Connect VB app to WordPress -

I'm wanting to write an app with visual basic 2008 that can post to my wordpress blogs. Has anyone done something similar? I'm looking for some relevant links or advice to get started.

Hi you need to use XML-RPC.
See this links:
MetaWeblogAPI VisualBasic .NET Code Sample
Calling the WordPress XMLRPC API from

Wordpress uses the AtomPub protocol to remotely administer blogs. It uses https requests and xml data. I know that .NET has a very rich and easy to use interface for the web, found in namespace System.Web, and great tools for the manipulation of XML data, found in namespace System.Xml.
oops forgot to add in the link to the AtomPub page at the wordpress codex:


How can I use SpeechSynthesizer in ASP.NET Core 2.0

I'm trying to save a text to Audio file in my web app developed in ASP.NET Core 2.0.
I'm trying to find the support for the System.Speech, but the namespace seems not available in .NET Core.
Can anyone give me any alternate class libraries to save a text to audio file (MP3).
I found some ScriptCs code samples but they are not working for me.
Does anyone has any suggestions?
Not sure if this is an option for you, but you could set your ASP.NET Core app to target the .NET Framework.
Edit yourapp.csproj and change:
Now you should be able to add the reference to System.Speech and do something like:
System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer synth = new System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer();
synth.Speak("Your awesome web site is starting!!");
Another cool way to get this done would be to use some on-line API, such as Azure Speech Services (text-to-speech) that is pretty much platform independent and provides plenty of configuration options (

How To Remotely Change the Content In umbraco using Apis

Hello EveryOne I'm New To Umbraco I did Some Simple Umbraco Sites and Im good with so far Based on my Humble .Net background My Question is : How can i Remotely Change the Content of My umbraco form Other Pc or Something like that using Web service or APIs or what ever Im Looking foreword For a Good answer
Thanks In Advance
Depending on your needs, you can create a webapi on top of your Umbraco instance. You'll have to implement the actions yourself.
See this reference on how to implement it
Another option is installing Umbraco Rest API. This will add functionality for managing content and media through a rest service. Haven't tried this plugin myself, so no clue if works in the current version.
Some additional information can be found here

ASP.NET Single Page Application (SPA)

I am new to ASP.NET Single Page Application (SPA) using Backbone.js and Marionette.js
Can anybody provide a solid code example with explanation to get started with Visual Studio 2012
Actually, I need a working example in VS2012 using ASP.NET SPA(MVC4) + Backbone.js and Marionette.js instead Knockout.js
here is one which I liked the most so far:
but still no code explanation.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
this is my project on GitHub, it does not use MVC4 instead it uses WCF JSON service. But the service is detachable. Implemented using marionette and and a host of other open source library.
Support IE8 onwards. IE7 support just needs the inclusion of JSON2 library

Import google plus friend list using php

Could any one give me suggestion on how to get friend list on google plus using PHP.
Is there any plugin or widget to do this.It would be great to know.
Thanks in advance.
Your user needs to grant your app access to this information via the OAuth 2.0 scope and then you can use the REST API or client libraries to get the list of friends.
See the Google+ PHP quickstart for a sample application that accomplishes all of the steps necessary for what you want to do. The sample uses the Symfony framework to keep the code concise, but you should be able to take away how to do the same in your own PHP environment.
Also, see the Google APIs PHP client library that you can use in your project. This library is embedded in the quickstart via composer.

Can backbone.js run on apache?

Any good references on how to set it up on apache if possible? Is it not recommended?
BackboneJS doesn't require any server setup it's a library for javascript and since javascript isn't a server-side language I don't understand why you ask this... Apache has nothing to do with backboneJS, you just need to include the backbone.js in your html. For more information read the documentation and take a look at the example app.