How to move non static variables from interface to implementation in objectiveC? - objective-c

I am trying to write a cocoa touch static library.
To keep it simple I would prefer not to use private variables within my interface file.
The code right now looks like this:
interface file (myView.h):
#interface myView: UIView {
NSTimer * myTimer;
implementation file (myView.h)
#implementation myView
This NSTimer pointer is just a private variable so I tried this:
(not working)
interface file (myView.h):
#interface myView: UIView {
implementation file (myView.h)
NSTimer * myTimer;
#implementation myView
It seems to work however it turned out that the timer is now a static variable.
Am I doing sth wrong or is there no solution?

You can't define instance variables in your implementation file.
A possible solution is to have a private structure containing the private variables and have one publicly declared private variable pointing to this private structure:
#interface MyView {
void *privateData;
Implementation file:
typedef struct {
NSTimer *myTimer;
} PrivateData;
#implementation MyView()
#property (readonly) PrivateData *privateData;
#implementation MyView
- (id) init {
if (self = [super init]) {
privateData = malloc(sizeof(PrivateData));
self.privateData->myTimer = nil; // or something else
return self;
-(PrivateData *) privateData {
return (PrivateData *) self->privateData;
- (void) myMethod {
NSTimer *timer = self.privateData->myTimer;
- (void) dealloc {
// release stuff inside PrivateData
[super dealloc];
It's not beautiful, but it works. Maybe there are better solutions.

Just a note; trying to hide iVar's for the sake of security is silly. Don't bother.
For simplicity's sake, though, it has value.
However, a couple of solutions:
(1) If targeting iPhone OS or 64 bit Cocoa, you can #synthesize the ivar:
#interface Foo:NSObject
#property(readwrite, copy) NSString *publiclyReadwriteNoiVar;
#property(readonly, copy) NSString *publiclyReadonlyPrivatelyReadwriteNoiVar;
#interface Foo()
#property(readwrite, copy) NSString *privateProperty;
#implementation Foo
#synthesize publiclyReadwriteNoiVar, publiclyReadonlyPrivatelyReadwriteNoiVar, privateProperty;
(2) Use a private subclass kinda like class clusters:
#interface Foo:NSObject
#interface RealFoo:Foo
.... ivars here ....
#implementation RealFoo
#implementation Foo
+ (Foo *) convenienceMethodThatCreatesFoo
.... realFoo = [[RealFoo alloc] init]; ....
return realFoo;

Depending on the goal of your encapsulation, there's also the #private directive:
Access Modifiers


objective-c: Using NSManagedObject for saving data with CoreData

Is it possible to extend an derived class from NSManagedObject? I'm asking this because I tried to do it. My entity looks like this:
So this means a class similar to the following code should be generated:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface Player : NSManagedObject
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber* orderNumber;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
.m file
#import "Player.h"
#implementation Player
#dynamic name, orderNumber;
This two variables are saved to the SQLite database.
Now since I need some additional variables for the player I just added them to the class. It still worked.
#import "Player.h"
#implementation Player
#dynamic name, orderNumber;
- (id) init
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
[self reset];
return self;
#synthesize isStillInGame = _isStillInGame;
- (void) reset
_isStillInGame = TRUE;
- (void) setOutOfGame
_isStillInGame = FALSE;
But now when I change the isStillInGame bool, all instances of the Player Class are changed. Is this normal or do I have an error in my code?
A second question I can't answer is, why I can't access the object variables while debugging. When I try to watch an Player instance variable I just see this:
Is it possible to see more?

is it possible to have a protected ivar declared in a class extension and have a superclass be able to access it or what to do instead?

I have a class which internally uses an ivar. I don't want to expose the ivar in the public interface of the class (the header) but I declare and use it in the implementation file, like so:
#interface SomeClass : NSObject
#implementation SomeClass ()
NSMutableDictionary *_privateData;
#implementation SomeClass
// ...
Then in a subclass of SomeClass, I try to access _privateData:
#implementation SomeSubClass
// ...
- (void)someMethod {
NSLog(#"%#", _privateData); // NOPE
NSLog(#"%#", self->_privateData); // NOPE
NSLog(#"%#", super->_privateData); // NOPE
// ...
But I can't. Is there a way to do this?
In order to achieve the desired behavior, you should create a subclass header file which declares all of your protected data and #import it in your subclass' .m file.
#interface Mammal () {
NSMutableDictionary *_privateData;
#import "Human.h"
#import "MammalSubclass.h"
#implementation Human //subclasses Mammal
- (void)someMethod {
NSLog(#"%#", _privateData);

Private methods in objective-c not private

I've created two classes with methods with same name. In one of them it is private, in another - public.
Then somewhere on code i write this:
-(void) doMagic:(id) object {
[(ClassA*)object doSmth];
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
// Insert code here to initialize your application
ClassB * objB = [[ClassB alloc] init];
[self doMagic:objB];
In console i see this:
2012-04-25 23:41:28.183 testmagic[558:403] classB - doSmth
Here's classes' sources:
#interface ClassA : NSObject
-(void) doSmth;
#implementation ClassA
-(void)doSmth {
NSLog(#"classA - doSmth");
#interface ClassB : NSObject
#interface ClassB ()
-(void) doSmth;
#implementation ClassB
- (void)doSmth {
NSLog(#"classB - doSmth");
I know, it's because of "message" nature of methods in Obj-C, and at runtime class possibly do not know which of it's methods are private or public, but here's the question:
How can i make really private method? I heard that with decompiling it's possible to see methods names, so someone can just use my private API. How can i prevent it?
The runtime cannot call what it never knows about. The approach I typically take is to use a static function:
#interface MONObject : NSObject
// ...
// 'private' methods and ivars are also visible here
#interface MONObject()
// ...
// typically here:
static void fn(MONObject * const self) {
NSLog(#"%#", [self description]);
#implementation MONObject
// ...
// sometimes here:
static void fn2(MONObject * const self) {
NSLog(#"%#", [self description]);
A workaround to your problem could be to use a proxy/façade class which internally aggregates an instance of your private class. E.g.:
// .h
#interface FoobarFacade: NSObject
- (void)publicMethod;
// .m
#interface FoobarFacade ()
Foobar* impl;
#interface Foobar: NSObject
- (void)secretMethod;
#implementation Foobar
- (void)secretMethod { NSLog(#"foobar secret method"); }
#implementation FoobarFacade
- (void)publicMethod {
NSLog(#"façade public method");
[impl secretMethod]; // calling into the secret method
Of course this isn't 100% safe either, the runtime puts no barriers as others already told.
Right now you can't have truly private methods. When you are declaring a method in a class extension in the .m file you are just hiding it from being exposed in the public header fle. What you are doing now is considered good design because you are hiding the method from the header file which means people would have to go to some length to find those hidden methods, but they can still find them.
Basically the rule I follow is to put as little as I can into the public header as possible and to put everything else into a class extension. This is all you can really do for now.
If you declare the method in the .h file is public. If you want private visibility you have to declare the method in your .m for example:
#interface ClassB (Private_Methods)
- (void)doSmth;
#implementation ClassB
//Rest of .m

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when synthesizing a 'global' object

this is a follow-up question to my last one here: iOS: Initialise object at start of application for all controllers to use .
I have set my application up as follows (ignore the DB Prefix):
DBFactoryClass // Built a DataManaging Object for later use in the app
DBDataModel // Is created by the factory, holds all data & access methods
DBViewControllerA // Will show some of the data that DBDataModel holds
moreViewControllers that will need access to the same DBDataModel Object
i will go step by step through the application, and will then in the end post the error message i get when building.
#import "DBFactoryClass.h"
- (BOOL)...didFinishLaunching...
DBFactoryClass *FACTORY = [[DBFactoryClass alloc ]init ];
return YES;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "DBDataModel.h"
#interface DBFactoryClass : NSObject
#property (strong) DBDataModel *DATAMODEL;
#import "DBFactoryClass.h"
#implementation DBFactoryClass
#synthesize DATAMODEL;
self = [super init];
[self setDATAMODEL:[[DBDataModel alloc]init ]];
return self;
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "DBDataModel.h"
#class DBDataModel;
#interface todayViewController : UIViewController
#property (strong)DBDataModel *DATAMODEL;
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *testLabel;
#import "todayViewController.h"
#implementation todayViewController
#synthesize testLabel;
#synthesize DATAMODEL;
- (void)viewDidLoad
todaySpentLabel.text = [[DATAMODEL test]stringValue];
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface DBDataModel : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber* test;
#import "DBDataModel.h"
#implementation DBDataModel
#synthesize test;
test = [[NSNumber alloc]initWithInt:4];
return self;
when i build it, i get the following error: EXC_BAD_ACCESS in this line:
#synthesize DATAMODEL;
of DBFactoryClass.m
What #synthesize does is to automatically generate implementations of the accessors for a property. EXC_BAD_ACCESS there means that you're accessing garbage when one of the accessors is executed.
That's probably happening here:
[self setDATAMODEL:[[DBDataModel alloc]init ]];
Make sure that DBDataModel's implementation of init actually returns a legitimate object.
As far as I can tell, your DBFactoryClass class is never stored anywhere, and therefore released right after the allocation if you use ARC (Since you use the strong keyword I assumed you do).
- (BOOL)...didFinishLaunching... {
DBFactoryClass *FACTORY = [[DBFactoryClass alloc ]init ];
// If you use ARC this might be released right afterwards
return YES;
If you want the factory to be a singleton, use something like this
+ (id)sharedInstance {
static dispatch_once_t once;
static MyFoo *instance;
dispatch_once(&once, ^{
instance = [[self alloc] init];
return instance;

Hide instance variable from header file in Objective C

I came across a library written in Objective C (I only have the header file and the .a binary).
In the header file, it is like this:
#interface MyClass : MySuperClass
//nothing here
#property (nonatomic, retain) MyObject anObject;
- (void)someMethod;
How can I achieve the same thing? If I try to declare a property without its corresponding ivar inside the interface's {}, the compiler will give me an error. Ultimately, I want to hide the internal structure of my class inside the .a, and just expose the necessary methods to the header file. How do I declare instance variables inside the .m? Categories don't allow me to add ivar, just methods.
For 64 bit applications and iPhone applications (though not in the simulator), property synthesis is also capable of synthesizing the storage for an instance variable.
I.e. this works:
#interface MyClass : MySuperClass
//nothing here
#property (nonatomic, retain) MyObject *anObject;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize anObject;
If you compile for 32 bit Mac OS X or the iPhone Simulator, the compiler will give an error.
You may use of the same idiom used in Cocoa classes. If you have a look to NSString class interface in NSString.h you'll see that there is no instance variable declared. Going deeper in GNUstep source code you'll find the trick.
Consider the following code.
#interface MyClass : NSObject
// Your methods here
- (void) doSomething;
#interface MyClassImpl : MyClass {
// Your private and hidden instance variables here
#implementation MyClass
+ (id) allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
return NSAllocateObject([MyClassImpl class], 0, zone);
// Your methods here
- (void) doSomething {
// This method is considered as pure virtual and cannot be invoked
[self doesNotRecognizeSelector: _cmd];
#implementation MyClassImpl
// Your methods here
- (void) doSomething {
// A real implementation of doSomething
As you can see, the trick consist in overloading allocWithZone: in your class. This code is invoked by default alloc provided by NSObject, so you don't have to worry about which allocating method should be used (both are valid). In such allocWithZone:, you may use the Foundation function NSAllocateObject() to allocate memory and initialize isa for a MyClassImpl object instead of MyClass. After that, the user is dealing with a MyClassImpl object transparently.
Of course, the real implementation of your class shall be provided by MyClassImpl. The methods for MyClass shall be implemented in a way that considers a message receiving as an error.
You can use a class extension. A class extension is similar as category but without any name. On the Apple documentation they just define private methods but in fact you can also declare your internal variables.
#class PublicClass;
// Public interface
#interface MyClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, retain) PublicClass *publicVar;
#property (nonatomic, retain) PublicClass *publicVarDiffInternal;
- (void)publicMethod;
#import "PublicClass.h"
#import "InternalClass.h"
// Private interface
#interface MyClass ( /* class extension */ )
// Internal variable only used internally
NSInteger defaultSize;
// Internal variable only used internally as private property
InternalClass *internalVar;
// Internal variable exposed as public property
PublicClass *publicVar;
// Internal variable exposed as public property with an other name
PublicClass *myFooVar;
#property (nonatomic, retain) InternalClass *internalVar;
- (void)privateMethod;
// Full implementation of MyClass
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize internalVar;
#synthesize publicVar;
#synthesize publicVarDiffInternal = myFooVar
- (void)privateMethod
- (void)publicMethod
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init]))
defaultSize = 512;
self.internalVar = nil;
self.publicVar = nil;
self.publicVarDiffInternal = nil; // initialize myFooVar
return self;
You can give MyClass.h to anyone with just your public API and public properties. On MyClass.m you declare your member variable private and public, and your private methods, on your class extension.
Like this it's easy to expose public interfaces and hide detail implementation. I used on my project without any troubles.
According to the documentation I've been looking at there is no problem. All you have to do to hide instance variables is to declare them at the start of the #implementation section, inside { ... }. However, I'm a relative newcomer to Objective C and there's a chance I have misunderstood something - I suspect that the language has changed. I have actually tried this system, using XCode 4.2, building code for the iPad, and it seems to work fine.
One of my sources for this idea is the Apple developer documentation at, which gives this pattern:
#implementation ClassName
// Instance variable declarations.
// Method definitions.
Two possibilities:
It could be taking advantage of the modern runtime's ability to synthesize instance variables, as bbum suggested.
The property might not have an underlying instance variable in that class. Properties do not necessarily have a one-to-one mapping with instance variables.
No you can't. But you can do this if you're not using #property:
#interface X : Y {
struct X_Impl* impl;
struct X_Impl {
int value;
#implementation X
-(void)getValue {
return impl->value * impl->value;
How about a macro trick?
Have tested code below
have tested with dylibs - worked fine
have tested subclassing - Warning! will break, I agree this makes the trick not that useful, but still I think it tells some about how ObjC works...
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
MYCLASS_CONTENT // Nothing revealed here
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *name;
#property (nonatomic, assign) int extra;
- (id)initWithString:(NSString*)str;
// Define the required Class content here before the #import "MyClass.h"
NSString *_name; \
int _extra; \
int _hiddenThing;
#import "MyClass.h"
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize name=_name;
#synthesize extra=_extra;
- (id)initWithString:(NSString*)str
self = [super init];
if (self) { = str;
self.extra = 17;
_hiddenThing = 19;
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[_name release];
[super dealloc];
DON'T do this, but I feel it should be noted that the runtime has the ability to add ivars whenever you want with class_addIvar
I was able to do the following in my library:
#interface MyClass : SomeSuperClass <SomeProtocol> {
// Nothing in here
- (void)someMethods;
#interface MyClass ()
SomeClass *someVars;
#property (nonatomic, retain) SomeClass *someVars;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize someVar;
- (void)someMethods {
The protocol is optional of course. I believe this also makes all your instance variables private though I'm not 100% certain. For me it's just an interface to my static library so it doesn't really matter.
Anyway, I hope this helps you out. To anyone else reading this, do let me know if this is bad in general or has any unforeseen consequences. I'm pretty new to Obj-C myself so I could always use the advice of the experienced.
I don't think the following code written in another answer is working as expected.
The "SomeClass *someVars" defined in the extension class is not an instance variable of MyClass. I think it is a C global variable. If you synthesize someVars, you will get compile error. And self.someVars won't work either.
#interface MyClass : SomeSuperClass <SomeProtocol> {
// Nothing in here
- (void)someMethods;
#interface MyClass ()
SomeClass *someVars;
#property (nonatomic, retain) SomeClass *someVars;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize someVar;
- (void)someMethods {