Duck typing: how would you treat this situation - dry

Relatively new to python. I recently posted a question in regards to validating that a data type is boolean.
[Use a Descriptor (EDIT: Not a single decorator) for multiple attributes?
The answers given referenced duck typing. I have a simple example, and want to make sure I understand. If my code is:
class Foo4(object):
def __init__(self):
def send_rocket(self, bool_value):
if not bool_value:
print "Send rocket ship to sun first... bad move."
print "Send rocket ship to Mars... good move."
#Send rocket ship to Mars... good move.
#Send rocket ship to sun first... bad move.
#Send rocket ship to Mars... good move.
If I understand duck typing somewhat correctly, in the above class I trust that bool1 will always be a boolean value: I should not be checking whether bool1 == False or bool1 == True. When someone uses my module incorrectly, ie, bool1 = None, the method exectues something I would not have wanted performed without indication there was a problem... and the people in the rocketship die.
Another way I could have written the code to ensure bool1 is always a true boolean would be (credits for BooleanDescriptor in link above!):
class BooleanDescriptor(object):
def __init__(self, attr):
self.attr = attr
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
return getattr(instance, self.attr)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if value in (True, False):
return setattr(instance, self.attr, value)
raise TypeError
class Foo4(object):
def __init__(self):
bool1 = BooleanDescriptor('_bool1')
def send_rocket(self, bool_value):
if not bool_value:
print "Send rocket ship to sun... bad move."
print "Send rocket ship to Mars... good move."
#Send rocket ship to Mars... good move.
#Never gets here: f.send_rocket(f.bool1)
Do I understand the first way to go (not checking) is the correct way to go? I mean, I could always have written the code explicitly in the first example as:
if bool_value ==True:
print "do something"
elif bool_value == False:
print "do something else"
print "invalid boolean value"
But if I do that in every method et cetera where I use bool1, why in the heck would I just not have validate that bool1 was a true boolean value in the first place (DRY!)!?!? :-)

The usual Python style is the first approach.
For example, I may want to use your library with something that cannot decide whether to go to the sun or to mars until the very last moment. So I might pass in an instance of this class:
class LastMinuteDecision(object):
def __bool__(self):
return make_decision_now()
If you had stuck some tests in there, thinking you knew better than me how I was going to call your library, then I couldn't do that, and I would be very annoyed and probably tell you to stop writing Java (or whatever) in Python...
[edit: in case it's not clear, the __bool__ method makes the instance "look like" a boolean. It is called when the language expects a boolean value.]
You might think it crazy, but it works surprisingly well.

I'd expect that wrapping a dynamically typed value with a class that forces it to be, essentially, statically typed is not the way to go.
I'm not an expert, but I expect that your final method is the best one (i.e. check for true, false, or else).


Without unwinding, translate a simple while loop iteration into SMT-LIB formula to prove correctness

Consider proving correctness of the following while loop, i.e. I want show that given the loop condition holds to start with, it will eventually terminate and result in the final assertion being true.
int x = 0;
while(x>=0 && x<10){
x = x + 1;
assert x==10;
What would be the correct translation into SMT-LIB for checking the correctness, without using loop unwinding?
Hoare logic and loop-invariants
Typical proof of such a statement would be done via the classic Hoare logic, which I assume you're already familiar with. If not, see:
The idea is to come up with an invariant for your loop. This invariant must be true before the loop starts, it must be maintained by the loop body, and it must imply the final result when the loop condition is no longer true. Additionally, you also need to prove that the loop will eventually terminate, by means of a measure function. (More on that later.)
You can convince yourself why this would be sufficient: An invariant is something that's "always" true. And if it implies your final result, then your proof is complete. The proof steps I outlined above ensure that the invariant is indeed an invariant, i.e., its truth is always maintained by your program.
Coming up with the invariant
What would be a good invariant for your loop here? Let's give this invariant the name I. A moment of thinking reveals a good choice for I is:
I = x >= 0 && x <= 10
Note how similar (but not exactly the same!) this is to your loop-condition, and this is not by accident. Loop-invariants are not unique, and coming up with a good one can be really difficult. It's an active area of research (since 60's) to synthesize loop-invariants automatically. See the plethora of research out there. is a good starting point.
Proof using SMT
Now that we "magically" came up with the loop invariant, let's use SMT to prove that it is indeed correct. Instead of writing SMTLib (which is verbose and mostly intended for machines only), I'll use z3-python interface as a close enough substitute. To finish the proof, I need to show 4 things:
The invariant holds before the loop starts
The invariant is maintained by the loop body
The invariant and the negation of the loop-condition implies the desired post-condition
The loop terminates
Let's look at each in turn.
(0) Preliminaries
Since we'll use z3's python interface, we'll have to do a little bit of leg-work to get us started. Here's the skeleton we need:
from z3 import *
def C(p):
return And(p >= 0, p < 10)
def I(p):
return And(p >= 0, p <= 10)
x = Int('x')
Note that we parameterized the loop-condition (C) and the invariant (I) with a parameter so it's easy to call them with different arguments. This is a common trick in programming, abstracting away the control from the data. This way of coding will simplify our life later on.
(1) The invariant holds before the loop starts
This one is easy. Right before the loop, we know that x = 0. So we need to ask the SMT solver if x == 0 implies our invariant:
>>> prove (Implies(x == 0, I(x)))
Voila! If you want to see the SMTLib for the proof obligation, you can ask z3 to print it for you:
>>> print(Implies(x == 0, I(x)).sexpr())
(=> (= x 0) (and (>= x 0) (<= x 10)))
(2) The invariant is maintained by the loop-body
The loop body is only run when the loop condition (C) is true. The body increments x by one. So, what we need to show is that if our invariant (I) is true, if the loop condition (C) is true, and if I increment x by one, then I remains true. Let's ask z3 exactly that:
>>> prove(Implies(And(I(x), C(x)), I(x+1)))
Almost too easy!
(3) The invariant implies the result when loop condition is false
This time, all we need to ask the solver is to prove the required conclusion when I holds, but C doesn't:
>>> prove(Implies(And(I(x), Not(C(x))), x == 10))
And we have now completed what's known as the partial-correctness claim. That is, if the loop terminates, then x will indeed be 10 at the end. This is what you were trying to prove to start with.
(4) The loop terminates
What we've done so far is known as partial-correctness. It says if the loop terminates, then your post-condition (i.e., x == 10) holds. But it does not make any guarantees that the loop will always terminate.
To get a full-proof, we have to prove termination. This is done by coming up with a measure function: A measure function is a function that assigns (typically) a numeric value to the set of program variables, which is bounded from below. Then we show that it goes down in each iteration and has an initial value that's above its lower-bound. Then we know that the loop cannot continue forever: The measure has to go down in each iteration, but it cannot do so since it's bounded below.
Termination proofs are usually harder, and coming up with a good measure can be tricky. But in this case, it's easy to come up with it:
def M(x):
return 10-x
The claim is that the measure is always non-negative in this case. Let's prove that before the loop starts, i.e., when x == 0:
>>> prove (Implies(x == 0, M(x) >= 0))
It goes down in each iteration:
>>> prove (Implies(C(x), M(x) > M(x+1)))
And finally, it's always positive if the loop executes:
>>> prove (Implies(C(x), M(x) >= 0))
Now we know that the loop will terminate, so our proof is complete.
But wait!
You might wonder if I pulled a rabbit out of a hat here. How do we know that the above steps are sufficient? Or that I didn't make a mistake in my coding as I waved my hand over your program and magically translated it to z3-python?
For the first question: There's established research that for traditional imperative program semantics, Hoare-logic style reasoning is sound. Here's a good slide deck to start with:
For the second question: This is where the rubber hits the road. You have to put my argument to peer-review, possibly using an established theorem prover to code the whole thing up and trust that the mechanization is correct. Why3 ( is a good-platform to get started for this style of reasoning.
Picking the invariant
The trickiest part of this proof is coming up with the right invariant. A "good" invariant is one that's not only true, but one that allows you to prove the result you want. For instance, consider the following invariant:
def I(p):
return True
This invariant is manifestly true for all programs as well! But if you attempt to run the proofs we had with this version of I, you'll see that it won't go through and you'll get a counter-example. (It's quite instructive to do so.) In general, you can:
Pick an "invariant" that's not really enforced by your program, i.e., it doesn't stay true at all times as described above. Hopefully the counter-example you get from the solver will be helpful to identify what goes wrong.
Or, and this is way more likely, the invariant you picked is indeed an invariant of the program, but it is not strong enough to prove the result you want. In this case the counter-example will be less useful, and for complicated programs it can be hard to track down the reason why.
An invariant that allows you to prove the final result is called an "inductive invariant." The process of "improving" the invariant to get to a proof is known as "strengthening the invariant." There's a plethora of research in all of these topics, especially in the realm of model-checking. A good paper to read in these topics is Bradley's "Understanding IC3:"
The strategy outlined here is a "meta"-level proof: It's equivalent to a paper-proof which identified the proof goals, and shipped them to an SMT solver (z3 in this case), to finish the job. This is common practice in modern day proofs, i.e., coming up with sub-goals and using an automated-solver to discharge them. Theorem-provers like ACL2, Isabelle, Coq, etc. mechanize the "coming up with subgoals" part to a large extent, making sure the whole proof is sound with respect to a trusted (but typically very small) set of core-axioms. (This is the so called LCF methodology, see for a nice slide-deck on it.)
Hopefully this is a detailed-enough level answer for you to get you started in program verification with SMT-solvers. Perhaps it's more than what you asked for; but the rule-of-thumb is there is no free lunch in verification. It is a lot of work! However, you get pretty close to push-button reasoning these days (at least for certain kinds of programs) with the advances in automated theorem provers, SMT-solvers, and other frameworks that many people built over the years. Best of luck, but be warned that program-verification remains the holy-grail of computer science after almost 7-decades of work on it. Things always get better/easier, but there's much more work to be done in the field.

Can one prove correctness of a function with side-effects

I'm reading a lot of things about "correctness proof"* in algorithms.
Some say that proofs apply to algorithms and not implementations, but the demonstrations are done with code source most of the time, not math. And code source may have side effects. So, i would like to know if any basic principle prevent someone to prove an impure function correct.
I feel it's true, but cannot say why. If such principle exists, could you explain it ?
* Sorry if wording is incorrect, not sure what the good one would be.
The answer is that, although there are no side effects in math, it is possible to mathematically model code that has side effects.
In fact, we can even pull this trick to turn impure code into pure code (without having to go to math in the first place. So, instead of the (psuedocode) function:
f(x) = {
y := y + x
return y
...we could write:
f(x, state_before) = {
let old_y = lookup_y(state_before)
let state_after = update_y(state_before, old_y + x)
let new_y = lookup_y(state_after)
return (new_y, state_after)
...which can accomplish the same thing with no side effects. Of course, the entire program would have to be rewritten to explicitly pass these state values around, and you'd need to write appropriate lookup_ and update_ functions for all mutable variables, but it's a theoretically straightforward process.
Of course, no one wants to program this way. (Haskell does something similar to simulate side effects without having them be part of the language, but a lot of work went into making it more ergonomic than this.) But because it can be done, we know that side-effects are a well-defined concept.
This means that we can prove things about languages with side-effects, provided that their specifications provide us with enough information to know how to rewrite programs in them into state-passing style.

Uniqueness of global Python objects void in sub-interpreters?

I have a question about inner-workings of Python sub-interpreter initialization (from Python/C API) and Python id() function. More precisely, about handling of global module objects in a WSGI Python containers (like uWSGI used with nginx and mod_wsgi on Apache).
The following code works as expected (isolated) in both of the mentioned environments, but I can not explain to my self why the id() function always returns the same value per variable, regardless of the process/sub-interpreter in which it is executed.
from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys
def log(*msg):
print(">>>", *msg, file=sys.stderr)
class A:
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def __str__(self):
return self.x
def set(self, x):
self.x = x
a = A("one")
log("class instantiated.")
def application(environ, start_response):
output = "pid = %d\n" % os.getpid()
output += "id(A) = %d\n" % id(A)
output += "id(a) = %d\n" % id(a)
output += "str(a) = %s\n\n" % a
status = "200 OK"
response_headers = [
('Content-type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-Length', str(len(output)))
start_response(status, response_headers)
return [output]
I have tested this code in uWSGI with one master process and 2 workers; and in mod_wsgi using a deamon mode with two processes and one thread per process. The typical output is:
pid = 15278
id(A) = 139748093678128
id(a) = 139748093962360
str(a) = one
on first load, then:
pid = 15282
id(A) = 139748093678128
id(a) = 139748093962360
str(a) = one
on second, and then
pid = 15278 | pid = 15282
id(A) = 139748093678128
id(a) = 139748093962360
str(a) = two
on every other. As you can see, id() (memory location) of both the class and the class instance remains the same in both processes (first/second load above), while at the same time class instances live in a separate context (otherwise the second request would show "two" instead of "one")!
I suspect the answer might be hinted by Python docs:
Return the “identity” of an object. This is an integer (or long integer) which
is guaranteed to be unique and constant for this object during its lifetime. Two
objects with non-overlapping lifetimes may have the same id() value.
But if that indeed is the reason, I'm troubled by the next statement that claims the id() value is object's address!
While I appreciate the fact this could very well be just a Python/C API "clever" feature that solves (or rather fixes) a problem of caching object references (pointers) in 3rd party extension modules, I still find this behavior to be inconsistent with... well, common sense. Could someone please explain this?
I've also noticed mod_wsgi imports the module in each process (i.e. twice), while uWSGI is importing the module only once for both processes. Since the uWSGI master process does the importing, I suppose it seeds the children with copies of that context. Both workers work independently afterwards (deep copy?), while at the same time using the same object addresses, seemingly. (Also, a worker gets reinitialized to the original context upon reload.)
I apologize for such a long post, but I wanted to give enough details.
Thank you!
It's not entirely clear what you're asking; I'd give a more concise answer if the question was more specific.
First, the id of an object is, in fact--at least in CPython--its address in memory. That's perfectly normal: two objects in the same process at the same time can't share an address, and an object's address never changes in CPython, so the address works neatly as an id. I don't know how this violates common sense.
Next, note that a backend process may be spawned in two very distinct ways:
A generic WSGI backend handler will fork processes, and then each of the processes will start a backend. This is simple and language-agnostic, but wastes a lot of memory and wastes time loading the backend code repeatedly.
A more advanced backend will load the Python code once, and then fork copies of the server after it's loaded. This causes the code to be loaded only once, which is much faster and reduces memory waste significantly. This is how production-quality WSGI servers work.
However, the end result in both of these cases is identical: separate, forked processes.
So, why are you ending up with the same IDs? That depends on which of the above methods is in use.
With a generic WSGI handler, it's happening simply because each process is doing essentially the same thing. So long as processes are doing the same thing, they'll tend to end up with the same IDs; at some point they'll diverge and this will no longer happen.
With a pre-loading backend, it's happening because this initial code happens only once, before the server forks, so it's guaranteed to have the same ID.
However, either way, once the fork happens they're separate objects, in separate contexts. There's no significance to objects in separate processes having the same ID.
This is simple to explain by way of a demonstration. You see, when uwsgi creates a new process, it forks the interpreter. Now, forks have interesting memory properties:
import os, time
if os.fork() == 0:
print "child first " + str(hex(id(os)))
os.attr = 'test'
print "child second " + str(hex(id(os)))
print "parent first " + str(hex(id(os)))
print "parent second " + str(hex(id(os)))
print os.attr
child first 0xb782414cL
parent first 0xb782414cL
child second 0xb782414cL
parent second 0xb782414cL
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 13, in <module>
print os.attr
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'attr'
Although the objects seem to reside at the same memory addr, they are different objects, but this is not python, but the os.
edit: I suspect the reason that mod_wsgi imports twice is that it creates further processes via calling python rather than forking. uwsgi's approach is better because it can use less memory. fork's page sharing is COW (copy on write).

Reliable clean-up in Mathematica

For better or worse, Mathematica provides a wealth of constructs that allow you to do non-local transfers of control, including Return, Catch/Throw, Abort and Goto. However, these kinds of non-local transfers of control often conflict with writing robust programs that need to ensure that clean-up code (like closing streams) gets run. Many languages provide ways of ensuring that clean-up code gets run in a wide variety of circumstances; Java has its finally blocks, C++ has destructors, Common Lisp has UNWIND-PROTECT, and so on.
In Mathematica, I don't know how to accomplish the same thing. I have a partial solution that looks like this:
Attributes[CleanUp] = {HoldAll};
CleanUp[body_, form_] :=
Module[{return, aborted = False},
return = body,
aborted = True];
_, (form; Throw[##]) &]];
This certainly isn't going to win any beauty contests, but it also only handles Abort and Throw. In particular, it fails in the presence of Return; I figure if you're using Goto to do this kind of non-local control in Mathematica you deserve what you get.
I don't see a good way around this. There's no CheckReturn for instance, and when you get right down to it, Return has pretty murky semantics. Is there a trick I'm missing?
EDIT: The problem with Return, and the vagueness in its definition, has to do with its interaction with conditionals (which somehow aren't "control structures" in Mathematica). An example, using my CleanUp form:
If[2 == 2,
If[3 == 3,
This will return "foo" without printing "cleanup". Likewise,
baz /.
{bar :> Return["wongle"],
baz :> Return["bongle"]},
will return "bongle" without printing cleanup. I don't see a way around this without tedious, error-prone and maybe impossible code-walking or somehow locally redefining Return using Block, which is heinously hacky and doesn't actually seem to work (though experimenting with it is a great way to totally wedge a kernel!)
Great question, but I don't agree that the semantics of Return are murky; They are documented in the link you provide. In short, Return exits the innermost construct (namely, a control structure or function definition) in which it is invoked.
The only case in which your CleanUp function above fails to cleanup from a Return is when you directly pass a single or CompoundExpression (e.g. (one;two;three) directly as input to it.
Return exits the function f:
In[28]:= f[] := Return["ret"]
In[29]:= CleanUp[f[], Print["cleaned"]]
During evaluation of In[29]:= cleaned
Out[29]= "ret"
Return exits x:
In[31]:= x = Return["foo"]
In[32]:= CleanUp[x, Print["cleaned"]]
During evaluation of In[32]:= cleaned
Out[32]= "foo"
Return exits the Do loop:
In[33]:= g[] := (x = 0; Do[x++; Return["blah"], {10}]; x)
In[34]:= CleanUp[g[], Print["cleaned"]]
During evaluation of In[34]:= cleaned
Out[34]= 1
Returns from the body of CleanUp at the point where body is evaluated (since CleanUp is HoldAll):
In[35]:= CleanUp[Return["ret"], Print["cleaned"]];
Out[35]= "ret"
In[36]:= CleanUp[(Print["before"]; Return["ret"]; Print["after"]),
During evaluation of In[36]:= before
Out[36]= "ret"
As I noted above, the latter two examples are the only problematic cases I can contrive (although I could be wrong) but they can be handled by adding a definition to CleanUp:
In[44]:= CleanUp[CompoundExpression[before___, Return[ret_], ___], form_] :=
(before; form; ret)
In[45]:= CleanUp[Return["ret"], Print["cleaned"]]
During evaluation of In[46]:= cleaned
Out[45]= "ret"
In[46]:= CleanUp[(Print["before"]; Return["ret"]; Print["after"]),
During evaluation of In[46]:= before
During evaluation of In[46]:= cleaned
Out[46]= "ret"
As you said, not going to win any beauty contests, but hopefully this helps solve your problem!
Response to your update
I would argue that using Return inside If is unnecessary, and even an abuse of Return, given that If already returns either the second or third argument based on the state of the condition in the first argument. While I realize your example is probably contrived, If[3==3, Return["Foo"]] is functionally identical to If[3==3, "foo"]
If you have a more complicated If statement, you're better off using Throw and Catch to break out of the evaluation and "return" something to the point you want it to be returned to.
That said, I realize you might not always have control over the code you have to clean up after, so you could always wrap the expression in CleanUp in a no-op control structure, such as:
ret1 = Do[ret2 = expr, {1}]
... by abusing Do to force a Return not contained within a control structure in expr to return out of the Do loop. The only tricky part (I think, not having tried this) is having to deal with two different return values above: ret1 will contain the value of an uncontained Return, but ret2 would have the value of any other evaluation of expr. There's probably a cleaner way to handle that, but I can't see it right now.
Pillsy's later version of CleanUp is a good one. At the risk of being pedantic, I must point out a troublesome use case:
Catch[CleanUp[Throw[23], Print["cleanup"]]]
The problem is due to the fact that one cannot explicitly specify a tag pattern for Catch that will match an untagged Throw.
The following version of CleanUp addresses that problem:
SetAttributes[CleanUp, HoldAll]
CleanUp[expr_, cleanup_] :=
Module[{exprFn, result, abort = False, rethrow = True, seq},
exprFn[] := expr;
result = CheckAbort[
Catch[result = exprFn[]; rethrow = False; result],
abort = True
If[abort, Abort[]];
If[rethrow, Throw[result /. seq -> Sequence]];
Alas, this code is even less likely to be competitive in a beauty contest. Furthermore, it wouldn't surprise me if someone jumped in with yet another non-local control flow that that this code will not handle. Even in the unlikely event that it handles all possible cases now, problematic cases could be introduced in Mathematica X (where X > 7.01).
I fear that there cannot be a definitive answer to this problem until Wolfram introduces a new control structure expressly for this purpose. UnwindProtect would be a fine name for such a facility.
Michael Pilat provided the key trick for "catching" returns, but I ended up using it in a slightly different way, using the fact that Return forces the return value of a named function as well as control structures like Do. I made the expression that is being cleaned up after into the down-value of a local symbol, like so:
Attributes[CleanUp] = {HoldAll};
CleanUp[expr_, form_] :=
Module[{body, value, aborted = False},
body[] := expr;
value = body[],
aborted = True];
_, (form; Throw[##]) &]];

Is this use of isinstance pythonic/"good"?

A side effect of this question is that I was lead to this post, which states:
Whenever isinstance is used, control flow forks; one type of object goes down one code path, and other types of object go down the other --- even if they implement the same interface!
and suggests that this is a bad thing.
However, I've used code like this before, in what I thought was an OO way. Something like the following:
class MyTime(object):
def __init__(self, h=0, m=0, s=0):
self.h = 0
self.m = 0
self.s = 0
def __iadd__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, MyTime):
self.h += other.h
self.m += other.m
self.s += other.s
elif isinstance(other, int):
self.h += other/3600
other %= 3600
self.m += other/60
other %= 60
self.s += other
raise TypeError('Addition not supported for ' + type(other).__name__)
So my question:
Is this use of isinstance "pythonic" and "good" OOP?
Not in general. An object's interface should define its behavior. In your example above, it would be better if other used a consistent interface:
def __iadd__(self, other):
self.h += other.h
self.m += other.m
self.s += other.s
Even though this looks like it is less functional, conceptually it is much cleaner. Now you leave it to the language to throw an exception if other does not match the interface. You can solve the problem of adding int times by - for example - creating a MyTime "constructor" using the integer's "interface". This keeps the code cleaner and leaves fewer surprises for the next guy.
Others may disagree, but I feel there may be a place for isinstance if you are using reflection in special cases such as when implementing a plugin architecture.
isinstance, since Python 2.6, has become quite nice as long as you follow the "key rule of good design" as explained in the classic "gang of 4" book: design to an interface, not to an implementation. Specifically, 2.6's new Abstract Base Classes are the only things you should be using for isinstance and issubclass checks, not concrete "implementation" types.
Unfortunately there is no abstract class in 2.6's standard library to summarize the concept of "this number is Integral", but you can make one such ABC by checking whether the class has a special method __index__ (don't use __int__, which is also supplied by such definitely non-integral classes as float and str -- __index__ was introduced specifically to assert "instances of this class can be made into integers with no loss of important information") and use isinstance on that "interface" (abstract base class) rather than the specific implementation int, which is way too restrictive.
You could also make an ABC summarizing the concept of "having m, h and s attributes" (might be useful to accept attribute synonyms so as to tolerate a datetime.time or maybe timedelta instance, for example -- not sure whether you're representing an instant or a lapse of time with your MyTime class, the name suggests the former but the existence of addition suggests the latter), again to avoid the very restrictive implications of isinstance with a concrete implementation cass.
The first use is fine, the second is not. Pass the argument to int() instead so that you can use number-like types.
To elaborate further on the comment I made under Justin's answer, I would keep his code for __iadd__ (i.e., so MyTime objects can only be added to other MyTime objects) and rewrite __init__ in this way:
def __init__(self, **params):
if params.get('sec'):
t = params['sec']
self.h = t/3600
t %= 3600
self.m = t/60
t %= 60
self.s = t
elif params.get('time'):
t = params['time']
self.h = t.h
self.m = t.m
self.s = t.s
if params:
raise TypeError("__init__() got unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % params.keys()[0])
raise TypeError("__init__() expected keyword argument 'sec' or 'time'")
# example usage
t1 = MyTime(sec=30)
t2 = MyTime(sec=60)
t2 += t1
t3 = MyTime(time=t1)
I just tried to pick short keyword arguments, but you may want to get more descriptive than I did.