I like to have event like OnMethodEntry and OnMethodExit which will be used to raise an event when a method in a class is getting invoked in C#.NET.
I have seen Post Sharp which give this feature. Since it is third party tool, we like to design a library something similar to that.
How can I do that?
CodeProject has a nice article that I think will meet your needs: MethodLogger - Hook into method calls in .NET binaries.
One way to do this is to modify assemblies by inserting these method calls manually in the IL.
You may try Cecil or CCI. They are good and mature libraries for reading and patching assemblies.
Has anybody seen a complete tutorial for creating custom assertion classes with FluentAssertions?
Best regards
I maintain a couple of extension packages for Fluent Assertions, so feel free to take a look at our code to see how we do it:
I also recently contributed the assembly reference assertions to the core, so have a look at this pull request. Also have a look at the FA source to see how they implement similar assertions (that's where we started).
The top line is you'll need a class to hold your assertions and an extension method to hook it in.
With the inclusion of Microsoft Fakes in Visual Studio 11, I thought it would be worth to look into again, since I did not find Moles mature enough last i checked. The documentation is still sparse, but I cannot find any reference to mocks, i.e. the ability to set up and verify expectations on the faked objects.
Does anyone know if this is currently included (as a feature in the library) or will be?
It is not included currently, but we are considering something in this area.
Although they are not included, you can use stubs to hack in the same behavior. In your stub you can capture whether the method was called and the parameters that were called. Of course, by the time you start doing that you're almost hand rolling your own mocks.
In the meantime I'd suggest Moq or RhinoMocks. I find the syntax simpler and I'm not a fan of the generated code that Microsoft Fakes uses anyhow. Try renaming a method on one of your fakes using a refactoring tool. It's not possible because your fake is a generated class, not an instance of the interface you are stubbing.
I've been strugling with WCF to do REST the way I want it to work. And apparently so has quite a few others. I've heard about the WCF Web Api project, but wrongly dismissed it without looking too closely at it. Sadly, now that I'm looking at it I find that the documentation is rather outdated. Like, this blog post has some nice information, but classes have changed, parameters have changed, in short, design has changed.
So I've been using an old example of how to plug in Json.NET (newtonsoft) as my serializier, only to realize that after I had it working, it wouldn't work for my IErrorHandler. Further I had a problem with how to Deserialize a string from the uri template to an operation Type parameter.
It appears however that I should be able to solve these two problems (and presumably many others that I haven't stumbled over yet) by using the media formatter extension point and what's referred to as Processor<..>s in outdated documentation, which is now HttpOperationHandler<..>s unless I've missunderstood.
My problem is rather basic, I can't figure out how to correctly configure my IIS-hosted app to use my operation handler, assuming I've implemented it correctly. Since it feels rather dumb to ask for instructions on such a basic thing, I'll rather ask where I can find some documentation on how to do this sort of thing? (Explanations are welcome of course.)
I'm not after seing which classes exist, or what their methods are named with what parameters. I can see all that in my object browser. I need documentation for the overall design, and/or examples implicitly describing things like:
How do the different classes in the API fit together?
How can I configure from web.config?
Must I rather do a custom HttpServiceHostFactory?
What and how are you meant to use the framework?
How should I extend to reach what sort of goals?
How should I configure to place the extensions in effect?
From the lack of answers I assume the documentation quite simply isn't ready.
I was looking for it on the codeplex site under the Documentation tab, and found outdated stuff.
However, after familiarizing myself a bit with Codeplex I found out that the good stuff was in this Discussion section. Searching a bit in there helped a lot to be honest.
Concerning config-file configuration, I didn't find anything, so I'm assuming this will be added as the last thing before official release. Meaning I'll use the HttpConfiguration in a custom HttpServiceHostFactory for now.
The trick about the HttpOperationHandlers was twofold: Firstly I was throwing an exception in my operation and hadn't implemented a global HttpErrorHandler yet. (Doh!) Secondly I didn't know that the parameter name of HttpOperationHandler<..>.OnHandle had to match the name of the operation parameter.
I noticed the other day that the Zune PC Software exposes a type library (ZuneCore.dll). It seems to be related to the WMPLib API in some way but I can't figure out how to use it either from VB6 or C#.
Has anybody tried this and had any luck?
May be an old question, but this link might help: http://zunelcd.codeplex.com/ If you download the source for this project one of the class libraries is a decent API for communicating with the Zune Software.
i just found out about this -> http://soapitstop.com/blogs/fleamarket/archive/2008/03/03/read-the-zune-collection-in-net-from-zune-s-own-api.aspx but it seems a bit outdated Initialize method now takes some parameters and i dont know what to put there!
Try adding a reference to it from a .NET project in Visual Studio. Perhaps this namespace will appear magically: MicrosoftZuneLibrary
is there an easy to use library or engine for .NET that does calculus?
I posted an early version of some code I used in one of my classes in an answer to this thread:
Generated methods for polynomial evaluation (my answer includes classes for symbolic differentiation)
If I know exactly what you're looking for, I could try to post an updated version.
Google is suggesting you look through Wikipedia's list of free libraries that can do automatic differentiation, and see if any have a .NET or COM wrapper. EDIT: High-Performance Mark has pointed out that it appears you need symbolic differentiation, in which case these libraries won't help.
If you are keen, you possibly could create a .NET wrapper for one of the C++ libraries.