Left of a character in a string in vb.net - vb.net

say if I have a string 010451-09F2
How to I get left of - from the above string in vb.net
I want 010451
The left function doesn't allow me to specify seperator character.

Dim strOrig = "010451-09F2"
You can do any of the following:
Dim leftString = strOrig.Substring(0, strOrig.IndexOf("-"))
Dim leftString = strOrig.Split("-"c)(0) ' Take the first index in the array
Dim leftString = Left(strOrig, InStr(strOrig, "-"))
' Could also be: Mid(strOrig, 0, InStr(strOrig, "-"))

Dim str As String = "010451-09F2"
Dim leftPart As String = str.Split("-")(0)
Split gives you the left and right parts in a string array. Accessing the first element (index 0) gives you the left part.

Sorry not sure on the vb syntax, but the c# is
string mystring ="010451-09F2";
string whatIwant = mystring.Split('-')[0];

Get the location of the dash first (or do it inline), and use that value for the left. This is old school VBA, but it'll be something like this:
Left(YourStringWithTheDash, InStr(YourStringWithTheDash)-1)

dim s as String = "010451-09F2"
Console.WriteLine(s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf("-")))

Use something like this:

Dim sValue As String = "010451-09F2"
Debug.WriteLine(sValue.Substring(0, sValue.IndexOf("-"c)))

This helped
Dim str1 as string = me#test.com
Dim str As String
str = Strings.Left(str1, str1.LastIndexOf("#"))


how to get the fix substring from dynamic string content?

I am developing VB.NET windows app. in VS 2010.
I want to get the substring
from the below string .
The position of current string ($CostCenterId|4^10) in the sequence may be change.
but it will always between the two $ sign.
I have written the below code, but confused abt what to write next ?
Public Sub GetSubstringData()
dim sfullString = "PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian
Dim CostIndex As Integer
CostIndex = sDiscription.IndexOf("CostCenterId")
End Sub
Have a look into the Split function of a string. This allows you to split a string into substrings based on a specified delimiting character.
You can then do this:
Dim sfullString = "PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian Rupee^$CostCenterId|4^10$LedgerId|2^3$"
Debug.WriteLine("$" + sfullString.Split("$"c)(3))
Result: $CostCenterId|4^10
You will probably want to do some error checking to make sure the string actually contains the data you expect though.
However looking at the data, what you have is a string containing key-value pairs so you would be better to have a property to hold the CostCenterId and extract the data like this:
Public Property CostCenterId As String
Public Sub Decode(ByVal code As String)
For Each pair As String In code.Split("$"c)
If pair.Length > 0 AndAlso pair.Contains("|") Then
Dim key As String = pair.Split("|"c)(0)
Dim value As String = pair.Split("|"c)(1)
Select Case key
Case "CostCenterId"
Me.CostCenterId = value
End Select
End If
End Sub
Then call it like this:
Decode("PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian Rupee^$CostCenterId|4^10$LedgerId|2^3$")
Why not split() the string by $ into an array, and then look for the element which contains CostCenterId
This should work:
Dim token = "$CostCenterId"
Dim costIndexStart As Integer = sfullString.IndexOf(token)
Dim costIndexEnd As Integer = sfullString.IndexOf("$", costIndexStart + token.Length)
Dim cost As String = sfullString.Substring(costIndexStart, costIndexEnd - costIndexStart + 1)
Result: "$CostCenterId|4^10$"
If you want to omit the dollar-signs:
Substring(costIndexStart + 1, costIndexEnd - costIndexStart - 1)
Try something like this:
Dim CostIndex As Integer
CostIndex = sDiscription.IndexOf("CostCenterId")
auxNum = sDiscription.IndexOf("$"c, CostIndex) - CostIndex
sResult = sDiscription.SubString(CostIndex, auxNum)
Your string,
Dim xString = "PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian Rupee^$CostCenterId|4^10$LedgerId|2^3$"
Substring process,
xString = xString.Substring(xString.IndexOf("$CostCenter"), xString.IndexOf("$", xString.IndexOf("$CostCenter") + 1) - xString.IndexOf("$CostCenter"))
Try this Code:
Dim sfullString = "PaymentMode|NEFT^$IsPaid|False^$Currency|INR-Indian" _
& "Rupee^$CostCenterId|4^10$LedgerId|2^3$"
Dim sp() As String = {"$"}
Dim ar() As String = sfullString.Split(sp, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
MsgBox("$" & ar(0))

vb.net split last part of the string

net 2.0 and need to split the last / mark of the string. Currently I have a code that says Dim test As String = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\Welcome" and need a code that will split that Software\Microsoft\Windows\Welcome into two separate section at the end
So I'll have Software\Microsoft\Windows and Welcome as new strings.
I can only find things that will split the beginning from the rest like
Dim whole As String = "Software/Microsoft/Windows/Run"
Dim firstpart As String = whole.Substring(0, whole.IndexOf("/"))
Dim lastpart As String = whole.Substring(whole.IndexOf("/") + 1)`
Use String.LastIndexOf()
Dim whole As String = "Software/Microsoft/Windows/Run"
Dim firstpart As String = whole.Substring(0, whole.LastIndexOf("/"))
Dim lastpart As String = whole.Substring(whole.LastIndexOf("/") + 1)
Try splitting with '\' As your delimeter and store it as a string array. Then just grab the last element and it should be "Welcome".

How i can get selected parts from string?

How i get string like
from string like
{Emaster.Emp_Code}='EJ0004' OR {Emaster.Emp_Code}='EK0001' OR {Emaster.Emp_Code}='EA0001'
in VB.NET?
You can use a regular expression.
Sub Main
Dim s = "{Emaster.Emp_Code}='EJ0004' OR {Emaster.Emp_Code}='EK0001' OR {Emaster.Emp_Code}='EA0001'"
Dim pattern = "('\w*')"
Dim matches = Regex.Matches(s, pattern)
Dim values = matches.OfType(Of Match).Select(Function(m) m.Value)
For Each v in values
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", values))
End Sub
there are many ways you could do this, here i offer one simple way:
dim yourString as string = 'This is the variable which holds your initial string
dim newString as string = yourString.replace("{Emaster.Emp_Code}=", "").replace(" OR ",",")
Now newString will hold 'EA0001' Or whatever.
If you want it without the '' then do
dim newString as string = yourString.replace("{Emaster.Emp_Code}=", "").replace("'","").replace(" OR ",",")

Flip letters of a string - Visual Basic

Simple coding assignment: Take text from a textbox and flip it so it's backwords:
i.e. Hello My Name Is David would be "divad si eman ym olleh" ( The program doesn't have to match case, just the letters)
This is something I found, do you have any other methods?
Dim str As String = Textbox1.Text
Dim arr As New List(Of Char)
For Each l As Char In arr
lblOne.Text &= l
You can do it in one line with using the StrReverse function (in Microsoft.VisualBasic).
Dim myText As String = "My Name is Dave"
Dim revText As String = StrReverse(myText)
Quick one liner.
lblOne.Text = String.Join("", "divad si eman ym olleh".Reverse())
Dim myText As String = My Name is abc
Dim revText As String = StrReverse(myText)
Output: "cba si eman ym"
You can use String.Join instead of looping through each character and concatenating:
lblOne.Text = String.Join("", arr)
create a function that accepts string an returns a reversed string.
Function Reverse(ByVal value As String) As String
Dim arr() As Char = value.ToCharArray()
Return New String(arr)
End Function
and try using it like this,
lblOne.Text = Reverse(Textbox1.Text)
Here is a similar way but with fewer number of lines.
Dim Original_Text As String = "Hello My Name is Ahmad"
Dim Reversed_Text As String = ""
For i = Original_Text.Length To 1 Step -1
Reversed_Text &= Original_Text.Substring(i, 1)
The simplest method to reverse a string is :
Dim s As String = "1234ab cdefgh"
First Create a textbox, it will be TextBox1
then create a button and name it Reverse
then Create a label, it will be Label1
Now double click on Reverse Button (Go to Button Click Event)
and type following code.
and run software And type your string in textbox and click on reverse button.
Dim MainText As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim revText As String = StrReverse(MainText)
Label1.Text = revText

Last but one Char in vb.net String

How do I find last but one character in a vbstring
for e.g. In the string V1245-12V0 I want to return V
Don't use substring to get just one character
Dim MyString As String = "V1245-12V0"
Dim MyChar As Char = MyString(MyString.Length - 2)
Sorry it's been a while since I did VB so this may not be perfect (and is probably a mixture of C# and VB) but you get the idea:
Dim s = "V1245-12V0"
Dim lastButOneLetter = String.Empty
If s.Length > 1 Then
'Can only get the last-but-one letter from a string that is minimum 2 characters
lastButOneLetter = s.Substring(s.Length - 2, 1)
'do something if string is less than 2 characters
End If
EDIT: fixed to be compilable VB.NET code.
Dim secondToLastChar As Char
secondToLastChar = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.GetChar(mystring, mystring.Length - 2)
Or just remember that any string is an array of chars;
secondToLastChar = mystring(mystring.Length - 2)
If you want to get the last alpha-character in a string you could use a LINQ query such as (C#):
var d = from c in myString.ToCharArray().Reverse()
where Char.IsLetter(c)
select c;
return d.First();
string.Substring(string.Length - 2, 1);
Was it difficult?
dim mychar as string
dim yourstring as string
mychar=yourstring.Substring(yourstring.Length - 2, 1)
Use the Substring on the string s which contains 'V1245-12V0'
s.Substring(s.Length - 2, 1);
Here's a VB solution:
Dim text = "V1245-12V0"
Dim v = Left(Right(text, 2), 1)
You do not need to check the length of text, except for your semantics as to what you want to happen for empty (and Nothing) and single character strings.
You can have your own functions like
Function Left(ByVal str as string, byval index as integer) As String
End Function
Function Right(ByVal str as string, byval index as integer) As String
End Function
And use them to get what you need.