Valgrind Massif tool output graphical interface? - valgrind

I'm using Valgrind 3.3.1 with the Massif tool to profile the heap of a C++ application, and I'm wondering if there is a graphical tool to examine the textual outputfile file.
Thanks for any suggestion.

For anyone else who is still interested in graphical output of Massif from Valgrind please consider massif-visualizer, it is beautiful.
You can find the project page at KDE-Apps.
For Ubuntu you should build massif-visualizer from source or install package from Kubuntu-ppa repo:
add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports
apt-get update && apt-get install massif-visualizer

I just made my own in-browser massif visualizer, since the available visualizers and viewers didn't compile on the platform I use.
So take a look to it, it's online.

There is a Qt application called massiftool that does a fair job of displaying this data.
Go to to see the project page.


What do valgrind additional packages do?

When I installed valgrind, it suggested to install also the following packages:
valgrind-dbg valgrind-mpi kcachegrind alleyoop valkyrie
Can somebody explain, in plain English, what each of them for?
I am assuming you're running debian or a debian-based distribution, such as ubuntu, so a quick visit to debian package archive will give us some basic information about these packages.
In summary, most of those are tools that help processing valgrind output.
valgrind-dbg contains the debug symbols for valgrind. Useful to pinpoint a problem with valgrind itself in the case it crashes. Check debian documentation for more details. Also this answer might be useful.
valgrind-mpi is a helper library for profiling/debugging applications that use the MPI api. If your application does not use it, it's likely irrelevant for you.
valkyrie is a graphical tool for parsing and analysing the output of memcheck (valgrind is composed of several tools, and memcheck is one of them). It will show the memory errors detected by memcheck alongside the code that generated them.
alleyoop seems to do the same thing as valkyrie but with a different, GNOME based, interface.
kcachegrind is a graphical tool for parsing and visualisation of the output of the callgrind tool, another tool of the valgrind suite.
There's likely other graphical tools for parsing valgrind output in a variaty of formats, these are just the ones that apt recommends installing.

PORTA installation

I want to install PORTA. I am using a win 64 bit OS. I read the installation process but I cannot really get how it works. Can anyone guide me how to install it. For example, what exactly am I supposed to do in the second step "2) Just type 'make". Type make where?
I don't know maybe I'm missing something very obvious but I got stuck
I appreciate any help in advance!!
Thank you!
That link on git hub is just the source files for the project. You will have to download it (git clone or download zip) and compile it to build the executable. You will need to open a command prompt in the gnu-make directory containing the "Makefile" and run make. Of course, this will require that you have a compiler installed (MinGW, Cygwin, etc). It does look like there is a Visual Studio solution in the win32 directory if you are not familiar with building with makefiles from the command line.

How can I try a Cygwin package that I just created?

I'm a maintainer of a program that I'd might like to propose for inclusion in the Cygwin distribution.
We use CMake so there is a packager available, and it's easy to create a .bz2 package.
Once I've created the package, how can I try it locally? In Linux this can easily be done, but is there a way to use the Cygwin package installer so that it picks up a local package?
I've read the package contribution documentation and related pages but can't find an answer.
The CMake Cygwin package generator seems extremely out-of-date. Cygwin hasn't used .bz2 for some years. This is from a Cygwin-mailing list answer from Adam Dinwoodie:
Cygwin packages generally use Cygport to define the build process and
so forth. It's more-or-less the equivalent of rpmbuild for RPM
packages, and similar tools for other distribution systems. The
documentation for Cygport is at;
if you're using make in a reasonably standard way, most things should
Just Work™.
In particular, if you're using Cygport, it'll automatically do things
like creating setup.hint files for you.
For testing locally, I find it's simplest to just do tar -xaC/ -f
<tarball> on the compiled tarballs that Cygport generates. That
doesn't test the dependency management or anything that requires
post-install scripts, but it's fine for checking the installation
itself works.

Can a library that uses CMake also be built with SCons?

I want to use KDL (Kinematics and Dynamics Library) in robot control box. But robot control box uses SCons as their build system while KDL uses CMake.
It turned out that the control box doesn't have CMake installed. Should I install CMake in the control box? Or write SCons file for compiling KDL?
My question is ambiguous. Sorry for that. And unfortunately, I cannot show the link of Control Box, it's not public. Here is link of KDL installation manual.
Let me make it more clear.
Forget all of previous question above and all about Control box, KDL. Let's say that you want to use one library. But the library can be built using CMake according to installation manual. Your PC doesn't have CMake installed but it has SCons, and unfortunately you should not install CMake on your PC.
If you can only use SCons, what can you do?
I know this situation is not usual, I want to know your opinion.
To answer your initial question: Yes, you should always try to install CMake, if that is a build requirement for you library and if you need to build that library from the sources.
To answer your later question: Replacing or rewriting the build system scripts is a major effort and not advisable. In general there is no script to convert build-systems. Such script might help to make the manual transformation. If you have a look at LLVM's effort to replace Autotools by CMake or Boost replacing it's own build system by CMake, you find out it takes several people several years and still not everybody is satisfied.
Often you don't need to build the library yourself. Either there are already built packages from the project directly of from your distribution (Debian etc. packages) or third party packagers like Mac Ports or NuGet.
In your case KDL provides Debian/Ubuntu packages.
Additional KDL is part of ROS, which is experimental in Homebrew for OS X.

Installing .deb from MobileSafari

Does anyone know how to make .deb files install directly from MobileSafari on the iPhone/iPod touch/iPad? I know it's possible, as seen with the 'lima' project, but I have no idea what it's supposed to be written in, or how. If someone could tell me I'd be grateful. Thanks in advance.
While this is not a detailed answer to your question, it shows the way on doing it:
1st: A download plugin for MobileSafari to actually download the .deb
2nd: Once the download has been completed you execute dpkg -i /path/to/package.deb (for example via system()
But this won't take care about dependencies and other things which is important when dealing with DEBIAN packages. For that you'll have to utilize the apt library like Cydia does.