Token for Maven package name - maven-2

I use maven/hudson to build my project. One of the goals run by hudson is mvn package so I have a full distribution produced on every build. Is there a way (maybe an argument to package?) that I can append the build number to the name of archive that's produced?

Try the following. It should only activate if the BUILD_NUMBER property is set, so you'll still generate correctly named builds when not using hudson.
I'd suggest putting this into a base pom.xml that can then be referenced as a parent to your other pom.xml configs.
For a list of other properties that hudson passes on to maven builds, see

You can pass an arbitrary property to a Maven build using -D[key]=[value], for example -DbuildNumber=1234 then configure the version in your pom as `1.0.0-${buildNumber}. This approach goes against the general Maven principle though. You'd be better to use Maven's SNAPSHOT processing. SNAPSHOT is a keyword to Maven to update the dependency each time.
You could also use the buildnumber-maven-plugin to automatically add a number to the build version each time. See this answer for some details. The buildnumber plugin can be set to produce a revision based on the SCM revision, a timestamp, or on a sequence.


Multiple Dependency Scopes in POM

I have a dependency in my POM that needs to be set to "provided" so it is not included at compilation, but it can still be referenced within my project. I would like the same dependency to have a scope of "test" when I go to run tests so I do not have to manually add the jar to my classpath. Is there a way to do this or achieve similar results?
Reasoning behind this is that I have some common jars that are provided in my JBOSS lib directory, so I want to use these and keep the "provided" scope of them for the war that is built. However, when I run JUnits from the command line, I want to use the jar from the repository without manually adding it to my classpath.
Thanks in Advance
From maven documentation:
provided This is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK
or a container to provide the dependency at runtime. For example, when
building a web application for the Java Enterprise Edition, you would
set the dependency on the Servlet API and related Java EE APIs to
scope provided because the web container provides those classes. This
scope is only available on the compilation and test classpath, and is
not transitive.
I checked this works for me in maven 3.0.3. Had the same issue that i needed to have a servlet dependency while compilation and test but not compiled in because it ships with the application server distribution.
You could use a profile that either declares those dependencies as test or as provided - depending on what is more convenient for you:
Those profiles get activated by setting the property env but there are other ways, f.e. default activation - have a look here for that.
Try declaring the dependency twice, once with each scope. Works in Maven 2.2.1.
Confusing things happen with dependency resolution, when the same artifact is in the dependency tree twice with different scopes, but I don't think it should be a problem in your case.
Have the same issue, reason why i need two scopes for the same dependency is on phase integrating test i use jetty-plugin for run rest service, and make some JUnit testing while jetty is running, but i compile my package for jboss as, where i already have "resteasy-cdi", than absent for jetty servlet container...I have no found solution yet.
Use the maven-surefire-plugin to run your junit tests. The scope of provided will also make it available on the test classpath.
Please find the exact meaning of scopes in Maven
I refered to Maven
Dependency scope is used to limit the transitivity of a dependency, and also to affect the classpath used for various build tasks.
There are 6 scopes available:
This is the default scope, used if none is specified. Compile dependencies are available in all classpaths of a project. Furthermore, those dependencies are propagated to dependent projects.
This is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide the dependency at runtime. For example, when building a web application for the Java Enterprise Edition, you would set the dependency on the Servlet API and related Java EE APIs to scope provided because the web container provides those classes. This scope is only available on the compilation and test classpath, and is not transitive.
This scope indicates that the dependency is not required for compilation, but is for execution. It is in the runtime and test classpaths, but not the compile classpath.
This scope indicates that the dependency is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases.
This scope is similar to provided except that you have to provide the JAR which contains it explicitly. The artifact is always available and is not looked up in a repository. import (only available in Maven 2.0.9 or later):- This scope is only used on a dependency of type pom in the section. It indicates that the specified POM should be replaced with the dependencies in that POM's section. Since they are replaced, dependencies with a scope of import do not actually participate in limiting the transitivity of a dependency.

what's wrong with my profiles.xml?

This is a portion of my profiles.xml for mvn:
<plugins> .. </plugins>
This is what mvn says:
Caused by: org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException:
Unrecognised tag: 'build' (position: START_TAG seen ...</id>\n
<build>... #32:20)
What's wrong here?
The error message is giving you the correct feedback here, you cannot specify a <build/> section in an external profile, you are only allowed to specify <properties>, <pluginRepositories>, and <repositories>. From the Introduction to Build Profiles:
Profiles in external files
Profiles specified in external files
(i.e in settings.xml or
profiles.xml) are not portable in
the strictest sense. Anything that
seems to stand a high chance of
changing the result of the build is
restricted to the inline profiles in
the POM. Things like repository lists
could simply be a proprietary
repository of approved artifacts, and
won't change the outcome of the build.
Therefore, you will only be able to
modify the <repositories> and
<pluginRepositories> sections, plus
an extra <properties> section.
The <properties> section allows you
to specify free-form key-value pairs
which will be included in the
interpolation process for the POM.
This allows you to specify a plugin
configuration in the form of
If your snippet is coming from a book, the book should be fixed.
You can not have <build> area in your profile. Only plugins etc. You can configure the plugins etc.

Maven Plugin error

Im a new user in maven. I have few doubts.
I have some BAT files that has to executed via maven
While executing my default commands, I need to echo the status like "Started first task"
When the task gets failed user should get error message popup etc.,
Automatic repository update through maven
Maven calling ant to build *.war
Copying the new created build file(*.war) to local folder with date/time
Auto upload/deploy from build machine to server
Testing particular URLs/products to test the site flow
Sending mail regarding deployment status
Below is my example pom.xml, which trying only (a)
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!--echo>Starting CVS Update</echo-->
<!--failonerror="true" -->
<!-- optional -->
<!--workingDirectory>"cd C:\repo\projects\mcsandbox"</workingDirectory-->
I guess this is not the expected answer but I don't think that you're on the right path and I don't see the point of using Maven the way you'd like to use it. From your description, my impression is that you aren't really adopting Maven but rather trying to insert something existing into it and, believe me, this isn't the easiest way to get started with Maven:
This is going to add an extra layer of complexity.
This requires a deeper understanding of the way maven works than "just" adopting it.
You're going to fight against the tool (and there are good chances that the tool will win).
This will generate more troubles than benefits.
I don't really know where to start so I'll just try to quickly cover your points first:
I have some BAT files that has to executed via maven
This is possible but this is not really the Maven way (depending on the logic, you should move it to Maven or keep it outside maven), and I don't think this is going to be very robust (might be wrong though). On top of that, this already requires some knowledge of the build lifecycle (where to hook things) and of plugin configuration. And from what I've seen (I do not mean to be rude), you don't have it.
While executing my default commands, I need to echo the status like "Started first task"
This is not how things work with Maven. Maven isn't procedural like Ant, Maven has conventions, Maven is declarative, Maven has a lifecycle.
When the task gets failed user should get error message popup etc.,
User? Popup? Maven is not really targeted at end users, Maven is a developer tool and what you get in case of an error is a message in a console.
Automatic repository update through maven
Do you mean a CVS update? This is not impossible but is usually not Maven's job (it's more a Continuous Integration engine task).
Maven calling ant to build *.war
This is possible using the Maven Antrun Plugin but that's not the spirit and may go against some maven rules (like one artifact per project). Also, Maven will not magically be aware of things built by Ant. Why don't you just stick with Ant?
Copying the new created build file(*.war) to local folder with date/time
Possible. But that's not how things work by default.
Auto upload/deploy from build machine to server
Maven has plugins (e.g. Cargo) that can help at doing this but you have to tell him to.
Testing particular URLs/products to test the site flow
Maven itself won't do that. But it can run (integration) tests doing that.
Sending mail regarding deployment status
That's not maven's responsibility (more a Continuous Integration engine task).
My global feeling is that you are thinking too much Ant oriented and maybe expecting too much from Maven. Maven is different, it doesn't really work the way you described, it doesn't work like Ant. My recommendation would be to either fully migrate to Maven and adopt its philosophy or to stick with your current Ant solution (and maybe consider using the Maven Ant Tasks or Ivy to leverage things such as dependency management, artifact deployment).
See also
How to convert from Ant to Maven (...)
Differences between Ant and Maven
Maven: The Definitive Guide

Maven classpath order issues

Does anyone know of a way to set a specific classpath order in Maven2, rather than the random ordering I appear to experience at the moment?
There are a number of legitimate reasons for wanting to do this:
A vendor has supplied a patch jar, which contains overriding classes for a previously released jar and therefore the patch jar must appear first in the classpath ordering.
Two jar's found on the classpath discovered by traversing pom dependencies contain the same class in the same package with different signitures. For example:
both contain:
org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper.class, but the jbossall-client version is missing the getFastClass method.
From googling I see that this is perhaps a point of contention between maven enthusiasts and people facing this particular issue, but surely there are legitimate reasons for classpath ordering.
Any advice from anyone that has solved this particular quandary would be much appreciated!
As of version 2.0.9 maven uses pom order for classpath, so you can actually manipulate it now. We mostly supress transitive dependencies to external libraries that we also include directly.
From the release notes of maven 2.0.9:
MNG-1412 / MNG-3111 introduced deterministic ordering of dependencies on the classpath. In the past, natural set ordering was used and this lead to odd results. The ordering is now preserved from your pom, with dependencies added by inheritence added last. In builds that had conflicting or duplicate dependencies, this may introduce a change to the output. In short, if you have weird issues with 2.0.9, take a look at the dependencies to see if you have conflicts somewhere.
Maven 2.0.9 adds correct ordering so you absolutely must have that version or higher for the below to work.
Secondly you need the an updated plugin. The Maven guys are working on a fix, its in their jira to fix but this is something I urgently needed. So in the meantime I have fixed this myself and you can pull the Modified plugin source code from github.
Edit: Refer to
There are two ways to install it, either pull my modified code and install it or download the prebuilt jar and just add it.
Building the plugin
Run maven install from the plugin directory you checked out and then add the following in your plugins section of your projects pom:
Download the jar
Alternatively if you don't want to download and compile yourself then you can just get hold of the jar file and install it yourself.
Once you have the file run
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.plugins \
-DartifactId=maven-eclipse-plugin -Dversion=2.8-cpfix -Dpackaging=jar
Regardless of how you installed it now when you run mvn eclipse:eclipse it will pick up the modified code and order the dependencies based on the order you defined in your pom file, no alphabetical ordering. It will also put the JRE container at the top of the dependencies.
Hopefully the real version of this code will come out soon, but in the meantime this fix has worked for me on my project and I hope it can help some others as well.
Rather a further qualification of the question than an answer:
under "Maven Dependencies" Eclipse does not seem to honour the POM-order.
(it does use the POM-order under "Java Build Path" & in the Classpath)
Is that the expected behaviour?
I'm using Eclipse 2021-09 (which has Maven 3.8.1 embedded) under Windows 10.
Here's the POM:
<name>Maven Dependency Order</name>
The Maven Dependencies looks like this:
If you have problem starting with IntelliJ IDEA, you can change the dependencies order from project structrue.

How can maven be used in a continuous integration situation to install versioned artifacts in the repository?

We are in the process of converting our main build process from ant to maven. We use TeamCity for our Continuous Integration server (CI).
We'd like to use the CI server to kick off (nightly) builds whose version contain a build number, as in These builds would be installed in our local maven repository to be used by other projects. So the CI server would manage the versions, maven would build the project, and the maven repository would make the builds accessible to other projects.
I intended to initiate the build from the CI server using the following command:
mvn -Dversion= install
The project's pom would have a bogus version number, and the -D flag would override it, as in:
The problem with this method is that the maven install plugin only uses the version in the pom file, not the version passed in on the command line. This is noted in this maven issue.
So since this issue has existed since 08/2006 and has not been fixed, I assume that this is somehow not 'the maven way'. So my question is, how can maven be used in a continuous integration situation to install versioned artifacts in the repository?
Sounds like you want to build SNAPSHOT versions with unique versions.
So, in your POM declare the version as:
Then, in the distributionManagement section of your POM, enable unique versions for the snapshotRepository via (see Maven's POM reference on this):
<name>Your Snapshots</name>
FYI, note that Maven conventions recommend versions be declared as major.minor.revision. So, 1.0.25 instead of If you're able to use this versioning scheme, things will work more smoothly in a Maven world.
Matthew's answer provides a solution where the artifacts get uploaded into the local and remote repository having the desired version number, i.e. the paths inside the repository are contain the correct version numbers, however, Maven installs and deploys always the source POM file that would still contain the ${ciVersion} in the version element.
If you have a multi-module with a common parent like this:
<project xmlns="..." xmlns:xsi="..." xsi:schemaLocation="...">
you won't be able to reference a dedicated version of the myChild module, as the dependency resolution will exist with an error that it cannot find the myParent module with version ${ciVersion}.
However, you could use the resolve-pom-maven-plugin that uploads a POM into the local and remote repository where all variables inside the POM get substituted by their actual values. In order to do this, you have to add the following snippet into your (parent) POM:
Shek's answer is probably 'the maven way', so I'll accept it as the correct answer. However, we are not ready to change our conventions, so here is the workaround that we are using.
By using a level of indirection you can pass a version number in to the pom at build time and have the install and deploy plugins use them. For example:
<project xmlns="..." xmlns:xsi="..." xsi:schemaLocation="...">
We cannot override ${project.version} directly. So instead, we add a second property called 'ciVersion' and give it a default value of '' in the properties section. Now the CI server can specify a version number by overriding the ciVersion property on the command line. As in:
mvn -DciVersion= install
The install and deploy plugins will use the value of the ciVersion property that was passed in whenever ${project.version} is referenced, as expected, and the default value will be used when no version is provided on the command line. This allows us to switch to maven with minimal impact on our process. In addition, this workaround is unobtrusive, allowing for an easy switch to the SNAPSHOT functionality when desired.