Can a rowid be invalidated right after being inserted in Oracle? - sql

I'm running queries that look something like this:
SELECT ... FROM foo WHERE ROWID = :bind_var
Essentially, I'm inserting a row and getting its ROWID, then doing a select against that ROWID to get data back from that record. Very occasionally though, the ROWID won't be found.
Ignoring the fact that there's probably a better way to do what I'm trying to do, is it possible for a ROWID to change that quickly assuming that there's no one else using the database?
UPDATE There is a trigger involved. Here's the DDL statement for it:
before insert on log_elig_demographics
for each row
select log_elig_demographics_seq.nextval into :new.log_idn from dual;
Essentially, it's just a trigger that is set up to help us emulate an IDENTITY/AUTO INCREMENT field. Is there something wrong with this trigger?

A ROWID won't change unless:
you move the table (ALTER TABLE t MOVE), from one tablespace to another for example
the row switches from one partition to another (partitioned table with ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT)
you update the primary key of an INDEX ORGANIZED table.
When a row moves from one block to another in a standard (HEAP) table, because it grows so large it can't fit into its original block for example, it will be migrated. Oracle will leave a pointer to the new block and move the row. The row will keep its original ROWID.
ROWIDs can be relied upon, they are used in replication to refresh materialized views for example.

Your INSERT should be:
RETURNING primary_key INTO :bind_var
There's no need for the trigger.

I agree with Walter.
Instead of
SELECT ... FROM foo WHERE ROWID = :bind_var
...why not do the following?
SELECT primaryKey_seq.nextVal
INTO bind_var
FROM dual;
INSERT INTO foo (primaryKeyColumn,...)
VALUES (bind_var,...);
SELECT ... FROM foo WHERE primaryKeyColumn = bind_var;

A couple of other things may be happening.
Firstly, the INSERT may be failing. Are you checking for errors/exceptions ? If not, maybe the value in the variable is junk.
Secondly, you could be inserting something that you can select. Virtual Private Database / Row Level Security could be responsible.
Thirdly, if you commit in between the insert and select, a deferred constraint may force a rollback of the insert.
Fourthly, maybe you are doing a rollback.

Is there a trigger on the table that might be reversing the insert?

In my experience, the most likely reason for such an error to happen is that somewhere in between, a rollback has happened. Or, if there has been a commit, another user might have deleted the record.

How is the bind variable declared? In SQLPlus, you can't use a ROWID type, so there is type conversion going on. I wonder if it's possible that this is munging the ROWID value some of the time.


DB2 SQL statement - is it possible to A) declare a temporary table B) populate it with data then C) run a select statement against it?

I have read only access to a DB2 database and i want to create an "in flight/on the fly" or temporary table which only exists within the SQL, then populate it with values, then compare the results against an existing table.
So far I am trying to validate the premise and have the following query compiling but failing to pick anything up with the select statement.
Can anyone assist me with what I am doing wrong or advise on what I am attempting to do is possible? (Or perhaps a better way of doing things)
--Create a table that only exists within the query
--Insert a value into the temporary table
--Select all values from the temporary table
--Drop the table so the query can be run again
If you look at the syntax diagram of the DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement, you may note the following block:
This means that ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS is default behavior. If you issue your statements with the autocommit mode turned on, the commit statement issued automatically after each statement implicitly, which deletes all the rows in your DGTT.
If you want DB2 not to delete rows in DGTT upon commit, you have to explicitly specify the ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS clause in the DGTT declaration.

Is is safe to use ##IDENTITY in a transaction?

I was reading this answer about different methods of getting the last identity value entered into a database.
From what I understand, ##IDENTITY is usually a very bad idea because it might return an identity that is not the one you expected--for example an identity value that was recently created by a trigger.
But what if your code is in a transaction?
For example this is a simplified version of a transaction I'm doing (using ColdFusion):
<cfquery name="queryInsertA" datasource="source">
INSERT INTO tableA (columnName) VALUES (value)
<cfquery name="queryInsertB" datasource="source">
INSERT INTO tableB (fkey_tableA, columnName) VALUES (##IDENTITY, value)
Since, "If a transaction is successful, all of the data modifications made during the transaction are committed and become a permanent part of the database," does this mean that it would also prevent the isses that can arise when using ##IDENTITY? Or am I misunderstanding the behavior of transactions?
The answer you linked already explains what the main issue is with ##IDENTITY: scope. If your insert triggers another insert, you get an unexpected identity back. Transactions do not change anything.
If you wanted to get the last identity value inserted to a table, use the Ident_current() function.
Select ident_current ('your table name')
Also you can use scope_identity(), It will bring the identity value of a tablein that particular scope only.
Select scope_identity()
You don't need ##Identity, nor do you need 2 separate queries. Use the Scope_identity() function for integrity and make it a part of the same connection & query - like so.
<cfquery name="putUser" datasource="#dsn#">
INSERT INTO users(username, email)
('#usersname#','#email#' )
This will be totally safe, but like all db transactions it will still be subject to deadlocks so tuning is still important.
CFTRANSACTION is good for multiple DB operations where some CF logic might also be involved, but let the DB locking and transactional system work for you by keeping it together.
You can also use the result attribute of cfquery. If the query performs an INSERT of an identity or auto-increment value for ID, there will be a key named GENERATEDKEY returned in the structure.
<cfquery name="queryInsertA" datasource="source" result="resultA">
INSERT INTO tableA (columnName) VALUES (value)
<cfquery name="queryInsertB" datasource="source">
INSERT INTO tableB (fkey_tableA, columnName) VALUES (#resultA.generatedKey#, value)
Keep in mind this is only CF9 and higher.
You can use Sequence and use that during insert as below:
Access the sequence by using below query:
To make it simple :
You know you'r ALL ALONE in the db system, this means, no other user, or process running at the same time, no other transaction running, there is absolutly ZERO activity at the time you use it, and i mean it, ZERO ACTIVITY, then, ok...
NO ! If anything like i listed above does occur exactly while your transact is running, you will end up with the wrong identity.
It depends on what else is running at the same time as your transaction is instantiated. If there is a trigger on a table unrelated to the transaction that can insert a new identity value, the transaction scope you are currently in will not protect you.
For example say I create a SPROC that updates Table_A and inserts a record into it. This table has an identity field on it that will increment the ID value in that table each time a new record is inserted. Inside my SPROC I create a transaction and place my insert inside the transaction. After the insert I store the value of ##IDENTITY in a variable inside the same transaction.
Now I also have another table Table_B with it's own identity value but this table is trigger maintained. If I am executing my SPROC to insert a row in Table_A and during this update Table_B is also updated via a trigger, it is possible that when I retrieve the value of ##IDENTITY, it will actually give me the value of the ID created for Table_B rather than Table_A.
You should definitely use Transactions in your stored procedures but you are better off selecting the MAX(ID) of the table you inserted into to retrieve the ID you created rather than ##IDENTITY.

Delete a column from a table without changing the environment

I'm working on Oracle SQL database, quite big database. One of (among 150 tables) this table has to be changed because it's redundant (it can be generated through a join). I have been asked to delete a column from this table, to get rid of the redundancy. The problem is that now I have to change code everywhere someone made a insert/update/etc on this table (and don't forget the constraint!). I thought "I can make a view that do the right join" so the problem it's solved for all the select, but it's not working for the insert, because I'm updating 2 tables... Is there a way to solve this problem?
My goal is to rename my original table original_table in original_table_smaller (with one less column) and create a view (or something like a view) called original_table that work like the original table.
Is this possible?
As your view will contain one column that is not present in the real table, you will need to use an instead of trigger to make the view updateable.
Something like this:
create table smaller_table
id integer not null primary key,
some_column varchar(20)
create view real_table
select id,
null as old_column
from smaller_table;
Now your old code would run something like this:
insert into real_table
(id, some_column, old_column)
(1, 'foo', 'bar');
which results in:
ORA-01733: virtual column not allowed here
To get around this, you need an INSTEAD OF trigger:
create or replace trigger comp_trigger
instead of insert on smaller_table
insert into old_table
(id, some_column)
(, :new.some_column);
Now the value for the "old_column" will be ignored. You need something similar for updates as well.
If your view contains a join, then you can handle that situation as well in the trigger. Simply do an update/insert according to the data to two different tables
For more details and examples, see the manual
It is possible to insert/update on views.
You might want to check with USER_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS which columns you can insert to the view.
Check with this query:
select * from user_updatable_columns where table_name = 'VIEW_NAME';
Oracle has two different ways of making views updatable:-
The view is "key preserved" with respect to what you are trying to update. This means the primary key of the underlying table is in the view and the row appears only once in the view. This means Oracle can figure out exactly which underlying table row to update OR
You write an instead of trigger.

Immutable SQL columns

Is it possible to mark a column immutable in MSSQL?
Seems like it would be a useful DDL feature; once a value is set in a row ('row' being defined as a specific relation of values to a primary key), it could not be changed without deletion of the row.
Obviously (like most things) this is more than doable in the application layer, but half the fun of SQL DDL is error-checking your application code.
If the user doing the DML is not the owner of the objects and not "db_owner" in the database itself, you can just grant "insert" privilege, but not update privilege for that table:
Assuming a table with id, col1, col2
grant insert, select, delete on the_table to the_user;
grant update (id, col2) on the_table to the_user;
With these grants the_user can insert rows and supply values for all three columns. He can also update the id and the col2 column, but not the col1 column.
The db_owner (and possibly the creator/owner of the table) can always update all columns. I don't know if there is a way to revoke that privilege from those rolws.
It's possible, using an UPDATE TRIGGER like this:
CREATE TRIGGER trgAfterUpdateAsset ON dbo.Asset
IF UPDATE(AssetTypeID) AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM inserted i JOIN deleted d ON i.ID = d.ID WHERE i.AssetTypeID <> d.AssetTypeID)
RAISERROR ('AssetTypeID cannot change.', 16, 1);
(Note: The table has a Primary Key column, called ID).
I'm only rejecting the update if the value of AssetTypeID changes. So the column could be present in an update, and if it specified the old value, than it would pass through. (I needed this way)
No, there is no such feature in SQL Server.
The closest I can think about is an update trigger on the table that checks if the values in the specific column are the same for the INSERTED and DELETED logical tables and rejects the updates for the changed rows.
To my knowledge, this is not possible with DDL. However, you could implement BEFORE UPDATE triggers to meet your requirement. In the BEFORE UPDATE trigger, you could raise an exception or do whatever you want rather than update the row.
Another approach is to deny update rights to the table and create a stored procedure (which users do have the right to execute) that does not update the immutable field.

Delete and Insert or Select and Update

We have a status table. When the status changes we currently delete the old record and insert a new.
We are wondering if it would be faster to do a select to check if it exists followed by an insert or update.
Although similar to the following question, it is not the same, since we are changing individual records and the other question was doing a total table refresh.
Since you're talking SQL Server 2008, have you considered MERGE? It's a single statement that allows you to do an update or insert:
create table T1 (
ID int not null,
Val1 varchar(10) not null
insert into T1 (ID,Val1)
select 1,'abc'
merge into T1
using (select 1 as ID,'def' as Val1) upd on T1.ID = upd.ID --<-- These identify the row you want to update/insert and the new value you want to set. They could be #parameters
when matched then update set Val1 = upd.Val1
when not matched then insert (ID,Val1) values (upd.ID,upd.Val1);
What about INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY? First doing a select to check if a record exists and checking in your program the result of that creates a race condition. That might not be important in your case if there is only a single instance of the program however.
INSERT INTO users (username, email) VALUES ('Jo', '')
You can use ##ROWCOUNT and perform UPDATE. If it was 0 rows affected - then perform INSERT after, nothing otherwise.
Your suggestion would mean always two instructions for each status change. The usual way is to do an UPDATE and then check if the operation changed any rows (Most databases have a variable like ROWCOUNT which should be greater than 0 if something changed). If it didn't, do an INSERT.
Search for UPSERT for find patterns for your specific DBMS
Personally, I think the UPDATE method is the best. Instead of doing a SELECT first to check if a record already exists, you can first attempt an UPDATE but if no rows are affected (using ##ROWCOUNT) you can do an INSERT.
The reason for this is that sooner or later you might want to track status changes, and the best way to do this would be to keep an audit trail of all changes using a trigger on the status table.