Excluding some columns in a SELECT statement - sql

In the result for SELECT * from myTable WHERE some-condition;
I'm interested in 9 of all the 10 columns that exist. The only way out is to specify the 9 columns explicitly ?
I cannot somehow specify just the column I don't want to see?

The only way is to list all 9 columns.
Such as:
SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9 FROM myTable

No, you can not. An example definition of select list for Sybase can be found here, you can easily find others for other DBs
The reason for that is that the standard methods of selection - "*" (aka all columns) and a list of columns - are defined operations in relational Algebra whereas the exclusion of columns is not
Also, as mentioned in Joe's comment, it is usually considered good practice to explicitly specify column list as opposed to "*" even when selecting all columns.
The reason for that is that having * in a joined query may cause the query to break if a table schema change introduces identically-named fields in both of the joined tables.
However, when selecting without a join from a very wide and often-mutating table, the above rule may not apply, as having "*" makes for a good change management (your query is one less place to fix and release when adding new columns), especially if you have flexible DB retrieval code that can dynamically deal with a column set from table definition instead of something specified in the code. (e.g., 100% of our extractors and loaders are fully working whenever a new column is added to the DB).

If you had to (can't think of why), but you could dynamically create this select statement by querying the columns in this table and exclude the one column name in the where clause.
Not worth the performance hit, confusion, and maintenance issues that will come up.

You actually need to specify the columns explicitly (as said by Luke it is good practice), and here is the reason:
Let's say that you write some code / scripts around you sql queries. You now have a whooping 50 different selects in various places of your code.
Suddenly you realize that for this new feature you are working on, you need another column (symmetry, you are doing cleanup and realize a column is useless and wasting space, though it is harder).
Now you are in either of this 2 situations:
You explicitly stated the columns in each and every query: Adding a column is a backward compatible change, just code your new feature and be done with it.
You used the '*' operator for a few queries: you have to track them down and modify them all. Forget a single one and it will be your grave.
Oh, and did I specify that a query with a '' selector takes more time to be executed since the DB actually has to query the model and develop the '' selector ?
Moral: only use the '*' selector when you are checking manually that your columns are fine (at which point you actually need to check everything), in code, just bane them or they'll be your doom.

No, you can't (at least not in any SQL dialect that I'm aware of).
It's good practice to explicitly specify your column names anyway, rather than using SELECT *.

In the end, you need to specify all 9 out of 10 columns separately - but there's tooling help out there which helps you make this easier!
Check out Red-Gate's SQL Prompt which is an intellisense-add-on for SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio.
Amongst a lot of other things, it allows you to type
and then go back, put the cursor after the " * ", and press TAB - it will then list out all the columns in that table and you can tweak that list (e.g. remove a few you don't need).
Absolutely invaluable - saves hours and hours of mindless typing! Well worth the price of a license, I'd say.
Highly recommended!


SQL DB2 - How to SELECT or compare columns based on their name?

Thank you for checking my question out!
I'm trying to write a query for a very specific problem we're having at my workplace and I can't seem to get my head around it.
Short version: I need to be able to target columns by their name, and more specifically by a part of their name that will be consistent throughout all the columns I need to combine or compare.
More details:
We have (for example), 5 different surveys. They have many questions each, but SOME of the questions are part of the same metric, and we need to create a generic field that keeps it. There's more background to the "why" of that, but it's pretty important for us at this point.
We were able to kind of solve this with either COALESCE() or CASE statements but the challenge is that, as more surveys/survey versions continue to grow, our vendor inevitably generates new columns for each survey and its questions.
Take this example, which is what we do currently and works well enough:
WHEN SURVEY_NAME = 'Transfer1' THEN Null
And also this alternative which works well:
But as I mentioned, eventually we will have a "SALE2_REC" for example, and we'll need them BOTH on this same statement. I want to create something where having to come into the SQL and make changes isn't needed. Given that the columns will ALWAYS be named "something#_REC" for this specific metric, is there any way to achieve something like:
COALESCE(all columns named LIKE '%_REC') as REC
Bonus! Related, might be another way around this same problem:
Would there also be a way to achieve this?
SELECT (columns named LIKE '%_REC') FROM ...
Thank you very much in advance for all your time and attention.
Table and column information in Db2 are managed in the system catalog. The relevant views are SYSCAT.TABLES and SYSCAT.COLUMNS. You could write:
select colname, tabname from syscat.tables
where colname like some_expression
and syscat.tabname='MYTABLE
Note that the LIKE predicate supports expressions based on a variable or the result of a scalar function. So you could match it against some dynamic input.
Have you considered storing the more complicated properties in JSON or XML values? Db2 supports both and you can query those values with regular SQL statements.

Replace one column in a table with a column in a different table and select *

Apologies for the somewhat confusing Title, I've been struggling to find an answer to my question, partly because it's hard to concisely describe it in the title line or come up with a good search string for it. Anyhoooo, here's the problem I'm facing:
Short version of the question is:
How can I write the following (invalid but understandable SQL) in valid SQL understood by Oracle:
select B.REPLACER as COL, A.* except A.COL from A join B on a.COL = B.COL;
Here's the long version (if you already know what I want from reading the short version, you don't need to read this :P ):
My (simplified) task is to come up with service that massages a table's data and provide it as a sub-query. The table has a lot of columns (a few dozens or more), and I am stuck with using "select *" rather than explicitly listing out all columns one by one, because new columns may be added to or removed from the table without me knowing, although my downstream systems will know and adjust accordingly.
Say, this table (let's call it Table A from now on) has a column called "COL", and we need to replace the values in that COL with the value in the REPLACER column of table B where the two COL value matches.
How do I do this? I cannot rename the column because the downstream systems expect "COL"; I cannot do without the "expect A.COL" part because that would cause the sql to be ambiguous.
Appreciate your help, almighty StackOverflow
You can either use table.* or table.fieldName.
There is no syntax available for table.* (except field X).
This means that you can only get what you want by explicitly listing all of the fields...
A join B on a.COL = B.COL;
This means that you may need to re-model your data so as to ensure you don't keep getting new fields. OR write dynamic sql. Interrogate the database to find out the column names, use code to write a query as above, and then run that dynamically generated query.
Try this: (not tested)
select Case B.COL
when null then A.COL
end as COLAB, A.*
from A left join B on A.COL = B.COL;
This should get the B.REPLACER when exists B.COL = A.COL, you can add more column in the select (like sample col1, col2) or use A.* (change COL into COLAB to make it distinguish with A.COL in A.*) .
Like said before, you cannot specify in regular sql which column not to select. you could write a procedure for that, but it would be quite complex, because you would need to return a variable table type. Probably something with refcursor magic stuff.
The closest I could come up with is joining with using. This will give you the column col in the first field once and for the rest all columns in a and b. So not what you want basically. :)
select *
from a
join b using (col)
Let's start from first principles. select * from .... is a bug waiting to happend and has no place in production code. Of course everybody uses it because it entails less typing but that doesn't make it a good practice.
Beyond that, the ANSI SQL standard doesn't support select * except col1 from .... syntax. I know a lot of people wish it would but it doesn't.
There are a couple of ways to avoid excessive typing. One is to generate the query by selecting from data dictionary, using one of the views like USER_TAB_COLUMNS. It is worth writing the PL?SQL block to do this if you need lots of queries like this.
A simpler hack is to use the SQL*Plus describe to list out the structure of table A; cut'n'paste it into an IDE which supports regular expressions and edit the columns to give you the query's projection.
Both these options might strike you as labourious but frankly either workaround (and especially the second) would have taken less effort than asking StackOverflow. You'll know better next time.

Can scalar functions be applied before filtering when executing a SQL Statement?

I suppose I have always naively assumed that scalar functions in the select part of a SQL query will only get applied to the rows that meet all the criteria of the where clause.
Today I was debugging some code from a vendor and had that assumption challenged. The only reason I can think of for this code failing is that the Substring() function is getting called on data that should have been filtered out by the WHERE clause. But it appears that the substring call is being applied before the filtering happens, the query is failing.
Here is an example of what I mean. Let's say we have two tables, each with 2 columns and having 2 rows and 1 row respectively. The first column in each is just an id. NAME is just a string, and NAME_LENGTH tells us how many characters in the name with the same ID. Note that only names with more than one character have a corresponding row in the LONG_NAMES table.
1, "Peter"
2, "X"
1, 5
If I want a query to print each name with the last 3 letters cut off, I might first try something like this (assuming SQL Server syntax for now):
SELECT substring(NAME,1,len(NAME)-3)
I would soon find out that this would give me an error, because when it reaches "X" it will try using a negative number for in the substring call, and it will fail.
The way my vendor decided to solve this was by filtering out rows where the strings were too short for the len - 3 query to work. He did it by joining to another table:
SELECT substring(NAMES.NAME,1,len(NAMES.NAME)-3)
At first glance, this query looks like it might work. The join condition will eliminate any rows that have NAME fields short enough for the substring call to fail.
However, from what I can observe, SQL Server will sometimes try to calculate the the substring expression for everything in the table, and then apply the join to filter out rows. Is this supposed to happen this way? Is there a documented order of operations where I can find out when certain things will happen? Is it specific to a particular Database engine or part of the SQL standard? If I decided to include some predicate on my NAMES table to filter out short names, (like len(NAME) > 3), could SQL Server also choose to apply that after trying to apply the substring? If so then it seems the only safe way to do a substring would be to wrap it in a "case when" construct in the select?
Martin gave this link that pretty much explains what is going on - the query optimizer has free rein to reorder things however it likes. I am including this as an answer so I can accept something. Martin, if you create an answer with your link in it i will gladly accept that instead of this one.
I do want to leave my question here because I think it is a tricky one to search for, and my particular phrasing of the issue may be easier for someone else to find in the future.
TSQL divide by zero encountered despite no columns containing 0
EDIT: As more responses have come in, I am again confused. It does not seem clear yet when exactly the optimizer is allowed to evaluate things in the select clause. I guess I'll have to go find the SQL standard myself and see if i can make sense of it.
Joe Celko, who helped write early SQL standards, has posted something similar to this several times in various USENET newsfroups. (I'm skipping over the clauses that don't apply to your SELECT statement.) He usually said something like "This is how statements are supposed to act like they work". In other words, SQL implementations should behave exactly as if they did these steps, without actually being required to do each of these steps.
Build a working table from all of
the table constructors in the FROM
Remove from the working table those
rows that do not satisfy the WHERE
Construct the expressions in the
SELECT clause against the working table.
So, following this, no SQL dbms should act like it evaluates functions in the SELECT clause before it acts like it applies the WHERE clause.
In a recent posting, Joe expands the steps to include CTEs.
CJ Date and Hugh Darwen say essentially the same thing in chapter 11 ("Table Expressions") of their book A Guide to the SQL Standard. They also note that this chapter corresponds to the "Query Specification" section (sections?) in the SQL standards.
You are thinking about something called query execution plan. It's based on query optimization rules, indexes, temporaty buffers and execution time statistics. If you are using SQL Managment Studio you have toolbox over your query editor where you can look at estimated execution plan, it shows how your query will change to gain some speed. So if just used your Name table and it is in buffer, engine might first try to subquery your data, and then join it with other table.

Building Query from Multi-Selection Criteria

I am wondering how others would handle a scenario like such:
Say I have multiple choices for a user to choose from.
Like, Color, Size, Make, Model, etc.
What is the best solution or practice for handling the build of your query for this scneario?
so if they select 6 of the 8 possible colors, 4 of the possible 7 makes, and 8 of the 12 possible brands?
You could do dynamic OR statements or dynamic IN Statements, but I am trying to figure out if there is a better solution for handling this "WHERE" criteria type logic?
I am getting some really good feedback (thanks everyone)...one other thing to note is that some of the selections could even be like (40 of the selections out of the possible 46) so kind of large. Thanks again!
What I would suggest doing is creating a function that takes in a delimited list of makeIds, colorIds, etc. This is probably going to be an int (or whatever your key is). And splits them into a table for you.
Your SP will take in a list of makes, colors, etc as you've said above.
YourSP '1,4,7,11', '1,6,7', '6'....
Inside your SP you'll call your splitting function, which will return a table-
Cars C
JOIN YourFunction(#models) YF ON YF.Id = C.ModelId
JOIN YourFunction(#colors) YF2 ON YF2.Id = C.ColorId
Then, if they select nothing they get nothing. If they select everything, they'll get everything.
What is the best solution or practice for handling the build of your query for this scenario?
Dynamic SQL.
A single parameter represents two states - NULL/non-existent, or having a value. Two more means squaring the number of parameters to get the number of total possibilities: 2 yields 4, 3 yields 9, etc. A single, non-dynamic query can contain all the possibilities but will perform horribly between the use of:
overall non-sargability
and inability to reuse the query plan
...when compared to a dynamic SQL query that constructs the query out of only the absolutely necessary parts.
The query plan is cached in SQL Server 2005+, if you use the sp_executesql command - it is not if you only use EXEC.
I highly recommend reading The Curse and Blessing of Dynamic SQL.
For something this complex, you may want a session table that you update when the user selects their criteria. Then you can join the session table to your items table.
This solution may not scale well to thousands of users, so be careful.
If you want to create dynamic SQL it won't matter if you use the OR approach or the IN approach. SQL Server will process the statements the same way (maybe with little variation in some situations.)
You may also consider using temp tables for this scenario. You can insert the selections for each criteria into temp tables (e.g., #tmpColor, #tmpSize, #tmpMake, etc.). Then you can create a non-dynamic SELECT statement. Something like the following may work:
SELECT <column list>
FROM MyTable
WHERE MyTable.ColorID in (SELECT ColorID FROM #tmpColor)
OR MyTable.SizeID in (SELECT SizeID FROM #tmpSize)
OR MyTable.MakeID in (SELECT MakeID FROM #tmpMake)
The dynamic OR/IN and the temp table solutions work fine if each condition is independent of the other conditions. In other words, if you need to select rows where ((Color is Red and Size is Medium) or (Color is Green and Size is Large)) you'll need to try other solutions.

Beginner SQL section: avoiding repeated expression

I'm entirely new at SQL, but let's say that on the StackExchange Data Explorer, I just want to list the top 15 users by reputation, and I wrote something like this:
DisplayName, Id, Reputation, Reputation/1000 As RepInK
RepInK > 10
ORDER BY Reputation DESC
Currently this gives an Error: Invalid column name 'RepInK', which makes sense, I think, because RepInK is not a column in Users. I can easily fix this by saying WHERE Reputation/1000 > 10, essentially repeating the formula.
So the questions are:
Can I actually use the RepInK "column" in the WHERE clause?
Do I perhaps need to create a virtual table/view with this column, and then do a SELECT/WHERE query on it?
Can I name an expression, e.g. Reputation/1000, so I only have to repeat the names in a few places instead of the formula?
What do you call this? A substitution macro? A function? A stored procedure?
Is there an SQL quicksheet, glossary of terms, language specification, anything I can use to quickly pick up the syntax and semantics of the language?
I understand that there are different "flavors"?
Can I actually use the RepInK "column" in the WHERE clause?
No, but you can rest assured that your database will evaluate (Reputation / 1000) once, even if you use it both in the SELECT fields and within the WHERE clause.
Do I perhaps need to create a virtual table/view with this column, and then do a SELECT/WHERE query on it?
Yes, a view is one option to simplify complex queries.
Can I name an expression, e.g. Reputation/1000, so I only have to repeat the names in a few places instead of the formula?
You could create a user defined function which you can call something like convertToK, which would receive the rep value as an argument and returns that argument divided by 1000. However it is often not practical for a trivial case like the one in your example.
Is there an SQL quicksheet, glossary of terms, language specification, anything I can use to quickly pick up the syntax and semantics of the language?
I suggest practice. You may want to start following the mysql tag on Stack Overflow, where many beginner questions are asked every day. Download MySQL, and when you think there's a question within your reach, try to go for the solution. I think this will help you pick up speed, as well as awareness of the languages features. There's no need to post the answer at first, because there are some pretty fast guns on the topic over here, but with some practice I'm sure you'll be able to bring home some points :)
I understand that there are different "flavors"?
The flavors are actually extensions to ANSI SQL. Database vendors usually augment the SQL language with extensions such as Transact-SQL and PL/SQL.
You could simply re-write the WHERE clause
where reputation > 10000
This won't always be convenient. As an alternativly, you can use an inline view:
a.DisplayName, a.Id, a.Reputation, a.RepInK
DisplayName, Id, Reputation, Reputation/1000 As RepInK
ORDER BY Reputation DESC
) a
a.RepInK > 10
Regarding something like named expressions, while there are several possible alternatives, the query optimizer is going to do best just writing out the formula Reputation / 1000 long-hand. If you really need to run a whole group of queries using the same evaluated value, your best bet is to create view with the field defined, but you wouldn't want to do that for a one-off query.
As an alternative, (and in cases where performance is not much of an issue), you could try something like:
DisplayName, Id, Reputation, RepInk
SELECT DisplayName, Id, Reputation, Reputation / 1000 as RepInk
FROM Users
) AS table
WHERE table.RepInk > 10
ORDER BY Reputation DESC
though I don't believe that's supported by all SQL dialects and, again, the optimizer is likely to do a much worse job which this kind of thing (since it will run the SELECT against the full Users table and then filter that result). Still, for some situations this sort of query is appropriate (there's a name for this... I'm drawing a blank at the moment).
Personally, when I started out with SQL, I found the W3 schools reference to be my constant stopping-off point. It fits my style for being something I can glance at to find a quick answer and move on. Eventually, however, to really take advantage of the database it is necessary to delve into the vendors documentation.
Although SQL is "standarized", unfortunately (though, to some extent, fortunately), each database vendor implements their own version with their own extensions, which can lead to quite different syntax being the most appropriate (for a discussion of the incompatibilities of various databases on one issue see the SQLite documentation on NULL handling. In particular, standard functions, e.g., for handling DATEs and TIMEs tend to differ per vendor, and there are other, more drastic differences (particularly in not support subselects or properly handling JOINs). If you care for some of the details, this document provides both the standard forms and deviations for several major databases.
You CAN refer to RepInK in the Order By clause, but in the Where clause you must repeat the expression. But, as others have said, it will only be executed once.
There are good answers for the technical problem already, so I'll only address some of the rest of your questions.
If you're just working with the DataExplorer, you'll want to familiarize yourself with SQL Server syntax since that's what it's running. The best place to find that, of course, is MSDN's reference.
Yes, there are different variations in SQL syntax. For example, the TOP clause in the query you gave is SQL Server specific; in MySQL you'd use the LIMIT clause instead (and these keywords don't necessarily appear in the same spot in the query!).