Fast check of existence of an entry in a SQL database - sql

Nitpicker Question:
I like to have a function returning a boolean to check if a table has an entry or not. And i need to call this a lot, so some optimizing is needed.
Iues mysql for now, but should be fairly basic...
So should i use
select id from table where a=b limit 1;
select count(*) as cnt from table where a=b;
or something completly different?
I think SELECT with limit should stop after the first find, count(*) needs to check all entries. So SELECT could be faster.
Simnplest thing would be doing a few loop and test it, but my tests were not helpful. (My test system seemd to be used otherwise too, which diluted mny results)

this "need" is often indicative of a situation where you are trying to INSERT or UPDATE. the two most common situations are bulk loading/updating of rows, or hit counting.
checking for existence of a row first can be avoided using the INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement. for a hit counter, just a single statement is needed. for bulk loading, load the data in to a temporary table, then use INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE using the temp table as the source.
but if you can't use this, then the fastest way will be select id from table where a=b limit 1; along with force index to make sure mysql looks ONLY at the index.

The limit 1 will tell the MySQL to stop searching after it finds one row. If there can be multiple rows that match the criteria, this is faster than count(*).
There are more ways to optimize this, but the exact nature would depend on the amount of rows and the spread of a and b. I'd go with the "where a=b" approach until you actually encounter performance issues. Databases are often so fast that most queries are no performance issue at all.


Most memory efficient for Cluster Tables: "select count(*)" or "select .. endselect"?

I would like to know which statement (see below) will be more efficient for determining the size of a Cluster Table. Or at least determine, whether the table size reaches a certain threshhold {n}.
Efficiency meaning using less PSAPTEMP tablespace.
The problem with Cluster Tables is, that in order to get an entry for a table the fields of one entry need to be looked up in several tables of the Cluster where they are dispersed. Thus, more than just the counted table need to be looked at. So for every entry several entries need to be looked up. This makes it inefficient for reads and this can make it dump because the COUNT uses an INT datatype that can overflow.
UP TO {n} rows.
ENDSELECT. `and then determine the size of the result. `
To me they seem equivalent, but maybe they are not when using a threshold. Maybe the limitation makes a difference depending how the data is read. EDIT: Of course, SELECT .. ENDSELECT is a loop and thus less efficient principally.
But I would like to know how it actually works under the hood and understand the difference better. So far it seems like I will have to try it out.
I assume the database will differ but will most often be Oracle.
We could not really create the test environment we needed. So no final answer. But some learnings:
Reading the data from cluster tables should be done based on a full primary key sequence (Should be accessed via primary key - very fast retrieval otherwise very slow)
There are no secondary indexes
Select * is Ok because all columns are retrieved anyways. Performing an operation on multiple rows is more efficient than single row operations. -> Therefore you still want to select into an internal table.
If many rows are being selected into the internal table, you might still like to retrieve specific columns to cut down on the memory required.
There is a way to convert cluster to transparent but with downtime and this no way for us
Aggreate SQL functions (SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, etc) are not supported
Basically Select Endselect will run a loop and there will be multiple trips to DB Server.
Technically select SELECT COUNT(*) will perform all the data on the DB server itself and in one shot.
After which you can simply put the data in an internal table and work on the same.
As per the standards, this is not at all recommended even for normal transparent tables leave aside Cluster tables.
Access to Cluster tables is very expensive. Also, to make the matter worse you cannot use any indexes on Cluster tables. Its always better to provide as much data in the where clause as possible.
The priority is always given to fetch the data in one shot from the Database Server using
select * from table into table where ....
and then loop on it on the local server.
Specifically in your use case It will be fastest if you will be using count(*) and not select endselect.
Certified SAP ABAP Consultant
Using native SQL with COUNT BIG instead of COUNT can make it not memory efficient but prevent it from dumping due to a counter overflow.

Determine if a SQL Insert/Update statement affects the result from a stored Select Statement

Thought this would be a good place to ask for some "brainstorming." Apologies if it's a little broad/off subject.
I was wondering if anyone here had any ideas on how to approach the following problem:
First assume that I have a select statement stored somewhere as an object (this can be the tree form of the query). For example (for simplicity):
SELECT A, B FROM table_A WHERE A > 10;
It's easy to determine the below would change the result of the above query:
INSERT INTO table_A (A,B) VALUES (12,15);
But, given any possible Insert/Update/Whatever statement, as well as any possible starting Select (but we know the Selects and can analyze them all day) I'd like to determine if it would affect the result of the Select Statement.
It's fine to assume that there won't be any "outside" queries, and that we know about all the queries being sent to the DB. It is also assumed we know the DB schema.
No, this isn't for homework. Just a brain teaser I've been thinking about and started to get stuck on (obviously, SQL can get very complicated.)
Based on the reply to the comment, I'd say that without additional criteria, this ranges between very hard and impossible.
Very hard (leastways, it would be for me) because you'd have to write something to parse and interpret your SQL statements into a workable frame of reference for your goals. Doable, but can it be worth the effort?
Impossible because some queries transcend phrases like "Byzantinely complex". (Think nested queries, correlated subqueries, views, common table expressions, triggers, outer joins, and who knows what all.) Without setting criteria such as "no subqueries, no views or triggers, no more than X joins" and so forth, the problem becomes open-ended enough to warrant an NP Complete answer.
My first thought would be to put a trigger on table_A, where if any of the columns you're affecting (col A in this case) changes to meet (or no longer meet) the condition (> 10 here), then the trigger records that an "affecting" change has taken place.
E.g. have another little table to record a "last update timestamp", which the trigger could pop a getdate() into when it detects such a change.
Then, you could check that table to see if the timestamp has changed since the last time you ran the select query - if it has, then you know you need to re-run it, if it hasn't, then you know the results would be the same.
The table could hold many such timestamps (one per row, perhaps with the table/trigger name as a key value in another column) to service many such triggers.
Advantage? Being done in a trigger on the table means no risk of a change that could affect the select statement being missed.
Disadvantage? I guess depending on how your select statements come into existence, you might have an undesirable/unmanageable overhead in creating the trigger(s).

Complexity comparison between temporary table + index creation vice multi-table group by without index

I have two potential roads to take on the following problem, the try it and see methodology won't pay off for this solution as the load on the server is constantly in flux. The two approaches I have are as follows:
select *
select foo.a,bar.b,baz.c
from foo,bar,baz
-- updated for clarity sake
group by a,b,c
create table results as
select foo.a,bar.b,baz.c
from foo,bar,baz
and ;
create index results_spanning on results(a,b,c);
select * from results group by a,b,c;
So in case it isn't clear. The top query performs the group by outright against the multi-table select thus preventing me from using an index. The second query allows me to create a new table that stores the results of the query, proceeding to create a spanning index, then finishing the group by query to utilize the index.
What is the complexity difference of these two approaches, i.e. how do they scale and which is preferable in the case of large quantities of data. Also, the main issue is the performance of the overall select so that is what I am attempting to fix here.
Are you really doing a CROSS JOIN on three tables? Are those three
columns indexed in their own right? How often do you want to run the
query which delivers the end result?
1) No.
2) Yes, where clause omitted for the sake of discussion as this is clearly a super trivial example
3) Doesn't matter.
2nd Update
This is a temporary table as it is only valid for a brief moment in time, so yes this table will only be queried against one time.
If your query is executed frequently and unacceptably slow, you could look into creating materialized views to pre-compute the results. This gives you the benefit of an indexable "table", without the overhead of creating a table every time.
You'll need to refresh the materialized view (preferably fast if the tables are large) either on commit or on demand. There are some restrictions on how you can create on commit, fast refreshable views, and they will add to your commit time processing slightly, but they will always give the same result as running the base query. On demand MVs will become stale as the underlying data changes until these are refreshed. You'll need to determine whether this is acceptable or not.
So the question is, which is quicker?
Run a query once and sort the result set?
Run a query once to build a table, then build an index, then run the query again and sort the result set?
Hmmm. Tricky one.
The use cases for temporary tables are pretty rare in Oracle. They normally onlya apply when we need to freeze a result set which we are then going to query repeatedly. That is apparently not the case here.
So, take the first option and just tune the query if necessary.
The answer is, as is so often the case with tuning questions, it depends.
Why are you doing a GROUP BY in the first place. The query as you posted it doesn't do any aggregation so the only reason for doing GROUP BY woudl be to eliminate duplicate rows, i.e. a DISTINCT operation. If this is actually the case then you doing some form of cartesian join and one tuning the query would be to fix the WHERE clause so that it only returns discrete records.

is there something faster than "having count" for large tables?

Here is my query:
select word_id, count(sentence_id)
from sentence_word
group by word_id
having count(sentence_id) > 100;
The table sentenceword contains 3 fields, wordid, sentenceid and a primary key id.
It has 350k+ rows.
This query takes a whopping 85 seconds and I'm wondering (hoping, praying?) there is a faster way to find all the wordids that have more than 100 sentenceids.
I've tried taking out the select count part, and just doing 'having count(1)' but neither speeds it up.
I'd appreciate any help you can lend. Thanks!
If you don't already have one, create a composite index on sentence_id, word_id.
having count(sentence_id) > 100;
There's a problem with this... Either the table has duplicate word/sentence pairs, or it doesn't.
If it does have duplicate word/sentence pairs, you should be using this code to get the correct answer:
If the table does not have duplicate word/sentence pairs... then you shouldn't count sentence_ids, you should just count rows.
In which case, you can create an index on word_id only, for optimum performance.
If that query is often performed, and the table rarely updated, you could keep an auxiliary table with word ids and corresponding sentence counts -- hard to think of any further optimization beyond that!
Your query is fine, but it needs a bit of help (indexes) to get faster results.
I don't have my resources at hand (or access to SQL), but I'll try to help you from memory.
Conceptually, the only way to answer that query is to count all the records that share the same word_id. That means that the query engine needs a fast way to find those records. Without an index on word_id, the only thing the database can do is go through the table one record at a time and keep running totals of every single distinct word_id it finds. That would usually require a temporary table and no results can be dispatched until the whole table is scanned. Not good.
With an index on word_id, it still has to go through the table, so you would think it wouldn't help much. However, the SQL engine can now compute the count for each word_id without waiting until the end of the table: it can dispatch the row and the count for that value of word_id (if it passes your where clause), or discard the row (if it doesn't); that will result in lower memory load on the server, possibly partial responses, and the temporary table is no longer needed. A second aspect is parallelism; with an index on word_id, SQL can split the job in chunks and use separate processor cores to run the query in parallel (depending on hardware capabilities and existing workload).
That might be enough to help your query; but you will have to try to see:
CREATE INDEX someindexname ON sentence_word (word_id)
(T-SQL syntax; you didn't specify which SQL product you are using)
If that's not enough (or doesn't help at all), there are two other solutions.
First, SQL allows you to precompute the COUNT(*) by using indexed views and other mechanisms. I don't have the details at hand (and I don't do this often). If your data doesn't change often, that would give you faster results but with a cost in complexity and a bit of storage.
Also, you might want to consider storing the results of the query in a separate table. That is practical only if the data never changes, or changes on a precise schedule (say, during a data refresh at 2 in the morning), or if it changes very little and you can live with non perfect results for a few hours (you would have to schedule a periodic data refresh); that's the moral equivalent of a poor-man's data warehouse.
The best way to find out for sure what works for you is to run the query and look at the query plan with and without some candidate indexes like the one above.
There is, surprisingly, an even faster way to accomplish that on large data sets:
SELECT totals.word_id, totals.num
FROM (SELECT word_id, COUNT(*) AS num FROM sentence_word GROUP BY word_id) AS totals
WHERE num > 1000;

Where should I do the rowcount when checking for existence: sql or php?

In the case when I want to check, if a certain entry in the database exists I have two options.
I can create an sql query using COUNT() and then check, if the result is >0...
...or I can just retrieve the record(s) and then count the number of rows in the returned rowset. For example with $result->num_rows;
What's better/faster? in mysql? in general?
YMMV, but I suspect that if you are only checking for existence, and don't need to use the retrieved data in any way, the COUNT() query will be faster. How much faster will depend on how much data.
The fastest is probably asking the database if something exists:
SELECT EXISTS ([your query here])
Just tested, works fine on MySQL v5
COUNT(*) is generally less efficient if:
you can have duplicates (because the
DBMS will have to exhaustively
search all of the records/indexes to
give you the exact answer) or
have NULL entries (for the same
If you are COUNT'ing based on a WHERE clause that is guaranteed to produce a single record (or 0) and the DBMS knows this (based upon UNIQUE indexes), then it ought to be just as efficient. But, it is unlikely that you will always have this condition. Also, the DBMS may not always pick up on this depending on the version and DBMS.
Counting in the application (when you don't need the row) is almost always guaranteed to be slower/worse because:
You have to send data to the client, the client has to buffer it and do some work
You may bump out things in the DBMS MRU/LRU data cache that are more important
Your DBMS will (generally) have to do more disk I/O to fetch record data that you will never use
You have more network activity
Of course, if you want to DO something with the row if it exists, then it is definitely faster/best to simply try and fetch the row to begin with!
If all you are doing is checking for the existance, then
Select count(*) ...
But if you will retrieve the data if it exists, then just get the data and check it in PHP, otherwise you'll have two calls.
For me is in the database.
Making a count(1) is faster than $result->num_rows because in the $result->num_rows you make 2 operations 1 select and a count if the select has a count is faster to get the result.
Except if you also want the information from the db.
If you want raw speed, benchmark! In addition to the methods others have suggested:
SELECT 1 FROM table_name WHERE ... LIMIT 1
may be faster due to avoiding the subselect. Benchmark it.
is the best choice, this operation is extremely fast both on small tables and large tables. While it's possible that
SELECT id FROM table
is faster on small tables, the difference in speed will be microscopic. But if you have a large table, this operation can be very slow.
Therefore, your best bet is to always choose to COUNT(*) the table (and it's faster to do * than it is to pick a specific column) as overall, it will be the fastest operation.
I would definitely do it in the PHP to decrease load on the database.
In order to get a count and get the returned rows in SQL you would have to do two queries.. a COUNT and then a SELECT
The PHP way gives you everything you need in one result object.