one of the completely free Visual Studio Express versions: http://www.microsoft.com/express/product/default.aspx
Use SharpDevelop. There is no need to 'support' Mono, just develop like you normally would, and then copy your binaries over and Mono will run them.
Like others said, the point of Mono is to work the same as MS's .NET. You can develop in VS, then run it on Mono. That being said, if you really want to run MonoDevelop on Windows, don't let anyone tell you it can't be done. If you're curious about it, with a little bit of Cygwin hackery, I've been able to get MonoDevelop to compile cleanly on Windows, and run in an acceptable way. http://monodevelop.com/MonoDevelopWin32 has some instructions on how to get it working, but they are out of date. The current SVN trunk for MonoDevelop has better support for Windows, so try compiling with Cygwin if you're feeling daring.
MonoDevelop does not currently run on Windows. It currently runs on Linux and OSX.
On Windows, you can use Visual Studio or SharpDevelop and copy your binaries over to Linux or OSX to run them.