Beat em' up game space management? - game-engine

I am in the process of making my 2D engine for a Beat'em Up game (Castle Crashers is what I call Beat'em Up or Brawler kind of game ).
I will support 2D sprites and 2D particle emitters. This is all done in the engine now. But I have come to an issue that I would like to ask for advice:
It's about "space" management, what I thought was to do something as this image shows:
alt text
My idea is to make a grid ( Spatial Hash or Grid ), of the ground where my Particle Emitters / 2D sprites will live. In my picture, I have enumerated this slots from 1 to N, (don't have to be 35, it's just for showing purposes ). My idea is to draw the "GameElements" (Sprites/Emitters) in order from 0 to N , ( going from bucket 0 to bucket N ) , so then I will get them to display correctly overlapped on screen (back to forward).
I know this could be done by just comparing the lower Y axis of each Element and performing a "quicksort" too, but having the Grid could allow me to perform Collision Detection in a better way , and if I do something like A* to implement some kind of AI, it could help me too.

If you want to have some sort of optimization for the number of objects you need to test against each other, you might want to think about using a Quadtree
The idea is to divide the screen up in 4 nodes, placing all items in the node they belong, then divide the nodes you just created up in another 4 if there are sprites/items/whatever in there that need to be tested. Keep doing this until a certain size or amount of items in a node has been reached.
You can then ask the top-node if it contains the item you want to test. This node will then ask the child-nodes if it contains the item, which in their turn will ask their children. This way a large part of the screen can be skipped already (if it's located in child 00, you can skip child 01, 10 and 11). Then you get a list of items you perform more specific collision detection on when it's desired to do so.
If you were to make it visual, it would look a bit like this:
alt text

Fire them out to the Z buffer and let that worry about it.
If you find that in the future it is too slow (via profiling obviously) then look at optimizing it.
Take the simplest solution and move on.

Your method fails if you have two sprites occupying the same box in the grid. Suppose you have two enemies both standing in the same box. One stands slightly in front of the other. Which do you draw first? You would need two algorithms - one which divides the sprites into the grid, and the second which looks at the z co-ordinates of all the sprites in a given grid box and draws them based on that value.
A far simpler method is to have a single collection of all sprites. It should store all sprites sorted by their z co-ordinates (from the back of the screen at the head of the list to the front of the screen at the back). Loop through the collection and draw each sprite as it appears. When a sprite moves into or out of the screen (ie. its z co-ordinate changes) you can perform a very simple sort to move that single sprite within the collection. Keep swapping it with the next sprite in the list until the next sprite's z co-ordinate is greater than/less than (as appropriate) the changed sprite's co-ordinate.


Is there a visual programming language with a large/configurable stage resolution?

My 8-year-old daughter is learning to program, and was excited to create projects using Now she wants to design a program that creates a Babylonian number chart, with numbers from 1 to 1000, but there is no way to render such a thing with any of the visual programming environments that I know of. I've looked at Hopscotch, Tynker, Scratch, so far to no avail. She does not yet type, so switching to a text based system is not yet an option, so I'm hoping that someone else knows of a good solution.
Snap! is a block-based programming language based on Scratch. It lets you configure the stage size:
Snap! also adds exciting functional programming features, such as anonymous functions and nested lists.
There's a tool for importing Scratch projects:
There are two difficulties in rendering such a chart in Scratch.
1) The screen size is too small.
2) There isn't an obvious way to render the basic characters of Babylonian numbers.
The small screen size is going to be a problem in any development environment, block-based or text-based. Even using an entire 1366 x 768 pixel display, she would only have a 30 pixel square for each number. Breaking up the chart into parts (10 pages of 100 numbers each, for instance) or rendering a single number based on user input are two possible work arounds for the screen size issue.
Both of these related projects (a smaller chart or a number converter) are possible in Scratch. Your daughter will need to create a renderer sprite which can draw the symbols on the stage. A renderer sprite can either have costumes of the Babylonian symbols and use the stamp block to create combinations, or the sprite can be draw the symbols with the pen. This project has some examples of renderer sprites and how they can be used.
The Babylonians used base 60. It appears that each numeral is composed of up to two unique sprites repeated and arranged in a base 10 paradigm.
You might want to consider an animated counter using Scratch.
At every tick of the clock, another right-hand "ones" sprite appears, and all disappear on the 10th tick).
At each 10th tick, another left-hand "tens" sprite appears (and all disappear on the 60th tick).
Then on the 60th ticks, a left-of-left numeral appears or updates in the 60th place.
To get to 1000 in base 60, you need only two numerals.
Somewhere else on the screen, a text field containing the decimal number tracks the ticks.
You could animate little Babylonians riding chariots around from ziggurat to ziggurat. (Sorry to any Babylonians if I'm making stereotypes.)
Sounds like fun, good luck.
There should be no difficulty implementing it in Scratch. But it's a big project at 8!
screen size: at 4 sprites per number, 1000 numbers, 4000 characters on screen is difficult. But that is one ugly chart to display statically anyway. You could use the dynamic characteristics of a computer display to zoom the sprites very small (fitting it all into one illegible table), or large enough but incomplete, and use the arrow keys to scroll through. This is a lesson in UI: computers don't have display the size of dining-room tables, but their displays are dynamic, so use that.
The conversion is a bit of a job.
first, get a set of images for numbers 1-9 and 10-60.
create two sprites - the first with the costumes for 1-9 images; the next for 10-60.
to show the correct image, use switch costume.
I recommend that you start with smaller numbers, first up to 9, then up to 59. After that, the generic solution would be to use stamping, then shift the sprites left, change costumes and stamp again.
to calculate the correct values given input X:
units = X modulus 10
X' = X/10-units
if your number is up to 59, that's it; X' is the number of the tens costume. If not:
tens = X' modulus 6
X'' = X'/10-units
Start again with X''. If you want a generic solution, stamp the sprites, shift them left and calculate. Otherwise, use X'' to calculate the correct costumes of two new sprites.
Pure Data is an open-source visual programming language with implementations for all the major operating systems.
This question is old but still interesting.
I think your daughter can use scratch to achieve the goal by using the "nextcostume" action associated with a sprite.
The Babylonins used base 60 meaning that we need a pair of 2 sprites to represent for 0-9 and 10,20,30,40,50,(6)0. Then we keep adding these pairs in front when the number grows larger than 59.
I did work out a poc within 30 min, including time I spent to cut/save/import the costumes.
I use the variable to show the Babylonian number count. The code is simple.
By the end, 1 tricky thing is the time sync between different sprites. To make it easy, I had to manually "adjust" the early pop by adding a sound.
You can cehck out my published project here.
Scratch project snapshots

How to code a random movement in limited area

I have a limited area (screen) populated with a few moving objects (3-20 of them, so it's not like 10.000 :). Those objects should be moving with a constant speed and into random direction. But, there are a few limitation to it:
objects shouldn't exit the area - so if it's close to the edge, it should move away from it
objects shouldn't bump onto each other - so when one is close to another one it should move away (but not get too close to different one).
On the image below I have marked the allowed moves in this situation - for example object D shouldn't move straight up, as it would bring it to the "wall".
What I would like to have is a way to move them (one by one). Is there any simple way to achieve it, without too much calculations?
The density of objects in the area would be rather low.
There are a number of ways you might programmatically enforce your desired behavior, given that you have such a small number of objects. However, I'm going to suggest something slightly different.
What if you ran the whole thing as a physics simulation? For instance, you could set up a Box2D world with no gravity, no friction, and perfectly elastic collisions. You could model your enclosed region and populate it with objects that are proportionally larger than their on-screen counterparts so that the on-screen versions never get too close to each other (because the underlying objects in the physics simulation will collide and change direction before that can happen), and assign each object a random initial position and velocity.
Then all you have to do is step the physics simulation, and map its current state into your UI. All the tricky stuff is handled for you, and the result will probably be more believable/realistic than what you would get by trying to come up with your own movement algorithm (or if you wanted it to appear more random and less believable, you could also just periodically apply a random impulse to a random object to keep things changing unpredictably).
You can use the hitTest: method of UIView
UIView* touchedView=[self.superview hitTest:currentOrigin withEvent:nil];
In This method you have to pass the current origin of the ball and in second argument you can pass nil.
that method will return the view with which the ball is hited.
If there is any hit view you just change the direction of the ball.
for border you can set the condition for the frame of the ball if the ball go out of the boundary just change the direction of the ball.

On-the-fly Terrain Generation Based on An Existing Terrain

This question is very similar to that posed here.
My problem is that I have a map, something like this:
This map is made using 2D Perlin noise, and then running through the created heightmap assigning types and color values to each element in the terrain based on the height or the slope of the corresponding element, so pretty standard. The map array is two dimensional and the exact dimensions of the screen size (pixel-per-pixel), so at 1200 by 800 generation takes about 2 seconds on my rig.
Now zooming in on the highlighted rectangle:
Obviously with increased size comes lost detail. And herein lies the problem. I want to create additional detail on the fly, and then write it to disk as the player moves around (the player would simply be a dot restricted to movement along the grid). I see two approaches for doing this, and the first one that came to mind I quickly implemented:
This is a zoomed-in view of a new biased local terrain created from a sampled element of the old terrain, which is highlighted by the yellow grid space (to the left of center) in the previous image. However this system would require a great deal of modification, as, for example, if you move one unit left and up of the yellow grid space, onto the beach tile, the terrain changes completely:
So for that to work properly you'd need to do an excessive amount of, I guess the word would be interpolation, to create a smooth transition as the player moved the 40 or so grid-spaces in the local world required to reach the next tile over in the over world. That seems complicated and very inelegant.
The second approach would be to break up the grid of the original map into smaller bits, maybe dividing each square by 4? I haven't implemented this and I'm not sure how I would in a way that would actually increase detail, but I think that would probably end up being the best solution.
Any ideas on how I could approach this? Keep in mind it has to be local and on-the-fly. Just increasing the resolution of the map is something I want to avoid at all costs.
Rewrite your Perlin noise to be a function of position. Then you can increase the octaves (and thus the detail level) and resample the area at a higher resolution.

Rendering a 2D Map in a Game - Cropping and Scrolling

I'm in essense trying to make my own interpretation of the NES hardware, so I can make a game that ideally would resemble what a NES game would look like. I'm currently stuck with how to adjust how to draw the playfield to the video memory (back buffer).
The NES had restrictions on the nametable, or backbuffer. For my example, the backbuffer is 256x240pixels big, or the size of one screen. If I drew this to the TV, it would fill up the screen perfectly. Now, if I drew this to the screen with an offset of X=5, the entire image would be shifted and would wrap around the screen.
For example.....
The screen is split up into squares 8x8 pixels each, totalling 32x30 rows and columns. (256x240 pixels). The offset is represented in pixels - not columns; so in theory, I could offset the screen by 5 pixels and every column would be shifted to the right by five pixels.
My stages are made up of screens, containing data that is represented in 16x15 rows and columns, each by 16x16 pixels. This is to emulate how many NES games stored level data - each tile holds info about what should be in each 8x8 block.
BC with A,B,C,D representing what 8x8 graphic should go where
Level design is represented by this as well, with each number being a different screen and - meaning nothing, null.
This is easy. I already know how I can determine which table, row, and column my characters are on based on their absolute positioning. I can also determine the relative positioning within the screen.
With this info, I can easily figure out which columns are to the left and right of the character, if any (if the character is at the left side of screen 1, thered be no more level left)
How do I draw my levels to the screen, so that they scroll from one to the next.
It would be relatively easy to draw one full screen at a time, and when the character gets to the edge just flip to another screen.
However, the problem I'm conceptually having is that I need to 'stream' the level data onto the screen. That, lets say the character moves 24 pixels to the right. The BG needs to move as well.
So, I need to adjust the scrolling of the backbuffer by 24 pixels. However, just scrolling alone will cause the screen to wrap over, diplsaying old portion of the level. So, while scrolling I need to make sure to draw new pieces of the level to the back buffer. But before I can do that, I need to figure out which tiles need to get drawn first. And if the person goes 24 pixels to the left, I need to redraw tiles onto the backbuffer and change the offset accordingly as well.
And let's not forget that if the character moves right and there's no more level data to be drawn, there should be no offset but instead the character gets closer to the side of the screen (instead of being centered in the middle of the screen via the X axis).
Basically, I just have a lot of different numbers and values stuck in my mind right now - trying to wrap my head around many concepts and they caused my brain to turn into goo. Anyone have any perspective on how I can approach this?
EDIT: Using VB.Net. C# is applicable as well ( I program in both)
The way the NES did it was with 4 name tables, each 256x240. When you scrolled one off the screen, the adjacent one would scroll on. To get "worlds" bigger than 512x480, you update the name table at the positions that are offscreen.
Generally, a cartridge would have a giant table in ROM with all of the level data, and would track the overall position with 1 or 2 RAM variables. Then when the game scrolled, it would update the RAM variables, use those to lookup the level data table and copy in the new level data into the parts of the name table that were offscreen.
So actually your back buffer should be 512x480, and you only show a 256x240 portion of it.
Have you looked at the disassembly for any NES games that have large scrolling worlds? I think a partial disassembly of Metroid is out there somewhere...
...yeah, found some docs at
Metroid disassembly; not real well commented but with a little effort it shouldn't be too hard to figure it out.
Another disassembly that is commented better.
EDIT: In the 2nd disassembly posted above, look in MetroidGameEnginePage.txt at the "SetupRoom" routine and the "DrawRoom" routine; also the routine at label LEB4D shows how the name table is updated in one case. Also look at the extensive comments above the "GetNameTable" routine. In general, a text search for "name table" throughout the document will get you lots more.
EDIT EDIT: Also at; the memory map for SMB might be useful.
I would set up a grid of image controls and load the levels from a database that stores what column and row each picture is relative to the level. Once the image that represents the game's character gets far enough to the right (you would have to store its location in some module level variables) of the screen you would load the next column of images (while shifting all of the other images one to the left and removing the first column).

Tetravex solving algorithm

Well, i was thinking of making a Tetravex solving program in order to practice my code writing skills (language will propably be Visual Basic) and I need help finding an algorithm for solving it. For those that don't know what tetravex is see this . The only algorithm I can come up with is the brute force way, place a tile randomly in one corner and try every possible tile next to it and continue the same process, if it reaches a dead end revert to a previous state and place a different tile. So can anyone come up with a better algorithm? Thank you for your time.
here some ideas.
A vanilla brute force algorithm would try to fill out the grid recursively by enumerating the grid positions in a fixed order (e.g. row major) and always trying to fit every possible piece in the current position and then recursing. This is what you mentioned and it is very inefficient.
An improvement is to always count for every free position the number of pieces that fit there, and then recurse on the position that has least fits; if one has zero fitting pieces, backtrack immediately; if there is one where only one piece fits fill that and continue (no branch created); otherwise select the one that has least fitting pieces (≥ 2) and continue from there.
Once you have this algorithm in place, the next question is how you can prune the search space more. If have, say, A pieces with "1" on the top position and B pieces with "1" on the bottom position, and A > B, then you know that at least A - B of the "1 at top position" pieces must be actually placed on the top row, so you can exclude them from any other position. This helps to reduce the branching factor and to spot dead-ends earlier.
You should also check at every recursion step that every piece has at least one spot where it fits (do this check after verifying that there is no piece that fits in only one place for speed). If there is a piece that doesn't fit anywhere you need to backtrack immediately. You can extend this to checking that every pair of pieces fits for a potentially better earlier dead-lock checking capability.
There is a also a strategy called "non-chronological backtracking" or "backjumping" which originates from research into SAT solving. This helps you to backtrack more than one level at a time when you reach a dead-end; if you want, you can google for these terms to find more, but you need to do some mental work to map the concept into your problem space.
A first improvement would be counting how many matching pairs of numbers there are, and if, say, there are 5 "1"'s on the top of squares, but only 4 on the bottom, then there must be a "1" pointing off the top of the grid.
At any given partly solved board I would
look for a place where none of the remaining tiles could be played. If found, the board must be unwound to the last place a tile was played randomly.
Look for a place where only 1 of the remaining tiles can legally be played. If found, place that tile.
Place a tile randomly at the spot on the board where the fewest number of remaining tiles can legally be played. Remember this board layout before I lay the tile, I may want to unwind back to this board and play a different tile.
In pseudocode it would be
evaluate # of tiles that match at each empty square
if any square has 0 matches, unwind to <prev>
if any square has 1 match, lay tile, goto top
save current board as <prev>
play randomly at square with minimum number of matches, goto top
As an optimization, you can ignore evaluating squares that don't touch any squares that have tiles, since they will always allow all remaining tiles.
It looks like Tetravex is a Constraint Satisfaction Problem, so you want to limit your options as quickly as possible. It should be possible to do better than random placement. How about?:
Create links between all tile faces with their possible matches.
Any tile with an unlinked face must be an edge tile.
Any tile with two adjacent unlinked faces must be a corner tile.
Center tiles must have four active links.
Now, place a tile in a valid location and invalidate links that are used. If any un-placed tile contains three unlinked faces or unlinked faces on opposite sides, the move is invalid and you can backtrack.
You should be able to use tile face links to look for the next possible tile versus searching through all tiles. If there isn't one, backtrack.
I wrote a solver for Tetravex and used a different approach and it seems very efficient. I built up possible valid relationships increasing the size. So each iteration gives me larger puzzle pieces to work with while reducing the number of puzzle of pieces, so to speak.
I start by creating a list of all possible connections between tiles from bottom to top and a list of all possible connections between tiles from right to left.
From these two lists, I build a list of all possible valid 2x2 combinations.
Using the 2x2 list, I build a list of all possible valid 3x3 combinations.
From there I can go 4x4 by using the 2x2 and 3x3 lists, or do 5x5 by just using the 3x3 list.
Right now my code does each iteration separately, but should be able to be cleaned up to handle each iteration with the same code which would allow for larger grid sizes.
This also seems like a great situation for using a neural net, and I might give that a try next.