Importing content from one/two Drupal installs into a fresh Drupal install - sql

We're upgrading a large site,, from Drupal 4.7 to Drupal 6. Our existing install has a lot of superfluous tables in the database from once-used modules we won't be using: ideally, we wouldn't keep these, or our old blocks, etc. This is because: (a) it'd be nice to keep the database as small as possible, (b) it'd be nice for new blocks to start at ID 1, etc., (c) as clean an install as possible should minimise any problems (for example, our crufty old install has some strange problems, e.g. not letting us create any new blocks).
All we really want to keep is our nodes (plus comments), taxonomies, files, statistics, users, path aliases, and one custom table. I've tried copying the tables that I think govern these (listed at the end of this question) into a fresh 4.7 install and then upgrading from this, and it appears to work. My questions are: would this work? Is it a good idea? Is there a better way to achieve some of the same goals?
Also, what if we needed to do the same with another install, also adding its content to the same new install? We have a separate install for our forums. The following approach seemed to work, but I'm worried it will cause problems when creating new content reaches the new nids I've created (how does Drupal check what nids are free; is there a database variable I should change?):
increment the nids (and vids) in the node and term_nodes tables of the forums install by the highest nid (or vid) in the main install
create a new vocabulary in the main install with the same terms as the Forums vocab in the forums install (at - I'm not sure how else to specify this is the forum vocabulary)
change the tids in the term_nodes tables of the forums install to the tid values of terms in this new vocabulary in the main install
insert the contents of the modified node and term_nodes tables of the forums install into the node and term_nodes tables of the main install.
PS: Here are the tables I've found which need copying:
audio, audio_attach, audio_image, audio_metadata, comments, files, node, node_access, node_comment_statistics, node_counter, node_revisions, node_type, od_story, term_data, term_hierarchy, term_node, term_relation, term_synonym, url_alias, users, vocabulary, vocabulary_node_types

I don't quite agree with Jeremy on the first part. You have to be very careful to mash around in your Drupal database. Sometimes things may seem to work, but then later, you find that you have created a lot of problems for yourself, because you delete something in one table that's referenced in another. Also id number of your blocks really wont effect Drupals ability to create new blocks etc. If you do want "pretty" ids, make sure you test things thoroughly though. But considering the cost/benefit, this is definitely not worth it.
Your tactic with creating a new 4.7 and then upgrading from there should work just fine. I would, however, suggest that you first copy your database, into a copy of your current distro and then deactivate and uninstall all the modules you wont be using. This will erase all the data that's associated to these modules, and should also help clean up your tables in case that have altered those you are using. This might not do anything, but it could help clean up the data you are using.
When Drupal create new nodes, it simply does a SQL INSERT, so it's the database that handles the ids. So you don't need to wory about that. The migrate module Jeremy suggests, should be able to help you out transferring data into your new Drupal install. Bit if you would rather write a script, what you propose seems just fine.
As many upgrade guides and upgrade handbook say. When doing a major upgrade, you should always upgrade through all of the major Drupal releases (e.g. 4 to 5, 5 to 6...), until you reach your goal. The reason is that the internal structure and thus the database schema changes in every major release. So you need the changes done in the data-structure in version 5, to successfully upgrade to version 6. I didn't mention this in my original post, as took this for common knowledge, but it might be a good idea to mention none the less.
Another thing worth noticing, is that as Henrik O correctly points out, you can change the AUTO_INCREMENT value in your database. I can't remember 4.x upgrades, but I believe that Drupal will take care of this, in part of the 4-5 upgrade, as it implements serial tables in that release instead of managing this itself. Also whether or not to run a query to alter the AUTO_INCREMENT depends on the database backend, as not all backends use this property. PostgreSQL don't manage serials in that way, so it should automatically, start creating nodes with the correct nids, if you use it for Drupal.

I'd say your basic approach is fine, but you are right to be concerned about things silently breaking. Your main concern should indeed be referential integrity, as the id handling changed since version 4.7. Originally, Drupal did not use the auto increment/serial features of the Database engines, but did its own id generation by means of the sequences table. They switched to serials in Drupal 5, but for some reason that I do not remember they still kept the sequences table until dropping it in version 6.
So if I where in your position, I'd add an intermediate step and upgrade/migrate to a Drupal 5 install first, then do another upgrade to Drupal 6. The reasoning is that the upgrading process is a more or less hand tuned collection of operations that got refined using the input of users having troubles doing it. Since the most error reports came in from users doing '1 version' upgrades only, going the same route should minimize the probability of encountering unexpected errors/conditions.
Also, your post on reveals that the forum instance you want to 'merge in' is a Drupal 5 install, so you could do the merge while you are in the intermediate Drupal 5 'phase' of your migration. (Alternatively, I'd upgrade that instance to Drupal 6 separately before merging it into the main instance.)
As for the id adjustment in Drupal >= 5, you'd need to adjust the AUTO_INCREMENT start value for each affected table explicitly. For example in MySQL, issuing:
would tell the node table to start setting new serials (ids) starting at 5432 from now on
(NOTE: AUTO_INCREMENT is the MySQL way of handling this, if using PostgreSQL, take a look at the documentation for the serial 'pseudo' type and the accompanying sequence generation mechanism)
Obviously, you'd need to test your new instance thoroughly. Put a heavy focus on testing the insertion of new data as well as updating existing data (nodes, terms, anything you migrated), as this would reveal errors with the referential integrity.
Be thorough and you should be fine - Good Luck :)
Edit: You should also check the 'variables' table entries carefully, as some settings there might contain a reference to an id of a 'standard' table entry (e.g. a vocabulary vid, a term tid or something similar - in your case especially forum_nav_vocabulary and forum_containers)

If your approach to creating a cleaner base install seems to work then stick with it.
For the second part of the question you may consider the migrate module. It is designed to copy from non drupal cms to drupal, but should be able to help you add drupal content to another drupal site.


How to properly manage database deployment with SSDT and Visual Studio 2012 Database Projects?

I'm in the research phase trying to adopt 2012 Database Projects on an existing small project. I'm a C# developer, not a DBA, so I'm not particularly fluent with best practices. I've been searching google and stackoverflow for a few hours now but I still don't know how to handle some key deployment scenarios properly.
1) Over the course of several development cycles, how do I manage multiple versions of my database? If I have a client on v3 of my database and I want to upgrade them to v8, how do I manage this? We currently manage hand-crafted schema and data migration scripts for every version of our product. Do we still need to do this separately or is there something in the new paradigm that supports or replaces this?
2) If the schema changes in such a way that requires data to be moved around, what is the best way to handle this? I assume some work goes in the Pre-Deployment script to preserve the data and then the Post-Deploy script puts it back in the right place. Is that the way of it or is there something better?
3) Any other advice or guidance on how best to work with these new technologies is also greately appreciated!
UPDATE: My understanding of the problem has grown a little since I originally asked this question and while I came up with a workable solution, it wasn't quite the solution I was hoping for. Here's a rewording of my problem:
The problem I'm having is purely data related. If I have a client on version 1 of my application and I want to upgrade them to version 5 of my application, I would have no problems doing so if their database had no data. I'd simply let SSDT intelligently compare schemas and migrate the database in one shot. Unfortunately clients have data so it's not that simple. Schema changes from version 1 of my application to version 2 to version 3 (etc) all impact data. My current strategy for managing data requires I maintain a script for each version upgrade (1 to 2, 2 to 3, etc). This prevents me from going straight from version 1 of my application to version 5 because I have no data migration script to go straight there. The prospect creating custom upgrade scripts for every client or managing upgrade scripts to go from every version to every greater version is exponentially unmanageable. What I was hoping was that there was some sort of strategy SSDT enables that makes managing the data side of things easier, maybe even as easy as the schema side of things. My recent experience with SSDT has not given me any hope of such a strategy existing but I would love to find out differently.
I've been working on this myself, and I can tell you it's not easy.
First, to address the reply by JT - you cannot dismiss "versions", even with declarative updating mechanics that SSDT has. SSDT does a "pretty decent" job (provided you know all the switches and gotchas) of moving any source schema to any target schema, and it's true that this doesn't require verioning per se, but it has no idea how to manage "data motion" (at least not that i can see!). So, just like DBProj, you left to your own devices in Pre/Post scripts. Because the data motion scripts depend on a known start and end schema state, you cannot avoid versioning the DB. The "data motion" scripts, therefore, must be applied to a versioned snapshot of the schema, which means you cannot arbitrarily update a DB from v1 to v8 and expect the data motion scripts v2 to v8 to work (presumably, you wouldn't need a v1 data motion script).
Sadly, I can't see any mechanism in SSDT publishing that allows me to handle this scenario in an integrated way. That means you'll have to add your own scafolding.
The first trick is to track versions within the database (and SSDT project). I started using a trick in DBProj, and brought it over to SSDT, and after doing some research, it turns out that others are using this too. You can apply a DB Extended Property to the database itself (call it "BuildVersion" or "AppVersion" or something like that), and apply the version value to it. You can then capture this extended property in the SSDT project itself, and SSDT will add it as a script (you can then check the publish option that includes extended properties). I then use SQLCMD variables to identify the source and target versions being applied in the current pass. Once you identify the delta of versions between the source (project snapshot) and target (target db about to be updated), you can find all the snapshots that need to be applied. Sadly, this is tricky to do from inside the SSDT deployment, and you'll probably have to move it to the build or deployment pipeline (we use TFS automated deployments and have custom actions to do this).
The next hurdle is to keep snapshots of the schema with their associated data motion scripts. In this case, it helps to make the scripts as idempotent as possible (meaning, you can rerun the scripts without any ill side-effects). It helps to split scripts that can safely be rerun from scripts that must be executed one time only. We're doing the same thing with static reference data (dictionary or lookup tables) - in other words, we have a library of MERGE scripts (one per table) that keep the reference data in sync, and these scripts are included in the post-deployment scripts (via the SQLCMD :r command). The important thing to note here is that you must execute them in the correct order in case any of these reference tables have FK references to each other. We include them in the main post-deploy script in order, and it helps that we created a tool that generates these scripts for us - it also resolves dependency order. We run this generation tool at the close of a "version" to capture the current state of the static reference data. All your other data motion scripts are basically going to be special-case and most likely will be single-use only. In that case, you can do one of two things: you can use an IF statement against the db build/app version, or you can wipe out the 1 time scripts after creating each snapshot package.
It helps to remember that SSDT will disable FK check constraints and only re-enable them after the post-deployment scripts run. This gives you a chance to populate new non-null fields, for example (by the way, you have to enable the option to generate temporary "smart" defaults for non-null columns to make this work). However, FK check constraints are only disabled for tables that SSDT is recreating because of a schema change. For other cases, you are responsible for ensuring that data motion scripts run in the proper order to avoid check constraints complaints (or you manually have disable/re-enable them in your scripts).
DACPAC can help you because DACPAC is essentially a snapshot. It will contain several XML files describing the schema (similar to the build output of the project), but frozen in time at the moment you create it. You can then use SQLPACKAGE.EXE or the deploy provider to publish that package snapshot. I haven't quite figured out how to use the DACPAC versioning, because it's more tied to "registered" data apps, so we're stuck with our own versioning scheme, but we do put our own version info into the DACPAC filename.
I wish I had a more conclusive and exhasutive example to provide, but we're still working out the issues here too.
One thing that really sucks about SSDT is that unlike DBProj, it's currently not extensible. Although it does a much better job than DBProj at a lot of different things, you can't override its default behavior unless you can find some method inside of pre/post scripts of getting around a problem. One of the issues we're trying to resolve right now is that the default method of recreating a table for updates (CCDR) really stinks when you have tens of millions of records.
-UPDATE: I haven't seen this post in some time, but apparently it's been active lately, so I thought I'd add a couple of important notes: if you are using VS2012, the June 2013 release of SSDT now has a Data Comparison tool built-in, and also provides extensibility points - that is to say, you can now include Build Contributors and Deployment Plan Modifiers for the project.
I haven't really found any more useful information on the subject but I've spent some time getting to know the tools, tinkering and playing, and I think I've come up with some acceptable answers to my question. These aren't necessarily the best answers. I still don't know if there are other mechanisms or best practices to better support these scenarios, but here's what I've come up with:
The Pre- and Post-Deploy scripts for a given version of the database are only used migrate data from the previous version. At the start of every development cycle, the scripts are cleaned out and as development proceeds they get fleshed out with whatever sql is needed to safely migrate data from the previous version to the new one. The one exception here is static data in the database. This data is known at design time and maintains a permanent presence in the Post-Deploy scripts in the form of T-SQL MERGE statements. This helps make it possible to deploy any version of the database to a new environment with just the latest publish script. At the end of every development cycle, a publish script is generated from the previous version to the new one. This script will include generated sql to migrate the schema and the hand crafted deploy scripts. Yes, I know the Publish tool can be used directly against a database but that's not a good option for our clients. I am also aware of dacpac files but I'm not really sure how to use them. The generated publish script seems to be the best option I know for production upgrades.
So to answer my scenarios:
1) To upgrade a database from v3 to v8, I would have to execute the generated publish script for v4, then for v5, then for v6, etc. This is very similar to how we do it now. It's well understood and Database Projects seem to make creating/maintaining these scripts much easier.
2) When the schema changes from underneath data, the Pre- and Post-Deploy scripts are used to migrate the data to where it needs to go for the new version. Affected data is essentially backed-up in the Pre-Deploy script and put back into place in the Post-Deploy script.
3) I'm still looking for advice on how best to work with these tools in these scenarios and others. If I got anything wrong here, or if there are any other gotchas I should be aware of, please let me know! Thanks!
In my experience of using SSDT the notion of version numbers (i.e. v1, v2...vX etc...) for databases kinda goes away. This is because SSDT offers a development paradigm known as declarative database development which loosely means that you tell SSDT what state you want your schema to be in and then let SSDT take responsibility for getting it into that state by comparing against what you already have. In this paradigm the notion of deploying v4 then v5 etc.... goes away.
Your pre and post deployment scripts, as you correctly state, exist for the purposes of managing data.
Hope that helps.
I just wanted to say that this thread so far has been excellent.
I have been wrestling with the exact same concerns and am attempting to tackle this problem in our organization, on a fairly large legacy application. We've begun the process of moving toward SSDT (on a TFS branch) but are at the point where we really need to understand the deployment process, and managing custom migrations, and reference/lookup data, along the way.
To complicate things further, our application is one code-base but can be customized per 'customer', so we have about 190 databases we are dealing with, for this one project, not just 3 or so as is probably normal. We do deployments all the time and even setup new customers fairly often. We rely heavily on PowerShell now with old-school incremental release scripts (and associated scripts to create a new customer at that version). I plan to contribute once we figure this all out but please share whatever else you've learned. I do believe we will end up maintaining custom release scripts per version, but we'll see. The idea about maintaining each script within the project, and including a From and To SqlCmd variable is very interesting. If we did that, we would probably prune along the way, physically deleting the really old upgrade scripts once everybody was past that version.
BTW - Side note - On the topic of minimizing waste, we also just spent a bunch of time figuring out how to automate the enforcement of proper naming/data type conventions for columns, as well as automatic generation for all primary and foreign keys, based on naming conventions, as well as index and check constraints etc. The hardest part was dealing with the 'deviants' that didn't follow the rules. Maybe I'll share that too one day if anyone is interested, but for now, I need to pursue this deployment, migration, and reference data story heavily. Thanks again. It's like you guys were speaking exactly what was in my head and looking for this morning.

SQL migration tool to use with DVCS

Most (if not all) of existing migration tools think that migration history is linear. So when you create new migration, you get version 42 or whatever, and then everybody can update to this version after receiving your changes.
The problem is that if you are using DVCS, two people could have version 42 in the same time. Which means that conflict resolving will become sufficiently non-trivial to be painful. :)
So my question is - should I roll my own system or is there anything in the wild? Preferably simple, friendly to *nix. I'm planning to use this mostly with mysql and postgresql.
In Rails, the way this gets handled is by appending the date to the beginning of the file, in the form of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_migration_descriptor.rb.
It then keeps track of which migrations have been applied in a table, by keeping track of the version numbers. This allows you to run migrations on a table with a "lower" version number than the most recent change, thus greatly simplifying DVCS problems.
You might not be using Rails, but I think the way they solve this problem is pretty nice. You can read more about Rails migrations on the API docs, or on the Rails guides.

Dynamic patching of databases

Please forgive my long question. I have an idea for a design that I could use some comments on. Is it a good idea to do this? And what are the pit falls I should be aware of? Are there other similar implementations that are better?
My situation is as follows:
I am working on a rewrite of a windows forms application that connects to a SQL 2008 (earlier it was SQL 2005) server. The application is an "expert-system" for an engineering company where we store structured data about constructions. We have control of all installations of the client software, we have no external customers or users, they are all internal to the company, and they are all be trusted not to do anything malicious to the software or database.
The current design doesn't have too many tables (about 10 - 20) but some of them have millions of records that belong to several hundred constructions. The systems performance has been ok so far, but it is starting to degrade as we are pushing the limits of the design.
As part of the rewrite I am considering splitting the database into one master database and several "child" databases where each describes one construction. Each child database should be of identical design. This should eliminate the performance problems we are seeing today since the data stored in each database would be less than one percent of the total data amount.
My concern is that instead of maintaining one database we will now get hundreds of databases that must be kept up to date. The system is constantly evolving as the companys requirements change (you know how it is), and while we try to look forward to reduce the number of changes the changes will come. So we will need a system where we keep track of all database changes done to the system so they can be applied to the child databases. Updating the client application won't be a problem, we have good control of that aspect.
I am thinking of a change tracing system where we store database scripts for all changes in a table in the master database. We can then give each change a version number and we can store a current version number in each child database. When the client program connects to a child database we can then check the version number of the database against the current version number of the master database and if there are patches with version numbers greater than the version number of the child database we run these and update the child database to the latest version.
As I see it this should work well. Any changes to the system will first be tested and validated before committed as a new version of the database. The change will then be applied to the database the first time a user opens it. I suppose we would open the database in exclusive mode while applying the changes, but as long as the changes aren't too frequent this should not be a problem.
So what do you think? Will this work? Have any of you done something similar? Should we scrap the solution and go for the monolithic system instead?
Have you considered partitioning your large tables by 'construction'? This could alleviate some of the growing pains by splitting the storage for the tables across files/physical devices without needing to change your application.
Adding spindles (more drives) and performing a few hours of DBA work can often be cheaper than modifying/adapting software.
Otherwise, I'd agree with #heikogerlach and these similar posts:
How do I version my ms sql database
Mechanisms for tracking DB schema changes
How do you manage databases in development, test and production?
I have a similar situation here, though I use MySQL. Every database has a versions table that contains the version (simply an integer) and a short comment of what has changed in this version. I use a script to update the databases. Every database change can be in one function or sometimes one change is made by multiple functions. Functions contain the version number in the function name. The script looks up the highest version number in a database and applies only the functions that have a higher version number in order.
This makes it easy to update databases (just add new change functions) and allows me to quickly upgrade a recovered database if necessary (just run the script again).
Even when testing the changes before this allows for defensive changes. If you make some heavy changes on a table and you want to play it safe:
def change103(...):
"Create new table."
def change104(...):
"""Transfer data from old table to new table and make
complicated changes in the process.
def change105(...):
"Drop old table"
def change106(...):
"Rename new table to old table"
if in change104() is something going wrong (and throws an exception) you can simply delete the already converted data from the new table, fix your change function and run the script again.
But I don't think that changing a database dynamically when a client connects is a good idea. Sometimes changes can take some time. And the software that accesses a database should match the schema of the database. You have somehow to keep them in sync. Maybe you could distribute a new software version and then you want to upgrade the database when a client is actually starting to use this new software. But I haven't tried that.
Better don't create additional databases. At first glance you may think that you'll get some performance gain, but actually you get support nightmare. Remember - what can break, does break sooner or later.
It is way simpler to perform and optimize queries in single database. It is much easier manage user permissions in single database. It is much easier to make consistent backups for single database.
Like KenG said, if you need break your large tables - consider partitioning them. And add some drives :)
But at first run SQL profiler on your database and optimize indexes and queries. Several million rows is usually not a big problem to handle (unless your customer needs live totaling over half of these, in which case no partitioning can help).
I know that this is a crazy answer but here it goes...
I currently have a similar scenario where I need to keep control of database versions in multiple locations for a system using MS SQL Server.
What I am doing now is using Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord Migrations to keep control of database versions. Yes I know that we are talking about Windows systems but this works fine for me. (By the way, my system is programmed in VB and .NET)
I have installed Rails on each server, when I need to update the database schema I copy the migration files to the server and run rake db:migrate which updates the database to the latest version or rollbacks it to a desired version.
As a side effect you will have a set of migration files for your database schema in an database independent language (in this case ruby) that you can apply to other database engines and that you can put under source control too.
I know that this is a strange solution in which a totally different technology is used but it does not hurt to learn new approaches. You can find additional information here.
I have become a better .Net programmer since I learned Ruby on Rails. I asked here before a question about this approach.

Why use database migrations instead of a version controlled schema

Migrations are undoubtedly better than just firing up phpMyAdmin and changing the schema willy-nilly (as I did during my php days), but after using them for awhile, I think they're fatally flawed.
Version control is a solved problem. The main function of migrations is to keep a history of changes to your database. But storing a different file for each change is a clumsy way to track them. You don't create a new version of post.rb (or a file representing the delta) when you want to add a new virtual attribute -- why should you create a new migration when you want to add a new non-virtual attribute?
Put another way, just as you check post.rb into version control, why not check schema.rb into version control and make the changes to the file directly?
This is functionally the same as keeping a file for each delta, but it's much easier to work with. My mental model is "I want table X to have such and such columns (or really, I want model X to have such and such properties)" -- why should you have to infer from this how to get there from the existing schema; just open up schema.rb and give table X the right columns!
But even the idea that classes wrap tables is an implementation detail! Why can't I just open up post.rb and say:
Class Post
t.string :title
t.text :body
If you went with a model like this, you'd have to make a decision about what to do with existing data. But even then, migrations are overkill -- when you migrate data, you're going to lose fidelity when you use a migration's down method.
Anyway, my question is, even if you can't think of a better way, aren't migrations kind of gross?
why not check schema.rb into version control and make the changes to the file directly?
Because the database itself is not in sync with version control.
For instance, you could be using the head of the source tree. But you're connecting to a database that was defined as some past version, not the version you have checked out. The migrations allow you to upgrade or downgrade the database schema from any version and to any version, incrementally.
But to answer your last question, yes, migrations are kind of gross. They implement a redundant revision control system on top of another revision control system. However, neither of these revision control systems is really in sync with the database.
Just to paraphrase what others have said: migrations allow you to protect the data as your schema evolves. The notion of maintaining a single schema.rb file is attractive only until your app goes into production. Thereafter, you'll need a way to migrate your existing users' data as your schema changes.
There are also data-related issues that are important to consider, which migrations solve.
Say an old version of my schema has a feet and inches column. For efficiency purposes, I want to combine that into just an inches column to make sorting and searching easier.
My migration can combine all of the feet and inches data into the inches column (feet * 12 + inches) while it's updating the database (i.e. just before it removes the feet column)
Obviously this being in a migration makes it automatically work when you later apply the changes to your production database.
As it stands, they're annoying and inadequate but quite possibly the best option we have available to us at present. Quite a few smart people have spent quite a lot of time working on the problem and this, so far, is about the best they've been able to come up with. After about 20 years of mostly hand-coding database version updates, I came very rapidly to appreciate migrations as a major improvement when I found ActiveRecord.
As you say, version control is a solved problem. Up to a point I'd agree: it's very solved for text files in particular, less so for other file types and not really very much at all for resources such as databases.
How do migrations look if you view them as version control deltas for databases? They're the sum of the deltas you have to apply to get a schema from one version to another. I'm not aware that even git, for all its super-powerfulness, can take two schema files and generate the necessary DDL to do that.
As far as declaring table content in the model, I believe that's what DataMapper does (no personal experience). I think there may be some DDL inference capabilities there as well.
"even if you can't think of a better way, aren't migrations kind of gross?"
Yes. But they're less gross than anything else we have. Do please let us know when you've completed the non-gross alternative.
I suppose given "even if you can't think of a better way", then yes, in the grand scheme of things, migrations are kind of gross. So are Ruby, Rails, ORMs, SQL, web apps, ...
Migrations have the (not insignificant) advantage that they exist. Gross-but-exists tends to win out over Pleasant-but-nonexistent. I'm sure there probably are pleasant and nonexistent ways to migrate your data, but I'm not sure what that means. :-)
OK, I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that you're probably working all by yourself. In a group development project the power of each individual to take responsibility for just his/her changes to the database required for the code that developer is writing is much much more important.
The alternative is that larger groups of programmers (e.g. 10-15 Java developers where I work) end up relying on a couple of dedicated full time database administrators to do that along with their other maintenance, optimization, etc. duties.

Do you put your indexes in source control?

And how do you keep them in synch between test and production environments?
When it comes to indexes on database tables, my philosophy is that they are an integral part of writing any code that queries the database. You can't introduce new queries or change a query without analyzing the impact to the indexes.
So I do my best to keep my indexes in synch betweeen all of my environments, but to be honest, I'm not doing very well at automating this. It's a sort of haphazard, manual process.
I periodocally review index stats and delete unnecessary indexes. I usually do this by creating a delete script that I then copy back to the other environments.
But here and there indexes get created and deleted outside of the normal process and it's really tough to see where the differences are.
I've found one thing that really helps is to go with simple, numeric index names, like
where t is a short abbreviation for a table. I find index maintenance impossible when I try to get clever with all the columns involved, like,
It's too hard to differentiate indexes like that.
Does anybody have a really good way to integrate index maintenance into source control and the development lifecycle?
Indexes are a part of the database schema and hence should be source controlled along with everything else. Nobody should go around creating indexes on production without going through the normal QA and release process- particularly performance testing.
There have been numerous other threads on schema versioning.
The full schema for your database should be in source control right beside your code. When I say "full schema" I mean table definitions, queries, stored procedures, indexes, the whole lot.
When doing a fresh installation, then you do:
- check out version X of the product.
- from the "database" directory of your checkout, run the database script(s) to create your database.
- use the codebase from your checkout to interact with the database.
When you're developing, every developer should be working against their own private database instance. When they make schema changes they checkin a new set of schema definition files that work against their revised codebase.
With this approach you never have codebase-database sync issues.
Yes, any DML or DDL changes are scripted and checked in to source control, mostly thru activerecord migrations in rails. I hate to continually toot rails' horn, but in many years of building DB-based systems I find the migration route to be so much better than any home-grown system I've used or built.
However, I do name all my indexes (don't let the DBMS come up with whatever crazy name it picks). Don't prefix them, that's silly (because you have type metadata in sysobjects, or in whatever db you have), but I do include the table name and columns, e.g. tablename_col1_col2.
That way if I'm browsing sysobjects I can easily see the indexes for a particular table (also it's a force of habit, wayyyy back in the day on some dBMS I used, index names were unique across the whole DB, so the only way to ensure that is to use unique names).
I think there are two issues here: the index naming convention, and adding database changes to your source control/lifecycle. I'll tackle the latter issue.
I've been a Java programmer for a long time now, but have recently been introduced to a system that uses Ruby on Rails for database access for part of the system. One thing that I like about RoR is the notion of "migrations". Basically, you have a directory full of files that look like 001_add_foo_table.rb, 002_add_bar_table.rb, 003_add_blah_column_to_foo.rb, etc. These Ruby source files extend a parent class, overriding methods called "up" and "down". The "up" method contains the set of database changes that need to be made to bring the previous version of the database schema to the current version. Similarly, the "down" method reverts the change back to the previous version. When you want to set the schema for a specific version, the Rails migration scripts check the database to see what the current version is, then finds the .rb files that get you from there up (or down) to the desired revision.
To make this part of your development process, you can check these into source control, and season to taste.
There's nothing specific or special about Rails here, just that it's the first time I've seen this technique widely used. You can probably use pairs of SQL DDL files, too, like 001_UP_add_foo_table.sql and 001_DOWN_remove_foo_table.sql. The rest is a small matter of shell scripting, an exercise left to the reader.
I always source-control SQL (DDL, DML, etc). Its code like any other. Its good practice.
I am not sure indexes should be the same across different environments since they have different data sizes. Unless your test and production environments have the same exact data, the indexes would be different.
As to whether they belong in source control, am not really sure.
I do not put my indexes in source control but the creation script of the indexes. ;-)
IX_CUSTOMER_NAME for the field "name" in the table "customer"
PK_CUSTOMER_ID for the primary key,
UI_CUSTOMER_GUID, for the GUID-field of the customer which is unique (therefore the "UI" - unique index).
On my current project, I have two things in source control - a full dump of an empty database (using pg_dump -c so it has all the ddl to create tables and indexes) and a script that determines what version of the database you have, and applies alters/drops/adds to bring it up to the current version. The former is run when we're installing on a new site, and also when QA is starting a new round of testing, and the latter is run at every upgrade. When you make database changes, you're required to update both of those files.
Using a grails app the indexes are stored in source control by default since you are defining the index definition inside of a file that represents your domain object. Just offering the 'Grails' perspective as an FYI.