SQL Server 2008 localization of tables - sql

I need to localize a SQL Server 2008 database. After investigating recommendations, I have found that it is best to have separate tables or each of the languages for the strings. That way different sorting settings can be set for each table. For example, a typical Product table has ProdID, Product Description, and Price fields. The recommended solution is to set the table structures to have the Product table be ProdID and Price. Then a specific table for each language would have the following structure: ProdID and Description.
My question is how do I create a store procedure that has a parameter which passes in the culture to use for the sub-table and then use that to join the tables? The sub-table needs to change based on the parameter. How can that be done? I am using SQL Server 2008.

First off, are you sure you really want to implement different tables for each culture? It would make more sense to modify your Product table to remove the description, and then add a ProductDescription table with a ProdID, culture, and description field. This way you don't have to toy around with dynamic SQL (which is what you'll have to use) to select the correct table based on the culture parameter.

...specific table for each language would have the following structure: ProdID and Description.
...which is why you're having to look at a really involved setup to get your information out of the database.
A better approach would be to use a single table, and use a code for the language. You don't want to be defining a column per attribute you want translated either, so you'd be looking at implementing something like:
Example data:
Example data:
Example data:
1 | 1 | Product ID
2 | 1 | Produit ID
You'll want a table associating the TRANSLATED_ATTRIBUTE_ID with a given item - Product is the example you've given so:
Example data:
1 | PRODUCT | 1
If you want to relate on a per product basis:
Now can you use two parameters - the language (English) & what the item is (Product):
SELECT t.translated_attribute_desc,
JOIN TRANSLATED_ATTRIBUTES ta ON ta.translated_attribute_id = t.translated_attribute_id
JOIN ATTRIBUTES a ON a.translated_attribute_id = ta.translated_attribute_id
JOIN ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_CODES atc ON atc.attribute_type_code = a.attribute_type_code
JOIN LANGUAGES lang ON lang.language_id = t.language_id
WHERE lang.language_description = 'ENGLISH' --alternate: lang.language_id = 1
AND atc.attribute_type_code = 'PRODUCT'
You can pivot the data as necessary.


Language dependent column headers

I am working on an PostgreSQL based application and am very curious if there might be a clever solution to have language dependent column headers.
I sure know, that I can set an alias for a header with the "as" keyword, but that obviously has to be done for every select and over and over again.
So I have a table for converting the technical column name to a mnemonic one, to be shown to the user.
I can handle the mapping in the application, but would prefer a database solution. Is there any?
At least could I set the column header to table.column?
You could use a "view". You can think of a view as a psuedo-table, it can be created using a single or multiple tables created from a query. For instance, if I have a table that has the following shape
Table: Pets
Id | Name | OwnerId | AnimalType
1 | Frank| 1 | 1
2 | Jim | 1 | 2
3 | Bobo | 2 | 1
I could create a "view" that changes the Name field to look like PetName instead without changing the table
SELECT Id, Name as PetName, OwnerId, AnimalType
Then I can use the view just like any other table
FROM PetView
WHERE AnimalType = 1
Further we could combine another table as well into the view. For instance if we add another table to our DB for Owners then we could create a view that automatically joins the two tables together before subjecting to other queries
Table: Owners
Id | Name
1 | Susan
2 | Ravi
SELECT p.Id, p.Name as PetName, o.Name as OwnerName, p.AnimalType
FROM Pets p, Owners o
WHERE p.OwnerId = o.Id
Now we can use the new view again as in any other table (for querying, inserts and deletes are not supported in views).
SELECT * FROM PetsAndOwners
WHERE OwnerName = 'Susan'

How to design a SQL table where a field has many descriptions

I would like to create a product table. This product has unique part numbers. However, each part number has various number of previous part numbers, and various number of machines where the part can be used.
For example the description for part no: AA1007
Previous part no's: AA1001, AA1002, AA1004, AA1005,...
Machine brand: Bosch, Indesit, Samsun, HotPoint, Sharp,...
Machine Brand Models: Bosch A1, Bosch A2, Bosch A3, Indesit A1, Indesit A2,....
I would like to create a table for this, but I am not sure how to proceed. What I have been able to think is to create a table for Previous Part no, Machine Brand, Machine Brand Models individually.
Question: what is the proper way to design these tables?
There are of course various ways to design the tables. A very basic way would be:
You could create tables like below. I added the columns ValidFrom and ValidTill, to identify at which time a part was active/in use.
It depends on your data, if datatype date is enough, or you need datetime to make it more exactly.
ID bigint NOT NULL
,PartNo varchar(100)
,PartName varchar(100)
,ValidFrom date
,ValidTill date
ID bigint NOT NULL
,Brand varchar(100)
ID bigint NOT NULL
,BrandsID bigint NOT NULL
,ModelName varchar(100)
ModelsID bigint NOT NULL
,PartID bigint NOT NULL
Fill your data like:
(1,'AA1007', 'Screw HyperFuturistic', '2017-08-09', '9999-12-31'),
(1,'AA1001', 'Screw Iron', '1800-01-01', '1918-06-30'),
(1,'AA1002', 'Screw Steel', '1918-07-01', '1945-05-08'),
(1,'AA1004', 'Screw Titanium', '1945-05-09', '1983-10-05'),
(1,'AA1005', 'Screw Futurium', '1983-10-06', '2017-08-08')
To select all parts of a certain date (in this case 2013-03-03) of the "Bosch A1":
DECLARE #ReportingDate date = '2013-03-03'
FROM Brands B
ON M.BrandsID = B.ID
ON MP.ModelsID = M.ID
WHERE B.Brand = 'Bosch'
AND M.ModelName = 'A1'
AND P.ValidFrom <= #ReportingDate
AND P.ValidTill >= #ReportingDate
Of course there a several ways to do an historization of data.
ValidFrom and ValidTill (ValidTo) is one of my favourites, as you can easily do historical reports.
Unfortunately you have to handle the historization: When inserting a new row - in example for your screw - you have to "close" the old record by setting the ValidTill column before inserting the new one. Furthermore you have to develop logic to handle deletes...
Well, thats a quite large topic. You will find tons of information in the world wide web.
For the part number table, you can consider the following suggestion:
id | part_no | time_created
1 | AA1007 | 2017-08-08
1 | AA1001 | 2017-07-01
1 | AA1002 | 2017-06-10
1 | AA1004 | 2017-03-15
1 | AA1005 | 2017-01-30
In other words, you can add a datetime column which versions each part number. Note that I added a primary key id column here, which is invariant over time and keeps track of each part, despite that the part number may change.
For time independent queries, you would join this table using the id column. However, the part number might also serve as a foreign key. Off the top of my head, if you were generating an invoice from a previous date, you might lookup the appropriate part number at that time, and then join out to one or more tables using that part number.
For the other tables you mentioned, I do not see a similar requirement.

SQL field with multiple id's of other table

Could someone give me an idea how to create this database structure.
Here is an example:
Table "countries":
id, countryname
1, "US"
2, "DE"
3, "FR"
4, "IT"
Now I have another table "products" and in there I would like to store all countries where this product is available:
Table "products":
1,"product1",(1,2,4) // available in countries US, DE, IT.
2,"product2",(2,3,4) // available in countries DE, FR, IT.
My question:
How do I design the table structure in "products" to be able to store multiple countries?
My best idea is to put a comma-separated string in there (i.e. "1,2,4"), then split that string to look up each entry. But I doubt that this the best way to do this?
EDIT: Thank you all for your help, amazing! It was difficult to choose the right answer,
I finally chose Gregs because he pointed me to a JOIN explanation and gave an example how to use it.
You need an intersection table for that many-to-many relationship.
Table Country
CountryID, CountryName
Table CountryProduct
CountryID, ProductID
Table Product
ProductID, ProductName
You then Inner Join all 3 tables to get your list of Countries & Products.
Select * From Country
Inner Join CountryProduct On Country.CountryID = CountryProduct.CountryID
Inner Join Product On CountryProduct.ProductID = Product.ProductID
Without denormalizing, you'll need to add an extra table
Table Product countries
ProductID CountryID
1 1
1 2
1 4...
What you're talking about is normalisation. You have a many-to-many structure, so you should create another table to link the two. You should never (ok, pretty much never) use delimited strings to store a list of values in a relational database.
Here's an example of the setup:
product_countries table
productid | countryid
1 | 1
1 | 2
1 | 4
2 | 2
2 | 3
2 | 4
You can use a foreign key to each other table, then make them both into a composite primary key.
You can then get a list of supported products for a country ID like this:
SELECT * FROM products, product_countries
WHERE products.id = product_countries.productid
AND product_countries.countryid = $cid
You could also make a third table countries_products with fields country_id and product_id.
the best approach for relational databases is the following :
One table for coutries, let's say
country_id, country_desc (country_id is primary)
one table for products, let's say
product_id, product_desc and as many columns as you want (product_id is primary)
if you had only one country for sure, it'd be enough to have a foreign key pointing to country_id in each product row. Having a foreign key asserts that there is an actual country behing a country_id referring to country table.
In your case you have several countries for a product, so add a separate association table
product_id, country_id
both keys primary and both foreign as well.

Fetch a single field from DB table into itab

I want to fetch the a field say excep_point from a transparent table z_accounts for the combination of company_code and account_number. How can I do this in ABAP SQL?
Assume that table structure is
|company_code | account_number | excep_point |
Assuming you have the full primary key...
data: gv_excep_point type zaccounts-excep_point.
select single excep_point
into gv_excep_point
from zaccounts
where company_code = some_company_code
and account_number = some_account_number.
if you don't have the full PK and there could be multiple values for excep_point
data: gt_excep_points type table of zaccounts-excep_point.
select excep_point
into table gt_excep_points
from zaccounts
where company_code = some_company_code
and account_number = some_account_number.
There is at least another variation, but those are 2 I use most often.
For information only. When you selects data into table you can write complex expressions to combine different fields. For example, you have internal table (itab) with two fields "A" and "B". And you are going to select data from DB table (dbtab) wich have 6 columns - "z","x","y","u","v","w". And for example each field is type char2 You aim to cimbine "z","x","y","u" in "A" field of internal table and "v","w" in "B" field. You can write simple code:
select z as A+0(2)
x as A+2(2)
y as A+4(2)
u as A+6(2)
v as B+0(2)
w as B+2(2) FROM dbtab
WHERE <where condition>.
This simple code makes you job done very simple
In addition to Bryans answer, here is the official online documentation about Open SQL.

Database structure for items with varying attributes

I am developing a clothes web application and would appreciate advice on how to structure the data in my mysql database.
Every product (item of clothing) will be photograped in a number of ways, let's call them 'modes'. For example a shirt would be photographed buttoned or unbuttoned, and/or tucked in/not tucked in. A pair of trousers would have a different set of possible attributes. I want to store information on the way these items are photographed so I can later use that information to display the item of clothing in particular way.
So one method would be just to store all the possible attributes in a single table, something like:
productId (FK,PK)
modeId (PK)
Where the attributes could be a value or a code defined in another table or NULL if it does not apply to a particular mode.
Then given a particular productId and modeId, I imagine I could filter out the NULL values for attributes which do not apply and use only the relevant ones.
However, I am not sure if that is the ideal way to store this kind of values as I would have alot of NULL values, for example in a pair of trousers which are only photographed in one way. I've heard of the EAV model, is this appropriate?
It's probably worth noting that the number of attributes will be decided by me and not the user and should not change considerably; and that my end goal is to extract the attributes of a particular mode so I can use that data in my application.
Sorry if anything is unclear!
I would be tempted to have the following normalized schema design
Mode Table
id | mode_style
1 | buttoned
2 | unbuttoned
3 | tucked in
4 | untucked
Clothes Table
id | name | description
1 | shirt | mans shirt...
2 | dress | short sleeve
Clothes_mm_Mode Table (Junction/Map table)
mode_id | clothes_id
1 | 1
1 | 2
3 | 3
Then you can easily query those clothes that have an unbuttoned display
Clothes c
Clothes_Mode cm
ON c.id = cm.clothes_id
cm.mode_id = 2
If certain types of clothes are always displayed in the same way i.e. all shirts always have a buttoned and unbuttoned display, you could take out the Clothes_mm_Mode Table and introduce a Common Mode table that maps Modes to a Common Mode id
Common_Modes Table
id | name | description
1 | Men's Shirt | Common Modes for a Mens shirt
2 | Women's Shirt | Common Modes for a Womens shirt
Common_Modes_mm_Mode Table (Junction/Map table)
common_mode_id | mode_id
1 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 1
2 | 2
and then associate each item of Clothing with a Common Mode type
Clothing_Common_Modes Table
clothing_id | common_mode_id
1 | 1
The advantage of this design would be that when adding a new item of clothing, only one record need be entered into the Common Modes table to associate that item of clothing with the Modes common to the clothing type. Of course this could be handled without a common modes table by having a procedure that inserts the appropriate records into the original Clothes_mm_Mode Table for a new item of clothing, but by having the relationship in the database, it will be more prominent, visible and easier to maintain.
I think your design is fine. It would be possible to apply database normalization to it, which may give you the following designs alternatively:
have one table per property, each with (id, propvalue) pairs. Only add rows into these tables for items where the property actually applies.
have generic tables (id, propname, propvalue), perhaps one such table per property datatype (boolean, number, string).
With your description, I feel that either is overkill. The only exception would be cases were properties are multi-valued (e.g. list of available colors)
I personally think plain old key/value pairs for this type of thing are underrated, so if you're happy to control it more in the application itself you could also do something like this:
create table ProductStates
ProductId int PK
ModeState nvarchar(200) PK
Nice and simple in my mind. You get no redundant null values; if the product has that mode then there's a row, if not there's no row. Also means no schema changes required if there's a new state. If you wanted to you could have ModeState instead link out to a ModeStates lookup table, if you think integrity is going to be a problem.
create table ProductStates
ProductId int PK
ModeStateId int PK
create table ModeStates
ModeStateId int PK
ModeStateDescription nvarchar(500)
(...whatever else you might need here)
... though that's probably redundant.
Just an alternative, not sure if I'd do it that way myself (depends on the brief(s)). Did I get the specification right?