SQL Server slow select from large table - sql

I have a table with about 20+ million records.
Structure is like:
TypeId INT
MetaId INT
Table is receiving about 100k+ records each day.
I have indexes on each column except MetaId, as it is not used in 'where' clauses
The problem is when i want to pick up eg. latest 100 records for desired SourceUserId
Query sometimes takes up to 4 minutes to execute, which is not acceptable.
WHERE SourceUserId = '15b534b17-5a5a-415a-9fc0-7565199c3461'
TypeId IN (2, 3, 4)
(TypeId = 60 AND SrcMemberId != DstMemberId)
I can't do partitioning etc as I am using Standard version of SQL Server and Enterprise is too expensive.
I also think that the table is quite small to be that slow.
I think the problem is with ORDER BY clause as db must go through much bigger set of data.
Any ideas how to make it quicker ?
Perhaps relational database is not a good idea for that kind of data.
Data is always being picked up ordered by CreatedAt DESC
Thank you for reading.

You'll likely want to create a composite index for this type of query - when the query runs slowly it is most likely choosing to scan down an index on the CreatedAt column and perform a residual filter on the SourceUserId value, when in reality what you want to happen is to jump directly to all records for a given SourceUserId ordered properly - to achieve this, you'll want to create a composite index primarily on SourceUserId (performing an equality check) and secondarily on CreateAt (to preserve the order within a given SourceUserId value). You may want to try adding the TypeId in as well, depending on the selectivity of this column.
So, the 2 that will most likely give the best repeatable performance (try them out and compare) would be:
Index on (SourceUserId, CreatedAt)
Index on (SourceUserId, TypeId, CreatedAt)
As always, there are also many other considerations to take into account with determining how/what/where to index, as Remus discusses in a separate answer one big consideration is covering the query vs. keeping lookups. Additionally you'll need to consider write volumes, possible fragmentation impact (if any), singleton lookups vs. large sequential scans, etc., etc.

I have indexes on each column except
Non-covering indexes will likely hit the 'tipping point' and the query would revert to a table scan. Just adding an index on every column because it is used in a where clause does not equate good index design. To take your query for example, a good 100% covering index would be:
INDEX ON (SourceUserId , CreatedAt) INCLUDE (TypeId, SrcMemberId, DstMemberId)
Following index is also usefull, altough it still going to cause lookups:
INDEX ON (SourceUserId , CreatedAt) INCLUDE (TypeId)
and finaly an index w/o any included column may help, but is just as likely will be ignored (depends on the column statistics and cardinality estimates):
INDEX ON (SourceUserId , CreatedAt)
But a separate index on SourceUSerId and one on CreatedAt is basically useless for your query.
See Index Design Basics.

The fact that the table has indexes built on GUID values, indicates a possible series of problems that would affect performance:
High index fragmentation: since new GUIDs are generated randomly, the index cannot organize them in a sequential order and the nodes are spread unevenly.
High number of page splits: the size of a GUID (16 bytes) causes many page splits in the index, since there's a greater chance than a new value wont't fit in the remaining space available in a page.
Slow value comparison: comparing two GUIDs is a relatively slow operation because all 33 characters must be matched.
Here a couple of resources on how to investigate and resolve these problems:
How to Detect Index Fragmentation in SQL Server 2000 and 2005
Reorganizing and Rebuilding Indexes
How Using GUIDs in SQL Server Affect Index Performance

I would recomend getting the data in 2 sep var tables
WHERE SourceUserId = '15b534b17-5a5a-415a-9fc0-7565199c3461'
TypeId IN (2, 3, 4)
WHERE SourceUserId = '15b534b17-5a5a-415a-9fc0-7565199c3461'
(TypeId = 60 AND SrcMemberId != DstMemberId)
then apply a unoin from the selects, ordered and top. Limit the data from the get go.

I suggest using a UNION:
SELECT TOP 100 x.*
WHERE a.typeid IN (2, 3, 4)
WHERE b.typeid = 60
AND b.srcmemberid != b.dstmemberid) x
WHERE x.sourceuserid = '15b534b17-5a5a-415a-9fc0-7565199c3461'

We've realised a minor gain by moving to a BIGINT IDENTITY key for our event table; by using that as a clustered primary key, we can cheat and use that for date ordering.

I would make sure CreatedAt is indexed properly

you could split the query in two with an UNION to avoid the OR (which can cause your index not to be used), something like
SElect * FROM(
WHERE SourceUserId = '15b534b17-5a5a-415a-9fc0-7565199c3461'
AND TypeId IN (2, 3, 4)
WHERE SourceUserId = '15b534b17-5a5a-415a-9fc0-7565199c3461'
AND TypeId = 60 AND SrcMemberId != DstMemberId
Also, check that the uniqueidentifier indexes are not CLUSTERED.

If there are 100K records added each day, you should check your index fragmentation.
And rebuild or reorganize it accordingly.
More info :


db2 10.5 multi-column index explanation

My first time working with indexes in database and so far I've learn that if you have a multi-column index such as index('col1', 'col2', 'col3'), and if you do a query that uses where col2='col2' and col3='col3', that index would not be use.
I also learn that if a column is very low selectivity column. Indexing is useless.
However, from my test, it seems none of the above is true at all. Can someone explain more on this?
I have a table with more than 16 million records. Let's say claimID is the primary key, then there're a historynumber column that only have 3 distinct values (1,2,3), and a last column with storeNumber that has about 1 million distinct values.
I have an index for claimID alone, another index(historynumber, claimID), and other index with index(historynumber, storeNumber), and finally index(storeNumber, historynumber).
My guess was that if I do:
select * from my_table where claimId='123456' and historynumber = 1
would be much faster than
select * from my_table where historynumber = 1 and claimId = '123456'
However, the 2 have exactly the same performance (instant). So I thought the primary key index can work on any column order. Therefore, I tried the same thing but on historynumber and storeNumber instead. The result is exactly the same. Then I start trying out on columns that has no indexes and of course the result is the same also.
Finally, I do a
select * from my_table where historynumber = 1
and the query takes so long I had to cancel it.
So my conclusion is that the column order in where clause is completely useless, and so is the column order in the index definition since it seems like the database is smart enough to tell which column is the highest selectivity column.
Could someone give me an example that could prove otherwise?
Index explanation is a huge topic.
Don't worry about the sequence of different attributes in the SQL - it has no effect whether you specify
...where claimId='123456' and historynumber = 1
or the other way round. Each SQL is checked and optimized by the optimizer. To proove how the data gets accessed you could do a EXPLAIN. Check the documentation for more details.
For your other problem
select * from my_table where historynumber = 1
with an index of (storeNumber, historynumber).
Have you ever tried to lookup the name of a caller (having the telephone number) in a telephone book?
Well it is pretty much the same for an index - so the column order when creatin the index matters!
There are techniques which could help - i.e. index jump scan - but there is no guarantee.
Check out following sites to learn a little bit more about DB2 indexes:

SQL Server 2005 performance issue with DISTINCT

I have a table tblStkMst2 which has 87 columns and 53,000 rows. If I execute the following query it takes 83 to 96 milliseconds (Core2 Duo, 2.8 GHz, 2 GB of RAM). But when I use a distinct keyword it takes 1086 to 1103 milliseconds (more than 1 second). It is really expensive. If I apply duplicate removal algorithm on 53,000 rows of data it does not take 1 seconds.
Is there any other way in SQL Server 2005 to improve execution time?
declare #monthOnly int set #monthOnly = 12
declare #yearOnly int set #yearOnly = 2011
SELECT --(distinct)--
tblSModelMst.SMNo as [ModelID]
,tblSModelMst.Vehicle as [ModelName]
FROM tblStkMst2
INNER JOIN tblDCDetail ON tblStkMst2.DCNo = tblDCDetail.DCNo AND tblDCDetail.Refund=0
INNER JOIN tblSModelMst ON tblStkMst2.SMno = tblSModelMst.SMNo
INNER JOIN tblBuyerMst ON tblDCDetail.BNo = tblBuyerMst.BNo
LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSModelSegment ON tblSModelMst.SMSeg = tblSModelSegment.ID
left outer JOIN dbo.tblProdManager as pd ON pd.PMID = tblBuyerMst.PMId
WHERE (pd.Active = 1) AND ((tblStkMst2.ISSFlg = 1) or (tblStkMst2.IsBooked = 1))
AND (MONTH(tblStkMst2.SIssDate) = #monthOnly) AND (YEAR(tblStkMst2.SIssDate) = #yearOnly)
It is not that DISTINCT is very expensive (this is only 53000 rows, which is tiny). You are seeing a significant performance difference because SQL server is choosing a completely different query plan when you add DISTINCT. Without seeing the query plans it is very difficult to see what is happening.
There are a couple of things in your query though which you could do better which could significantly improve performance.
(1) Avoid where clauses like this where you need to transform a column:
AND (MONTH(tblStkMst2.SIssDate) = #monthOnly) AND (YEAR(tblStkMst2.SIssDate) = #yearOnly)
If you have an index on the SIssDate column SQL Server won't be able to use it (it will likely do a table scan as I suspect it won't be able to use another index).
If you want to take advantage of the SIssDate index, it is better if you try and convert the #monthOnly/#yearonly parameters into a min and max date and use these in the query:
AND (tblStkMst2.SIssDate between #minDate and #maxDate);
If you have a surrogate primary key (which is the clustered index) on the table, it may be useful to do this before you run your query (assuming your surrogate primary key is called tblStkMst2_id)
SELECT #minId=MIN(tblStkMst2_id), #maxId=(tblStkMst2_id)
tblStkMst2 WHERE tblStkMsg2.SIssDate between #minDate and #maxDate;
This should be very fast as SQL server should not even need to look at the table (just at the SIssDate non-clustered index and the tblStkMst2_id clustered index).
Then you can do this in your main query (instead of the date check):
AND (tblStkMst2.tblStkMst2_id BETWEEN #minId and #maxId);
Using the clustered index is much faster than using a non-clustered index as the DB will be able to sequentially access these records (rather than going through the non-clustered index redirect).
(2) Delay the join to tblStkMst2 until after you do the DISTINCT (or GROUP BY). The fewer entries in the DISTINCT (GROUP BY) the better.
SQL Server optimizes to avoid worst-case execution. This can lead it to prefer a suboptimal algorithm, like preferring a disk sort over a hash sort, just to be on the safe side.
For a limited number of distinct values, a hash sort is the fastest way to execute a distinct operation. A hash sort trades memory for execution speed. But if you have a large number of values, the hash sort breaks down because the hash is too large to store in memory. So you need a way to tell SQL Server that the hash will fit into memory.
One possible way to do that is to use a temporary table:
declare #t (ModelID int, ModelName varchar(50))
insert #t (ModelID, ModelName) select ...your original query here...
select distinct ModelID, ModelName from #t
SQL Server will know the size of the temporary table, allowing it to choose a better algorithm in many cases.
Several ways.
1 - Don't use DISTINCT
2 - Create an index on TblSModelMst(SMNo) INCLUDE (Vehicle), and index your other JOIN keys.
You really should figure out why you get duplicates and take care of that first. It's likely additional matching rows in one or more of your JOINed tables.
DISTINCT has it's place but is heavily overused to obscure data issues, and it's a very expensive operator, especially when you have a large number of rows you are filtering down from.
To get a more complete answer you need to explain your data structure and what you are trying to achieve.

Slow query with unexpected index scan

I have this query:
FROM sample
INNER JOIN test ON sample.sample_number = test.sample_number
INNER JOIN result ON test.test_number = result.test_number
WHERE sampled_date BETWEEN '2010-03-17 09:00' AND '2010-03-17 12:00'
the biggest table here is RESULT, contains 11.1M records. The left 2 tables about 1M.
this query works slowly (more than 10 minutes) and returns about 800 records. executing plan shows clustered index scan (over it's PRIMARY KEY (result.result_number, which actually doesn't take part in query)) over all 11M records.
RESULT.TEST_NUMBER is a clustered primary key.
if I change 2010-03-17 09:00 to 2010-03-17 10:00 - i get about 40 records. it executes for 300ms. and plan shows index seek (over result.test_number index)
if i replace * in SELECT clause to result.test_number (covered with index) - then all become fast in first case too. this points to hdd IO issues, but doesn't clarifies changing plan.
so, any ideas?
sampled_date is in table sample and covered by index.
other fields from this query: test.sample_number is covered by index and result.test_number too.
obviously than sql server in any reasons don't want to use index.
i did a small experiment: i remove INNER JOIN with result, select all test.test_number and after that do
this, of course, works fast. but i cannot get what is the difference and why query optimizer choose such inappropriate way to select data in 1st case.
after backing up database and restoring to database with new name - both requests work fast as expected even on much more ranges...
so - are there any special commands to clean or optimize, whatever, that can be relevant to this? :-(
A couple things to try:
Update statistics
Add hints to the query about what index to use (in SQL Server you might say WITH (INDEX(myindex)) after specifying a table)
EDIT: You noted that copying the database made it work, which tells me that the index statistics were out of date. You can update them with something like UPDATE STATISTICS mytable on a regular basis.
Use EXEC sp_updatestats to update the whole database.
The first thing I would do is specify the exact columns I want, and see if the problems persists. I doubt you would need all the columns from all three tables.
It sounds like it has trouble getting all the rows out of the result table. How big is a row? Look at how big all the data in the table is and divide it by the number of rows. Right click on the table -> properties..., Storage tab.
Try putting where clause into a subquery to force it to do that first?
(SELECT * FROM sample
WHERE sampled_date
BETWEEN '2010-03-17 09:00' AND '2010-03-17 12:00') s
INNER JOIN test ON s.sample_number = test.sample_number
INNER JOIN result ON test.test_number = result.test_number
OR this might work better if you expect a small number of samples
FROM sample
INNER JOIN test ON sample.sample_number = test.sample_number
INNER JOIN result ON test.test_number = result.test_number
WHERE sample.sample_ID in (
SELECT sample_ID
FROM sample
WHERE sampled_date BETWEEN '2010-03-17 09:00' AND '2010-03-17 12:00'
If you do a SELECT *, you want all the data from the table. The data for the table is in the clustered index - the leaf nodes of the clustered index are the data pages.
So if you want all of those data pages anyway, and since you're joining 1 mio. rows to 11 mio. rows (1 out of 11 isn't very selective for SQL Server), using an index to find the rows, and then do bookmark lookups into the actual data pages for each of those rows found, might just not be very efficient, and thus SQL Server uses the clustered index scan instead.
So to make a long story short: only select those rows you really need! You thus give SQL Server a chance to use an index, do a seek there, and find the necessary data.
If you only select three, four columns, then the chances that SQL Server will find and use an index that contains those columns are just so much higher than if you ask for all the data from all the tables involved.
Another option would be to try and find a way to express a subquery, using e.g. a Common Table Expression, that would grab data from the two smaller tables, and reduce that number of rows even more, and join the hopefully quite small result against the main table. If you have a small result set of only 40 or 800 results (rather than two tables with 1 mio. rows each), then SQL Server might be more inclined to use a Clustered Index Seek and do bookmark lookups on 40 or 800 rows, rather than doing a full Clustered Index Scan.

Smart choice for primary key and clustered index on a table in SQL 2005 to boost performance of selecting single record or multiple records

EDIT: I have added "Slug" column to address performance issues on specific record selection.
I have following columns in my table.
Id Int - Primary key (identity, clustered by default)
Slug varchar(100)
EntryDate DateTime
Most of the time, I'm ordering the select statement by EntryDate like below.
Select T.Id, T.Slug, ..., T.EntryDate
From (
Select Id, Slug, ..., EntryDate,
Row_Number() Over (Order By EntryDate Desc, Id Desc) AS RowNum
From TableName
Where ...
) As T
Where T.RowNum Between ... And ...
I'm ordering it by EntryDate and Id in case there are duplicate EntryDates.
When I'm selecting A record, I do the following.
Select Id, Slug, ..., EntryDate
From TableName
Where Slug = #slug And Year(EntryDate) = #entryYear
And Month(EntryDate) = #entryMonth
I have a unique key of Slug & EntryDate.
What would be a smart choice of keys and indexes in my situation? I'm facing performance issues probably because I'm ordering by a column that is not clustered indexed.
Should I have Id set as non-clustered primary key and EntryDate as clustered index?
I appreciate all your help. Thanks.
I haven't tried adding non-clustered index on the EntryDate. Data inserted from back-end, so performance for insert isn't a big deal for me. Also, EntryDate is not always the date when it is inserted. It can be a past date. Back-end user picks the date.
Based on the current table layout you want some indexes like this.
CREATE INDEX IX_YourTable_1 ON dbo.YourTable
(EntryDate, Id)
CREATE INDEX IX_YourTable_2 ON dbo.YourTable
(EntryDate, Slug)
Add any other columns you are returning to the INCLUDE line.
Change your second query to something like this.
Select Id, Slug, ..., EntryDate
From TableName
Where Slug = #slug
AND EntryDate BETWEEN CAST(CAST(#EntryYear AS VARCHAR(4) + CAST(#EntryMonth AS VARCHAR(2)) + '01' AS DATE) AND DATEADD(mm, 1, CAST(CAST(#EntryYear AS VARCHAR(4) + CAST(#EntryMonth AS VARCHAR(2)) + '01' AS DATE))
The way your second query is currently written the index will never be used. If you can change the Slug column to a related table it will increase your performance and decrease your storage requirements.
Have you tried simply adding a non-clustered index on the entrydate to see what kind of performance gain you get?
Also, how often is new data added? and will new data that is added always be >= the last EntryDate?
You want to keep ID as a clustered index, as you will most likely join to the table off your id, and not entry date.
A simple non clustered index with just the date field would be fine to speed things up.
Clustering is a bit like "index paging", the index is "chunked" instead of simply being a long list. This is helpful when you've got a lot of data. The DB can search within cluster ranges, then find the individual record. It makes the index smaller, therefore faster to search, but less specific. Once if finds the correct spot in the cluster it then needs to search within the cluster.
It's faster with a lot of data, but slower with smaller data sets.
If you're not searching a lot using the primary key, then cluster the date and leave the primary key non-clustered. It really depends on how complex your queries are with joining other tables.
A clustered index will only make any difference at all, if you are returning a bunch of records, and some the fields you return are not part of the index. Otherwise there's no benefit.
You need first to find out what the query plan tells you about why your current queries are slow. Without that, it's mostly idle speculation (which is usually counterproductive when optimizing queries.)
I wouldn't try anything (suggested by me or anyone else) without having a solid queryplan to compare with, to at least know if you're doing good or harm.

Slow distinct query in SQL Server over large dataset

We're using SQL Server 2005 to track a fair amount of constantly incoming data (5-15 updates per second). We noticed after it has been in production for a couple months that one of the tables has started to take an obscene amount of time to query.
The table has 3 columns:
id -- autonumber (clustered)
typeUUID -- GUID generated before the insert happens; used to group the types together
typeName -- The type name (duh...)
One of the queries we run is a distinct on the typeName field:
SELECT DISTINCT [typeName] FROM [types] WITH (nolock);
The typeName field has a non-clusted, non-unique ascending index on it. The table contains approximately 200M records at the moment. When we run this query, the query took 5m 58s to return! Perhaps we're not understanding how the indexes work... But I didn't think we mis-understood them that much.
To test this a little further, we ran the following query:
SELECT DISTINCT [typeName] FROM (SELECT TOP 1000000 [typeName] FROM [types] WITH (nolock)) AS [subtbl]
This query returns in about 10 seconds, as I would expect, it's scanning the table.
Is there something we're missing here? Why does the first query take so long?
Edit: Ah, my apologies, the first query returns 76 records, thank you ninesided.
Follow up: Thank you all for your answers, it makes more sense to me now (I don't know why it didn't before...). Without an index, it's doing a table scan across 200M rows, with an index, it's doing an index scan across 200M rows...
SQL Server does prefer the index, and it does give a little bit of a performance boost, but nothing to be excited about. Rebuilding the index did take the query time down to just over 3m instead of 6m, an improvement, but not enough. I'm just going to recommend to my boss that we normalize the table structure.
Once again, thank you all for your help!!
You do misunderstand the index. Even if it did use the index it would still do an index scan across 200M entries. This is going to take a long time, plus the time it takes to do the DISTINCT (causes a sort) and it's a bad thing to run. Seeing a DISTINCT in a query always raises a red flag and causes me to double check the query. In this case, perhaps you have a normalization issue?
There is an issue with the SQL Server optimizer when using the DISTINCT keyword. The solution was to force it to keep the same query plan by breaking out the distinct query separately.
So we took queries such as:
SELECT DISTINCT [typeName] FROM [types] WITH (nolock);
and break it up into the following:
SELECT typeName INTO #tempTable1 FROM types WITH (NOLOCK)
SELECT DISTINCT typeName FROM #tempTable1
Another way to get around it is to use a GROUP BY, which gets a different optimization plan.
I doubt SQL Server will even try to use the index, it'd have to do practically the same amount of work (given the narrow table), reading all 200M rows regardless of whether it looks at the table or the index. If the index on typeName was clustered it may reduce the time taken as it shouldn't need to sort before grouping.
If the cardinality of your types is low, how about maintaining a summary table which holds the list of distinct type values? A trigger on insert/update of the main table would do a check on the summary table and insert a new record when a new type is found.
As others have already pointed out - when you do a SELECT DISTINCT (typename) over your table, you'll end up with a full table scan no matter what.
So it's really a matter of limiting the number of rows that need to be scanned.
The question is: what do you need your DISTINCT typenames for? And how many of your 200M rows are distinct? Do you have only a handful (a few hundred at most) distinct typenames??
If so - you could have a separate table DISTINCT_TYPENAMES or something and fill those initially by doing a full table scan, and then on inserting new rows to the main table, just always check whether their typename is already in DISTINCT_TYPENAMES, and if not, add it.
That way, you'd have a separate, small table with just the distinct TypeName entries, which would be lightning fast to query and/or to display.
A looping approach should use multiple seeks (but loses some parallelism). It might be worth a try for cases with relatively few distinct values compared to the total number of rows (low cardinality).
Idea was from this question:
select typeName into #Result from Types where 1=0;
declare #t varchar(100) = (select min(typeName) from Types);
while #t is not null
set #t = (select top 1 typeName from Types where typeName > #t order by typeName);
if (#t is not null)
insert into #Result values (#t);
select * from #Result;
And looks like there are also some other methods (notably the recursive CTE #Paul White):
sqlservercentral Topic873124-338-5
My first thought is statistics. To find last updated:
name AS index_name,
STATS_DATE(object_id, index_id) AS statistics_update_date
object_id = OBJECT_ID('MyTable');
Edit: Stats are updated when indexes are rebuilt, which I see are not maintained
My second thought is that is the index still there? The TOP query should still use an index.
I've just tested on one of my tables with 57 million rows and both use the index.
An indexed view can make this faster.
create view alltypes
with schemabinding as
select typename, count_big(*) as kount
from dbo.types
group by typename
create unique clustered index idx
on alltypes (typename)
The work to keep the view up to date on each change to the base table should be moderate (depending on your application, of course -- my point is that it doesn't have to scan the whole table each time or do anything insanely expensive like that.)
Alternatively you could make a small table holding all values:
select distinct typename
into alltypes
from types
alter table alltypes
add primary key (typename)
alter table types add foreign key (typename) references alltypes
The foreign key will make sure that all values used appear in the parent alltypes table. The trouble is in ensuring that alltypes does not contain values not used in the child types table.
I should try something like this:
SELECT typeName FROM [types] WITH (nolock)
group by typeName;
And like other i would say you need to normalize that column.
An index helps you quickly find a row. But you're asking the database to list all unique types for the entire table. An index can't help with that.
You could run a nightly job which runs the query and stores it in a different table. If you require up-to-date data, you could store the last ID included in the nightly scan, and combine the results:
select type
from nightlyscan
select distinct type
from verybigtable
where rowid > lastscannedid
Another option is to normalize the big table into two tables:
talbe1: id, guid, typeid
type table: typeid, typename
This would be very beneficial if the number of types was relatively small.
I could be missing something but would it be more efficient if an overhead on load to create a view with distinct values and query that instead?
This would give almost instant responses to the select if the result set is significantly smaller with the overhead over populating it on each write though given the nature of the view that might be trivial in itself.
It does ask the question how many writes compared to how often you want the distinct and the importance of the speed when you do.