MS Access error "ODBC--call failed. Invalid character value for cast specification (#0)" - sql

Does anyone have an idea what this error means or how to solve it? I am using Access 2003 and SQL2005. It comes up when trying to add a record on a particular subform.
[Microsoft][SQL Native Client] Invalid character value for cast specification (#0)
This MS bug report describes the same message, but it is a bug in SQL Server 6.5 that has already been solved.
Solved: Apparently having no PK on the destination table was causing this, it didn't have anything to do with the subform or the query from Access. I wasn't even aware there were tables in this database without PK. Adding PK to the destination table solved it. The strange thing is the same query string that errored when executed via SQL native client, executed through SSMS with no errors. Hope this helps anyone else who has come across that strange message.

Hum, I would check the text box default on the access side. I would also bring up the linked table in design mode, and you want to check the data type that ms-access assumes here. For non supported data types ms-access will generally use a string, and sql server might be wanting something else.
So, check both the Primary key (PK) in main table, and then check the data type used (assumed) in the child table for the foreign key (FK) column. While we are at this, check your expressions used for the child/master link settings in the sub-form control (not the form, not the sub-form, but the sub-form control used in your form that links up these two tables).
Sub forms in access are sensitive if you don’t have a timestamp column in the sql server table. As mentioned check the PK and the FK data types and make sure they match up (just bring up the tables in design mode in ms-access -- you get an error message about the design mode being read only, but just continue on so you can check/view to ensure the data types match up).
So for the child table, you need a PK, a FK, and also a timestamp column (you don’t have to display the TS column in the sub-form, but you need it in the table).
Sub-forms in ms-access are sensitive and often fail if you don’t include a timestamp column in the sql table. (access uses these row version columns to determine if the data been changed).

Is one of your fields in the view calculated/built with the CAST function? In this case, you might not have the right to update/add a value for that field.
Can you execute your view in the MS SQL Studio interface and try to insert a record?

Another cause to this issue is that if you change a table name without alterting the view then the "Dependencies" of that view still remians with the table old name.
Let say I have a table 'A' and a view 'Av' which derives from 'A', and I created a new Table which will be named 'A' and I changed 'A's name to 'A_old' but I didn't executed an ALTER VIEW, so the dependencies of 'Av' still remain on 'A_old' but the view is derives from 'A' and it cuasing this Error in Access when trying to open the view as a linked table

I just spent a day battling this with an Access ADP project that was imported into a new Access 2016 ACCDB file. Initially I figured it was an issue with the application code, but I was getting this keying records directly into the table. Interestingly, the records always got written - it seemed to be the read-back that was triggering the error. Profiling the insert sql and running that from SQL Management Studio worked without any issues.
The table that was causing the problems had a GUID Primary Key. Switching that to an int column resolved the issue.
The SQL database was also littered with a few thousand extended properties which I removed before switching the PK. There was a strong suggestion from the web that these cause problems. The source of that process is documented here: Remove All SQL Extended Properties

I had this problem with Access 2016 trying to update an ODBC linked sQL Server database. Problem was a null value in field used to join the two tables. Eliminating the null value solved the problem

OK I just had this bad experience and it had nothing to do with PK or any of this stuff in my situation. The view that reported this problem in Access was created in SQL Server originally and used a CAST of DATETIME to plain old DATE to get rid of the unneeded time part. Up until today this view had caused 0 issues in Access, but started to generate heartburn just as described above.
So, I generated a Drop/Create script for the MSS view, ran it, relinked the views in Access, and the Access database was happy with the result. All my so-called tables in Access are basically views through links to MSS for reporting. I only have 1 table that actually does changes. Other than that, I do not edit through views in Access.
The message is of course useless as usual but this was my solution in my situation.

Based solely in the message you provided above, it appears that you are trying to set an invalid value to some field or parameter, etc... The message is telling you that it is trying to convert a value into an specific data type but the value is invalid for that data type... makes sense?
Please add more details so we can help you better.


How to query access table with a subdatasheet that requires parameters

I have been tasked with creating a method to copy the contents of an entire database to a central database. There are a number of source databases, all in Access. I've managed to copy the majority of the tables properly, 1:1. I'm using VBScript and ADO to copy the data. It actually works surprisingly well, considering that it's Access.
I have 3 tables that include subdatasheets (to those that don't know, a subdatasheet is a visual representation of a 1 to many relationship. You can see related records in another table inside the main table). When My script runs, I get an error. "No value given for one or more required parameters." When I open Access and try to run the same query that I've written in SQL, It pops up message boxes asking for parameters.
If I use the query wizard inside Access to build the select query, no parameters are required and I get no subdatasheet in the result set.
My question is this: how do I write a vanilla SQL query in my VBScript that does not require parameters and just gives me the data that I want?
I've tried copying the SQL from Access and running it through my VBScript and that doesn't seem to do the trick.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
As it turns out, you need to make sure that you've spelled all of the field names properly in your source query. If you've included additional fields that aren't actually in the source or destination table they'll need to be removed too.

Fields added to SQL Backend lock the records in MS Access

We have a database that is using a SQL Server backend with a MS Access and Filemaker frontend. It has been working fine. I added two fields to one of the tables today, one datetime field and one bit field.
When the table was updated in Access they can no longer edit a field in the records. A Write Conflict error comes up
"The record has been changed by another user since you started editing it. If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes the other user made. Copy the changes to the clipboard will let you look at the values the other user entered and then paste you changes back in if you decide to make chages.
The save Record option is grayed out.
Any ideas what the problem could be?
Is the bit column nullable? MS Access can show those symptoms when dealing with a nullable bit column.

Access varchar limit with SQL server - Write Conflict error

I have a SQL Server 2008 database linked to an Access 2010 front end.
Some of the columns are varchar of varying lengths, from 50 to MAX. There is no default value and they can be null.
Recently, any of these columns longer than 255 started causing the write conflict error:
This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it. If you save the record, you will...
I can update other data, including varchar data, in the same row, with no problems and no errors.
This error occurs when I attempt to update the column directly from my table. It also occurs if I update the table programmatically via VBA or through a form.
It looks like this is because the column is NULL in SQL Server, but I've never seen this before with varchar columns. Is this a "feature" or a thing you just have to work around? It just started happening regardless, which is also confusing.
The leading cause of updatability problems in Office Access–linked tables is that Office Access is unable to verify whether data on the server matches with what was last retrieved by the dynaset being updated. If Office Access cannot perform this verification, it assumes that the server row has been modified or deleted by another user and it aborts the update.
There are several types of data that Office Access is unable to check reliably for matching values. These include large object types, such as text, ntext, image, and the varchar(max)(which is in your case), nvarchar(max), and varbinary(max) types.
Coming to your situation,i believe access forms may be bound to the data & produce a lot of locks on records and tables of SQL Server, those locks can prevent tables to be updated.So try to rectify Access forms which are bound to data and that are showing those updateability errors and make them work with unbound data, which allows you to read and update that unbound data to users without creating locks on the database server.

SQL error message when querying table containing one varbinary (blob) field

We are using Delphi XE3 together with a TSQLDataSet and a TClientDataset to read a table into memory from SQL server 2012.
The table contains various fields, one of them a blob "varbinary(max)" where we store the content from a text file.
My problem is that we get an error message saying "connection is busy with results for another command" when we do a open on the ClientDataset.
The commandtext is a simple "select * from tablename".
This happens only if there are more than one item in the table. It also happens only if there are data in the blob field (<> NULL).
Everything work fine if we add a second varbinary field to the table. The second field does not have to contain any data.
This is driving me crazy, please help.
EDIT: As a workaround we have simply added a "dummy" varbinary field to the table. Because of this strange behavior, we have come to the conclusion that this has to be a bug in the TClientDataset component. Tried to do the same in a older version of delphi (XE2 SP3) with the same result.

SQL Server reports 'Invalid column name', but the column is present and the query works through management studio

I've hit a bit of an impasse. I have a query that is generated by some C# code. The query works fine in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio when run against the same database.
However when my code tries to run the same query I get the same error about an invalid column and an exception is thrown. All queries that reference this column are failing.
The column in question was recently added to the database. It is a date column called Incident_Begin_Time_ts .
An example that fails is:
select * from PerfDiag
where Incident_Begin_Time_ts > '2010-01-01 00:00:00';
Other queries like Select MAX(Incident_Being_Time_ts); also fail when run in code because it thinks the column is missing.
Any ideas?
Just press Ctrl + Shift + R and see...
In SQL Server Management Studio, Ctrl+Shift+R refreshes the local cache.
I suspect that you have two tables with the same name. One is owned by the schema 'dbo' (dbo.PerfDiag), and the other is owned by the default schema of the account used to connect to SQL Server (something like userid.PerfDiag).
When you have an unqualified reference to a schema object (such as a table) — one not qualified by schema name — the object reference must be resolved. Name resolution occurs by searching in the following sequence for an object of the appropriate type (table) with the specified name. The name resolves to the first match:
Under the default schema of the user.
Under the schema 'dbo'.
The unqualified reference is bound to the first match in the above sequence.
As a general recommended practice, one should always qualify references to schema objects, for performance reasons:
An unqualified reference may invalidate a cached execution plan for the stored procedure or query, since the schema to which the reference was bound may change depending on the credentials executing the stored procedure or query. This results in recompilation of the query/stored procedure, a performance hit. Recompilations cause compile locks to be taken out, blocking others from accessing the needed resource(s).
Name resolution slows down query execution as two probes must be made to resolve to the likely version of the object (that owned by 'dbo'). This is the usual case. The only time a single probe will resolve the name is if the current user owns an object of the specified name and type.
[Edited to further note]
The other possibilities are (in no particular order):
You aren't connected to the database you think you are.
You aren't connected to the SQL Server instance you think you are.
Double check your connect strings and ensure that they explicitly specify the SQL Server instance name and the database name.
In my case I restart Microsoft SQL Sever Management Studio and this works well for me.
If you are running this inside a transaction and a SQL statement before this drops/alters the table you can also get this message.
I eventually shut-down and restarted Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio; and that fixed it for me. But at other times, just starting a new query window was enough.
If you are using variables with the same name as your column, it could be that you forgot the '#' variable marker. In an INSERT statement it will be detected as a column.
Just had the exact same problem. I renamed some aliased columns in a temporary table which is further used by another part of the same code. For some reason, this was not captured by SQL Server Management Studio and it complained about invalid column names.
What I simply did is create a new query, copy paste the SQL code from the old query to this new query and run it again. This seemed to refresh the environment correctly.
In my case I was trying to get the value from wrong ResultSet when querying multiple SQL statements.
In my case it seems the problem was a weird caching problem. The solutions above didn't work.
If your code was working fine and you added a column to one of your tables and it gives the 'invalid column name' error, and the solutions above doesn't work, try this: First run only the section of code for creating that modified table and then run the whole code.
Including this answer because this was the top result for "invalid column name sql" on google and I didn't see this answer here. In my case, I was getting Invalid Column Name, Id1 because I had used the wrong id in my .HasForeignKey statement in my Entity Framework C# code. Once I changed it to match the .HasOne() object's id, the error was gone.
I've gotten this error when running a scalar function using a table value, but the Select statement in my scalar function RETURN clause was missing the "FROM table" portion. :facepalms:
Also happens when you forget to change the ConnectionString and ask a table that has no idea about the changes you're making locally.
I had this problem with a View, but the exact same SQL code worked perfectly as a query. In fact SSMS actually threw up a couple of other problems with the View, that it did not have with the query. I tried refreshing, closing the connection to the server and going back in, and renaming columns - nothing worked. Instead I created the query as a stored procedure, and connected Excel to that rather than the View, and this solved the problem.