Retrieve Duplicate Row value and Count - sql

I have table named "Table X" which contains some names and their corresponding age, table may contains same names (i.e) names will occur repeatedly.
Table x:
name age
a 21
b 37
c 23
a 34
a 21
b 19
b 37
a 21
...output like the One Below:
name total repeat
a 4 2
b 3 1
c 1 0
Now I want to write a query which will return total # of repeated names, and how many times the age repetitions occur in the resulting table. Just like the output table given above.I want to do it with MS Access.

try this
SELECT x.pname, SUM(x.CountOfpage) as Total, SUM(x.CountOfpage-1) as Repeats
SELECT TableX.pname,, Count( AS CountOfpage
GROUP BY TableX.pname,
) as x
GROUP BY x.pname


Extract only variables which is greater than other table in influxDB

I am using influxDB and I would like to extract some values which is greater than certain threshold in other table.
For example, I have two tables as shown in below.
Table A
Time value
1 15
2 25
3 9
4 22
Table B
Time threshold
1 16
2 12
3 13
4 15
Give above two tables, I would like to extract three values which is greater than first row in Table B. Therefore what I want to have is as below.
Time value
2 25
4 22
I tried it using below sql query, but it didn't give any correct result.
select * from data1 where value > (select spec from spec1 limit1);
Look forward to your feedback.
Integrate the condition in an inner join:
select * from tableA as a
inner join tableB as b on and a.value > b.threshold
When your time column doesn't only include integer values, you have to format the time and join on a time range. Here is an example:
SQL join on time range

SQL: Checking if a number within range of multiple ranges

Lets say we have 2 tables.
Table Values
Id Group Value
A X 15
B Y 55
Table Ranges
Group LowLimit HighLimit
X 0 10
X 20 30
Y 30 40
Y 50 60
I would like to check which Values.Id has value that falls outside the LowLimit and HighLimit of the group it belongs to in Ranges (notice each group has multiple ranges).
The desired result would be
Table Result
A (because the value 15 is outside the range of both (0..10) and (20..30)
while B is not part of the result because it is within the range of (50..60) even though it is outside the range of (30..40))
What would the sql would be like?
One option uses an exists query:
FROM [Values] v
WHERE v.[Group] = r.[Group] AND
v.[Value] BETWEEN r.[LowLimit] AND r.[HighLimit]);
In plain English, this will check each ID row from Values and check it there does not exist even one range which contains the value. If no such range exists, then this non matching ID would be reported.

access SQL count results using multiple sub queries against one table

I am using Access with a table having over 200k rows of data. I am looking for counts on a column which is broken down by job descriptions. For example, I want to return the total count (id) for a location where a person is status = "active" and position like "cook" [should equal 20] also another output where I get a count (id) for the same location where a person is status = "active" and position = "Lead Cook" [should equal 5]. So, one is a partial of the total population.
I have a few others to do just like this (# Bakers, # Lead Bakers...). How can I do this with one grand query/subquery or one query for each grouping.
My attempt is more like this:
Count(a.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER) AS [# Cook Total], --- should equal 20
(SELECT count(b.EMPLOYEE_ID) FROM Table_abc AS b where b.STATUS="Active Assignment" AND b.POSITION Like "*cook*" AND b.EMPLOYEE_ID=a.EMPLOYEE_ID) AS [# Lead Cook], --- should equal 5
FROM Table_abc AS a
ORDER BY a.location;
Results should be similar to:
Location Total Cooks Lead Cooks Total Bakers Lead Bakers
1 20 4 15 2
2 45 7 12 2
3 22 2 16 1
4 19 2 17 2
5 5 1 9 1
Try using conditional aggregation -- no need for sub queries.
Something like this should work (although I may not understand your desired results completely):
select location,
count(EMPLOYEE_NUMBER) as CookTotal,
sum(IIf(POSITION Like "*cook*",1,0)) as AllCooks,
sum(IIf(POSITION = "Lead Cook",1,0)) as LeadCooks
from Table_abc
where STATUS="Active Assignment"
group by location

SQL complex grouping "in column"

I have a table with 3 columns (sorted by the first two):
number (sorted for each letter)
difference between current number and previous number of the same letter
I'd like to calculate (with vanlla SQL) a fourth new column RESULT to group these data when the third column (difference of number between contiguos record; i.e #2 --> 4 = 5-1) is greater than 30 marking all the records of this interval with letter-number of the first record (i.e A1 for #1,#2,#3).
Since the difference between contiguos numbers makes sense just for records with the same letter, for the first record of a new letter, the value of differnce is 31 (meaning that it's a new group; i.e. #6).
Here is what I'd like to get as result:
# Letter Number Difference RESULT (new column)
1 A 1 1 A1
2 A 5 4 A1
3 A 7 2 A1
4 A 40 33 A40 (*)
5 A 43 3 A40
6 B 1 31 B1 (*)
7 B 25 24 B1
8 B 27 2 B1
9 B 70 43 B70 (*)
10 B 75 5 B70
Now I can only find the "breaking values" (*) with this query where they get a value of 1:
select letter
,cast(difference/30 as int) break
from table
where cast(difference/30 as int) = 1
Even though I'm able to find these breaking values I can't finish my task.
Can anyone help me finding a way to obtain the column RESULT?
Thanks in advance
As I understand you need to construct the last result column. You can use concat to do that:
SELECT letter
,concat(letter, cast(difference/30 as int)) result
FROM table
HAVING result = 'A1'
after some exercise and a little help from a friend of mine, I've found a possible solution to my sql prolblem.
The only requirment for the solution is that my first record must have a value of 31 in Difference field (since I need "breaks" when Difference > 30 than the previous record).
Here is the query to get the column RESULT I needed:
select alls.letter
,ints.letter||ints.number as result
from competition.lag alls
,(select letter
from (select letter
,case when difference>30 then 1 else 2 end as result
from competition.lag
) temp
where result = 1
) ints
where ints.letter=alls.letter
and alls.number>=ints.number
and alls.number-30<=ints.number

Same entity from different tables/procedures

I have 2 procedures (say A and B). They both return data with similar columns set (Id, Name, Count). To be more concrete, procedures results examples are listed below:
Id Name Count
1 A 10
2 B 11
Id Name Count
1 E 14
2 F 15
3 G 16
4 H 17
The IDs are generated as ROW_NUMBER() as I don't have own identifiers for these records because they are aggregated values.
In code I query over the both results using the same class NameAndCountView.
And finally my problem. When I look into results after executing both procedures sequentially I get the following:
Id Name Count
1 A 10 ->|
2 B 11 ->|
B: |
Id Name Count |
1 A 10 <-|
2 B 11 <-|
3 G 16
4 H 17
As you can see results in the second set are replaced with results with the same IDs from the first. Of course the problem take place because I use the same class for retrieving data, right?
The question is how to make this work without creating additional NameAndCountView2-like class?
If possible, and if you don't really mind about the original Id values, maybe you can try having the first query return even Ids :
ROW_NUMBER() over (order by .... )*2
while the second returns odd Ids :
ROW_NUMBER() over (order by .... )*2+1
This would also allow you to know where the Ids come from.
I guess this would be repeatable with N queries by having the query number i selecting
ROW_NUMBER() over (order by .... )*n+i
Hope this will help