Formatblock cross browser compatible alternative - safari

I'm using the jhtmlarea html editor in a webb application.
Now during testing I found out that it doesn't work properly with setting headers (h1-4) since it uses the execcommand with "formatblock".
According to this page this isn't supported by for example IE7 and testing has shown that it also has issues in Safari 3-4.
This is at the end of the development project so I need a solution quite fast. Does anybody have any idea on how to make a crossbrowser compatible solution for setting headers?


What is missing in Firefox to support Vue.js debug within PhpStorm?

According to PhpStorm documentation:
Debugging of Vue.js applications is only supported in Google Chrome and in other Chromium-based browsers.
People like Jonathan Bossenger already tried to circumvent this dependency and make it work with Firefox anyway, but only to come with conclusion like:
Even if you try to edit the available list of browsers and enable Firefox it won’t come up as an option. Believe me, I tried!
Which lead to the question: what is integrated within Chrome/Chromium which is not present in Firefox, leading to this deficiency in development facility?
We used to support Firefox remote debugging (but without source maps) through the FireFox Remote run configuration, but our solution doesn't work in the latest Firefox versions due to changes in the protocol, and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to fix it. We've made some progress recently, but there are still some blocking issues.
Related tickets: WEB-45986, WEB-48076, WEB-2337

IE 11 - Is there a way to check then enable / disable enterprise mode?

I am out of wit as how to solve this problem in Javascript or HTML. I have customers currently using web applications built for ie9 and under. These legacy applications do not work well on IE11. IT solutions was to enable enterprises mode. Enterprises mode was designed to avoid "common compatibility problems associated with web apps written and tested on older versions of Internet Explorer".
Enabling enterprises mode appear to be problematic on web application written using Bootstrap and AngularJS. Ie, responsive does not work at all unless enterprises mode is disabled. Not just AngularJS and Bootstrap but other libraries as well.
The solution that I am looking for is a way to check the status of enterprises mode via javascript, then tell the users to either enable / disable the mode. Better, if it can be turn off / on automatically via JS or HTML attributes.
Snooping in the document.x and window.x objects, I do not see any properties that we would give me an indication that enterprises mode is enable. Any suggestion?
IE11 > Developer Tool > Console > Type window
IE11 > Developer Tool > Console > Type document
There is no DOM property that indicates that you're running EMIE. The whole idea of EMIE is to emulate IE8 behavior better than the IE8 document mode emulates IE8 behavior. EMIE should only be used in specific cases where it's needed; it should not be used wholesale.
It is possible to detect EMIE in certain cases. If you look carefully at the list of user-agent strings over the last couple of releases, there's a noticeable difference between EMIE on IE11 and the user agent string for IE11 RTM.
However, before you take that as your magic bullet, there are two caveats:
You cannot disable EMIE programmatically. It's a local configuration change only.
The user agent for IE11 is completely different today than it was when IE11 was released. Based on reports from the IE team, the UA string is going to be even more complicated, especially once "IE Spartan" (or whatever they choose to call it") hits the wire.
My recommendation? Create a small launcher page that does a simple feature detection for the web app in question. If you detect features consistent with what's needed for the app, then display a link to launch the app. If feature detection fails to detect IE8, IE11, or whatever version you've targeted, display a warning with a link to more troubleshooting information. Be sure to include a launch link anyway, just in case.
This way, the user has the information they need and you have a lightweight way of handling the issue, one that doesn't require too many updates to the app in question.
Hope this helps...
-- Lance
To my mind the reason of the issue is that IE 11 Enterprise mode emulates IE 8. But bootstrap doesn't support IE 8. To overcome it just use HTML5 shim and Respond.js as described here.
<script src="js/respond.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/html5shiv.min.js"></script>
But without check like <!--[if lt IE 9]> - because it seems that it doesn't work in the enterprise mode.
The better solution would be not just include the mentioned scripts without conditions but find out the appropriate condition instead of < IE 9.
To fix the problem with angularjs just use the following meta tag:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
For those who also struggled with this problem. I have submitted a feature request to MS IE Team.
My solution is a workaround that involve checking the width of the container div. Enterprises mode do not support responsive.

Dojo browser compatibility check?

I am writing the Dojo applications. I want to provide the browser compatibility for Firefox 3.0+, IE 7+. Should I follow any specific techniques to get the browser compatiability?
The list of supported browsers is here :
One of the advantages of using a framework over plain javascript is that it deals with most compatibility issues for you. Ajax Partial Rendering using UpdatePanel not working in WebKit browsers

I am part of the developer team for a quite a large online system using ASP.NET(4). Ajax completely breaks down for Webkit browsers and we are getting full page postbacks when we should be getting partial only for the UpdatePanels.
I am starting to believe it has something to do with my Application Configuration, mainly for the following reasons.
If I move the ajax enabled controls to a new project they will work as expected for all browsers, including Webkit.
I created a static .aspx file with nothing but an UpdatePanel,ScriptManager and a button making a literal visible on click.
I get no Javascript errors from any browser, and i see an http request for the (ScriptResource.axd) in both Firebug and Chrome Developer tools
I tried ye'old safari fix from this highly referenced thread
Edit: After a bit more testing and http sniffing i noticed a major difference between the test application and the actual application. The test application generates 2 additional .axd files which are not generated from the actual application. These WebResource.axd, seem to contain data related to the async postback. However this is only the case for Webkit browsers. The WebResource.axd files are generated for Firefox as i can see them in firebug
What i am asking from the community, is any ideas or suggestions as to what could be the cause of this problem and if i am correct to assume that the problem is probably on the server side
Thanks for any help
The problem was due to a deprecated config file that's used to limit the content that bots/spiders/crawlers receive, which was loading by mistake thanks to our lovely inhouse CMS
In short if u get behavior similar to my case, check your or configs
I was having a similar issue however my problem was with all browsers and not just webkit. I ended up going through and tearing up the web.config file and found out that a line: <xhtmlConformance mode="Legacy"> was preventing webresource.axd from working properly. The fix was to simply remove that line from my web.config file.
For a little more information on xhtmlConformance, visit
If you scroll all the way to the bottom you'll notice it explicitly states that it causes issues with webresource.axd and scriptresource.axd.

How do you test your web UI to see if it renders uniformly across different browsers?

Tools like Selenium are good for testing user interactions on the web UI. However, I was curious what are people approaches for strictly testing and verifying that web pages are rendered correctly across a set of browsers?
Is this even possible?
May I recommend browsershots where you can submit pages and have them rendered out in a variety of browsers with various things set on or off such as Flash and JavaScript. At the end of the day you will still want to install FF, IE6-8, Opera and Safari/Chrome for testing manually. Also, if you've got a friend with a Mac (or a PC if you're using a Mac) get them to test in Safari too as I've personally found differences in the way both of them render the same page.
I'd also recommend that you develop mainly in Firefox and regularly check it in IE6 as you work. IE6 is the one that will mostly screw up so if it's working in both it's more likely to be working in all.
When you find rendering weirdness try and fix it in your markup and CSS first before resorting to CSS hacks as they can lead to 'interesting' problems later or in other browsers.
There is only a handful of browsers you need to test, as some share a common rendering engine (Gecko or Webkit). Without explaining which or why, here's the current wisdom (2009):
Build your site using Firefox or Opera (on any platform). BTW Opera uses its own Presto engine;
Test in whichever of the above you didn't use.
Validate the (X)HTML and CSS (important!).
Test it in >=IE7 and note the glitches, if any.
Use conditional comments in separate stylesheets for each version IE - never use CSS hacks as they'll go out of date.
Test in IE <7 if you like and do the same, or use conditional comments to ask users (politely) to upgrade their version of IE.
Test in Safari (Webkit).
Don't test in Chrome, you already have by proxy (Webkit)!
Don't test in IE for Mac - the share is too low and it's no longer updated.
Finally, try enlarging the text in Firefox, Opera, IE and Safari. Opera also has a hand-held emulation mode for mobiles.
You will have now covered (theatrical guess) 99.9% of browser setups. If you're on OS X or Linux, you can run Windows in a virtual environment like Parallels or Wine. Apparently Wine also has a Windows binary, but I couldn't find it. Caution: you'll need to be sure that your virtual environment allows IE to read conditonal comments.
In practice, I find that if a site has valid code and works in Firefox, Safari and Opera, it'll probably be okay in IE7 up. The only HTML/CSS gotcha is IE's 'haslayout' handling. If you don't have the browsers, BrowserStack is an excellent online testing service.
Finally, if you're using Javascript, you'll need to go through a similar process, problem being that as a rapidly developing area, newer versions of some browsers handle Javascript in increasingly effective ways, so functions in older versions might break or fail quietly.
If you just want to see if layout is correct, just submit your website to and visit later to see the screenshots.
If you want to test the functionality (JavaScript, etc.) then you'll need to test manually.
I do not see an alternative if you want strict testing. Just install as many different browsers as possible and test in all of them. Of course this includes different versions of most popular browsers, and you need to check on Windows, Linux and Macintosh.
Previously I was use WM for different versions of IE, but I find out some new tool for testing layout, and UI as well with this tool, link for FF use fire bug extension, those tools are for manually testing.