In the web application I am currently developing, I have quite a few database queries being performed. I would like to know what parts of the code are producing these queries so that I can perhaps refactor the code to reduce them. Is there an easy way to do this?
Typically, the database queries are like:
SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM 'stores' WHERE ('stores'.'distributor_id' = 1)
Thanks very much for your suggestions!
I think you're looking for QueryTrace.
To show the SQL of a query on a Ruby on Rails console just follow these steps:
if ENV.include?('RAILS_ENV') && !Object.const_defined?('RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER')
require 'logger'
path_to_project$ sc
Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.7)
>> User.first
User Load (0.8ms) SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 1
Logging SQL queries is widely described, for instance here:
How to get the query executed in Laravel 5?
but I found no infos about how to log the queries along with the query results or errors respectively.
Anyone who can fill the gap?
IF you want to debug a query(ies) (based on your comment) there is this option
Before the query add
and after the query you can do a dd or whatever with:
Note: This will debug all of the queries in between the two commands
I'm not particularly familiar with Ruby on Rails, but I'm troubleshooting an issue we're experiencing with a rake job that is supposed to be cleaning database tables. The tables grow very large very quickly, and the query generated by ActiveRecord doesn't seem to be efficient enough to handle it.
The Ruby calls looks like this:
Source.where("id not IN (#{'DISTINCT source_id').to_sql})").delete_all
and this:
Log.joins(:report).where(:report_id => Report.where(cond)).delete_all
I'm trying to get at the SQL, so we can have our DBA's attempt to optimize it better. I've noticed if I drop the ".delete_all" I can add a ".to_sql" which gives me the SELECT statement of the query, prior to the call to ".delete_all". I'd like to see what SQL is being generated by that delete_all method though.
Is there a way to do that?
Another option is to use raw Arel syntax, similar to a simplified version of what ActiveRecord::Relation#delete_all does.
relation = Model.where(...)
arel = relation.arel
stmt =
stmt.from(arel.join_sources.empty? ? Model.arel_table : arel.source)
stmt.wheres = arel.constraints
sql = Model.connection.to_sql(stmt, relation.bound_attributes)
print sql
This will give you the generated delete sql. Here's an example using postgres as the sql adapter
relation = User.where('email ilike ?', '')
arel = relation.arel
stmt =
stmt.from(arel.join_sources.empty? ? User.arel_table : arel.source)
stmt.wheres = arel.constraints
sql = User.connection.to_sql(stmt, relation.bound_attributes)
=> DELETE FROM "users" WHERE (email ilike '')
From the fine manual:
delete_all(conditions = nil)
Deletes the records matching conditions without instantiating the records first, and hence not calling the destroy method nor invoking callbacks. This is a single SQL DELETE statement that goes straight to the database, much more efficient than destroy_all.
So a Model.delete_all(conditions) ends up as
delete from models where conditions
When you say Model.where(...).delete_all, the conditions for the delete_all come from the where calls so these are the same:
Applying that to your case:
Source.where("id not IN (#{'DISTINCT source_id').to_sql})").delete_all
you should see that you're running:
delete from sources
where id not in (
select distinct source_id
from logs
If you run your code in a development console you should see the SQL in the console or the Rails logs but it will be as above.
As far as optimization goes, my first step would be to drop the DISTINCT. DISTINCT usually isn't cheap and IN doesn't care about duplicates anyway so not in (select distinct ...) is probably pointless busy work. Then maybe an index on source_id would help, the query optimizer might be able to slurp the source_id list straight out of the index without having to do a table scan to find them. Of course, query optimization is a bit of a dark art so these simple steps may or may not work.
ActiveRecord::Base.logger = should show you all the SQL generated by rails on your console.
I'm kicking tires on BI tools, including, of course, Tableau. Part of my evaluation includes correlating the SQL generated by the BI tool with my actions in the tool.
Tableau has me mystified. My database has 2 billion things; however, no matter what I do in Tableau, the query Redshift reports as having been run is "Fetch 10000 in SQL_CURxyz", i.e. a cursor operation. In the screenshot below, you can see the cursor ids change, indicating new queries are being run -- but you don't see the original queries.
Is this a Redshift or Tableau quirk? Any idea how to see what's actually running under the hood? And why is Tableau always operating on 10000 records at a time?
I just ran into the same problem and wrote this simple query to get all queries for currently active cursors:
usr.usename AS username
, min(cur.starttime) AS start_time
, DATEDIFF(second, min(cur.starttime), getdate()) AS run_time
, min(cur.row_count) AS row_count
, min(cur.fetched_rows) AS fetched_rows
, listagg(util_text.text)
WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY sequence) AS query
JOIN stl_utilitytext util_text
ON = AND cur.xid = util_text.xid
JOIN pg_user usr
ON usr.usesysid = cur.userid
GROUP BY usr.usename, util_text.xid;
Ah, this has already been asked on the AWS forums.
Redshift's console apparently doesn't display the query behind cursors. To get that, you can query STV_ACTIVE_CURSORS:
Also, you can alter your .TWB file (which is really just an xml file) and add the following parameters to the odbc-connect-string-extras property.
You would end up with something like:
<connection class='redshift' dbname='yourdb' odbc-connect-string-extras='UseDeclareFetch=0;FETCH=0' port='0000' schema='schm' server='' [...] >
Unfortunately there's no way of changing this behavior trough the application, you must edit the file directly.
You should be aware of the performance implications of doing so. While this greatly enhances debugging there must be a reason why Tableau chose not to allow modification of these parameters trough the application.
I have a Rails 4 application that I use in conjunction with sidekiq to run asynchronous jobs. One of the jobs I normally run outside of my Rails application is a large set of complex SQL queries that cannot really be modeled by ActiveRecord. The connection this set of SQL queries has with my Rails app is that it should be executed anytime one of my controller actions is invoked.
Ideally, I'd queue a job from my Rails application within the controller for Sidekiq to go ahead and run the queries. Right now they're stored in an external file, and I'm not entirely sure what the best way is to have Rails run the said SQL.
Any solutions are appreciated.
I agree with Sharagoz, if you just need to run a specific query, the best way is to send the query string directly into the connection, like:
If the query is not static and you have to compose it, I would use Arel, it's already present in Rails 4.x:
You didn't say what database you are using, so I'm going to assume MySQL.
You could shell out to the mysql binary to do the work:
result = `mysql -u #{user} --password #{password} #{database} < #{huge_sql_filename}`
Or use ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("huge.sql")), but it won't work out of the box if you have multiple SQL statements in your SQL file.
In order to run multiple statements you will need to create an initializer that monkey patches the ActiveRecord::Base.mysql2_connection to allow setting MySQL's CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS and CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS flags.
Create a new initializer config/initializers/mysql2.rb
module ActiveRecord
class Base
# Overriding ActiveRecord::Base.mysql2_connection
# method to allow passing options from database.yml
# Example of database.yml
# login: &login
# socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
# adapter: mysql2
# host: localhost
# encoding: utf8
# flags: 131072
# #param [Hash] config hash that you define in your
# database.yml
# #return [Mysql2Adapter] new MySQL adapter object
def self.mysql2_connection(config)
config[:username] = 'root' if config[:username].nil?
if Mysql2::Client.const_defined? :FOUND_ROWS
config[:flags] = config[:flags] ? config[:flags] | Mysql2::Client::FOUND_ROWS : Mysql2::Client::FOUND_ROWS
client =
options = [config[:host], config[:username], config[:password], config[:database], config[:port], config[:socket], 0], logger, options, config)
Then update config/database.yml to add flags:
adapter: mysql2
database: app_development
username: user
password: password
flags: <%= 65536 | 131072 %>
I just tested this on Rails 4.1 and it works great.
Executing one query is - as outlined by other people - quite simply done through
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users")
You are talking about a 20.000 line sql script of multiple queries. Assuming you have the file somewhat under control, you can extract the individual queries from it.
script = Rails.root.join("lib").join("script.sql").read # ah, Pathnames
# this needs to match the delimiter of your queries
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
script.split(STATEMENT_SEPARATOR).each do |stmt|
If you're lucky, then the query delimiter could be ";\n\n", but this depends of course on your script. We had in another example "\x0" as delimiter. The point is that you split the script into queries to send them to the database. I wrapped it in a transaction, to let the database know that there is coming more than one statement. The block commits when no exception is raised while sending the script-queries.
If you do not have the script-file under control, start talking to those who control it to get a reliable delimiter. If it's not under your control and you cannot talk to the one who controls it, you wouldn't execute it, I guess :-).
This is a generic way to solve this. For PostgreSQL, you don't need to split the statements manually. You can just send them all at once via execute. For MySQL, there seem to be solutions to get the adapter into a CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS mode.
If you want to execute raw SQL through active record you can use this API:
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users")
If you are running big SQL every time, i suggest you to create a sql view for it. It be boost the execution time. The other thing is, if possible try to split all those SQL query in such a way that it will be executed parallely instead of sequentially and then push it to sidekiq queue.
You have to use ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute or ModelClass.find_by_sql to run custom SQL.
Also, put an eye on ROLLBACK transactions, you will find many places where you dont need such ROLLBACK feature. If you avoid that, the query will run faster but it is dangerous.
Thanks all i can suggest.
use available database tools to handle the complex queries, such as views, stored procedures etc and call them as other people already suggested (ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute and ModelClass.find_by_sql for example)- it might very well cut down significantly on query preparation time in the DB and make your code easier to handle
abstract your query input parameters into a hash so you can pass it on to sidekiq, don't send SQL strings as this will probably degrade performance (due to query preparation time) and make your life more complicated due to funny SQL driver parsing bugs
run your complex queries in a dedicated named queue and set concurrency to such a value that will prevent your database of getting overwhelmed by the queries as they smell like they could be pretty db heavy
have a look at Squeel, its a great addition to AR, it might be able to pull some of the things you are doing
I'll assume you use MySQL for now, but your mileage will vary depending on the DB type that you use. For example, Oracle has some good gems for handling stored procedures, views etc, for example
Let me know if some of this stuff doesn't fit your use case and I'll expand
I see this post is kind of old. But I would like to add my solution to it. I was in a similar situation; I also needed a way to force feed "PRAGMA foreign_keys = on;" into my sqlite connection (I could not find a previous post that spelled it out how to do it.) Anywho, this worked like a charm for me. It allowed me to write "pretty" sql and still get it executed. Blank lines are ignored by the if statement.
conn = ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter:'sqlite3',database:DB_NAME)
sqls =';')
sqls.each {|sql| conn.connection.execute(sql<<';') unless sql.strip.size == 0 }
conn.connection.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = on;')
I had the same problem with a set of sql statements that I needed to execute all in one call to the server. What worked for me was to set up an initializer for Mysql2 adapter (as explained in infused answer) but also do some extra work to process multiple results. A direct call to ActiveRecord::Base.connection.executewould only retrieve the first result and issue an Internal Error.
My solution was to get the Mysql2 adapter and work directly with it:
client = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection
Then, as explained here, execute the query and loop through the results:
while client.next_result
result = client.store_result
# do something with it ...
I'm developer, and i'm working a lot with MSQL. My current task is when some user executes select query on database, i should "catch" the query data. What do i mean is if select query is "select * from UsersTbl where UserID = 5", i have to get '5'. Does somebody have any idea where to start???
Thanks a lot.
You could extract each value that starts with an =
But you might find a solution using MySQL Proxy... I've never used it so don't hold me to that :)