WCF REST list HTTP headers on incoming request - wcf

I've fired up the WCF REST starter kit and am trying to access the HTTP headers on the incoming request. I've looked at OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders but either it doesn't hold them or I'm accessing it wrong.
How do I list the HTTP headers?

Eventually found the answer.
using System.ServiceModel.Web;
protected override IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, SampleItem>> OnGetItems() {
WebHeaderCollection headers = WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest.Headers;
foreach (string key in headers.Keys) {
logger.Debug("header " + key + "=" + headers[key]);


Nginx reverse proxy - 405 POST

I have Asp.Net Core Web Api application, which uses "x-api-key" http header to authorize a person sending a request. I've setup action filter as
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
// Retrieve record with specified api key
var api = dbContext.Apis
.Include(a => a.User)
.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Key.Equals(context.HttpContext.Request.Headers["x-api-key"]));
// Check if record exists
if (api is null)
context.Result = new UnauthorizedResult(); // short circuit and return 401
It is working as expected on both GET and POST requests without nginx proxy, however as soon as I add nginx, I receive 405 Not Allowed on POST request if api key is invalid but 401 on GET (if api key is valid filter works as expected and passes execution to controller). Here is my proxy configuration
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://ctoxweb:5000;
(Both nginx and web api are setup using docker). What's the problem and how to fix that?
I managed to fix this problem, however I don't know exactly why this happens, I suppose it's somehow related to nginx not allowing any method (except for GET) on static content. My best guess is that nginx assumes that empty response body (which comes from new UnauthorizedResult()) is static, though it's clearly supplied by backend. The way to fix it is as easy as supply some object to response body, for example
if (api is null)
context.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
context.Result = new UnautorizedObjectResult("{\"info\":\"no api key header present\"}");

ASP.NET Core making SOAP API request with WCF client how to add a Cookie header to the request?

So I am currently working on making SOAP API request to a service with WCF generated code "Client object", I am wondering how to set the Cookie header to the request?
In general, we add the custom HTTP header by using HttpRequestMessageProperty. Please refer to the below code.
ServiceReference1.ServiceClient client = new ServiceReference1.ServiceClient();
using (OperationContextScope ocs=new OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel))
var requestProp = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();
requestProp.Headers["myhttpheader"] = "Boom";
OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = requestProp;
var result = client.SayHelloAsync();
WebOperationContext is a convenience wrapper around the OperationContext. At present, it hasn’t been implemented yet in the Aspnet Core.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

Flutter WCF Service Calling

i want to call our wcf services from flutter with dart without configuration of any addition settings. It is possible to access directly to wcf service method? I didn't find any approach to this.There is no package to implement soap services or wcf services in flutter pub web page. I am waiting suggestions or approaches.
I have never used Flutter personaly, but I am going to borrow a few answers from SO to answer your question,
According to How to make HTTP POST request with url encoded body in flutter? , flutter should have the ability to create HttpPosts/gets
Future<HttpClientResponse> foo() async {
Map<String, dynamic> jsonMap = {
'homeTeam': {'team': 'Team A'},
'awayTeam': {'team': 'Team B'},
String jsonString = json.encode(jsonMap); // encode map to json
String paramName = 'param'; // give the post param a name
String formBody = paramName + '=' + Uri.encodeQueryComponent(jsonString);
List<int> bodyBytes = utf8.encode(formBody); // utf8 encode
HttpClientRequest request =
await _httpClient.post(_host, _port, '/a/b/c');
// it's polite to send the body length to the server
request.headers.set('Content-Length', bodyBytes.length.toString());
// todo add other headers here
return await request.close();
With the above Code taken from the linked post, now you can modify your WCF service a bit to now use REST instead of only SOAP,
then just send a simple HTTP Request to the service and you will get your intended response
You can check https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/571813/A-Beginners-Tutorial-on-Creating-WCF-REST-Services on how to get started with WCF Rest

How to specify Restlet customer HTTP header with key as "Authorization"

I am using Restlet2.3 to run REST API test automation.
The new feature has a customer HTTP header to pass a token to the service.
Form headers = (Form)resource.getRequestAttributes().get("org.restlet.http.headers");
if (headers == null) {
headers = new Form();
resource.getRequestAttributes().put("org.restlet.http.headers", headers);
headers.add(key, value);
The code works. Now, the customer HTTP header is defined as "Authorization". The above code seems not passing the header properly. And this is not challengeScheme involved.
I tested this scenario on SoapUI and Postman. Both work.
Anyone knows that restlet support this?
In fact, you can't override standard headers like Authorization with Restlet when doing a request.
If you want to provide a security token, you could use this approach:
String pAccessToken = "some token";
ChallengeResponse challengeResponse = new ChallengeResponse(
new ChallengeScheme("", ""));
This way you'll have only the token in the Authorization header (with a space at the beginning - so don't forget to trim the value).

Restlet ChallengeResponse null on server side when using GWT

We're trying to send Google Authentication tokens to our Rest interface on Google App Engine.
As explained here (under heading "Calling a Google API")
We should do this by including an Authorization: Bearer HTTP header.
On the client side we're using;
public ClientResource getClientResource(Reference pReference, String pAccessToken)
ClientResource lClientResource = new ClientResource(pReference);
ChallengeResponse lChallengeResponse = new ChallengeResponse(ChallengeScheme.HTTP_OAUTH_BEARER);
return lClientResource;
So the ChallengeResponse with setRawValue() is used to set the header;
ChallengeResponse lChallengeResponse = new ChallengeResponse(ChallengeScheme.HTTP_OAUTH_BEARER);
For our J2SE clients this is working. Although there's an error message;
"Challenge scheme HTTP_Bearer not supported by the Restlet engine."
we're able to read the token on the server side with;
ChallengeResponse lChallengeResponse = pRequest.getChallengeResponse();
String lAccessToken = lChallengeResponse.getRawValue();
While this is working for our J2SE clients, our GWT clients always return lChallengeResponse == null
Is this the correct method to set the Authorization: Bearer HTTP header or should we add extra/other configuration options?
Why isn't this working for our GWT clients (return null)?
How do we get rid of the error message on our J2Se clients?