Zend Framework: How to combine three tables in one query using Joins? - sql

I have three tables like this:
Person table:
person_id | name | dob
1 | Naveed | 1988
2 | Ali | 1985
3 | Khan | 1987
4 | Rizwan | 1984
Address table:
address_id | street | city | state | country
1 | MAJ Road | Karachi | Sindh | Pakistan
2 | ABC Road | Multan | Punjab | Pakistan
3 | XYZ Road | Riyadh | SA | SA
Person_Address table:
person_id | address_id
1 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 3
Now I want to get all records of Person_Address table but also with their person and address records like this by one query:
person_id| name | dob | address_id | street | city | state | country
1 | Naveed | 1988 | 1 | MAJ Road | Karachi | Sindh | Pakistan
2 | Ali | 1985 | 2 | ABC Road | Multan | Punjab | Pakistan
3 | Khan | 1987 | 3 | XYZ Road | Riyadh | SA | SA
How it is possible using zend? Thanks

The reference guide is the best starting point to learn about Zend_Db_Select. Along with my example below, of course:
//$db is an instance of Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
$select = $db->select();
$select->from(array('p' => 'person'), array('person_id', 'name', 'dob'))
->join(array('pa' => 'Person_Address'), 'pa.person_id = p.person_id', array())
->join(array('a' => 'Address'), 'a.address_id = pa.address_id', array('address_id', 'street', 'city', 'state', 'country'));
It's then as simple as this to fetch a row:
In debugging Zend_Db_Select there's a clever trick you can use - simply print the select object, which in turn invokes the toString method to produce SQl:
echo $select; //prints SQL

I'm not sure if you're looking for SQL to do the above, or code using Zend's facilities. Given the presence of "sql" and "joins" in the tags, here's the SQL you'd need:
SELECT p.person_id, p.name, p.dob, a.address_id, street, city, state, country
FROM person p
INNER JOIN Person_Address pa ON pa.person_id = p.person_id
INNER JOIN Address a ON a.address_id = pa.address_id
Bear in mind that the Person_Address tells us that there's a many-to-many relationship between a Person and an Address. Many Persons may share an Address, and a Person may have more than one address.
The SQL above will show ALL such relationships. So if Naveed has two Address records, you will have two rows in the result set with person_id = 1.


SQL - UNION vs NULL functions. Which is better?

I have three tables: ACCT, PERS, ORG. Each ACCT is owned by either a PERS or ORG. The PERS and ORG tables are very similar and so are all of their child tables, but all PERS and ORG data is separate.
I'm writing a query to get PERS and ORG information for each account in ACCT and I'm curious what the best method of combining the information is. Should I use a series of left joins and NULL functions to fill in the blanks, or should I write the queries separately and use UNION to combine?
I've already written separate queries for PERS ACCT's and another for ORG ACCT's and plan on using UNION. My question more pertains to best practice in the future.
I'm expecting both to give me my desired my results, but I want to find the most efficient method both in development time and run time.
EDIT: Sample Table Data
ACCT Table:
| 555001 | abc | 3010 | |
| 555002 | abc | | 2255 |
| 555003 | tre | 5125 | |
| 555004 | tre | 4485 | |
| 555005 | dsa | | 6785 |
PERS Table:
| 3010 | 555-555-5555 | 1234 Main St | New York | NY |
| 5125 | 555-555-5555 | 1234 State St | New York | NY |
| 4485 | 555-555-5555 | 6542 Vine St | New York | NY |
ORG Table:
| 2255 | 222-222-2222 | 1000 Main St | New York | NY |
| 6785 | 333-333-3333 | 400 4th St | New York | NY |
Desired Output:
| 555001 | abc | 3010 | | 555-555-5555 | 1234 Main St | New York | NY |
| 555002 | abc | | 2255 | 222-222-2222 | 1000 Main St | New York | NY |
| 555003 | tre | 5125 | | 555-555-5555 | 1234 State St | New York | NY |
| 555004 | tre | 4485 | | 555-555-5555 | 6542 Vine St | New York | NY |
| 555005 | dsa | | 6785 | 333-333-3333 | 400 4th St | New York | NY |
Query Option 1: Write 2 queries and use UNION to combine them:
select a.acctnbr, a.accttyp, a.ownerpersnbr, a.ownerorgnbr, p.phone, p.street, p.city, p.state
from acct a
inner join pers p on p.persnbr = a.ownerpersnbr
select a.acctnbr, a.accttyp, a.ownerpersnbr, a.ownerorgnbr, o.phone, o.street, o.city, o.state
from acct a
inner join org o on o.orgnbr = a.ownerorgnbr
Option 2: Use NVL() or Coalesce to return a single data set:
SELECT a.acctnbr,
NVL(a.ownerpersnbr, a.ownerorgnbr) Owner,
NVL(p.phone, o.phone) Phone,
NVL(p.street, o.street) Street,
NVL(p.city, o.city) City,
NVL(p.state, o.state) State
acct a
LEFT JOIN pers p on p.persnbr = a.ownerpersnbr
LEFT JOIN org o on o.orgnbr = a.ownerorgnbr
There are way more fields in each of the 3 tables as well as many more PERS and ORG tables in my actual query. Is one way better (faster, more efficient) than another?
That depends, on what you consider "better".
Assuming, that you will always want to pull all rows from ACCT table, I'd say to go for the LEFT OUTER JOIN and no UNION. (If using UNION, then rather go for UNION ALL variant.)
EDIT: As you've already shown your queries, mine is no longer required, and did not match your structures. Removing this part.
Why LEFT JOIN? Because with UNION you'd have to go through ACCT twice, based on "parent" criteria (whether separate or done INNER JOIN criteria), while with plain LEFT OUTER JOIN you'll probably get just one pass through ACCT. In both cases, rows from "parents" will most probably be accessed based on primary keys.
As you are probably considering performance, when looking for "better", as always: Test your queries and look at the execution plans with adequate and fresh database statistics in place, as depending on the data "layout" (histograms, etc.) the "better" may be something completely different.
I think you misunderstand what a Union does versus a join statement. A union takes the records from multiple tables, generally similar or the same structure and combines them into a single resultset. It is not meant to combine multiple dissimilar tables.
What I am seeing is that you have two tables PERS and ORG with some of the same data in it. In this case I suggest you union those two tables and then join to ACCT to get the sample output.
In this case to get the output as you have shown you would want to use Outer joins so that you don't drop any records without a match. That will give you nulls in some places but most of the time that is what you want. It is much easier to filter those out later.
Very rough sample code.
SELECT a.*, b.*
from Acct as a
Select * from PERS UNION Select * from ORG
) as b
ON a.ID = b.ID

Using a table to lookup multiple IDs on one row

I have two tables I am using at work to help me gain experience in writing SQL queries. One table contains a list of Applications and has three columns -
Application_Name, Application_Contact_ID and Business_Contact_ID. I then have a separate table called Contacts with two columns - Contact_ID and Contact_Name. I am trying to write a query that will list the Application_Name and Contact_Name for both the Applications_Contact_ID and Business_Contact_ID columns instead of the ID number itself.
I understand I need to JOIN the two tables but I haven't quite figured out how to formulate the correct statement. Help Please!
| Application_Name | Application_Contact_ID | Business_Contact_ID |
| Adobe | 23 | 23 |
| Word | 52 | 14 |
| NotePad++ | 44 | 989 |
| Contact_ID | Contact_Name |
| 23 | Tim |
| 52 | John |
| 14 | Jen |
| 44 | Carl |
| 989 | Sam |
What I am trying to get is:
| Application_Name | Application_Contact_Name | Business_Contact_Name |
| Adobe | Tim | Tim |
| Word | John | Jen |
| NotePad++ | Carl | Sam |
I've tried the below but it is only returning the name for one of the columns:
SELECT Application_Name, Application_Contact_ID, Business_Contact_ID, Contact_Name
FROM Applications
JOIN Contact ON Contact_ID = Application_Contact_ID
This is a pretty critical and 101 part of SQL. Consider reading this other answer on a different question, which explains the joins in more depth. The trick to your query, is that you have to join the CONTACTS table twice, which is a bit hard to visualize, because you have to go there for both the application_contact_id and business_contact_id.
There are many flavors of joins (INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, etc.), which you'll want to familiarize yourself with for the future reference. Consider reading this article at the very least: https://www.techonthenet.com/sql_server/joins.php.
SELECT t1.application_name Application_Name,
t2.contact_name Application_Contact_name,
t3.contact_name Business_Contact_name
FROM applications t1
INNER JOIN contacts ON t2 t1.Application_Contact_ID = t2.contact_id -- join contacts for appName
INNER JOIN contacts ON t3 t1.business_Contact_ID = t3.contact_id; -- join contacts for busName

JOIN, aggregate and convert in postgres between two tables

Here are the two tables i have: [all columns in both tables are of type "text"], Table name and the column names are in bold fonts.
Name | DoB | Team |
Harry | 3/12/85 | England
Kevin | 8/07/86 | England
James | 5/05/89 | England
ScoreName | Score
James-1 | 120
Harry-1 | 30
Harry-2 | 40
James-2 | 56
End result i need is a table that has the following
Name | DoB | Team | ScoreData
Harry | 3/12/85 | England | "{"ScoreName":"Harry-1", "Score":"30"}, {"ScoreName":"Harry-2", "Score":"40"}"
Kevin | 8/07/86 | England | null
James | 5/05/89 | England | "{"ScoreName":"James-1", "Score":"120"}, {"ScoreName":"James-2", "Score":"56"}"
I need to do this using a single SQL command which i will use to create a materialized view.
I have gotten as far as realising that it will involve a combination of string_agg, JOIN and JSON, but haven't been able to crack it fully. Please help :)
I don't think the join is tricky. The complication is building the JSON object:
select n.name, n.dob, n.team,
json_agg(json_build_object('ScoreName', s.name,
'Score', s.score)) as ScoreData
from names n left join
scores s
ons.name like concat(s.name, '-', '%')
group by n.name, n.dob, n.team;
Note: json_build_object() was introduced in Postgres 9.4.
I think you can add a case statement to get the simple NULL:
(case when s.name is null then NULL
else json_agg(json_build_object('ScoreName', s.name,
'Score', s.score))
end) as ScoreData
Use json_agg() with row_to_json() to aggregate scores data into a json value:
select n.*, json_agg(row_to_json(s)) "ScoreData"
from "Names" n
left join "Scores" s
on n."Name" = regexp_replace(s."ScoreName", '(.*)-.*', '\1')
group by 1, 2, 3;
Name | DoB | Team | ScoreData
Harry | 3/12/85 | England | [{"ScoreName":"Harry-1","Score":30}, {"ScoreName":"Harry-2","Score":40}]
James | 5/05/89 | England | [{"ScoreName":"James-1","Score":120}, {"ScoreName":"James-2","Score":56}]
Kevin | 8/07/86 | England | [null]
(3 rows)

Conditional join based on lookup

Apologies if a similar problem is posted earlier, I couldn't find the same.
Problem: I need to join two tables based a conditional look up in the second table.
Tables: Below are the two tables which have a subset of the total fields.
| Persons |
| PersonID | PersonName | HomeAddressID | WorkAddressID |
| P1 | Doe, John | HA1 | WA1 |
| P2 | Doe, Jane | HA2 | WA2 |
| P3 | Doe, Jane | | WA3 |
| Addresses |
| AddressID | Street | City | State |
| HA1 | 123 | A | B |
| WA1 | 456 | C | D |
| HA2 | 111 | | |
| WA2 | 101 | G | H |
| WA3 | 333 | I | J |
Current Scenario: The SELECT query in a view fetches PersonName from first table and work address fields from second table. (Join is on WorkAddressID)
Expected Result: The SELECT query should fetch PersonName field from first table and address fields from second table conditions being:
If state for home address is available then display Street, City and State for home address.
If state for home address is NULL/blank then display Street, City and State for work address.
Many rows in Persons table do not have HomeAddressID but all do have WorkAddressID.
Many rows in Addresses table do not have City and State information for Home addresses.
While this may look like a design flaw, I'm not in a position to re-engineer the database as there are hundreds of objects and sub-objects depending on the original view.
There are 3 million+ rows in the Persons table so performance needs to be acceptable.
The current query has joins to at least 5 other views.
Please advise as to how I can address this problem.
Many thanks,
Here's a MySQL solution:
SELECT PersonName,
IF(h.State = '' OR h.State IS NULL, w.Street, h.Street) AS Street,
IF(h.State = '' OR h.State IS NULL, w.City, h.City) AS City,
IF(h.State = '' OR h.State IS NULL, w.State, h.State) AS State
FROM Persons AS p
JOIN Addresses AS w ON w.AddressID = p.WorkAddressID
LEFT JOIN Addresses as h ON h.AddressID = p.HomeAddressID
A self join would handle this:
case when ha.state is null then wa.street else ha.street end as street,
case when ha.state is null then wa.city else ha.city end as city,
case when ha.state is null then wa.state else ha.state end as state
Persons p
inner join addresses wa on p.workaddressid = wa.addressid
left join addresses ha on p.homeaddressid = ha.addressid
This syntax would be for MSSQL
Edit: changed the home to a left join because of the criterion Many rows in Persons table do not have HomeAddressID

SQL: Joining two tables with email adresses in SQL Server [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have spent hours researching how to write the proper SQL for the following task, and finally I feel that I have to get some help as this is the most complex SQL query I have ever had to write :(
I am putting together an email list with all the email adresses that we have on our customers.
I have two tables: one customer table that contains customer level information, and one contact person table that contains person level information. Most of the data is overlapping, so the same email adress will occure in both tables. But the email adress field can be empty in both tables, and I do not want to return any empty rows.
Users that buy in our physical store are often only registered in the customer level table, but users that buys online are always registered both in the customer level table and the person level table.
I want to create a full list where I get all email adresses, where all email adresses are unique, no email adresses are duplicates and no email adresses are null.
Also I want to join in columns from the customer table when the data is retrieved from the person table (the zip code in my example below).
| CustomerID | Firstname | Lastname | Email | Zipcode |
| 22 | Jeff | Carson | jeffcar#mail.com | 81712 |
| 29 | John | Doe | null | 51211 |
| 37 | Gina | Andersen | null | 21147 |
| 42 | Brad | Cole | brad#company.org | 39261 |
Contact persons
| PersonID | CustomerID | Firstname | Lastname | Email |
| 8712 | 22 | Jeff | Carson | null || 8916 | 29 | Jane | Doe | jane#doe.net || 8922 | 29 | Danny | Doe | null |
| 9181 | 37 | Gina | Andersen | gina#gmail.com |
| 9515 | 37 | Ben | Andersen | ben88#gmail.com |
I want to join the tables to generate the following:
Final table
| PersonID | CustomerID | Firstname | Lastname | Email | Zipcode |
| 8712 | 22 | Jeff | Carson | jeffcar#mail.com | 81712 |
| 8916 | 29 | Jane | Doe | jane#doe.net | 51211 |
| 9181 | 37 | Gina | Andersen | gina#gmail.com | 21147 |
| 9515 | 37 | Ben | Andersen | ben88#gmail.com | 21147 |
| null | 42 | Brad | Cole | brad#company.org | 39261 |
I guessed this would be a fairly common task to do, but I haven't found anyone with a similar question, so I put my trust in the expertise out there.
This SQL will get you exactly the results table you were looking for. I've made a live demo you can play with here at SQLFiddle.
COALESCE(ContactPerson.FirstName, Customer.FirstName) AS FirstName,
COALESCE(ContactPerson.LastName, Customer.LastName) AS LastName,
COALESCE(ContactPerson.Email, Customer.Email) AS Email,
FROM Customer
LEFT JOIN ContactPerson
ON ContactPerson.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerID
WHERE COALESCE(ContactPerson.Email, Customer.Email) IS NOT NULL
Results (identical to your desired results):
| PersonID | CustomerID | FirstName | LastName | Email | ZipCode |
| 8712 | 22 | Jeff | Carson | jeffcar#mail.com | 81712 |
| 8916 | 29 | Jane | Doe | jane#doe.net | 51211 |
| 9181 | 37 | Gina | Andersen | gina#gmail.com | 21147 |
| 9515 | 37 | Ben | Andersen | ben88#gmail.com | 21147 |
| NULL | 42 | Brad | Cole | brad#company.org | 39261 |
A quick explanation of some key points to aid understanding:
The query uses a LEFT JOIN to join the two tables together. JOINs are pretty common once you get into SQL problems like this. I won't go into an in-depth explanation here: now that you know what they are called you should have no trouble Googling for loads of info on them!
NB: COALESCE basically means 'the first one of these options which isn't null' (docs). So this query will grab their name and email address from ContactPerson IF POSSIBLE, otherwise from Customer. If NEITHER of these tables hold an email address, then the WHERE clause makes sure that record isn't included at all, as required.
This will work:
,COALESCE(a.Email,b.Email) AS Email
FROM Customers a
LEFT JOIN Contact b
ON a.CustomerID = b.CustomerID
Demo: SQL Fiddle
select con.personid,
coalesce(con.email, cus.email) email,
from contact_persons con
right join
customers cus
on con.customerid = cus.customerid