How to exclude pom.xml from Maven generated war? - maven-2

Using Maven war plugin, I generate WAR which includes following directory:
-- maven
-- myServlet
-- pom.xml
In release, I want to exclude this maven directory. How can I do that?
I tried latest maven-war-plugin (2.1-beta-1), it has configuration "packagingExcludes", but it doesn't work as I wish.
Any suggestions?

I'm not sure but I think that the Maven Archiver (which is mainly used by plugins to handle packaging) can be configured to achieve this.
About the <addMavenDescriptor> element, the Maven Archiver Reference says:
Whether the generated archive will contain these two Maven files:
The pom file, located in the archive in META-INF/maven/${groupId}/${artifactId}/pom.xml
A file, located in the archive in META-INF/maven/${groupId}/${artifactId}/
The default value is true.
So a pom configured like this should do the trick:

Using the standard Maven packaging you can't omit the file to my knowledge. It is possible however to use the maven-assembly-plugin to construct the war, in this case you have much finer grained control over the contents of the artifact, and can omit the pom.xml.
However I have personally found it useful to keep the pom.xml for diagnostic purposes. It can be handy to know what was used to build and assemble the war when trying to figure out what is wrong with your app.
Update: in a bizarre bit of synchronicity to Pascal's answer, I've just been reading up on the Archiver reference and it appears that this can be done by setting the addMavenDescriptor property to false. Personally I would still avoid doing this for reasons given above. But you may want to change your acceptance to Pascal's answer.

Putting a META-INF folder in a resources directory or in the root of your source directory will destroy the META-INF content created by Maven. For WAR files, putting a META-INF in your web content directory will do the same.
Adding other content to that custom META-INF will override what maven would create.



IntelliJ - How to set the default jar file name in artifact

Each one of my modules has same version in their pom files:
I would like for my artifact to strip the version part when exploding folders to Tomcat application.
I know I can rename them manually:
But I have to do this every time I deploy my application.
Does anyone know if there is a way around this, so I keep the jar names in artifact by default?
You can set the name of your JAR file by configuration of the Maven Jar Plugin:
For more details, have a look at the docs.

Maven Assembly Plugin is not setting the MainClass manifest setting

I have a maven project which generates a jar via the maven assembly plugin I want to run as a console app. However, the MainClass attribute is not being set in MANIFEST.MF. Here is my plugin configuration:
However, this does not get added to the MANIFEST.MF in the jar generated by mvn package. The manifest generated is below:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Created-By: Apache Maven
Built-By: zippy
Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_25
What am I doing wrong?
I missed that you weren't generating your assembly on package. You have a jar project, so Maven will build a jar using the maven-jar-plugin. You don't have to have anything in your pom to tell it that. That's Maven's convention-over-configuration working for you. The jar it builds will have only your project classes and resources in it. If you want to add a Main-Class to the manifest in that jar, you should configure the jar plugin to do so. Basically, just move that archive configuration to the jar plugin.
However, if you actually want to assemble an executable fat jar--that is, a jar that includes all of your classes as well as the classes of all of your dependencies--then you have the setting in the right place, but you need to actually run the assembly plugin either using mvn assembly:single or by binding that goal to a lifecycle phase. To be clear, if you do this, then your project will output two jars: one that contains your project files and one that contains that plus the contents of all the libraries that your project depends on. The former is built by the jar plugin. That latter is built by the assembly plugin. Note that fat jars aren't commonly used, and you can run into unusual problems when you use them because they're rather outside the realm of normal Java stuff.
For copy&paste fans like me, assembled from above answer, and
If you happen to be using the maven shade plugin to build a fat jar (rather than or in addition to using the assembly plugin), it's worth noting that the shade plugin handles entires in the MANIFEST.MF file a bit differently; see the shade plugin's executable jar page.
You probably need to add the maven-jar-plugin configuration too and configure the MainClass there also. The assembly unpacks all JAR files (e.g. project jar and dependency jars) and I think that the last MANIFEST.MF found in the list of JAR files "overwrites" the expected/generated

Using maven using non standard directory layout

I am trying to apply maven to an existing project which already has a directory structure in place. All I can find from previous question is the following.
Maven directory structure
However, my requirement is more detailed. Please see below for the directory structure:
<root dir>
I know we could have something like
But sourceDirectory is for JAVA source code only, if I'm not mistaken.
For the above structure, how do I declare it in pom.xml? Moving the directory is my last option right now.
I guess you need to have something similar to below.
Seeing WEB-INF, I assume you want to build a war. Maven war plugin does this. You will need to configure this a bit since the folder structure is non-standard - for instance you may need to specify the location of web.xml using webXml property. These are documented in the usage page.
You can change the default directory structure declared in the Super POM by overwriting them in your pom.
For your example, e.g.
Maven will copy all resources to the jar file. If you want to include WEB-INF to the jar it would be best to move it into the specified resource directory. Otherwise you have to copy it by your own (with maven plugins) to the target directory - I suppose.
From here.

maven javaee application client plugin

I am pretty new to maven.
Is there any plugin or packaging type suitable for building application client jar file ?
I want to add the application-client.xml file to the META-INF folder inside the jar.
The normal jar packaging doesn't include the file.
You should only need to define the project with jar packaging (and as it is the default you don't need to declare it).
If you define the application-client.xml in the src/main/resources/META-INF folder it will be included in the META-INF folder of the final jar.
To define additional information you need to configure the jar plugin as below.
Check out the guide to working with manifests for full details
I'm not very familiar with the JavaEE support in Maven, but it looks like the ejb plugin can generate a client jar as well if configured properly. Check this page out:
Maven EJB Plugin - Generating an EJB client

maven compilation error: duplicate classes

In my maven2 project I have a directory ${basedir}/autogen that contains some autogenerated source code files produced by wsdl2java.
When running mvn compile I get an compilation error, because of duplicate classes, that lives in ${basedir}/autogen. This is true. But what is the compilation phase doing in ${basedir}/autogen? I have not told maven to add this directory as a source directory.
And there seems to be no way of telling maven to ignore the directory.
I had the same problem when using the maven-processor-plugin and found that the solution was to configure the maven-compiler plugin as follows:
-proc:none means that compilation takes place without annotation processing and therefore no duplicate classes (which are typically generated in the generate-sources phase)
I hope that helps.
I've seen this a few times. In almost all cases, it is due to the generated classes being added to the main src tree then checked into version control.
In my case, it worked when I changed source directory.
New POM looks like,
Pointing just a src folder with sourceDirectory tag.
Earlier it was
Note that earlier it was working in IntellIJ, but not on cmd.
Now it works on both.
I had a similar problem with JPA model generator. It occurred on this dependency:
I wrongly added the scope=provided and that resulted in:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.1:compile (default-compile) on project mocker: Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
[ERROR] \Projects\entity\[10,7] duplicate class: entity.MockVehicle_
I had the exact same issue. In my case the problem was that I called maven with -f=./pom.xml. I have no idea why this leads to a different result (would be nice if someone can explain) but maybe good to know if someone else has the same issue.
I resolve it by remove generateAsync from my pom.xml the the GWT plugin will look like
<!-- <goal>i18n</goal> -->
Its hard to change default maven behaviour, i think its better to go with it - you could generate those files with maven wsdl2java-maven-plugin
I my case helped this:
<!-- -->
All answers here where not helpful. This may be the correct answer:
Another StackOverflow user wrote:
I have found an JetBrains Team member comment stating that:
IDEA automatically excludes the build 'target' folder, providing that
there are no generated sources under it, otherwise it excludes all
sub-folders but the generated.
Avro by standard in a generated-sources folder. This folder it not ignored by maven ans the generated classes in there will count as duplicate.
Maven will only igonre the target folder by default.
To fix add this line in the pom.xml:
This will put the generated-resources folder under the target folder.
I resolve the same issue
cleaning maven project :-mvn clean
delete com folder from src then compile
copy com from generated to src->main-->java
again compile
Hope this Help..