Lazy or Sensible to leave empty legacy classes? - oop

We've had a slight change to our system which means what used to be two related business rule are now the exact same rule. Because of this, I've generalised the implementation and I'm wondering what to do with the old specified classes related to them.
Is it lazy to leave the old classes lying around and just inheriting the new generalised version (with no extra content, just empty classes)? Or is it sensible because it saves a good deal of refactoring?
The interface is the same regardless - so I'm curious : epically lazy, or cunningly avoiding unnecessary refactoring?

Get rid of it. That is the point of source control. If you ever need to refer to it, it'll be in the history.

Get rid of the extra class. What's the purpose of keeping it?
Don't your refactoring tools handle this for you?

If the code doesn't do anything, get rid of it. Source control will keep the history for you should you ever need to refer back to it.

imho, clean, readable and concise code should be ever developer's goal aside from meeting the business requirements. That said, I would deprecate the classes, and make a task to refactor when time allows. Deprecating the class will help developers to know what class should be used.

From pure OO design perspective, you should clean up the code.
From software delivery perspective, there are reasons why you may not want to do that:
Minimize amount of unnecessary changes to the code. helps with investigations in production issues.
Save the opportunity cost of re-factoring and use it on something more beneficial.

Even if you don't have something like Resharper, you can use VS.NET's "Find Usages" tool. Then update all usages to the new class.
Alternatively, just delete it and fix the compile errors. A.k.s "poor man's refactoring".


Why don't analysis tools apply refactorings?

I am using fxCop and NDepend a lot at the moment, and I keep seeing the items their reports generate which are "wrong"1 and wondering to myself, why can't these tools just go and make those fixes they are suggesting?
I get some are very hard to work out, but something like the fields should be marked readonly can very easily be applied with the information the tool has. However for me it means going to the tool, finding the item then placing the code in etc... Takes considerable time even for the smallest items.
I would even be happy if I had to confirm each change, in a similar to how CodeRush Xpress does with some it's refactorings.
So is there a reason why these tools do not do this?
1 Wrong is relative here, since something like the 1700 class of fxCop errors which are all about naming aren't bad code, but do make it harder for new developers to grapple the code.
Possibly because there isn't always -- or even most of the time -- a single, correct choice of refactoring to make. There usually are dozens of ways to refactor code so, that the amount of warnings will be reduced, but the one that is actually right for the project is something a developer should decide.
Rob, this is something we (the NDepend Team) are thinking for the long term. But touching code is a domain much more sensitive than just analyzing it. And as said Rytmis, often there is not only one single choice for refactoring.
Certainly the best option will be to let NDepend send its refactoring commands to a solid existing refactorer such as R#. But this is pure supposition at the moment.

How could you improve this code design?

Lately, I've been making use a lot of the Strategy Pattern along with the Factory Pattern. And I really mean a lot. I have a lot of "algorithms" for everything and factories that retrieve algorithms based on parameters.
Even though the code seems very extensible, and it is, having N factories seems a bit of an abuse.
I know this is pretty subjective, and we're talking without seeing code, but is this acceptable in real world code? Would you change something ?
OK- ask yourself a question. does/will this algorithm implementation ever change? If no then remove the strategy.
I am maintence.
I once was forced (by my pattern lovin' boss) to write a set of 16 "buffer interpreter tuxedo services" using an AbstractFactory and a double DAO pattern in C++ (no reflections, no code gen). All up it something like 20,000 lines of the nastiest code I've even seen (not the least because I didn't really know C++ when I started) and it took about three months.
Since my old boss has moved on I've rewritten them using good 'ole "straight up and down" procedural style C++, with couple of funky-macros... each service is like 60 lines of code, times 16... all up less than a 1000 lines of really SIMPLE code; so simple that even I can follow it.
Cheers. Keith.
Whenever I'm implementing code in this fashion, some questions I ask are:
what components do I need to substitute to test ?
what components will I expect users/admins to disable or substitute (e.g. via Spring configs or similar) ?
what components do I expect or suspect will not be required in the future due to (possibly) changing requirements ?
This all drives how I construct object or components (via factories) and how I implement algorithms. The above is vague, but (of course) the requirements can be similarly difficult to pin down. Without seeing your implementation and your requirements, I can't comment further, but the above should act as some guideline to help you determine whether what you've done is overkill.
If you're using the same design pattern all over the place, perhaps you should either switch to a language that has better support for what you're trying to do or rethink your code to be more idiomatic in your language of choice. After all, that's why we have more than one programming language.
Would depends on the kind of software I'm working on.
Maintenance asks for simple code and factories is NOT simple code.
But extensibility asks sometimes for factories...
So you have to take both in consideration.
Just have in mind that most of the time, you will have to maintain a source file MANY times a year and you will NOT have to extend it.
IMO, patterns should only be used when absolutely needed. If you think it can be handy in two years, you are better to use them... in two years.
How complex is the work the factory is handling? Does object creation really need to be abstracted to a different class? A variation of the factory method is having a simple, in-class factory. This really works best if any dependencies have already been injected.
For instance,
public class Customer
public Customer CreateNewCustomer()
// handle minimally complex create logic here
As far as Strategy overuse... Again, as #RichardOD explained, will the algorithm ever really change?
Always keep in mind the YAGNI principle. You Aren't Gonna Need It.
Can't you make an AbstractFactory instead off different standalone factories?
AlgorithmFactory creates the algorithms you need based on the concrete factory.

Anyone else find naming classes and methods one of the most difficult parts in programming? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
So I'm working on this class that's supposed to request help documentation from a vendor through a web service. I try to name it DocumentRetriever, VendorDocRequester, DocGetter, but they just don't sound right. I ended up browsing through for half an hour trying to come up with an adequate word.
Start programming with bad names is like having a very bad hair day in the morning, the rest of the day goes downhill from there. Feel me?
What you are doing now is fine, and I highly recommend you stick with your current syntax, being:
context + verb + how
I use this method to name functions/methods, SQL stored procs, etc. By keeping with this syntax, it will keep your Intellisense/Code Panes much more neat. So you want EmployeeGetByID() EmployeeAdd(), EmployeeDeleteByID(). When you use a more grammatically correct syntax such as GetEmployee(), AddEmployee() you'll see that this gets really messy if you have multiple Gets in the same class as unrelated things will be grouped together.
I akin this to naming files with dates, you want to say 2009-01-07.log not 1-7-2009.log because after you have a bunch of them, the order becomes totally useless.
One lesson I have learned, is that if you can't find a name for a class, there is almost always something wrong with that class:
you don't need it
it does too much
A good naming convention should minimize the number of possible names you can use for any given variable, class, method, or function. If there is only one possible name, you'll never have trouble remembering it.
For functions and for singleton classes, I scrutinize the function to see if its basic function is to transform one kind of thing into another kind of thing. I'm using that term very loosely, but you'll discover that a HUGE number of functions that you write essentially take something in one form and produce something in another form.
In your case it sounds like your class transforms a Url into a Document. It's a little bit weird to think of it that way, but perfectly correct, and when you start looking for this pattern, you'll see it everywhere.
When I find this pattern, I always name the function xFromy.
Since your function transforms a Url into a Document, I would name it
This pattern is remarkably common. For example:
atoi -> IntFromString
GetWindowWidth -> WidthInPixelsFromHwnd // or DxFromWnd if you like Hungarian
CreateProcess -> ProcessFromCommandLine
You could also use UrlToDocument if you're more comfortable with that order. Whether you say xFromy or yTox is probably a matter of taste, but I prefer the From order because that way the beginning of the function name already tells you what type it returns.
Pick one convention and stick to it. If you are careful to use the same names as your class names in your xFromy functions, it'll be a lot easier to remember what names you used. Of course, this pattern doesn't work for everything, but it does work where you're writing code that can be thought of as "functional."
Sometimes there isn't a good name for a class or method, it happens to us all. Often times, however, the inability to come up with a name may be a hint to something wrong with your design. Does your method have too many responsibilities? Does your class encapsulate a coherent idea?
Thread 1:
function programming_job(){
while (i make classes){
Give each class a name quickly; always fairly long and descriptive.
Implement and test each class to see what they really are.
while (not satisfied){
Re-visit each class and make small adjustments
Thread 2:
if (any code smells bad){
rework, rename until at least somewhat better
There's no Thread.sleep(...) anywhere here.
I do spend a lot of time as well worrying about the names of anything that can be given a name when I am programming. I'd say it pays off very well though. Sometimes when I am stuck I leave it for a while and during a coffee break I ask around a bit if someone has a good suggestion.
For your class I'd suggest VendorHelpDocRequester.
The book Code Complete by Steve Mcconnell has a nice chapter on naming variables/classes/functions/...
I think this is a side effect.
It's not the actual naming that's hard. What's hard is that the process of naming makes you face the horrible fact that you have no idea what the hell you're doing.
I actually just heard this quote yesterday, through the Signal vs. Noise blog at 37Signals, and I certainly agree with it:
"There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things."
— Phil Karlton
It's good that it's difficult. It's forcing you to think about the problem, and what the class is actually supposed to do. Good names can help lead to good design.
Agreed. I like to keep my type names and variables as descriptive as possible without being too horrendously long, but sometimes there's just a certain concept that you can't find a good word for.
In that case, it always helps me to ask a coworker for input - even if they don't ultimately help, it usually helps me to at least explain it out loud and get my wheels turning.
I was just writing on naming conventions last month:
The gist of it:
verbAdjectiveNounStructure - with Structure and Adjective as optional parts
For verbs, I stick to action verbs: save, delete, notify, update, or generate. Once in a while, I use "process" but only to specifically refer to queues or work backlogs.
For nouns, I use the class or object being interacted with. In web2project, this is often Tasks or Projects. If it's Javascript interacting with the page, it might be body or table. The point is that the code clearly describes the object it's interacting with.
The structure is optional because it's unique to the situation. A listing screen might request a List or an Array. One of the core functions used in the Project List for web2project is simply getProjectList. It doesn't modify the underlying data, just the representation of the data.
The adjectives are something else entirely. They are used as modifiers to the noun. Something as simple as getOpenProjects might be easily implemented with a getProjects and a switch parameter, but this tends to generate methods which require quite a bit of understanding of the underlying data and/or structure of the object... not necessarily something you want to encourage. By having more explicit and specific functions, you can completely wrap and hide the implementation from the code using it. Isn't that one of the points of OO?
More so than just naming a class, creating an appropriate package structure can be a difficult but rewarding challenge. You need to consider separating the concerns of your modules and how they relate to the vision of the application.
Consider the layout of your app now:
VendorDocRequester (read from web service and provide data)
VendorDocViewer (use requester to provide vendor docs)
I would venture to guess that there's a lot going on inside a few classes. If you were to refactor this into a more MVC-ified approach, and allow small classes to handle individual duties, you might end up with something like:
Document (plain object that holds data)
WebServiceConsumer (deal with nitty gritty in web service)
DatabaseAdapter (handle persistance using ORM or other method)
WebServiceAdapter (utilize Consumer to grab a Document and stick it in database)
HelpViewer (use DBAdapter to spit out the documention)
Then your class names rely on the namespace to provide full context. The classes themselves can be inherently related to application without needing to explicitly say so. Class names are simpler and easier to define as a result!
One other very important suggestion: please do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of Head First Design Patterns. It's a fantastic, easy-reading book that will help you organize your application and write better code. Appreciating design patterns will help you to understanding that many of the problems you encounter have already been solved, and you'll be able to incorporate the solutions into your code.
Leo Brodie, in his book "Thinking Forth", wrote that the most difficult task for a programmer was naming things well, and he stated that the most important programming tool is a thesaurus.
Try using the thesaurus at
Beyond that, don't use Hungarian Notation EVER, avoid abbreviations, and be consistent.
Best wishes.
In short:
I agree that good names are important, but I don't think you have to find them before implementing at all costs.
Of course its better to have a good name right from the start. But if you can't come up with one in 2 minutes, renaming later will cost less time and is the right choice from a productivity point of view.
Generally it's often not worth to think too long about a name before implementing. If you implement your class, naming it "Foo" or "Dsnfdkgx", while implementing you see what you should have named it.
Especially with Java+Eclipse, renaming things is no pain at all, as it carefully handles all references in all classes, warns you of name collisions, etc. And as long as the class is not yet in the version control repository, I don't think there's anything wrong with renaming it 5 times.
Basically, it's a question of how you think about refactoring. Personally, I like it, though it annoys my team mates sometimes, as they believe in never touch a running system. And from everything you can refactor, changing names is one of the most harmless things you can do.
Why not HelpDocumentServiceClient kind of a mouthful, or doesn't matter it's a vendor the point is it's a client to a webservice that deals with Help documents.
And yes naming is hard.
There is only one sensible name for that class:
Don't let the implementation details distract you from the meaning.
Invest in a good refactoring tool!
I stick to basics: VerbNoun(arguments). Examples: GetDoc(docID).
There's no need to get fancy. It will be easy to understand a year from now, whether it's you or someone else.
For me I don't care how long a method or class name is as long as its descriptive and in the correct library. Long gone are the days where you should remember where each part of the API resides.
Intelisense exists for all major languages. Therefore when using a 3rd party API I like to use its intelisense for the documentation as opposed to using the 'actual' documentation.
With that in mind I am fine to create a method name such as
Long - but so what. Who doesnt use 24inch screens these days!
I have to agree that naming is an art. It gets a little easier if your class is following a certain "desigh pattern" (factory etc).
This is one of the reasons to have a coding standard. Having a standard tends to assist coming up with names when required. It helps free up your mind to use for other more interesting things! (-:
I'd recommend reading the relevant chapter of Steve McConnell's Code Complete (Amazon link) which goes into several rules to assist readability and even maintainability.
Nope, debugging is the most difficult thing thing for me! :-)
DocumentFetcher? It's hard to say without context.
It can help to act like a mathematician and borrow/invent a lexicon for your domain as you go: settle on short plain words that suggest the concept without spelling it out every time. Too often I see long latinate phrases that get turned into acronyms, making you need a dictionary for the acronyms anyway.
The language you use to describe the problem, is the language you should use for the variables, methods, objects, classes, etc. Loosely, nouns match objects and verbs match methods. If you're missing words to describe the problem, you're also missing a full understanding (specification) of the problem.
If it's just choosing between a set of names, then it should be driven by the conventions you are using to build the system. If you've come to a new spot, uncovered by previous conventions, then it's always worth spending some effort on trying extend them (properly, consistently) to cover this new case.
If in doubt, sleep on it, and pick the first most obvious name, the next morning :-)
If you wake up one day and realize you were wrong, then change it right away.
BTW: Document.fetch() is pretty obvious.
I find I have the most trouble in local variables. For example, I want to create an object of type DocGetter. So I know it's a DocGetter. Why do I need to give it another name? I usually end up giving it a name like dg (for DocGetter) or temp or something equally nondescriptive.
Don't forget design patterns (not just the GoF ones) are a good way of providing a common vocabulary and their names should be used whenever one fits the situation. That will even help newcomers that are familiar with the nomenclature to quickly understand the architecture. Is this class you're working on supposed to act like a Proxy, or even a Façade ?
Shouldn't the vendor documentation be the object? I mean, that one is tangible, and not just as some anthropomorphization of a part of your program. So, you might have a VendorDocumentation class with a constructor that fetches the information. I think that if a class name contains a verb, often something has gone wrong.
I definitely feel you. And I feel your pain. Every name I think of just seems rubbish to me. It all seems so generic and I want to eventually learn how to inject a bit of flair and creativity into my names, making them really reflect what they describe.
One suggestion I have is to consult a Thesaurus. Word has a good one, as does Mac OS X. That can really help me get my head out of the clouds and gives me a good starting place as well as some inspiration.
If the name would explain itself to a lay programmer then there's probably no need to change it.

What OOP coding practices should you always make time for?

I tend to do a lot of projects on short deadlines and with lots of code that will never be used again, so there's always pressure/temptation to cut corners. One rule I always stick to is encapsulation/loose coupling, so I have lots of small classes rather than one giant God class. But what else should I never compromise on?
Update - thanks for the great response. Lots of people have suggested unit testing, but I don't think that's really appropriate to the kind of UI coding I do. Usability / User acceptance testing seems much important. To reiterate, I'm talking about the BARE MINIMUM of coding standards for impossible deadline projects.
Not OOP, but a practice that helps in both the short and long run is DRY, Don't Repeat Yourself. Don't use copy/paste inheritance.
Not a OOP practice, but common sense ;-).
If you are in a hurry, and have to write a hack. Always add a piece of comment with the reasons. So you can trace it back and make a good solution later.
If you never had the time to come back, you always have the comment so you know, why the solution was chosen at the moment.
Use Source control.
No matter how long it takes to set up (seconds..), it will always make your life easier! (still it's not OOP related).
Naming. Under pressure you'll write horrible code that you won't have time to document or even comment. Naming variables, methods and classes as explicitly as possible takes almost no additional time and will make the mess readable when you must fix it. From an OOP point of view, using nouns for classes and verbs for methods naturally helps encapsulation and modularity.
Unit tests - helps you sleep at night :-)
This is rather obvious (I hope), but at the very least I always make sure my public interface is as correct as possible. The internals of a class can always be refactored later on.
no public class with mutable public variables (struct-like).
Before you know it, you refer to this public variable all over your code, and the day you decide this field is a computed one and must have some logic in it... the refactoring gets messy.
If that day is before your release date, it gets messier.
Think about the people (may even be your future self) who have to read and understand the code at some point.
Application of the single responsibility principal. Effectively applying this principal generates a lot of positive externalities.
Like everyone else, not as much OOP practices, as much as practices for coding that apply to OOP.
Unit test, unit test, unit test. Defined unit tests have a habit of keeping people on task and not "wandering" aimlessly between objects.
Define and document all hierarchical information (namespaces, packages, folder structures, etc.) prior to writing production code. This helps to flesh out object relations and expose flaws in assumptions related to relationships of objects.
Define and document all applicable interfaces prior to writing production code. If done by a lead or an architect, this practice can additionally help keep more junior-level developers on task.
There are probably countless other "shoulds", but if I had to pick my top three, that would be the list.
Edit in response to comment:
This is precisely why you need to do these things up front. All of these sorts of practices make continued maintenance easier. As you assume more risk in the kickoff of a project, the more likely it is that you will spend more and more time maintaining the code. Granted, there is a larger upfront cost, but building on a solid foundation pays for itself. Is your obstacle lack of time (i.e. having to maintain other applications) or a decision from higher up? I have had to fight both of those fronts to be able to adopt these kinds of practices, and it isn't a pleasant situation to be in.
Of course everything should be Unit tested, well designed, commented, checked into source control and free of bugs. But life is not like that.
My personal ranking is this:
Use source control and actually write commit comments. This way you have a tiny bit of documentation should you ever wonder "what the heck did I think when I wrote this?"
Write clean code or document. Clean well-written code should need little documentation, as it's meaning can be grasped from reading it. Hacks are a lot different. Write why you did it, what you do and what you'd like to do if you had the time/knowledge/motivation/... to do it right
Unit Test. Yes it's down on number three. Not because it's unimportant but because it's useless if you don't have the other two at least halfway complete. Writing Unit tests is another level of documentation what you code should be doing (among others).
Refactor before you add something. This might sound like a typical "but we don't have time for it" point. But as with many of those points it usually saves more time than it costs. At least if you have at least some experience with it.
I'm aware that much of this has already been mentioned, but since it's a rather subjective matter, I wanted to add my ranking.
[insert boilerplate not-OOP specific caveat here]
Separation of concerns, unit tests, and that feeling that if something is too complex it's probably not conceptualised quite right yet.
UML sketching: this has clarified and saved any amount of wasted effort so many times. Pictures are great aren't they? :)
Really thinking about is-a's and has-a's. Getting this right first time is so important.
No matter how fast a company wants it, I pretty much always try to write code to the best of my ability.
I don't find it takes any longer and usually saves a lot of time, even in the short-term.
I've can't remember ever writing code and never looking at it again, I always make a few passes over it to test and debug it, and even in those few passes practices like refactoring to keep my code DRY, documentation (to some degree), separation of concerns and cohesion all seem to save time.
This includes crating many more small classes than most people (One concern per class, please) and often extracting initialization data into external files (or arrays) and writing little parsers for that data... Sometimes even writing little GUIs instead of editing data by hand.
Coding itself is pretty quick and easy, debugging crap someone wrote when they were "Under pressure" is what takes all the time!
At almost a year into my current project I finally set up an automated build that pushes any new commits to the test server, and man, I wish I had done that on day one. The biggest mistake I made early-on was going dark. With every feature, enhancement, bug-fix etc, I had a bad case of the "just one mores" before I would let anyone see the product, and it literally spiraled into a six month cycle. If every reasonable change had been automatically pushed out it would have been harder for me to hide, and I would have been more on-track with regard to the stakeholders' involvement.
Go back to code you wrote a few days/weeks ago and spend 20 minutes reviewing your own code. With the passage of time, you will be able to determine whether your "off-the-cuff" code is organized well enough for future maintenance efforts. While you're in there, look for refactoring and renaming opportunities.
I sometimes find that the name I chose for a function at the outset doesn't perfectly fit the function in its final form. With refactoring tools, you can easily change the name early before it goes into widespread use.
Just like everybody else has suggested these recommendations aren't specific to OOP:
Ensure that you comment your code and use sensibly named variables. If you ever have to look back upon the quick and dirty code you've written, you should be able to understand it easily. A general rule that I follow is; if you deleted all of the code and only had the comments left, you should still be able to understand the program flow.
Hacks usually tend to be convoluted and un-intuitive, so some good commenting is essential.
I'd also recommend that if you usually have to work to tight deadlines, get yourself a code library built up based upon your most common tasks. This will allow you to "join the dots" rather than reinvent the wheel each time you have a project.
An actual OOP practice I always make time for is the Single Responsibility Principle, because it becomes so much harder to properly refactor the code later on when the project is "live".
By sticking to this principle I find that the code I write is easily re-used, replaced or rewritten if it fails to match the functional or non-functional requirements. When you end up with classes that have multiple responsibilities, some of them may fulfill the requirements, some may not, and the whole may be entirely unclear.
These kinds of classes are stressful to maintain because you are never sure what your "fix" will break.
For this special case (short deadlines and with lots of code that will never be used again) I suggest you to pay attention to embedding some script engine into your OOP code.
Learn to "refactor as-you-go". Mainly from an "extract method" standpoint. When you start to write a block of sequential code, take a few seconds to decide if this block could stand-alone as a reusable method and, if so, make that method immediately. I recommend it even for throw-away projects (especially if you can go back later and compile such methods into your personal toolbox API). It doesn't take long before you do it almost without thinking.
Hopefully you do this already and I'm preaching to the choir.

Do you follow the naming convention of the original programmer?

If you take over a project from someone to do simple updates do you follow their naming convention? I just received a project where the previous programmer used Hungarian Notation everywhere. Our core product has a naming standard, but we've had a lot of people do custom reporting over the years and do whatever they felt like.
I do not have time to change all of the variable names already in the code though.
I'm inclined for readablity just to continue with their naming convention.
Yes, I do. It makes it easier to follow by the people who inherit it after you. I do try and clean up the code a little to make it more readable if it's really difficult to understand.
I agree suggest that leaving the code as the author wrote it is fine as long as that code is internally consistent. If the code is difficult to follow because of inconsistency, you have a responsibility to the future maintainer (probably you) to make it clearer.
If you spend 40 hours figuring out what a function does because it uses poorly named variables, etc., you should refactor/rename for clarity/add commentary/do whatever is appropriate for the situation.
That said, if the only issue is that the mostly consistent style that the author used is different from the company standard or what you're used to, I think you're wasting your time renaming everything. Also, you may loose a source of expertise if the original author is still available for questions because he won't recognize the code anymore.
If you're not changing all the existing code to your standard, then I'd say stick with the original conventions as long as you're changing those files. Mixing two styles of code in the same file is destroying any benefit that a consistent code style would have, and the next guy would have to constantly ask himself "who wrote this function, what's it going to be called - FooBar() or fooBar()?"
This kind of thing gets even trickier when you're importing 3rd party libraries - you don't want to rewrite them, but their code style might not match yours. So in the end, you'll end up with several different naming conventions, and it's best to draw clear lines between "our code" and "their code".
Often, making a wholesale change to a codebase just to conform with the style guide is just a way to introduce new bugs with little added value.
This means that either you should:
Update the code you're working on to conform to the guideline as you work on it.
Use the conventions in the code to aide future maintenance efforts.
I'd recommend 2., but Hungarian Notation makes my eyes bleed :p.
If you are maintaining code that others wrote and that other people are going to maintain after you, you owe it to everybody involved not to make gratuitous changes. When they go into the source code control system to see what you changed, they should see what was necessary to fix the problem you were working on, and not a million diffs because you did a bunch of global searches and replaces or reformatted the code to fit your favourite brace matching convention.
Of course, if the original code really sucks, all bets are off.
Generally, yes, I'd go for convention and readability over standards in this scenario. No one likes that answer, but it's the right thing to do to keep the code maintainable long-term.
When a good programmer's reading code, he should be able to parse the variable names and keep track of several in his head -- as long as their consistent, at least within the source file. But if you break that consistency, it will likely force the programmer reading the code to suffer some cognitive dissonance, which would then make it a bit harder to keep track of. It's not a killer -- good programmers will get through it, but they'll curse your name and probably post you on TheDailyWTF.
I certainly would continue to use the same naming convention, as it'll keep the code consistent (even if it is consistently ugly) and more readable than mixing variable naming conventions. Human brains seem to be rather good at pattern recognition and you don't really want to throw the brain a curveball by gratuitously breaking said pattern.
That said, I'm anything but a few of Hungarian Notation but if that's what you've got to work with...
If the file or project is already written using a consistent style then you should try to follow that style, even if it conflicts/contradicts your existing style. One of the main goals of a code style is consistency, so if you introduce a different style in to code that is already consistent (within itself) you loose that consistency.
If the code is poorly written and requires some level of cleanup in order to understand it then cleaning up the style becomes a more relevant option, but you should only do so if absolutely necessary (especially if there are no unit tests) as you run the possiblity of introducing unexpected breaking changes.
Absolutely, yes. The one case where I don't believe it's preferable to follow the original programmer's naming convention is when the original programmer (or subsequent devs who've modified the code since then) failed to follow any consistent naming convention.
Yes. I actually wrote this up in a standards doc. I created at my current company:
Existing code supersedes all other standards and practices (whether they are industry-wide standards or those found in this document). In most cases, you should chameleon your code to match the existing code in the same files, for two reasons:
To avoid having multiple, distinct styles/patterns within a single module/file (which contradict the purpose of standards and hamper maintainability).
The effort of refactoring existing code is prone to being unnecessarily more costly (time-consuming and conducive to introduction of new bugs).
Personally whenever I take over a project that has a different variable naming scheme I tend to keep the same scheme that was being used by the previous programmer. The only thing I do different is for any new variables I add, I put an underscore before the variable name. This way I can quickly see my variables and my code without having to go into the source history and comparing versions. But when it comes to me inheriting simply unreadable code or comments I will usually go through them and clean them up as best I can without re-writing the whole thing (It has come to that). Organization is key to having extensible code!
if I can read the code, I (try) to take the same conventions
if it's not readable anyway I need to refactor and thus changing it (depending on what its like) considerable
Depends. If I'm building a new app and stealing the code from a legacy app with crap variable naming, I'll refactor once I get it into my app.
There is litte that's more frustrating then walking into an application that has two drasticly different styles. One project I reciently worked on had two different ways of manipulating files, two different ways to implement screens, two different fundimental structures. The second coder even went so far as to make the new features part of a dll that gets called from the main code. Maintence was nightmarish and I had to learn both paradigms and hope when I was in one section I was working with the right one.
When in Rome do as the Romans do.
(Except for index variables names, e.g. "iArrayIndex++". Stop condoning that idiocy.)
I think of making a bug fix as a surgical procedure. Get in, disturb as little as possible, fix it, get out, leave as little trace of your being there as possible.
I do, but unfortunately, there where several developers before me that did not live to this rule, so I have several naming conventions to choose from.
But sometimes we get the time to set things straight so in the end, it will be nice and clean.
If the code already has a consistent style, including naming, I try to follow it. If previous programmers were not consistent, then I feel free to apply the company standard, or my personal standards if there is not any company standard.
In either case I try to mark the changes I have made by framing them with comments. I know with todays CVS systems this is often not done, but I still prefer to do it.
Unfortunately, most of the time the answer is yes. Most of the time, the code does not follow good conventions so it's hard to follow the precedent. But for readability, it's sometimes necessary to go with the flow.
However, if it's a small enough of an application that I can refactor a lot of the existing code to "smell" better, then I'll do so. Or, if this is part of a larger re-write, I'll also begin coding with the current coding standards. But this is not usually the case.
If there's a standard in the existing app, I think it's best to follow it. If there is no standard (tabs and spaces mixed, braces everywhere... oh the horror), then I do what I feel is best and generally run the existing code through a formatting tool (like Vim). I'll always keep the capitalization style, etc of the existing code if there is a coherent style.
My one exception to this rule is that I will not use hungarian notation unless someone has a gun to my head. I won't take the time to rename existing stuff, but anything I add new isn't going to have any hungarian warts on it.