What are the advantages to the OpenID OAuth Extension over OAuth? - authentication

Why use the proposed OpenID OAuth Extension over another OAuth-based protocol?
Discovery doesn't seem to be a feature. Although the consumer only needs a claimed identifier to start the authentication process, any authorization will still require that the consumer knows the access token URL, signature methods, and have a shared key/secret with the provider.
One benefit is that there's a specified way to ask for specific authorizations, the openid.oauth.scope argument to the authentication request. And one specific benefit for this is that authentication only - for the benefit of the consumer only, with no verifiable token - is defined for free and can be performed without worrying about keeping track of outstanding tokens or the resources they might require.
Are there examples of alternative ways in use to specify the scopes to be requested, perhaps with something in OpenID discovery? Or could this be handled effectively with some kind of REST navigation before the OAuth process, where one of several request token URLs specific to the desired scopes is discovered by interpreting hypertext starting from a well-known URL?
I am researching a delegated authentication and authorization system with several authorization scopes, where the scopes are relevant for different interactions. In other words, the consumer needs to tell the provider which scopes should be presented to the user for authorization.

The OpenID+OAuth extension really has only one significant advantage over standard OAuth:
If you need to authenticate the user and access the user's private data, and the OpenID Provider happens to also be the OAuth Service Provider (the user authenticates with the same service that holds his private data), then the extension will help the user have just one redirect to the OP+SP instead of two separate ones. For the user, this is a huge usability win -- if he happens to be authenticating with his SP.
The risks of supporting the extension is adequately supporting users whose OP and SP are not the same entity (you don't want to say you'll support the extension and then inadvertently lock out users whose OP is not also their SP).
Keep in mind what you really need to know. If you only want to access the user's private data, but don't really care who the user is that you're interacting with, use just OAuth. No reason for the user to give up his identity via OpenID if you're only downloading his photos to offer a photo printing service, for example, or if you already have a non-OpenID account for this user.


Boundaries of using Claims in the authorization JWT token OAuth2+OIDC

The main our product is Public API. We use IdentityServer4 for the authentication and authorization of our users. Now I'm fighting with my teammates about the number and type of information that can be in claims in token. For instance, usually, we add the user identifier and the identifier of user's organization in claims.
Also, we add user's configuration, such as
server URL where the user was provisioned
internal identifier of the user
user's device identifier
These user's configuration properties are requested from different internal services and databases during authorization and generating JWT tokens.
There is an option - keep in JWT token only the user identifier and request all configuration properties in the API method.
The main pros of keeping configuration in claims from my point of view are decreasing requests to other services and to the database.
Perhaps, there are best practices about my question from reliable sources or even in RFC what the information can be in claims?
There are no RFCs or standards which would say what information can end up in claims and which don't. I would try to stick to those guidelines:
Try to keep information in tokens as minimal as required. Don't put something in claims only because maybe one service will need it from time to time. Put only those claims which most of the service use all the time, or information which needs to be asserted by the Authorization Server. The other data usually belong to the microservices themselves or can be easily obtained through API calls. This is especially important if you're using JWTs publicly available on the Internet, as anyone can read those information.
Try not to put Personally Identifiable Information in a JWT, especially if the token is available publicly. When someone steals such a token they will be able to read your users' PII. If you need this kind of information in a token, then think of using the Phantom Token pattern. This way the information is safe from eavesdroppers.
By limiting the amount of claims in a token you can also limit the permissions of a token. It's better to have tokens with lower permissions and use token exchange whenever more information or privilege is needed.
Remember that the claims in the token are a contract between the Authorization Server and the consumer (usually the API). Once you add something to a token, you usually won't be able to remove it, as this will constitute a breaking change.
Have a look at these articles we wrote at Curity to get some more knowledge about dealing with claims and JWTs:
Claims Best Practices
JWT Security Best Practices

How can I define policies for my API for two types of access tokens, one with an identity (sub) and one without?

I am using IdentityServer4 via ASPNET Core, and I want users to access my API both by the web browser via their identity (Implicit and Hybrid), and by clients programatically (Client Credentials). I realize all I have to do is add AddIdentityServerAuthentication and I am done. However, that only solves the authentication aspect of this problem, not the authorization.
With ASPNET Core, you can just use Role based auth (or PolicyServer permissions which is similar) but only if you have an identity with role claims, that does not work for client credentials. So that brings us to needing to secure by role, or policies AND by scopes. How can I do this?
You cant have multiple policies, if you do, they both must pass.
You can't have multiple auth schemes, because my call to AddIdentityServerAuthentication will have to use the same authority, so how would IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation/JwtBearer know which you scheme challenge you are trying to pass?
Multiple requirements could work, but you need to add extra requirements on the condition that you are dealing with a non-identity access token. How can you detect what type of token you are dealing with? Is it safe to just say "If no sub, this is client creds."
Should I scrap this design and force device code flow on my users? Look at az cli it magically opens a browser, and then you can start scripting away to your hearts content. IS4 supports this with ease, especially with verficationUrlComplete
I think I have a working POC, but I am far from happy with it. https://gist.github.com/VictorioBerra/8c333a228c55d86a7c15f7f300284634
It involves basically re-implementing the default scope claim requirement handler and policyservers permission requirement handler. But thats the only way to conditionally apply the requirement handlers based on the token type.
There are at least a couple of ways of how to go around your problem of implementing role based authentication:
You might have misunderstood the fact that a client can have role claims in the client_credentials flow.
You could even have sub claim if you implemented client_credentials_custom flow and essentially bind a client to a particular user account (think of this as a service account)

How to get identity in API using OpenID Connect

I'm trying to follow OpenID Connect best practices. For the simple scenario of calling API from application the OpenID Connect suggest to pass the Access Token (which is not included user identity), and if the API in some points need the user identity it should call /userinfo endpoint of OpenID Connect provider.
So the question is: Is it the best way to get the user identity in API?
Assume I have an end point named CreateOrderForCurrentUser() so each time any user call this api I need to call the /userinfo endpoint, it seems too much cost for calling an api.
Why I don't pass the Identity token to the API?
Or Why I don't put some identity claims in Access token?
Should I use HOK Token instead of Access token?
Any idea please.
It seems here is kind of same as my question: Clarification on id_token vs access_token
And he respond in comments: https://community.auth0.com/t/clarification-on-token-usage/8447#post_2
Which as my understanding means: put some identity claims in Access token (Custom Claims) and rely on that in the API.
But still it doesn't make sense. The OIDC insist to not use Access token as Identity and now we are going to add identity claims inside Access Token. Could any one clarify that?
ID_Token is used for your client app tells the app who you are , the audience of the ID Token is the id of your client app , with access token , API/resource knows whether authorized to access the API and perform specific actions specified by the scope that has been granted.
By default , it will include user identifier in access token(sub claim) , so you should know which user when calling CreateOrderForCurrentUser function . You could customize the access token to include more user related claims if needed . But i would suggest to simplify the access token , and you could use access token to acquire user information by invoking user's API endpoint .
I asked the same question in Auth0 Community and there is a discussion about it that might be helpful for others who have the same issue.
I copy the same answers here:
You are correct that you should not use an access token as proof of identity, but before you get to your API you should have already authenticated the user and received an id_token for them. If you have already authenticated the user via OIDC, as far as I know there’s nothing wrong with adding custom claims to the access token to pass data to your API. Your API could also use the client credentials grant type to pull data from Auth0.
I’m looking for the best practices. I want to be sure adding identity claims to the access token and rely on that in API does not broke any thing and is based on best practices or maybe the best practice is always call the /userinfo endpoint in API and don’t rely on Access token identity claims.
The API doesn’t know about the authentication process and don’t care about that. Any one any how pass the signed Access token to the API, it would be accepted. Now in API point of view is that proper way to rely on identity claims in Access Token? I have doubts. But I would be happy if we could ignore calling the /userinfo end point each time.
I can share some (hopefully) informed views on this subject, but please do take them with a grain a salt and question stuff you disagree with or you don’t consider clear enough. When it comes with software the devil is on the details and in the security landscape it’s even more true so you need to consider best practices as what will likely be recommended for the majority of the scenarios and also what will likely be less risky; it does not mean that nothing else is possible.
For example, although the recommendation is indeed to use access tokens in requests to API’s this does not mean that there isn’t a specific scenario where technically it would also be okay to send an ID token instead.
Focusing on your particular questions and starting with the last one (3); we should not compare HOK and access tokens because they are not at the same level. In other words, you could question if in your scenario you should use bearer tokens or HOK tokens as this way and using the terminology of your linked page you would be choosing between two token profiles where each give you different characteristics.
At this time, the access tokens issued by the Auth0 service as part of API authorization are bearer access tokens so this question has only one answer if using the Auth0 service.
Jumping to the first question; it’s not that you cannot pass the ID token to the API, it’s just that the scenarios where that would be adequate are much more constrained. For example, an ID token is issued with the client identifier as the audience; it’s common to have multiple client applications so you have just coupled your API to how many client applications you have, because assuming you will validate the audience of the ID token, your API would now need to know the identifiers of every client.
For question (2) which I assume is also interested in why call /userinfo if you can include claims in the access token. I believe this can depend a lot on requirements and/or personal preferences. At this time the only format supported when issuing an access token to a custom API is the JWT format.
The above means that you have a self-contained token that once issued the API can mostly validate independently which is great in terms of scalability because the API does not need to make (frequent) external calls for validation purposes.
However, being self-contained this immediately means that any data you include directly in the token will be considered the truth for the lifetime of the token itself. If instead the API is calling /userinfo or even the Management API directly then you ensure fresh data at the cost of network overhead.
In conclusion, in my personal view the choice between network calls and embedded claims is more tied to the characteristics of the data you are interested in that just from a best practices point of view.
As a final note, even without any addition of custom claims an access token issued by the service in association to a custom API already conveys user identity. In particular, given the access token is a JWT, the sub claim will contain an identifier that uniquely identifies the end-user that authorized the current application to call the API on their behalf.

IdentityServer4 personal access token (github-like) or API key for third party clients

Our current setup is
Angular + ASP.NET Core application
Authentication for the app via implicit flow/oidc.
We want to provide APIs for customers, i.e. third party clients, with restricted access (separate set/subset of claims). These clients are mostly non-interactive scripts that download data.
This means that we cannot use any flow which (occasionally) requires user interaction. Personal access tokens, like in github, or some other generate once, reuse for a long time API key or token would be needed.
The long token lifetime would not be a security issue, because the token should only allow access to a few read-only APIs and only for that customer's data - so the responsibility to handle the token(s) falls onto the customer.
The customer should be able to create and revoke such API-access tokens based on their claims. Some users might only claims to access certain APIs.
It would be good if we could later prevent that the user re-uses the same token for multiple clients because of licensing requirements but that is perhaps an entirely new question
How could I achieve this?
I thought about doing this via a custom grant, similar to a delegation grant: user uses app, which calls the asp.net core API, which performs auth with that custom grant, persists that token somewhere (just a plain table in the database full of customer-api-only tokens? I'm not sure about that) and shows it to the user - which can also retrieve it later from storage.
I'm thinking about doing the "delegate"-authentication via our API so that we don't leak the secrets into the Angular application.
I think that we then should be able to have either long-lived access tokens or at least refresh tokens via that custom grant.
2017-12-12 how I think I could solve it
We want a process where the user generates something in our application (i.e. via our client) and this something can later be used by the user's third party client to access the API - or request an access token and then access the API.
We want this access to be tied to the user. This includes
- Disabled user
- Lockout
- Specific claims (e.g. tenant)
This does not lend itself well to a solution that issues access tokens directly, because the token would remain valid even if the user was disabled or locked out. Which means that we cannot use a custom grant or IdentityServerTools to issue tokens directly.
Therefore we should use the client credentials grant, or something similar to it, as this could yield new, short-lived access tokens.
User actually generates a new client, which is pre-filled with claims from the user (such as the tenant - which is immutable) and has a claim that corresponds with the user. This happens transparently. Password should be user-supplied with the option to change it. We only store the relation between user and issued client-ids, no passwords.
We have to create a custom grant, which works similar to client credentials, but also checks if the corresponding user is active etc. (which I think should be possible by injecting UserManager)
Resulting access token lifetime is short, interaction with our APIs is expected to be short-lived.
Assuming it is safe and easy enough to write such a grant, we should be able to cover everything we need.
Of course, I might have completely overlooked something :)

Confused about OAuth

Call me a newbie, call me dumb, rate down this topic. Do as you like, I'm just here to ask a question and hopefully learn something from it.
So I've been making an API for my website today (well attempting to) and I've noticed this "thing" on most popular sites API's such as Twitter, Foursquare, Tumblr called "OAuth". From my research today I have gathered that it's basically a way of giving the consumer a token to access restricted data from the provider depending on what the user chose without the user handing over their password and username.
But why do I have to use OAuth, why can't I just give out an API to the consumer key and they just use that? I will then see if the user has allowed access for the application, and they will have to grant access for the app to take information from their account, such as photos.
Something that also confused me is why the Tumblr API uses both. It seams on reading blog details they use a simple api key but posting on blogs you need an OAuth Signature.
OAuth is a protocol and has a set of specification defined by some expert group to define how to share data.
Basically what you are seeing is just a part of the OAuth mechanism,and there is a lot of communication and hand shaking mechanism to ensure the security of user data as well avoiding unauthorized access to data.
OAuth mechanism exits at 2 levels
three-legged authentication
Two-legged authentication
Both have their positives and negatives and there are a set of procedure which needs to be taken care for security and data integrity.
Allowing access only based on access_token/consumer key is really a very weak security mechanism and can easily be hacked by any one who happens to get access to your consumer key while OAuth system make sure by sharing a time bound access_token.
For details refer to this thread oauth-2-0-benefits-and-use-cases-why